• Member Since 4th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


The Poetic Frost makes mistakes so that you don't have to. "Dance, Sode no Shirayuki!"


Wagnesday. No, you're not reading that incorrectly. That's what the day has become after Discord made his way into the real world. He turned one week into the length of a full 365-day year, complete with unique names for each day. Each day brought more and more ponies into the real world. After hearing the news that was affecting the whole world, I guess I should've expected that I'd turn into some pony pretty soon, being a brony myself. What I didn't expect was exactly who... or what I'd become.
Set in the PonyEarthverse: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/1670/PonyEarthverse
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, the Hub, and Studio B.
This story is non-profit.
Image belongs to its rightful owner (sorry, I don't know your name).

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 250 )

I typed this up on a whim.
It probably won't get updated that often.

Meh I liked it :) Edit: actually I really am looking forward to future chapters!

moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar moar

Just a titch of criticism: according to this screenshot, changelings do in fact have individual personalities.

Well, that was an interesting chapter.

The moment I read 'two viper nostrils' I thought, it's Voldemort, isn't it? The next paragraph/line gave me all the information I needed.

I like this story. It has some sort of feel to it. I'm not going to favourite it (yet), but I'll keep an eye on it in the meantime.

I'm loving this. Don't you dare stop. :pinkiehappy:

1582668, Glad you liked it.
1583804>>1584030>>1584412, I shall do what I can.
1583946, Ah, but are those actual personalities or imitations of actual personalities?
1584028, Fair enough. :pinkiesmile:
1584115>>1584158, Thank you. :twilightsmile:
1584180, I'm not planning on stopping, though the going might be slow. I have to keep at least somewhat consistent with the universe I'm writing this in after all.


Touche. Still you should collaborate with Hilltopper. For reasons that are spoilers but pretty obvious anyway.

Personalities, and a sense of an independent self might could be different things. A drone would clearly never think of doing anything unless it benefited the queen. On the other hand, humans are very much a species of independent (at least we like to think so), thinking creatures who almost never doing that doesn't benefit themselves (i.e. generally we independently work for our own personal benefit).

In any case, this is proving to be interesting. It's kind of amusing that the changeling is just kind of chilling out and not interfering, it's definitely a different angle for this kind of story.

What is this MIND FUCKERY I am being presented with? Now you have to bring another entire series of possible situations in to effect.
Because , well y'know , dark lord and all the stuff. No biggie. Gonna have to do a lot of Harry Potter research if you want to get your shit right. Because Expleliarmus does not counter a killing curse. Just saiyan.

Heck :Thumbsup: Dang I Wish There Was A thumbs up Emoticon
But anyways Very Good Story Have A Wheelbarrow of Moustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Then how the heck did it work when Harry used Expelliarmus against Voldemort's Avada Kedavra during the Goblet of Fire?

1585464, Glad I amuse you.
1587563, Yeah, I wish that Emoticon existed too. Thanks for the 'staches. :twilightsmile:

If I recall correctly, the first time it worked because of something having to do with a core component of their wands coming from the same creature (i.e. maybe they sort of conflicted somehow) and possibly having to do with Harry's connection to Voldemort. My impression of the final battle was that since Voldemort was using a stolen wand, and Harry was actually the "owner" of it so to speak, that had something to do with it. Several internet sources count it as having reflected the spell, not counteracted it, thus killing Voldemort with his own spell. In any case since this is kind of out of context anyway, i think author's rules go. It's not HP fanfic after all.

just an idea here, but you could make it so that chuck norris gets ponified, and turns into Big Macintosh.

1590457 No, Big Mac was already taken... by ME!

39 likes but only one comment and its from the AUTHOR? weird...
anyways like it so far will be tracking though going see where it goes before actually faving.

Also I would be careful saying things like "this isn't cheese" with discord running around.... I suppose the chances of him actually being near by when he has the whole world to mess with might be slim but you still might want to be cautious.

oh! the other comments are attached to chapter two, that makes sense. :derpytongue2:

Due to a strong suggestion by one of the group's moderators, chapter 2 is coming down for a bit for some heavy editing.
It'll be back soon, but it won't have quite the quality that I had originally imagined.
I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Come on, Hope.
This isn't too dark to recover from, is it? *sweatdrop*

This is a lot better than the other version. Now Hope will stop bitching about it. :twilightsmile:

1602243 I sure Hope so.
Oh, gosh. Why did I say it like that? :facehoof:

1602254 Yeah. That was, quite frankly Hope-ribble! :trollestia:

Is this an inside joke or are you talking about me? :twilightoops:
Seriously. I'm so confused.

Um, no. I'm talking about the other Hope. The author of "Becoming Fluttershy".

:twilightblush: Sorry 'bout that. Didn't know there was another Hope and the name is part of my real name.
Plus, I thought it was funny. Or, at least it sounded funny in my head... :facehoof:

This story is much better without the You-Know-Who making it like one of Dashing Rainbow's random storylines.

So… what you're saying is that 'suddenly: Mass Effect crossover' isn't random?

1603943 ...Well yeah, they're random, but I still explained it.

Hey you updating any time soon :) ? I prefer this new edit by the way x) The last version with Voldemort was... Odd xD

I'd kind of like some of the other fics in this group to update to the point where we're all around the same "day". That way, I don't accidentally bring in any contradictory events.
Also, I don't want to give away Hiltopper's spoilers too soon.

1605702 No problem :) Your stories are great by the way :pinkiehappy:

Not sure if I'm lucky or unlucky to live so far away from all the real action.

Let me rephrase that, I'm not sure if Cier is lucky or unlucky to live so far away from the events in New York.

Sorry. :facehoof: I take things way too seriously...

1628917 It's not uncommon for writer to start living their characters, or write themselves as their character. They begin to act as if it's them in the story and speak as such. I know I do it on occasion.

Yeah, I get that. :twilightsheepish:
It's just that, for a second, I thought this stuff was actually happening and I didn't know about it because I don't follow the news. :facehoof:
...I really need to get out more.

1629259 no kidding. Though we all wish we could go to Equestria and live there, we all know it won't happen. But it's nice to forget that for a moment. These fics we write are the closest thing we will get to that.

Lucid dream results in pillow in mouth. Every time. The sheer improbability of this one is particularly pleasing.

Oh boy. This is gonna be interesting.


Just got the chance to read this: I can give you an out for continuity, but the Discord fight was in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

By the time she's on the news she's IN New York.

Not much of a fight. Reality-warping VS. Hat-destroying.

Finally ^-^ another chapter

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