• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,554 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

  • ...

A Piece is Lost Before the War

“Cuz, is that you?” Braeburn tried to get a better look into the deep shadows. The large pony moved closer, a dark coat keeping him out of view.

“Eeyup. We can’t talk here. Ah have a room nearby.” Big MacIntosh left the shadows, head kept low, and started making his way up the street.

“You know him?” Daring asked Braeburn.

“Yeah, he’s my cousin on my mother’s side, but I have no clue what he’s doing here.”

“Can we trust him?”

“Of course,” Braeburn said. “Come on.” They followed Big Mac down the road and to a nearby pub where he was renting a room for the night. When the door was closed, he tossed the coat aside and visibly relaxed.

“Alright, cuz, what’s going on? Why the note and all the hiding.”

“Well, uh, ya see,” Big MacIntosh glanced away and shifted his weight uncomfortably. “Ah may be a wanted stallion around here.”

Braeburn blinked. “A... wanted stallion? Like, a criminal?”


“But, you’re an apple farmer. How did you end up a criminal in some neighboring kingdom?”

“Well, Ah was aboard this pirate ship and—”

“Ya what now?” Braeburn asked in shock.

Big Mac held a hoof up in a placating gesture. “Now, hold on just an apple pickin’ minute. There was a good reason for it.”

“What reason could you have for joining a pirate crew?”

“Well, the princess asked me to, for starters.”

“Wait,” Daring Do said. “Princess Celestia? She asked you to turn pirate?”


“But why?” Braeburn asked.

“‘Cause she knew Miss Sparkle was going to be ponynapped, and she wanted me to be there and make sure she stayed safe. Ah didn’t know why she picked me to go at first, but Applejack got ponynapped too.” Big Mac glanced down at the floor. “That was a mighty awkward reunion.”

“Anyway, when we landed, the Crystal Ponies arrested all the pirates. Ah managed to escape through the lower hatch, but not without bucking one of them upside the head. That’s why Ah’m being careful not to be seen, and why Ah had you meet me somewhere else, in case somepony found the note.”

“Wait, wait,” Daring said. “Did you say the princess knew her student was going to be ponynapped, and she didn’t do anything to stop it?”

Big MacIntosh nodded. “That brings me back to the message from the princess. Your letter to her got intercepted, but not a whole lot gets by her. She knows you were trying to contact her about some coin, and that ya should know even more by now.”

“Yeah,” Braeburn said. “We met some other ponies who’re also looking for them. They told us about Nightmare Moon.”

Big Mac nodded. “You’ll need to tell me what you know later on. The princess only told me enough to deliver the message. Ya’ll need to get all the coins together with the ponies they represent.”

“We already know that,” Daring said. “And you still didn’t explain why she let her student get ponynapped if she knew about it.”

“She didn’t really know about it so much as plan it herself,” Big Mac said.

Daring and Braeburn stared at him blankly.

“She’s the one who gave the pirates the idea, ya see. Secretly, of course, Miss Rarity probably thinks she came up with it on her own.”

“But why?” Daring half-cried in frustration.

“Oh, sorry. Two of the pirates are the ponies yall need for the coins. So are two of the bounty hunters she hired. She did it to get everypony in one place, far away from Canterlot.”

“But she’s the princess. Why didn’t she just sound out her guards to round everypony up?”

“She said she was being watched. It was another reason why she asked me to send the message, nopony would suspect an apple farmer to carry secret messages. It looked like a normal delivery to the castle.”

“The shadowbolts were watching the princess?” Braeburn asked.

Bid Mac shook his head. “Some ponies the shadowbolts convinced to side with Nightmare Moon. The princess isn’t sure who she can trust. If she does anything, it might force their hooves. That’s why she had to rely on other ponies to get Miss Sparkle to safety.”

“So, the princess knows Nightmare Moon is almost free, but can’t do anything because she’s being watched, so she came up with some crazy plan to get everypony together without having to lift a hoof for herself,” Daring summarized. “And then she sent you along because nopony would suspect you, and because we need to know which ponies can help us.”


“But I don’t get it, cuz,” Braeburn said. “What could Nightmare’s allies possibly do to the princess?”

“They have a spell ready to use on her,” Big MacIntosh said. “The only reason they haven’t yet is because it’ll be stronger during an eclipse. If she lets them know that she knows about it by getting these ponies together or evacuating Canterlot, they’ll cast it early.”

“Evacuating Canterlot?” Daring asked with a worried frown.

“It’s a big spell,” Big Mac clarified.

“Is anypony going to be hurt?”

“Ah don’t think so,” he answered. “The way she described it, Canterlot was gonna just disappear while the spell is working, and the spell would last longer if it was cast during an eclipse.”

“Keeping Celestia and Twilight Sparkle from interfering,” Daring concluded. “But the princess managed to get Twilight to safety, so we can still stop Nightmare Moon.” She smiled. “Starting tomorrow, we’ll be back on track. First, the mares, and then the coins.”

“You’re right,” Braeburn said. “We’ll just... wait, when’s the eclipse?”

“I’m not sure,” Daring said. Her eyes went wide a moment later. “Derpy and Time Turner.”

“Who and what now?” Big Mac asked.

“The friends who told us about Nightmare moon. They went back to ask the princess how to get through the Amaranthine Tempest,” Daring explained. “They should be arriving in Canterlot tonight. I need a calendar.” She began rifling through the nearby drawers before rushing out of the room.

“They have one of the coins with them,” Braeburn said. “If they get caught when Canterlot disappears, we’ll lose it. With our luck, the eclipse will be tomorrow.”


“Derpy, are you sure these charts are right?” Time Turner asked.

“Yes,” she answered, doing her best to give him an angry look. “Just as sure as I was an hour ago.”

“I’m just saying, we’ve been sailing in circles all night, and this map says we should be right on top of Canterlot.”

“Maybe we’ll be able to find it now that the sun is coming up,” Derpy suggested.

“Hopefully. We don’t have time to waste.” Time Turner set the chart aside and moved out toward the edge of the deck. The sunlight traveled swiftly across the ground below as the sun rose above the horizon. A patch of shadows caught his eye. An odd curved protrusion into what should have been bathed in morning light. Time Turner looked up, thinking maybe some clouds were casting a shadow, but the sky was clear.

“That’s odd. Derpy, take us up higher?”

“Huh? Why?”

“I want to get a better look at something.” Derpy nodded and moved inside. After a minute or two, the ship began climbing.

“That’s very, very odd,” Time Turner said once they’d doubled their altitude and the sun had come fully above the horizon.

“What are you looking at?” Derpy asked, joining him near the edge of the deck and glancing overboard. She glanced up in confusion and then at the sun. She pursed her lips and looked back down. “I don’t get it.”

“Me either,” Time Turner said. Far below was a humongous shadow darkening the ground. It was an almost perfect circle. “It almost looks like the penumbra from the eclipse a few days ago.”

“There wasn’t an eclipse,” Derpy said, frowning.

“Oh, not where we were,” Time Turner said. “The sun and moon weren’t at the right angle for us to see it. But anypony as far North as Las Pegasus would have seen at least a partial eclipse, and this area would have seen almost a total one. But why would the shadow stick around?”

“I dunno,” Derpy said. “But don’t we have other things to worry about?”

“Right, of course. Well, let’s get to it then, we have a princess to talk to and a world to save. Now, do you have any other maps?”