• Published 12th Sep 2011
  • 8,650 Views, 123 Comments

Gaia - Squeak-anon

Fluttershy finds someone in the woods. And finds that things come in threes Sun, Moon, Earth

  • ...

Chapter Three

Princess Luna was uneasy as she ushered the moon into place for the night. Something didn’t feel right. This was different. Her task was harder than it had been in previous nights, she was sure of it.

The Princess of the moon stood on the castle balcony willing the heavenly body into place. Luna planted her hooves on the cold stone and focused heavily on the task at hoof, straining as her concentration increased to compensate.

The moon finally came to rest. Luna slumped, exhausted. It shouldn’t be this hard. She thought, It’s never been this hard.
She needed to talk to Celestia right away.

The castle’s hallways echoed with the sound of her hooves as Luna ran. She still hadn’t quite learned the layout of the large structure, having only been there a short time. But she knew it well enough to find her sister.

She arrived at the large door, skidding to a stop. She lifted a hoof and knocked sharply on the ornate wood. Luna tried not to interrupt her sister when she could, but she had a feeling this was important. After waiting several minutes she heard no answer answer. Luna knocked again, this time with more urgency. The sound echoed through the hallway. Still she heard nothing in return.

“Celestia?” she called. A hint of worry creeping into her voice. “Sister, I have something to tell you!” Luna knocked yet again.

Hearing no answer for the third time, she tried the door. It opened easily, swinging inwards without so much as a faint creak. Luna peeked cautiously inwards. Her sister’s quarters were neat as usual, her bed perfectly made in the corner, and her books all sitting in alphabetical order on the shelves by her writing desk.

“Sister?” Luna asked, walking slowly inside. Not seeing her immediately, she walked deeper into the room. Out the corner of her eye noticed one thing was out of place, the balcony door was open. She looked down towards the floor and saw a single pale white leg was sticking out from the doorway.

“Celestia!” Luna was quickly at her side. The Princess of the sun lay on the stone balcony, eyes wide open, staring at something.
“Do you feel it?” Celestia looked blearily at her sister.
“Celestia! Are you hurt?” Luna tried to help her to her hooves.
“No...I’m fine...but tell me Luna, do you feel it?”
Luna paused, biting her bottom lip. “Yes...something’s different.”
“There’s a chill in the air,” said Celestia, attempting to stand on her own. “I’ve lowered the sun, but it has never taken so much. Something is wrong.” She walked unsteadily into the castle. “The balance is off.”
In front of Celestia there appeared a green ball of flame. It shrank, and with a burst
of magic, became a scroll of parchment. Her horn glowed as she grabbed it and sat carefully on the bed.

“...Are you sure you’re alright?” asked Luna, obviously worried.

“Don’t worry. I just need some time to rest.” She smiled weakly. “That’s all.” She squinted at the letter. “And apparently we’re not the only ones who have noticed things aren’t quite right.”

Luna looked at the scroll briefly. “Earthquakes? In Ponyville?
Celestia nodded slowly. “Have the guards ready a carriage.” She looked towards the sky, where the moon slowly turned above. “We need to see my student.”


Fluttershy lifted the washbucket over Flower’s head, dumping its contents into her mane. The brown mare sat rather morosely in the bathtub staring at her burnt tongue.

“It’ll feel better soon, it’s not that bad of a burn.” Fluttershy assured.

Flower nodded. Poking at her tongue with her hooves.

“Um....Don’t do that please...we haven’t washed those yet.” Fluttershy grabbed a bush. Flower had been dirtier than she had previously thought. Her coat being the same shade as the soil, it had been hard to judge just how much of it was there. But now that she had her in the tub she could see that it had been a long time since Flower had gotten any kind of bath. Fluttershy looked briefly out of the window above the tub. It was dark outside. She had hoped to seek help from her friends in finding out where Flower lived. But it looked as though it would have to wait till morning.

Flower swung her hooves lazily through the water as Fluttershy combed through her mane. It was terribly tangled, but Flower did not complain much as she drew the brush slowly through the knotted loops and soon Fluttershy had it straightened.

“You can step out now,” said Fluttershy laying out a towel on the floor.

Flower hopped happily from the tub and shook herself, spraying water in all directions. Fluttershy squeaked, and threw up her hooves in an effort to stay dry. When she opened her eyes she found Flower standing there, smiling at her. Fluttershy was struck by how much better she looked now that she was clean. Flower’s light green mane hung smoothly over her back, her tail reaching a small ways onto the floor. Her eyes looked even brighter unhidden by her tangled mane. “Beautiful...” she whispered.

“Yes.” said Flower, her smile turning into a grin. “You look beautiful.”

Fluttershy’s face reddened. “Oh..oh no! Not me. I-I’m not. I mean....” She lapsed into silence.

Flower’s smile dimmed, she looked curiously at the yellow Pegasus. “You look beautiful.” she repeated.

