• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,808 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

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Pinkie Sees All!

Onboard the Train for Ponyville.

Batman was crouched on the roof of the caboose with his cape blowing behind him as he prepared for his...stop. The conductor had announced over the speaker that the train would be arriving at the station soon. If the horses saw him at the station, it would probably be like Manehatten again, so Batman chose a less conventional stop. The train was now passing a forest that the conductor called, "The Everfree Forest." Apparently it was full of monsters and no sane pony would go in there alone. For the Batman’s purposes, it was perfect.

Leaping off the roof of the caboose, The Dark Knight spread his cape out to its full length and glided down to the forest's edge. He waited for the train to vanish completely out of sight before he began moving, and only then started to head deeper into the forest. The forest seemed to watch his every move. Animals scampered out of the way in surprise when they saw him, for none of the woodland creatures heard him coming. No one ever did.

As the Dark Knight continued to march on ahead, he was lost in his own thoughts. While he was on the train, he listened in on what the horses were talking about. Their banter had started off being very boring, prattling on about what their families were doing or where a group called the ‘Wonderbolts’ would be performing next. Most the time they talked about themselves. Then one of the horses asked if anypony had heard about Hayfield and how all communication was lost with it early yesterday morning. This had interested Batman greatly. The horses went on to say, that the only witness and survivor had described that a bipedal creature entered the city around ten that morning. Apparently it had magic of its own, which was turned upon the town. Batman's eyes had narrowed when he heard this. There was only one person who would do something like that.

'Morgaine,' he had thought. The sun was once again beginning to ascend into the sky, filling the land with light.

A clearing in the forest brought him back to reality. Taking a look through it, he was a little surprised to see a huge apple orchard that seemed to go for miles. The apples themselves were as impressive as the mileage of the orchard--big, red apples without preservatives or any other form of chemical enhancement. Batman contemplated taking a few for a moment, since he hadn't eaten in nearly three days. He tried not to eat before he went crusading against criminals. But apples like these were obviously owned by someone, judging by how much care seemed to go into the tree's growth. Even though he would be stealing to survive, Batman would not bring himself to steal. He could go for weeks without food; a few more hours wouldn't hurt. Staying close to the forest's edge, Batman thought he saw a red barn on the horizon. Crouching, he engaged the zoom on his cowl and began to observe. It was definatly a red barn and next to it was a house, which seemed to be more...southern in design.

'So this field is owned by someone.'

The door to the house swung open and an orange horse with a cowboy hat trotted out. She was followed moments later by a massive stallion, which was bright red. Two more came out, one was a tiny yellow foal with a red mane and a ribbon in its hair, while the other was green and seemed elderly. The little one had a backpack with her, suggesting the horses had a school system. As she ran off, Batman decided to take a look to where the foal was heading. A few miles away he saw a small town. With the zoom, he could make out few buildings. One looked like a gingerbread house; another was a giant tree with a telescope on it. Deciding his investigations would benefit more from observing the town, the Dark Knight vanished back into the forest.

On his way there, Batman began thinking about how to find Morgaine. She was the biggest concern right now, but he had no idea where she was. Since he was cut off from the cave and the Waynetech satellites, he was essentially blind in this land. Growling, he realized he didn't even know how big this land was or if Hayfield was on another continent. All he knew was that sentient beings had needed his help and he wasn't there. Reaching the forest edge once again, he sat down perhaps a good two miles from the town. Sticking close to the shadows, he began to watch.


It had not been a good morning for Twilight so far.

She had gone to the station a good three hours early and had to sit in the cold autumn air waiting for the train to arrive. When it had finally chugged into the depot, she and Fancy Pants spent another two hours talking to the train staff and management. Apparently, somepony had gone through Fancy Pants’ luggage, making him quite upset. The two of them finally had reached the Carousel Boutique, only to have Rarity chew Twilight out for being late! The day had not started well, and she still had to meet up with Pinkie as well as host the Cutie Mark Crusaders at her place later that day!

With a small sigh, she mumbled to herself:

"Well, at least the worst is over, right?"


Batman's observations had proved fruitless so far. These horses acted almost identically to the ones in Manehatten, only they were a smaller community. All the horses had the marks on their sides and all seemed to have jobs. While he had learned nothing new, he had watched as a purple unicorn had a bad morning. From what he could tell, she had met another horse at the train station early and had only just arrived with him. The other horse was also a unicorn, was dressed in high society clothing and seemed as upset as the purple one. Looking at the suitcase, Batman realized this was Fancy Pants, the same horse whose luggage he had gone through, which he had forgotten to put back. Oops.

After dropping off the other unicorn at some odd fashion salon, the purple unicorn headed to the ginger bread house near the center of town. When she arrived, she was greeted by a pink horse, that…hopped--that was the only word to describe how she moved--out to welcome her friend. The two began talking; the pink one went on for a few minutes, until her friend got fed up and put a hoof in her mouth. The pink horse tried to talk for a moment before she stopped and squinted her eyes at something.

'Is she looking over her?' Thought Batman. 'No, I'm well hidden in the shadows. It must be-'

His jaw nearly fell off when the horse waved at him.


"Um Pinkie, what are you waving at?" asked a confused Twilight.

