• Published 29th Oct 2012
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A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

Kindered Spirit

Ponyville, Early Morning.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were in trouble. Not from a manticore or Timberwolves, but from four very upset ponies. The three of them sat on the ground outside of the Apple family’s barn, prepared for a serious scolding. Applejack started off the lecture.

"Of all the dim-witted, plain out foalish things a pony could do, the three of you went and did. Traveling into the Everfree Forest at night? I thought the three of you were smarter than that!"

"Yeah, going into the forest at night is stupid, not cool at all," Rainbow remarked.

The three foals could only hang their heads at what Applejack and Rainbow Dash were saying. Those two, along with Rarity and Twilight had talked late into the night about what the three fillies punishment should be. Well, the punishment for Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Since Scootaloo wasn't related to any of them, they couldn't force her to do anything.

"Sweetie Belle." Rarity said with her firm voice, which she saved for when she was upset. “Your punishment for going into the forest is to help the Apple's on the farm today."

"So, I get to work with Applebloom?" Sweetie nervously asked.

"Nope, Applebloom's punishment is she has to help Rarity model for a new clothesline. It's long and boring." replied Applejack.

Both of the fillies groaned at the news. Scootaloo finally spoke up.

"And what about me? What do I have to do?"

Rarity and Applejack exchanged glances, before answering.

"Well, we can't really punish you since you’re not, you know, related, so just head to the orphanage for now." Rarity finally responded with hesitation in her voice.

The Ponyville Orphanage was not a bad place. There weren't many residents, so it was a small building just outside of town. It was the place Scootaloo had been sent to after the accident that claimed her parents’ lives. The old mare there was a kind pony and the food wasn't too bad. The worst thing about it was Scootaloo was one of only three ponies there. She hated the place.

"But I...fine, I'll go...home." She turned to leave, before a voice called her back.

"Hold on," Twilight said, "While I agree that you fillies need to be punished, we still haven't heard what happened yesterday. So if the three of you would kindly tell us why you went into the forest."

Applebloom started off. "Well, we were bored when you went out, cause we couldn't do nothin' without destroying the library. So we went to see if Spike had any ideas. He told us about the heroes in his book. Then Scootaloo had the idea to visit Zecora's place to see if she could make us super ponies."

"I see," Twilight muttered, "Please go on."

Sweetie took over. "Well we went into the forest, but after about an hour, we got lost. Scootaloo had forgotten to bring a map, so we wandered around for a while until..."

"Until?" asked Twilight.

"A bunch of Timberwolves jumped out of the forest and began chasing us." The older ponies remembered the terrifying events from the previous night. "We ran as fast as we could, but we got separated when a wolf jumped out in front of us. Applebloom and I got separated from Scootaloo when we ran across a bridge. The wolves chasing us stopped and went after Scootaloo. We continued to run until we bumped into you. The rest you already know."

Twilight nodded when Sweetie finished, then turned to Scootaloo. "Alright Scootaloo, can you tell us what happened after you got separated?"

Inhaling deeply, Scootaloo began her story. "Well, I continued to run from the wolves as fast as I could, but then I ran headfirst into a manticore. That woke the beast up and caused it to chase me as well! I continued to run until I reached the edge of a gorge. The wolves and manticore had me trapped. I tried to fly away, but..."

"Right, weak wings," Twilight said gently.

"Then what did you do?" Asked Rainbow, focused on the story.

"I-I prepared for the end. The manticore walked up to me and prepared to strike, and then..."

"Then what?"

"I-I'm not sure what it was, but what looked like a giant bat kicked the manticore in the head. Then the bat spoke to me, saying that I was safe. The manticore attacked it, but it launched lighting from its hand and stunned the manticore. Then the bat jumped onto the manticores head, knocking it out! The Timberwolves tried to jump it, but it quickly beat them down as well! Eventually, it was just it and me. I tried to thank it, but then we heard you guys in the forest. When I looked back, it was gone."

Scootaloo looked around at the grown-ups, expecting amazement at the tale. Instead, they ponies had looks of disbelief on their faces. Even Applebloom and Sweetie Belle weren't too sure about the story.

"You guys don't believe me?" Scootaloo asked.

"Look sugarcube, it's a pretty tall tale to swallow, even if it's true," replied Applejack.

"Yes darling, I mean, a giant bat? Sounds a little far-fetched," Rarity commented.

"Are you sure you weren't hallucinating from fear Scootaloo?" asked Twilight, "It's common among ponies in stressful situations."

