Apples to the Core

by Neon-Nights-Library

First published

The Apple Family Prepares for a New Member.

(This Fanfiction takes place a few years after “The Ending of the End”) With Equestria in a new age of peace, longer than it’s ever seen, many ponies have settled down into permanent lives and relationships. The Apple Family in particular is settling into a new normal. News of a new member joining their family stirs the Apples into reminiscing on the past, and planning for the future.

(Cover by Me)

Chapter 1

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The sudden noise startled Applejack awake, the orange mare jolting up in bed and slamming the back of her head against the sturdy wooden headboard. "Ah!" She hissed, quickly lifting a hoof rub at the newly tender spot. WHAM! Another loud clatter rung throughout the Apple family's home. Applejack frowned at this, and quickly leapt from her bed, more than ready to give who-or whatever was making such a terrible ruckus a piece of her mind.

She carefully opened her bedroom door and peered down the hallway of the upper level. Now she could hear the sounds clearer, as her mind's sleepy state cleared away to make room for her senses. The noises consisted of heavy hoof-steps clamoring about the lower level of the home, seemingly running from one side of the house to the other. She could tell now, by the sound that it could be no other pony than her elder brother, Big Macintosh.

Though what the stallion could possibly be doing so late at night, and causing so much noise was beyond her. At the most, she figured that something, somehow had made her brother break out into one of his frantic panic attacks. He didn't suffer from them often, and seemed to less and less since he had married Sugar Belle, and settled down years ago. But, he was still a somewhat anxious pony, and no doubt whatever was causing this current anxiety would be a family matter to solve.

Annoyedly, Applejack wondered who else Big Mac had awoken in his panic. Deciding it would be better to not confront Big Mac alone, Applejack sauntered down the hallway to her younger sister's room. She sighed, and raised a hoof to the door, giving it a careful knock, so as to not further startle her sister. Strangely however, Applejack heard the muffled sounds of her sister yelping in surprise, then the clatter of objects, before finally the door was peeled open.

A teen aged Apple Bloom stood before Applejack, her head hung slightly lower, a sure sign of some sort of guilt. "Uhm." the teenager started, clearly caught off-guard by Applejack coming to her room so late at night, when she more than knew she was supposed to be asleep. On any other night, Applejack would've scolded her sister for staying up so late, but she decided their brother's needs outweighed any mild teenage rebellion.

Apple Bloom quickly stepped out of her room and into the hall, shutting her door right after. "I was jus' studyin, honest!" She fibbed, giving Applejack her signature, "everything's fine!" grin, that she had done ever since she was a young foal. Applejack simply lifted an eyebrow in response as Apple Bloom continued. "Uhm, so why did ya knock?" Another sudden clatter made it's way from the lower level to the ears of the ponies upstairs, making Apple Bloom turn her attention to the stairwell just a few hoof steps away. "Oh." Apple Bloom commented.

"I'm surprised you didn't hear it- nearly gave me concussion, waking up to that racket." Applejack replied, again deciding to avoid confronting her sister staying up late- at least for now.

"Uh, yeah, I was... busy." Was all the young mare could reply, intentionally avoiding eye contact with her sister, and still looking towards the stairwell. "We should probably go see what he's up to then, huh?" Apple Bloom asked. Applejack gave a heavy sigh and nod in response.

"Ya don't think he'll wake up Granny with all that?" Apple Bloom asked, now giving a partially worried glance to her sister. Applejack considered the possibility, and took a few steps towards her Grandmother's room, carefully prying open the door and peeking in, Apple Bloom looking on as well. Curled up comfortably in her bed lay Granny Smith, her eyes covered by a hoof-stitched mask. The old mare was snoring away the night, oblivious to any goings-on happening around her, lost in dreamland.

Pulling their heads out and shutting the door once more, Applejack gave a definitive nod. "She's fine." Now deciding it was time they saw what Big Mac was so upset about, both sisters trotted down the old wooden staircase, stopping on the final step to asses the scene. Big Macintosh was running from room to room, gathering papers, quills, pillows, blankets, and, well really any random items that happened to be lying around. Sat on a nearby couch was Sugar Bell, her main still done up in curlers, and snuggled up in her robe, was watching Big Macintosh rush around the family home. Her expression seemed almost worrisome, if it wasn't for the clear tiredness plaguing her mind.