"Silly, I'm waving at the big bat over in the forest," replied Pinkie Pie with a smile.

"Bat?" repeated Twilight, squinting her eyes towards the forest's edge. "I don't see any bat."

"Duh, silly, it's gone now. Maybe you should go after it."

"Sure, Pinkie," answered Twilight, rolling her eyes. "I'll go after the bat as soon as I find those little ponies that keep hiding your keys."

"Okay, when you do find them, I want to give them a good talking to." With this, Pinkie hopped off.

Twilight watched her go, shaking her head slightly. A giant bat, really? Pinkie had quite an imagination.

Heading towards the school house, Twilight prepared for the CMC. This was going to be a tiring night.


Back at Twilight's library, located inside a tree, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were causing havoc. The three of them had already removed every book in the place and built multiple book forts, destroying said book forts and were now playing extreme tag in her bedroom. Spike wasn't helping in the least, reading his book for the fifth time. Twilight was a mess. Her mane was frizzled, her right eye was twitching and she was giggling to herself. Sweetie Belle had just dive bombed Scootaloo, who managed to get out of the way, causing Sweetie to face plant a table, knocking it over.

"Ow," whined Sweetie, rubbing her nose.

"Are you al' right Sweetie?" a concerned Applebloom asked.

"Yeah, you hit that table pretty hard," Scootaloo said.

"I-I think I'm fine," Sweetie Belle replied, "However..."

Sweetie spun around and tagged Applebloom, then tore upstairs. Scootaloo laughed as well, following Sweetie, while Applebloom chased the both of them. After a few more minutes, Twilight had had enough.

"Girls!" she yelled up at them. Three faces looked down the stairs at her. Seeing the look on Twilight's face, they came down without a fuss. All three were sitting in front of her as she began to lecture.

"Look, I know you girls want to have fun and I did promise I'd watch the three of you until tomorrow, but I really need to go out for a while. Can you three promise me you won't destroy the library until I get back?"

"You're going to leave the three of us alone with Spike for a few hours??" asked Sweetie Belle in disbelief.

"I'm desperate, okay? Can you PROMISE not to destroy the library?"

"Okay, Twilight," all three of them said, "We promise not to destroy the library."

"Pinkie promise."

The three fillies swallowed hard at this. A pinkie promise was one of the most serious promises a pony could make. To break one, well, nopony had ever dared do that except Applejack, and she needed therapy for weeks.

"O-o-okay, we Pinkie promise."

"Say the words."

"Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eye," the three said at once, doing the motions required to complete the promise.

"Good," smiled Twilight, heading for the door of the library. "I'll be gone only a few hours. Don't bug Spike too much, okay?"


As Twilight closed the door, the three fillies started to discuss what to do next.

"Well, girls, any ideas on what to do next?" asked Sweetie. The other two thought for a minute before shaking their heads.

"Almost everything we do ends up destroying somethin'," replied Applebloom.

"Yeah, we can't really do anything we'd normally do in the library without breaking our Pinkie promise." All three of them shuddered at the thought. A loud thump from upstairs got their attention, followed by some grumbling.

"I wonder if Spike has something we can do?" Scootaloo thought out loud. With a shrug, she began climbing the stairs, the other two crusaders closely behind her. As they entered the bedroom, they saw Spike on the floor with the same book he had been reading for days. Intrigued, the three approached him.

"Hey Spike, what are you reading?"

Spike looked up from his book, surprised to see anypony other than himself actually interested in his book.

"It's a book about heroes from the human’s world," he began, as the three crusaders crowded around him so they could see the pictures in the book. "There are a ton of different heroes with just as many powers. This one has telekinesis, whereas another guy has a ring that reacts to his imagination."

"What about this one?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, this one is one of the greatest. HIs name is Superman. See, his home planet blew up when he was a baby, so his parents sent him to a planet called Earth. There, he discovered he had a whole bunch of powers and uses them to fight for truth, justice, and something called the "American-Way.” He can fly, has super-strength, and shoots lasers out of his eyes, it’s incredible!" Spike smiled and held the book to his chest.

The entire time he was talking Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had gotten an idea. The three of them looked at each and at the same time whispered,

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Super-Heroes, Yay." Scootaloo jerked her head to the door. The three of the slowly snuck off while Spike continued to go on about different heroes and powers, oblivious to the fact that the three fillies had left the library and gone outside.

"So what's the plan Scoots?" Applebloom asked once they were outside the library.

"The three of us are going to be SUPER-PONY'S!" Scootaloo yelled in excitement. Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.

"Uh Scoots, we don't have super powers."

Scootaloo smiled, "No, but the three of us know a zebra with magic potions. Maybe one of them can give us powers."

"But Scootaloo, the sun is settin'. It'll be dark soon." Applebloom protested, "And we don't want to be in the forest at night."

"Come on girls, we've been to Zecora's so many times I'm sure we can find our way, even in the dark. So, who’s with me?"

"Ah'll go, but only if we don't stay out too late." Applebloom muttered.

"Alright, I guess I'll go too, but only to Zecora's and back." Sweetie finally added.

"Sweet! Let's go!" exclaimed Scootaloo as the three headed for the forest.