I'm telling you, it was a giant bat!" Scootaloo yelled at them. Turning to her idol, Rainbow Dash, She asked, "You believe me don't you?"

Rainbow looked around nervously before replying. "Look, I'd like to believe you, but even I don't think that such a creature could exist. I mean, taking on one or two Timberwolves maybe, but twenty? That's a long shot even for me."

"Fine, don't believe me, it doesn't matter," Scootaloo said, heartbroken, turning away. "I just want to be alone." With that, she took off down the road.

"Kid, wait!" Rainbow started to chase after her, but Applejack grabbed her tail.

"Not now Dash, she needs to be alone."

Looking back to where Scootaloo had taken off to, Rainbow expressed her concerns.

"I just hope she's alright."


Scootaloo was running, even though she had no idea where to go. She didn't want to head to the orphanage, that place just depressed her. She couldn't head back to Applejack's, not after what she said. The tree house seemed like the best place for the orange pegasus for the time being.

As she made her way to the clubhouse, she took a moment to look at the Everfree Forest, remembering what had happened the night before. The running, the saving, the giant bat vanishing. Now that she thought about it, she had never properly thanked the bat. She was always taught to thank somepony who does something for you.

With that thought, Scootaloo headed to the forest again.


Everfree Forest, thirty minutes later.

Batman couldn't believe his eyes. There, backing slowly away from three wolves, was the same orange pegasus he had rescued yesterday. The foal had gotten fairly close to the cave he was temporarily staying in, but what surprised him more was that it had come back into the forest after last night's event. Normally a situation like that left a person traumatized. These horses were apparently slow learners. Leaving his perch in the tree, he landed just behind the pegasus.

Upon seeing him, the wolves stopped advancing and growled at him, remembering him from the previous night. He returned their growls with a stare, a very cold stare. After a moment, the wolves turned and left to seek out easier prey. The pegasus looked confused at the wolves’ departure, until Batman's voice made her almost jump out of her skin.

"Either you wanted to talk to me or you really hate living. Let’s hope it’s the first one."

The foal spun around to face him, craning her neck back to look him in the face. Observing her eyes, Batman saw the same emotions from yesterday. Awe, wonder, and shock, but no fear. After an awkward moment, she finally managed to stammer out her message.

"Um, t-thanks for saving me yesterday and I guess, today as well."

Batman simply nodded and turned to leave, heading back towards the cave. "Hey, wait!" the pegasus called and ran up to his side, unsure of how to proceed.

"My names Scootaloo," the filly said, "What's your name?"

Batman stopped and turned to look at her. His name was known as a myth where he was from, one which scared criminals and civilians alike. A name which many feared. This was the name he gave to Scootaloo.

"I'm Batman."

"Batman? Well that's a pretty dumb name," Scootaloo responded with a confused look. Rolling his eyes, Batman continued to walk, with the orange pegasus dogging his ever step, questioning him the entire time.

"So, where are you from? You can't be from around here. Is that your real skin or is it an outfit? If it is, why are you running around dressed like a bat? How did you manage-?"

With a sigh, Batman turned to face Scootaloo. "You’re not going to leave until I answer your questions, are you?"

"Nope!" replied Scootaloo with a smile.

"Fine, ask away," Batman said with another sigh as he continued to walk back to the cave.

"Okay, what are you?"


"Okay, but what species? I've never seen or heard of anything remotely like you."

"I'm a human. A Homo-Sapien."

"Well, you're weird. How did you manage to take down all those beasts?"

"Years of training."

"Are you dangerous?"


"Okay, so how about-"

Batman decided it was time for some questions of his own.

"Why were you in the forest and what were your parents thinking letting you out so late?"

After a few steps, Batman realized Scootaloo had stopped walking. Turning around to face her, he saw she had tears in her eyes. After a moment, Scootaloo answered in a whisper,

"I don't have parents anymore."

Batman stood there silently, her response bringing back memories he kept locked in the back of his mind.

"I'm sorry," he finally said, "I know how you feel."

With a shrug, Scootaloo continued to talk.

"Well, it's in the past. Nothing to be sorry for. Thanks again for saving me at the cliff."

"Why didn't you simply fly away when you had the chance?"

The moment the question left his mouth, Batman instantly regretted it.

Scootaloo broke down and started crying. Years of accumulated pain and sorrow came flooding out as she sobbed. Not quite sure what to do, Batman stood there silently, waiting for her to regain her composure. After a few minutes, she finally let it all out.

