• Member Since 4th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


The Poetic Frost makes mistakes so that you don't have to. "Dance, Sode no Shirayuki!"


Spike the Dragon was curiously absent while the rest of his close pony friends were completely overrun by fans, haters, and critics of The Friendship Journal. Surely, some pony had to have commented on his written experiences, right?


And that's the problem.
This is a fan's interpretation of an event that takes place shortly after the episode "Fame and Misfortune" (allegedly written by M.A. Larson, though he's on record saying that he doesn't like it).

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Sweet. And I loved that ending. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, at least that's one way to cool some hot-heads in the crowd though I feel sorry for any Fluttershy fans that got caught in the crossfire...er crosswash?

While a part of me was sad Spike didn't get a part in that episode, this shows me why he shouldn't cause this is partially what might happen. Having Rarity run away in tears was bad enough but bullying a baby dragon and driving him to tears would have been downright cruel.

Also, if this happened, then I expect the so called critics being banned from the Crystal Empire at the very least if not be hounded by its citizens for dragging their hero's name through the mud.

:moustache: So I'm an S. T. D.??????
:raritystarry: I'm so screwed!

:trollestia: Spike Thee Dragon as Mrs. Harshwhinny said.

:twilightangry2: I'm still taking those two to the doctors!
:pinkiegasp: But but but
:moustache: right after Twilight kills both of us!
:raritywink: He does have a cute little waddle wooo wooo woooo
:twilightoops: Spike!
:applejackconfused: that sure put him down
:facehoof: Get me that fire hose

Actually, if the episode truly wanted to capture the fandom's (as some say was the intention) more toxic elements regarding Spike, they would have needed to have his crowd attack all his friends for 'abusing him and treating him like a slave and never taking him on their adventures'. Rabid Spike fans are a thing, or at least they were.

I mean, the trapdoor scene? I did see people absolutely lose it over that, but insofar as they were pissed that it wasn't Angel who got flung about the room.

No kite flying for a week. Completely worth it.

Spike should be written out of the Journal entirely.

I don't think Spike ever had a journal entry.......though I could be wrong.

A hose should never be used to disperse crowds... unless it's connected to a beer truck.

Maybe a milk truck.

Okay, now I'm really glad Spike was absent from that episode. Goes to find Spike's "Fans" to punch them skywards.

Great job! And I thought the ending was hilarious! Keep up the good work! :)

Came here expecting to see Dante after seeing the title. Leaving the story feeling very disappointed.

I loved this. Too often, Spike is the the butt of the joke and in general, shit on. Nice to see some love for the little guy.

Inspiration Manifestation.

Theodosius? The things these fans do that don't make any sense to me at all...

Ask and the castle shall provide.

"All?" Pinkie popped up in front of AJ's face. "I'm completely calm!"

Was that Avatar: The Last Airbender reference intentional, or coincidental?

In case you don't what I'm talking about.

I like to think that my references are roughly 50% intentional, 50% happy accidents.

"Wait, if his middle name is Theodosius, doesn't that mean his initials spell Ess-Tee-"

That is hilarious I love it.

"Spike Theodosius Dragon


I'm surprised we didn't see some sort of small Spike-fan group, who'll glomp and "comfort him about his friends' abuse over him".
Then again, they'd probably be crystal ponies.

No, probably not. Here's the thing why: The Crystal Ponies think Spike is a hero. Toxic Spike Fans think Spike is a total chad who gets abused and treated like a literal slave by everyone around him, completely helpless to do anything about his situation despite being an invincible OP dragon. Toxic Spike fans project all their fantasies onto Spike, but also don't think he has any self-determination about anything in his life. The Crystal Ponies believe Spike is a brave, smart, and capable individual; they'd probably sit at his feet and wait for him to share his immense wisdom or something to that effect.

I do agree about the Spike Fan group glomping him and speaking for (and over) him to 'protect him from those horrible abusers!'. Yup, I can definitely see that.

Poor Spikey-Wikey. After what they said about him, that mob deserved what they got. Starlight was completely in the right. The others shouldn't have gotten so pissed at her. I probably would've done the same thing myself.


they would have needed to have his crowd attack all his friends for 'abusing him and treating him like a slave


I'm surprised we didn't see some sort of small Spike-fan group, who'll glomp and "comfort him about his friends' abuse over him".

But they don't abuse him.


Oh christ I remember you, the one who trivializes abuse as 'silly'.

I'll throw you the same argument I did before, and I'd like it if you actually responded this time instead of editing out holes in your argument I highlight.

Twilight - if Spike wasn't the equivalent of a house-slave from the 1970's she'd have died from over exhaustion and the inability to cook basic food, or function at all.

Lets also not forget the sheer shit-ton of things she has spells for but has Spike do anyway.

Or the fact that Spike doesn't go to school and isn't allowed viable social interaction needed by young minds.

But it's alright, he isn't a pony, he is clearly mature, he clearly didn't have to mature else suffer, he clearly functions differently from other children, because he's a dragon of course, I'm sure none of it has to do with the gratuitous lack of care on part of everything around him.

