• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,549 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

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When the shadows Roll in, Dark as Night

And that brings the first part of our story to a close, from here on out the danger grows. Our heroes and villains all move ahead, each a single thread weaving a pattern for our tale, a single stitch in this vast sail.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, best friends since days gone by. The simple kindness of her shy friend has won her loyalty to the very end. Will Twilight Sparkle keep her word, or by approaching dangers be deterred? Rarity’s plans are falling apart, but as long as there’s hope, she will have heart.

Iron Will and Daring Do, Gilda and Braeburn too, all have a part to play. The chase went on, day and night, night and day. Captain Rarity agreed to parley, to negotiate a trade. As messages passed between them, she never strayed. Their destination was in sight and the game was won, or so she thought, in truth, it was far from done.

Far away, the darkness stirred. Something strange and sinister occurred. It began as a whisper and grew to a roar, and upon the wind, its anger soared. The shadows clawed at lock and chain. They twisted and writhed and roared again. With a final heave, the shadows tore, and smaller pieces began to soar. A laugh echoed through the empty night, the shadow’s freedom was in sight.

Now listen to Zecora and listen well, for the next part of our story she will tell. The adventure has just begun, as they approach a mad god and an ancient one. Upon a lone mountain, just North of a city, our group will form. To learn of the danger, can our heroes reach the eye of the storm?


Pipsqueak checked over his shoulder before pushing past the storeroom door. “Morning, Spike!”

A purple and green head peeked out from behind the stacked crates. “Hey, pipsqueak.”

“I brought breakfast,” the colt said, pulling a hunk of bread from his bag. “It’s uh, just bread again. I couldn’t get anything else.”

“Thanks.” Spike took the bread from him and bit off half of it. “Better than going hungry,” he said through a full mouth, “or going out to find food myself and getting caught.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So, any news about the pirates? When will we catch up to them?”

Pipsqueak blinked, face falling. “Oh, right. The pirates. Uh, Spike, please don’t be mad at me. I kind of forgot to mention something.”


“This is taking too long,” Dash said, teeth clenched as she watched the Falling Feather ahead of them.

“It’s weird,” Shining said. “They have to know we’d never give up Twilight. Their best bet is to take what we offer and run.”

“You’d never give up Twilight,” Rainbow corrected under her breath. Shining’s ears dropped flat, but he otherwise ignored her. She went on, louder, “We need to make a move soon. If they’re stalling our negotiations, it probably means they have something planned. Maybe reinforcements in Baltimare.”

Hoofsteps approached from behind and Twilight joined them at the bow of the ship. “It’s no use,” she said. “Flim and Flam tried everything they could think of, but we don’t have the tools aboard to remove it without the key.”

Shining nodded. “Well, there’s no way we’ll be able to bargain with the pirates for it along with the first mate. I guess we’ll just have to wait until we get back to Canterlot.”

“Have there been any more messages?”

Dash shook her head. “We’ll give it one more day. If we haven’t come to an agreement by midnight, we’ll take the risk and sneak aboard.”

“Why tonight?” Twilight asked.

“They’re stalling,” Shining said. “We thought they were running to Las Pegasus, but their course is off. They’ll pass it about ten miles North, in just a few minutes. We figure they’ve got reinforcements in Baltimare, and they’ll try to take us by force.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. She started to ask if any more progress had been made on freeing Applejack, but was interrupted by a familiar shout. “Twiiiiilight!” She whipped her head around just in time to see a purple blur launch itself at her, catching her around the neck in a hug.

“Spike? What are you doing here?”

The baby dragon dropped back to the ground, glancing away as his eyes watered. “When I heard you’d been kidnapped, I wanted to help rescue you, but the princess refused to let me go. So I, uh, I kinda snuck aboard.”

Rainbow butted into the conversation, bumping Twilight out of the way with a flank to get into Spike’s face. “So you’re a stowaway?”

“No!” Spike said defensively. “Well, maybe a little.”

“Do you know what we do with stowaways around here?” she asked, leaning forward and glaring menacingly. Spike gulped and shook his head. After holding the glare for another second, Dash leaned back and shrugged. “Neither do I, actually. That’s usually Fluttershy’s job. Go swab the deck or something, make yourself useful, I guess.”

“Spike,” Twilight said as she shoved Rainbow Dash away, “I’m touched that you wanted to help, but you shouldn’t be here. It’s much too dangerous.”

“Not that there’s any choice right now,” Shining Armor said. “Dash isn’t stopping the ship for anything.”

Spike looked around at him hopefully. “Then, I get to stay?”

Shining nodded, prompting a wide grin from Spike.

“Uh, hey,” Rainbow said from a few feet forward, looking ahead of the ship. “The Feather’s making a move.”

Shining turned. “Haven’t they figured out they can’t outrun us yet?”

“Yeah,” Dash answered. “They’re not running. She’s coming about.”