Fluttershy floundered. “Well...not...I mean I don’t-..” She sighed, unable to keep an embarrassed smile from creeping onto her face. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome,” said Flower, her smile returning in full force.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what to say next, silence fell heavily into the room. Flower yawned loudly, and it suddenly dawned on Fluttershy that since she could not find out where the mare had come from, Flower would have to sleep here.

“Oh dear...” she said under her breath.

“Is something wrong?” asked Flower.

“Oh, oh no, nothing is wrong,” Fluttershy replied quickly. “It’s just that it’s that it’s nearing bedtime.”

“Bedtime...” Flower tested the word on her tongue. “It’s time to sleep?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes.....I suppose you’ll be staying here.”

Flower nodded in turn. “I would like that very much.”

“Alright...You’re a guest, I only have one bed. You can take it...I’ll sleep on the couch.” Fluttershy pointed to the small sofa in the living room. “Sit there. I’ll get the bed ready.”

Flower obediently did as she was told while Fluttershy walked into the bedroom. She got some fresh sheets from the bottom shelf of the wardrobe in the corner, carefully shaking it out before layering it across the mattress. Though spring had begun, she noticed there was a chill in the air, so she decided to fetch the winter blankets from the trunk on the side of her nightstand. She had two, just enough. Fluttershy layed the heavier of them over the matress, she really didn’t mind the cold all that much, she would make do with the lighter one. After the pillows were fluffed and the creases rubbed out, she returned to the living room.

“You can go in no-”
Flower’s snoring cut her off. She’d fallen asleep on the couch, her long limbs splayed loosely off the sides of the small piece of furniture.
“Oh...” Fluttershy whispered.

She quietly grabbed the blanket she’d brought with her and draped it carefully over Flower. The mare stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up.

“Goodnight...” Fluttershy walked softly back into her bedroom.

It had been a strange day to say the least. she could hear Flower softly snoring in the living room. The yellow Pegasus was oddly comforted by this. She honestly hoped she could find Flower’s home soon, and found herself wondering if her family was nice, or, if she in fact lived on her own. How long had she been lost? Fluttershy had found out very little during their tea earlier that afternoon. It remained a mystery. Still, she was quite confidant her friends would know what to do. Twilight would probably come up with something right away. She was always level headed about such things.


“Uhg!!” yelled Twilight Sparkle, stomping her way through the library door. “I haven’t been able to find anything!”

“Well, we found out that there wasn’t any damage from the quake. That’s good right?” said Spike closing the door.

Twilight sighed. “Yes, I suppose that’s good at least. I’m glad everypony was alright.” She took off her saddlebag and walked over to a large book propped open in the corner. “But none of my readings even show the slightest disturbance! It’s like it never happened! How is that possible!?”

Spike shrugged. “Maybe it’s a shy earthquake?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Spike, I’m sure that’s it. Perhaps it’s just sh-” She paused. “Shy....”


“Fluttershy!” Twilight whirled around. “If anypony noticed anything strange about this it would be her! She knows everything about nature. She might have noticed something we missed.”

“Good idea.” Spike peered out the window. “But it’s a bit late to go knocking on her door, don’t you think?”

“Good point.” Twilight conceded. “It’ll have to wait till morning I suppose. Did Celestia ever send a reply to the letter I sent this morning?”

Spike shook his head. “No reply so far.”

“Well, she’s probably busy.” Twilight frowned. “Looks like it’s up to us to get to the bottom of this.”

“Like detectives!?” asked Spike excitedly.

Twilight smiled. “I suppose so. In anycase, we’ll head to Fluttershy’s house first thing in the morning.”

Spike stifled a yawn. “Yeah. Tomorrow, goodnight Twilight.”

Twilight headed to her room. “Goodnight Spike” A chill blew in through the open window. They both shivered. “It’s awfully cold for spring...” Twilight remarked.


It liked the night, it was dark, and nopony was looking. Wearing Mr.Breezy’s face it peeked out the door. The moon was full, it didn’t like that, but it would have to do. It avoided what little light the moon offered and slunk towards the forest. It didn’t walk like a regular pony, its steps were choppy and irregular.
It wasn’t used to this shape.

The thing that wasn’t Mr.Breezy quietly made its way under the trees, winding through the thick foliage. It knew something was coming. They would try to stop it. It needed more power. There wasn’t much time.

The thing that wasn’t Mr.Breezy stopped in the middle of a clearing and scrunched up Mr.Breezy’s face in concentration. The grass around its hooves withered and died. It spread further, brown shriveled leaves fell from the trees, littering the ground. Woodland creatures scattered in all directions, shrieking in terror.

Soon it was done. The thing that wasn’t Mr.Breezy smiled. It would need more, but this would do for now. It turned and walked back towards the shop its face currently owned. The dead leaves crunched satisfyingly under its hooves.

It would be ready.

The air became colder.

To Be continued.