• Published 18th May 2024
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Apples to the Core - Neon-Nights-Library

  • ...

Chapter 1


The sudden noise startled Applejack awake, the orange mare jolting up in bed and slamming the back of her head against the sturdy wooden headboard. "Ah!" She hissed, quickly lifting a hoof rub at the newly tender spot. WHAM! Another loud clatter rung throughout the Apple family's home. Applejack frowned at this, and quickly leapt from her bed, more than ready to give who-or whatever was making such a terrible ruckus a piece of her mind.

She carefully opened her bedroom door and peered down the hallway of the upper level. Now she could hear the sounds clearer, as her mind's sleepy state cleared away to make room for her senses. The noises consisted of heavy hoof-steps clamoring about the lower level of the home, seemingly running from one side of the house to the other. She could tell now, by the sound that it could be no other pony than her elder brother, Big Macintosh.

Though what the stallion could possibly be doing so late at night, and causing so much noise was beyond her. At the most, she figured that something, somehow had made her brother break out into one of his frantic panic attacks. He didn't suffer from them often, and seemed to less and less since he had married Sugar Belle, and settled down years ago. But, he was still a somewhat anxious pony, and no doubt whatever was causing this current anxiety would be a family matter to solve.

Annoyedly, Applejack wondered who else Big Mac had awoken in his panic. Deciding it would be better to not confront Big Mac alone, Applejack sauntered down the hallway to her younger sister's room. She sighed, and raised a hoof to the door, giving it a careful knock, so as to not further startle her sister. Strangely however, Applejack heard the muffled sounds of her sister yelping in surprise, then the clatter of objects, before finally the door was peeled open.

A teen aged Apple Bloom stood before Applejack, her head hung slightly lower, a sure sign of some sort of guilt. "Uhm." the teenager started, clearly caught off-guard by Applejack coming to her room so late at night, when she more than knew she was supposed to be asleep. On any other night, Applejack would've scolded her sister for staying up so late, but she decided their brother's needs outweighed any mild teenage rebellion.

Apple Bloom quickly stepped out of her room and into the hall, shutting her door right after. "I was jus' studyin, honest!" She fibbed, giving Applejack her signature, "everything's fine!" grin, that she had done ever since she was a young foal. Applejack simply lifted an eyebrow in response as Apple Bloom continued. "Uhm, so why did ya knock?" Another sudden clatter made it's way from the lower level to the ears of the ponies upstairs, making Apple Bloom turn her attention to the stairwell just a few hoof steps away. "Oh." Apple Bloom commented.

"I'm surprised you didn't hear it- nearly gave me concussion, waking up to that racket." Applejack replied, again deciding to avoid confronting her sister staying up late- at least for now.

"Uh, yeah, I was... busy." Was all the young mare could reply, intentionally avoiding eye contact with her sister, and still looking towards the stairwell. "We should probably go see what he's up to then, huh?" Apple Bloom asked. Applejack gave a heavy sigh and nod in response.

"Ya don't think he'll wake up Granny with all that?" Apple Bloom asked, now giving a partially worried glance to her sister. Applejack considered the possibility, and took a few steps towards her Grandmother's room, carefully prying open the door and peeking in, Apple Bloom looking on as well. Curled up comfortably in her bed lay Granny Smith, her eyes covered by a hoof-stitched mask. The old mare was snoring away the night, oblivious to any goings-on happening around her, lost in dreamland.

Pulling their heads out and shutting the door once more, Applejack gave a definitive nod. "She's fine." Now deciding it was time they saw what Big Mac was so upset about, both sisters trotted down the old wooden staircase, stopping on the final step to asses the scene. Big Macintosh was running from room to room, gathering papers, quills, pillows, blankets, and, well really any random items that happened to be lying around. Sat on a nearby couch was Sugar Bell, her main still done up in curlers, and snuggled up in her robe, was watching Big Macintosh rush around the family home. Her expression seemed almost worrisome, if it wasn't for the clear tiredness plaguing her mind.