“Captain Dash!” A quick set of hoofsteps beat across the deck as Flim came into view. Flam trailed several steps behind him. “We’ve just received a letter from the princess.”

“The pirates sent their ransom note.”

“They chose a meeting place for the exchange.”

“Yeah, we figured that out already,” Dash said. She hesitated, glancing ahead at the Falling Feather as it completed its turn. “It’s not Baltimare, is it?”

“No, Captain,” Flim said.

“It’s right here,” they said together.

“Ah ponyfeathers!” Dash cursed, sweeping her gaze all across the horizon. “Their reinforcements are probably already moving to flank us.”

“We don’t have much time before they’ll be in sight,” Shining said. “Fall back for now.”

“The hay with that,” Dash said. “Flim, Flam, full ahead, close the gap now. We’re pulling Iron Will’s old trick, so I want to see the whites of their eyes before you even think about slowing.”

“Aye, Captain!”

“This is crazy,” Shining said. “We need to pull back”

“I’m not going anywhere. You, Twilight, do you know how to use a weapon?”

“Uh, not really,” she answered.

“Then round up my crew. Tell them to create a boarding party. Ten ponies need to stand watch at the lower hatch to make sure we aren’t invaded from below.”

“Yes ma’am!” Twilight said, but hesitated. “From below?”

Dash took over the helm with a cocky grin. “They’re gonna have a pretty good view of our underside while we drive them into that mountain.”


“Well, that’s a bust,” Braeburn said, fidgeting idly with his cider mug.

“It hasn’t been a total loss,” Daring said, approaching the table with a drink of her own. She dodged around a tan stallion and sat down. “The local history of this area is quite fascinating.”

“Maybe, but it ain’t helping us find Miss Sparkle or any more of those coins.”

Daring shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. Isn’t it odd that so many ponies have seen the Flying Dutchmare lately?”

“Well, we have been asking around a lot of bars. How many of ‘em you want to bet were drunk when they saw this ghost ship?”

“There have always been ponies claiming to see it,” Daring said, “but not this many. I think it’s connected to Twilight Sparkle’s abduction. Something’s happening, or about to.”

Braeburn sighed, but his eyes were focused across the room. “Ya’ve got one thing right, something’s about to happen. Two stallions and a mare headin’ straight for us. All pegasi.”

“Something odd about them?” Daring asked, dropping into a whisper.

“Other than all three of ‘em being black as tar with matching vests and are glaring at us?”

The three ponies came to a halt directly behind Daring. After a casual sip at her drink, she turned to ask, “Anything I can do for you?”

Their coats were as dark Braeburn had said, and they all had midnight blue vests. Their manes were each a shade of dark blue as well. “Yes, there is,” the mare said. "You can give us the coin.”

Braeburn stiffened, but Daring shrugged, keeping her face neutral. “Sorry, I don’t have any spare change.”

“We know you have it,” the mare said, leaning closer. “The gold calls to us.”

“Uh-huh?” Daring said, raising an eyebrow. “Who did you say you are again?”

“I am Nightshade. These are Charger and Storm Front. We are the Shadowbolts. Now give us the piece of eight, or we will take it by force.”

“Yeah, can’t we talk about this first?” Daring asked. “How about I buy you a drink?” With a swipe of her hoof, she splashed her drink into Nightshade’s eyes, forcing the shadowbolt to flinch back. Storm Front made to grab her, but she smashed the glass into his snout before vaulting over the table. “Come on!”

“Who are these ponies?” Braeburn asked, charging after her.

“The hay if I know.” The two of them barreled through the tavern doors and ducked down the alley beside it.

Halfway down the alley, the shadows around them seized, shaking and twitching before rushing into a single mass ahead of them. They slid to a stop, watching in horror as the shadows pulsed and writhed. Finally, the dark mass took shape and solidified into Nightshade.

“You can’t run from us,” she said without preamble, striding forward. “Not as long as you carry one of the pieces. Give it up now, and that will be the end of it. Fight us, and we’ll bring you to our master.”

“Daring,” Braeburn said. “Whatever these things are, they’re not ponies. I don’t think we have a choice.”

“Run,” Daring whispered. “Back the way we came.”

“What? Are you crazy?”

“No, I have a plan. Go!” Daring shouted the last word, jumping in place. Without hesitation, Braeburn took off, shooting down the alley and disappearing around the corner.

Nightshade tilted her head. “You aren’t going to run too?”

“Nope,” Daring said, standing in the same place she’d started. “I figure if you really can follow the coin, he’ll be fine. He doesn’t have it.”

“Then you intend to sacrifice yourself for him? A pointless gesture. Just give us the coin and be on your way.”

Daring grinned. “I never said anything about sacrificing myself. You can have the coin if you can catch me.” With a sudden leap, Daring surged into the air. She cleared the roof of the tavern with a single pump of her wings and continued climbing. The shadowbolt screamed, taking off after her.