"I-I can't fly. My wings have a disorder that causes the muscles to be weak and unsuited to fly. I can still flap them, but beside that, there essentially useless! I hate them!"

He tried to calm her down. "It's alrigh-"

"No its not!" she screamed. "I can't fly, I have no cutie mark, no special talent, and I'm alone! Yes, I have my friends, but in reality I'm alone... so alone."

She started to cry again, deep sobs that racked her small body. At the same time, Batman had conflicting emotions in his heart. He wanted to head back to the cave and continue his search for Morgaine. He really needed to find her before even more innocent got hurt. That would be the easiest choice. But he couldn't bring himself to leave the little horse there, as much as he wanted to. She reminded him of himself moments after his parents had been gunned down in the alley. Scared, alone, with no idea what his future held. But he had Alfred and Gordon there to help him in that dark time. Scootaloo had no-one. With another sigh, he walked over to Scootaloo and crouched down to look her in the eyes. After a moment, she looked up to meet him. Only when she completely stopped crying did he begin to speak.

"I know what it's like to have your world torn out from under you. I know how it feels to lose your loved ones, but you must be strong. Live your life the way they'd want you to. I’m sure your parents would want you to be happy and move on."

'Hypocrite,' he thought to himself, '.You should take your own advice. Look at you, running around battling crime all the while knowing you're slowly destroying yourself. Is that what your parents would want?' Banishing the thought back into his mind and seeing that he had Scootaloo's attention, he continued to speak.

"As to your wings, do you truly believe that you will never fly?"

"The doctors said..."

"I didn't ask what the doctors said, I asked what you believed."

"They said it's impossible that I'll fly."

Batman let a small smile cross his face. "Impossible is what people call something that’s never been done. In my world people said it was impossible for man to fly. Now millions of humans travel the skies each day. They said it was impossible to put a man on the moon, until Neil Armstrong took one giant leap for mankind. They said it was impossible for super heroes to exist. Now one eighth of the world's population are super beings." He looked directly into her eyes and said, "Impossible is only impossible until someone actually does it."

Scootaloo had been listening intently to Batman's every word, her eyes filled with awe at his words. But there was still a bit of doubt in her soul.

"Then why can't I fly?" she whispered.

"Your condition will not be easy to overcome. You will probably need to train for hours to get your wings in flying shape, but the ultimate challenge will be to overcome your self-doubt. I cannot guarantee that you will succeed, but remember this; something’s only truly impossible if you believe it's impossible."

Batman stood up and stretched his legs. When he looked back down at Scootaloo, she was lost in thought at what he had said. When she finally looked up at him, he saw the spark of determination in her eyes.

“Okay, I’ll try…no, I’ll do it!” she said with determination, all doubt now gone.

"How about I walk you back to the edge of the forest?" Batman asked with a smile.

"Sure!" she smiled in return.

The two proceeded to walk back to the forest's edge.


Ponyville, a few hours later.

Twilight was scouring her library, looking for books on bats. She had found vampire bats, fruit bats, along with at least five other species, but nothing on giant bats with incredible combat skills. Spike was looking over her shoulder, tired from a hard day of working. His punishment for letting the girls out was to help Twilight reorganize the library until she liked it. That had taken hours.

"I don't get it Spike. Scootaloo looked so certain that there was the bat creature, but all of my research has proved fruitless. I just don't get it."

"Oh yeah, speaking of bat creatures, in my book there's-"

"Spike, I don't want to hear about your imaginary heroes right now. Now, why would Scootaloo lie to us about a giant bat?"

"Well, Twilight, maybe she-"

Right in mid-sentence, Spike let out a massive belch, as a scroll floated in front of Twilight.

"Oh good a letter from Celestia. Let’s see what it says."

Twilight, my dearest student,
I am sorry to say I bring grave news. The town of Hayfield is gone, with no survivors. All we know about that crime is that a bipedal creature is responsible for the destruction. While we have had no success in tracking this creature, a second one was spotted in Manehatten. Luna and I have gone to investigate. While we are away we ask you to be on the lookout for the creature. If you see it please contact your brother immediately. It resembles a giant bat and is extremely dangerous. Please be careful.

Twilight slowly lifted her head after reading the last line, completely shocked. Spike noticed this and asked,

"Twilight, what's wrong?"

Twilight bolted to the library door, quickly grabbing her saddle bags and strapped them on. Then she turned to face her assistant.

"I'm getting the girls together. We have a bat to find.”

As she dashed out the door, Spike shrugged and muttered to himself,

"With all the research she's done on bats, you'd think she'd like to hear about Batman."