• Published 8th Nov 2012
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Detour While Delivering Binks' Sake - LucidTech

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Chapter Three

Brook walked alongside Twilight as they headed back toward the library, where they would then send a message to Celestia about seeing if she could help him get back home. The mare was still on edge as the towering skeleton easily kept the pace she set. After the meeting back at Fluttershy’s house it was clear that he meant no harm, as hard as that was to believe, and when he expressed his desire to return to where he had come from the deal was set.

As busy as Twilight was with these thoughts she didn’t notice the trio of young fillies who were trying to set up a secret ambush up ahead. In fact it wasn’t until the shout of “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, SKELETON SLAYERS!” Filled the air that she even suspected something was up. The young ponies jumped through the air, but met nothing as they fell through the air of where Brook had been standing.

After they crashed the small ponies hurriedly turned in an effort to find their prey, “Lullaby Parry” Came a soft voice. They moved once again, trying to find the source, but were met with a soothing yet simple song that floated through the air and caused them to yawn out in sudden fatigue. “Maybe... we’ll just catch him later...” Sweetie Belle said, her friends managing to mumble in agreement with her before all of them dropped their heads.

Twilight let loose a yawn of her own, but shook her head as she cleared her thoughts. Looking around a nearby corner the mare spotted the source of the song and raised an eyebrow in surprise. Brook was leaning against a building on his hind legs so as to allow his front limbs the ability to play a violin. With a sword. Somehow.

The song came to a graceful end and the large equine put his instrument away. Approaching the small ponies he lowered his head, as if inspecting the noises of the sleepy fillies. “Yohohoho.” He said softly, somehow grinning. “They are very energetic aren’t they?” Twilight looked between the quartet and smiled softly.

“Yes, they are.” She responded.

A silent moment filled the air, wrapping the younglings in an air of peace and tranquility as they slept. The librarian glanced toward Brook and noticed that he seemed to be in deep thought. “You okay Brook?” She asked kindly. Physcial appearances aside he was an odd stallion nonetheless, he could go from joyful to contemplative in moments and at the drop of a hat as well.

“Hmm? Oh yes, I’m fine. Thank you for asking Twilight. I was just reminded of an old friend.”

“Oh? What were they like?” The lavender mare had started walking again, the skeleton following shortly behind her.

“He was very energetic. He would sing and dance with me and my old crew, until we had to leave him behind.”

“Leave him behind? Why would you leave a friend behind?”

“Our journey was much too dangerous for a young whale.” Brook responded. “Of course, it turned out to be much too dangerous for us as well.”

“A whale? Your friend is a whale?” Twilight said incredulously. Brook nodded silently in response. “What happened?”

“I’d rather not talk about it, Twilight. I’ve already made you sad with my recount so far, I don’t intend to make you more so.” The mare nodded in understanding and Brook managed a smile. They had arrived at the library, but right before they entered Brook stopped short.

“I know exactly how to cheer you up.” He said, running towards the outside wall of the treehouse. “FORTY-FIVE DEGREES!” With the shout still echoing through the air the large stallion leaned forward until his head connected with the wooden wall. Despite herself Twilight smirked at the odd act.

“Very impressive.” She said with a clap of her hooves. “Now, let’s hurry! The sooner we get the message to princess Celestia the sooner we can get you back home, back to your friends!”

“Oh the very thought makes my heart soar! Oh, but, I’m a skeleton so I have no heart. YOHOHOHOHO! SKULL JOKE!” Twilight shook her head good naturedly and entered the building. After she had done so Brook looked at the door, which came up to his eye level, and lowered his head, bowing underneath the threshold that Celestia would only have to tilt her head to enter, and entered into the main room of the library.

The mare smiled at the massive pony and gestured toward a couch that he could sit upon while he waited. He took her up on her offer and Twilight started scrawling a quick note down on a piece of paper. After signing it she remembered something and began to speak. “I’m sorry, would you like a cup of -” She stopped herself when she noticed that he had already treated himself to some tea from a thermos that bore an odd jollyroger-like symbol. He took a sip of his tea and nodded toward her, respectfully declining her offer.

She grinned in return before she ran up the stairs to have Spike deliver the letter. After the sleepy dragon had sent the message through his magic flame she began heading back downstairs. On her way down a flash of white light issued from the main room and a familiar magic flowed through the building. Surprised by how quick the message had been answered Twilight hurried down the stairs but stopped herself when she saw the on-going staring contest.

Celetsia was looking up into the empty sockets of the skeletal pony, a look of shock frozen on her face. Brook, meanwhile, stared directly back. Not saying a word.

At last the interminable awkwardness was shattered by the relatively small purple unicorn who stood in the same room as the other two giants. “Celestia... I don’t suppose you’d like to talk to Brook over some tea?”