• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 7,362 Views, 143 Comments

Detour While Delivering Binks' Sake - LucidTech

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Chapter Two

Pages flurried hurriedly in the grasp of purple magic as Twilight’s inquisitive eyes danced over them. Each one was a field guide for the Everfree Forest, each one full of information on what to do avoid and what was safe to eat. Next to her hopped a snow white bunny rabbit, his height dwarfed by the unicorn who he moved along next to as a look of impatience covered his face.

He had arrived that morning with a series of heavy knocks on the librarian’s front door. Upon her answering he proceeded into a game of charades where he tried his best to explain the situation to the sleepy Twilight. It had taken her a while to fully decipher his actions, but when she had, she had quickly sprung into action.

Taking a statistic, yet speedy, approach to the situation she had first called on both Rainbow Dash and Applejack to help her. She had considered having Pinkie come along but had eventually decided against it. Despite how helpful her pinkie sense may be in the dangerous woods it would be heavily counterproductive should the energetic party pony pull the attention of any of the residents. With that decided Twilight had immediately taken to her books, writing down important notes as she scoured the tomes.

The time that Twilight had set forth had finally come and, as such, she had begun to approach their designated meeting spot just outside Fluttershy’s cottage.As she approached, however, she noticed that both Rainbow and Applejack were happily engaged in a conversation with the aforementioned pegasus, talking excitedly about the events that had transpired in the forest.

Upon seeing Twilight approaching Fluttershy smiled gently and approached, eager to meet with her friend. As the pair walked to meet each other, movement from the treeline of the Everfree caught the librarian’s attention. She couldn’t quite make out what it was, but some white thing appeared to be moving idly from within. Keeping her eye on the oddity, Twilight started the conversation with her friend.

“Oh Fluttershy, I’m so glad you’re back. We were just on our way to come check on you.” She said excitedly, wrapping the shy pegasus in a hug.

“Ah, I knew she was gonna be just fine.” Rainbow said nonchalantly. “She knows how to take care of herself.”

“Don’t pay her no attention. She was worried for ya too, sugarcube. We were all worried.” Applejack said, eyeing Rainbow disapprovingly for a moment before looking once again toward Fluttershy. “But now that you’re back, what say we all go have a mug of cider to celebrate?”

“Oh, I would love to. But, um, first I was wondering if you girls would like to meet the pony who saved me. If that’s alright that is.”

“Ah know I would love to.”

Ah, it must be the stallion who saved her. Twilight realized, glancing once more to the patch of white in the darkness of the trees. “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

“Yea, bring him out.”

Fluttershy smiled shyly once again and looked towards her friends appreciatively before turning towards the forest. “Come on out.” She called in a soft voice. It took a moment for the white patch to start moving, as if it wasn’t sure it had been invited yet, but before too long it exited from the trees, drawing a gasp from the trio of mares who stood behind their friend.

“Hello!” The skeleton skull called as it approached. Even from this distance it was obvious that it towered high over the ponies. “I am ‘Dead Bones’ Brook! It is wonderful to make your acquaintance.” Each of the mare’s was shocked silent, looking toward the mammoth of a pony. “I’m so glad to be out of that forest, it was so scary in there!” By now it stood directly in front of Fluttershy. With a slight degree of difficulty the skeleton stallion removed the top hat from his head and bowed forward, his eyes still higher than the tip of Twilight’s horn after he had done so.


“Darlings, oh Darlings! Oh I hope they haven’t left yet, I so want to help them look for Fluttershy. The poor dear must be scared to death in that horrible forest.” A white unicorn rounded the a corner, which blocked her vision of the large skeletal horse. Upon seeing Twilight she approached them, a smile on her face. “Oh good, you are still here. I know you don’t think I would be of help Twilight, but I insist that I come along.” When she wasn’t immediately answered she raised an eyebrow and followed her gaze.

Upon seeing the towering creature that stood before her, she too fell victim to the overwhelming silence. “Hello.” Stated the being. “May I see your panties?”

“AAAAAHHHH! It’s a demon horse!” Came the shrill reply. At the words the horse creature started and turned around.

“Demon horse!? Where?!”

“YOU!” Shouted the four friends.

Somehow the skull managed to appearance of smiling as it turned back toward the ponies. “Ha, that’s exactly how my meeting with my crew went too.”