As Big Mac rushed past her into the kitchen, Sugar Belle caught sight of the two sisters on the stairs, their own expressions just as puzzled. "Oh girls!" The pink unicorn exclaimed, quickly getting up from the couch and rushing to her sister-in-laws. "I'm so sorry, Big Mac's in a big panic, and I can't seem to calm him down."

She glanced towards the kitchen, where the clatter of pots and pans erupted. The three mares' ears folded back at the noise. "What in tarnation has him in such a tizzy?" Applejack questioned, her patience for her brother's shenanigans starting to run low.

At this Sugar Belle seemed to light up, her expression melting from worry to pure joy. "Oh! Well it's actually something wonderful, I-" Just as the mare began her sentence, Big Mac rushed back into the living room, and quickly, but carefully scooped Sugar Belle up, and set her back on the couch. "Big Mac!" She exclaimed, her frustration poking through for the first time that night.

"All right- enough of this!" Applejack huffed, stomping from the stairs to the couches where Big Mac and Sugar Belle sat. Her brother was busying himself setting cushions behind his wife, and arranging an overwhelming pile of blankets around her.

"Big Macintosh!" Applejack interjected, looking accusingly at her brother. Big Mac looked to her, suddenly just now noticing his two sisters awake, and in the room. "What in Celestia's name do you think you're doin?! Runnin' up and down this house, actin like a fool? Youd've woken up half of Equestria with all that noise!" Applejack stomped her hoof with her final statement, her stare never wavering from her brother, whose face had shifted from worry to regret.

"Ah... I'm sorry." He finally stated, looking at his younger sisters, and then to his wife. Sugar Belle placed a hoof on his shoulder and gave a gentle smile. The stallion huffed a breathe of air, pushing out a small amount of anxiety with it. "I just got in a panic cause..." He looked to Sugar Belle again, the unicorn nodded and smiled again, then both ponies turned to look at the rest of their family.

"We're having a foal!" Sugar Belle announced, the previous sprinkle of joy returning to her face and tone. She smiled wide, and hugged onto Big Mac for a moment.

Applejack stood in shock for a moment, processing the words, the temptation to squeal for joy building up in her, as if she were a foal on Hearthswarming morning. Luckily for AJ, Apple Bloom beat her to the punch. She squealed with delight, rushing from the stairwell to the couch where Sugar Belle was, giving her sister-in-law the biggest, but gentlest hug she could muster. "I'm gonna be an auntie! I'm gonna be an auntie!" She cried, practically bouncing on the couch cushions. Applejack snapped out of her stupor and walked over to the couch, pulling Apple Bloom back down to earth, and sitting beside her sister.

"That's amazing- I'm so happy for y'all!" Her voice cracked slightly as she gave her condolences. To think: Another apple joining the family! A new foal, someone to guide and love and teach! Apple Bloom, still riding the high of the news hugged AJ and shook her slightly.

"We're gonna be aunties!" Applejack simply chuckled at this, smiling along with her sister, then looking to Big Mac. "But, then why're you in such a panic? This is great news!" Big Mac frowned slightly at this, looking away as he replied.

"I just..." His deep green eyes darted around the floor as he tried to come up with an explanation. "I got worried, all of a sudden." He looked back towards his family, his eyes resting on Sugar Belle. "I really am excited, more than I could ever be..."

"But I'm worried. I'm worried. I don't know the first thing bout' caring for a foal, an I want to give our baby the best I can..." He trailed off, looking towards his sisters again, a pleading expression now present. Applejack sighed and looked towards Apple Bloom, who had come down from her excitement, and was also looking partially worried.

"Well, I don't think most parents know what to do at first, right?" The teenager questioned, looking around at the adults for confirmation. Applejack nodded in agreement.

"That's right, there ain't no book that tells ya what to do- well I mean, I suppose there are some books bout it- and we can get you some of those, but what I mean is," she continued, looking her brother and sister-in-law directly in the eyes. "We're here for you, both of you. And no matter who that little feller turns out to be, we'll always be right there, to help em and you." Sugar Belle and Big Mac smiled proudly at Applejack's statement.