Oh yeah, cold blood, ice lake, winter wrap up. And they laugh.

Winterzilla, pelt the child at it. Great idea, 10/10 you absolute psychopath.

Pinkie - when is Spike's birthday?

I don't know, neither does she apparantly.

Least she bribes him with gem food, that counts for something at least.

Fluttershy - bystander, not even all the kindness in the world can convince her to speak up about how shit Spike gets treated.

Oh yeah, he's not a pony.

Rainbow - quite literally teases him about how 'undragonlike' he is and overtly insults his wings and his demeanor to his face.

She never apologizes.

Applejack - nothing. Spike doesn't interact with her much, she's just a casual bystander. Not a friend, a friend wouldn't allow a child to be taken advantage of by an adult.

Rarity - Ha ha, where do I even start.

A literal predator who takes advantage of young children, the most prone one being the supposed son or pet of her own friend.

Does that sound remotely decent to you?

Remember that time Rarity manipulated Spike into giving her his birthday present, that was a Gem equivalent of 10 000 dollar wine

The same gem he had the patience to age for YEARS

And since he's a kid, guess what, that's about the equivalent of deleting a 5 year old's minecraft world that they worked on for 2 years.

Except, ha, this time? She can do so with no repercussions.

The same gem which she used to make a pendant which she never wore again

And essentially causing him to go on a greed rampage which is essentially also the reason he no longer gets gifts on his own birthday

He was a literal pincushion for one for one of the earlier episodes

This is what you portray as positive?

Gabby griffin...

Lemme rerun that for you if you can't remember.

I had hope there, Spike actually got a friend. A female griffin that TREATS HIM LIKE A Person. Not a slave, or a on site worker, or just abuses him. Fella actually got a real friend, Someone who he talks to and with and doesn't ignore how he feels

But Rarity, she wanted him to go with her to the gemcaves so he could carry the gems she finds.

Naturally he refuses, albeit in the most polite way I've ever seen, but she tries to do it herself. Unfortunately, without the young boyslave she manipulates frequently, she is entirely inadequate at simple hand eye Co ordination and breaks half the gems she harvests

So in 'turmoil' she visits purple nerd and asks about Spike. Then she finds out he is spending time with Gabby the griffin

And then she essentially WRECKS their relationship

After separating Spike from his only friend(or the only one around his age group who gives a single crap) , she tries to bribe his happiness by giving him the cheapest and smallest gems she could find, clearly generosity in motion.

Her bribes don't work, and eventually she HAS to admit her bullshit to Gabby after she realizes that Spike isn't going to snap out of his funk. However she apologies in a way that makes it appear that she actually cares about Spike, so she can use him as a slave for her own endeavors alter on. And gain some favor in his eyes.

Did I mention that she didn't fully admit everything?

So Gabby and Spike's friendship is still in high water. It's bearable high-water but very shaky compared to what it was.

Now you might glorify this as 'evidence' of love, somehow.

Meanwhile I'm looking at this and wondering how someone gets this obliviously nasty to isolate someone from their only friend then take advantage of their moment of weakness.

But the thing that really gets me going, the thing that really, really tickles me the wrong way?

No one stops her.

No one stops a grown ass woman from taking candy from a baby.

No one stops a grown ass woman from isolating a young boy.

No one stops a grown ass woman from taking advantage of a child.

But slave labor is okay if it isn't a pony, right?

It's okay if the child doesn't know he's being abused, it's okay if he says he's happy between the bursts of being taken advantage of for his utility.

It's okay if his entire sense of self revolves around how useful he is, it's okay for a child to worry about his utility, it's okay if he has no sense of direction other than servitude because that's all he's ever known.

But it's okay if he's conditioned to think that way, right?

Because Slavery and the Conditioning Houses weren't much different.

You attatch a label to people like 'me' who look at this madness and don't conform to its skewered morality, you stick buzzwords like 'toxic' and conflate mine logic so it seems absurd to anyone who is unaware.

But how, how can one look at a child being taken advantage of by an adult and see such a thing as 'healthy'?

Justify it for me, because I really want to understand your altruism, however I simply cannot.

"Alright, you can have that one," relented Twilight, "but you're still grounded for hosing all those other ponies earlier. No kite-flying for a week."

Honestly, Twilight, that was unfair to ground Starlight, especially after what those ponies said about Spike. To be honest, that " fan" deserved it.

And then there's the issue where he's a dog instead of human in Equestria Girls.
That really had some negative implying right there.

And often times he gets excluded/left out pretty much.

Glad in season 9 he was finally acknowledged as the little adopted brother rather than a pet(*glares at EQG*)

I feel really bad for Spike. He did not deserve that treatment. It’s nice to see that the Mane 6 and Starlight comforted him at his time of need.

"Alright, you can have that one," relented Twilight, "but you're still grounded for hosing all those other ponies earlier. No kite-flying for a week."

Twilight. Be honest, what else could she have done? They were trespassing. Also, “grounded”, way to treat her like a child.

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