The calm, quiet moment between the family lingered for a small while, before finally being cut by a question from Apple Bloom. "So, wait- what were you runnin round' the house for then?" She questioned, looking around at the random items her brother had gathered and stock-piled around the living room. Big Mac sheepishly grinned, lifting a hoof to rub the back of his neck. "I... don't know." He admitted, also taking a moment to look around the room, and realizing the mess he'd made.

"That's alright." Sugar Belle assured, tapping a hoof on Big Mac's arm. "We'll help you clean it up." She replied, getting up from the couch and lifting some random items with her magic. At first, Big Mac protested this, but Sugar Belle cut him off by lifting a singular hoof up.

"Ah! No! I'm more than okay to walk, I'm fine. And I'll be fine for many more months, we've got time." She smiled reassuringly, then gathered a few more items and began putting them back where they belonged.

Big Mac huffed a sigh, then got up and also began to clean. Applejack arose to, and heard a chuckle from behind. Apple Bloom was giggling at her brother being "told off." Applejack shot a stern look at her sister as she began picking up the pillows, blankets and papers scattered about the room.

She trotted back into the kitchen, where Big Mac had re-opened a cabinet, and was carefully stuffing pots and pans back into place. She walked over and began helping, making sure to stack the pans in order of smallest to largest. As the two ponies cleaned, Applejack spoke up. "I know you're still gonna be nervous till the little one gets here, and there are some things worth worryin' about." She sighed, not worrying to look directly at Big Mac as she spoke.

"But runnin around the house ain't gonna do anyone any good." The last, small pan slid into place and the cabinet was shut. "If, and when there's worryin to do, we'll be right here to help ya, understand?" She asked, finally making eye contact with her big brother. The stallion simply nodded in response, a small smile briefly crossing his face.

Applejack smiled back, and made her way back to the living room, where thankfully Apple Bloom was helping Sugar Belle re-fold the blankets. The family soon finished cleaning the mess left, thankful they'd talked Big Mac down before there was too much damage to their home. Each pony bid each other good night, and all headed back to their rooms.

Apple Bloom was still chattering away, albeit quietly to Applejack as they ascended the stairs. "I just can't wait AJ! It's gonna be so much fun- I'll get to babysit, an' read stories an' arrange play dates an-" Apple Bloom was cut off by her sister placing a single hoof over her mouth, the tiredness of an interrupted sleep catching up to AJ once more. "I know Sugarcube, we're all plenty happy to meet the little one." She took her hoof down, and gave a small yawn as she headed for her own room.

"But it'll still be a long while before we get to meet em', and there's plenty of plannin to do before that." She opened her door, happy to see her bed once more. "But, before any of that, we all need a good night's sleep." Applejack looked to sister once more, her eyes narrowing slightly as she spoke, "Which means everypony needs to get to sleep."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, but followed suit and headed to her own room. Just before the teen shut her door completely, she stuck her muzzle through the open gap. "G'dnight." She then promptly shut her door.

Applejack sighed to herself, but called back her own 'Goodnight.' She wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to this new attitude Apple Bloom was developing. Sure, it wasn't as bad as it could be, but she sure didn't appreciate her sister giving sass at any opportunity.

Still, Applejack thought, entering her own room and shutting the door. She was her older sister, and she'd try to do the best by her that she could manage. AJ crawled back into her bed, gleefully welcoming the warm comfort of her blankets and pillows. In truth, there was a lot to start planning on, and reading about, she knew that to be true.

But, for now at least, and until morning, AJ's exhaustion called for her to put aside her worries in place of a restful sleep. AJ found herself agreeing to that, deciding first thing tomorrow she'd start helping Big Mac and Sugar Belle. But for now, rest.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this isn't incredibly in character, still getting used to writing fanfiction again. But this was a simple, sweet little idea that came to me.
Consider it a warm-up for future stories I plan to write, in terms of practicing writing, at least.
That being said there will be four more chapters following this one, that will hopefully come out soon enough, and I plan on them all being around the same length, so not too long hopefully.