As Big Mac rushed past her into the kitchen, Sugar Belle caught sight of the two sisters on the stairs, their own expressions just as puzzled. "Oh girls!" The pink unicorn exclaimed, quickly getting up from the couch and rushing to her sister-in-laws. "I'm so sorry, Big Mac's in a big panic, and I can't seem to calm him down."

She glanced towards the kitchen, where the clatter of pots and pans erupted. The three mares' ears folded back at the noise. "What in tarnation has him in such a tizzy?" Applejack questioned, her patience for her brother's shenanigans starting to run low.

At this Sugar Belle seemed to light up, her expression melting from worry to pure joy. "Oh! Well it's actually something wonderful, I-" Just as the mare began her sentence, Big Mac rushed back into the living room, and quickly, but carefully scooped Sugar Belle up, and set her back on the couch. "Big Mac!" She exclaimed, her frustration poking through for the first time that night.

"All right- enough of this!" Applejack huffed, stomping from the stairs to the couches where Big Mac and Sugar Belle sat. Her brother was busying himself setting cushions behind his wife, and arranging an overwhelming pile of blankets around her.

"Big Macintosh!" Applejack interjected, looking accusingly at her brother. Big Mac looked to her, suddenly just now noticing his two sisters awake, and in the room. "What in Celestia's name do you think you're doin?! Runnin' up and down this house, actin like a fool? Youd've woken up half of Equestria with all that noise!" Applejack stomped her hoof with her final statement, her stare never wavering from her brother, whose face had shifted from worry to regret.

"Ah... I'm sorry." He finally stated, looking at his younger sisters, and then to his wife. Sugar Belle placed a hoof on his shoulder and gave a gentle smile. The stallion huffed a breathe of air, pushing out a small amount of anxiety with it. "I just got in a panic cause..." He looked to Sugar Belle again, the unicorn nodded and smiled again, then both ponies turned to look at the rest of their family.

"We're having a foal!" Sugar Belle announced, the previous sprinkle of joy returning to her face and tone. She smiled wide, and hugged onto Big Mac for a moment.

Applejack stood in shock for a moment, processing the words, the temptation to squeal for joy building up in her, as if she were a foal on Hearthswarming morning. Luckily for AJ, Apple Bloom beat her to the punch. She squealed with delight, rushing from the stairwell to the couch where Sugar Belle was, giving her sister-in-law the biggest, but gentlest hug she could muster. "I'm gonna be an auntie! I'm gonna be an auntie!" She cried, practically bouncing on the couch cushions. Applejack snapped out of her stupor and walked over to the couch, pulling Apple Bloom back down to earth, and sitting beside her sister.

"That's amazing- I'm so happy for y'all!" Her voice cracked slightly as she gave her condolences. To think: Another apple joining the family! A new foal, someone to guide and love and teach! Apple Bloom, still riding the high of the news hugged AJ and shook her slightly.

"We're gonna be aunties!" Applejack simply chuckled at this, smiling along with her sister, then looking to Big Mac. "But, then why're you in such a panic? This is great news!" Big Mac frowned slightly at this, looking away as he replied.

"I just..." His deep green eyes darted around the floor as he tried to come up with an explanation. "I got worried, all of a sudden." He looked back towards his family, his eyes resting on Sugar Belle. "I really am excited, more than I could ever be..."

"But I'm worried. I'm worried. I don't know the first thing bout' caring for a foal, an I want to give our baby the best I can..." He trailed off, looking towards his sisters again, a pleading expression now present. Applejack sighed and looked towards Apple Bloom, who had come down from her excitement, and was also looking partially worried.

"Well, I don't think most parents know what to do at first, right?" The teenager questioned, looking around at the adults for confirmation. Applejack nodded in agreement.

"That's right, there ain't no book that tells ya what to do- well I mean, I suppose there are some books bout it- and we can get you some of those, but what I mean is," she continued, looking her brother and sister-in-law directly in the eyes. "We're here for you, both of you. And no matter who that little feller turns out to be, we'll always be right there, to help em and you." Sugar Belle and Big Mac smiled proudly at Applejack's statement.

The calm, quiet moment between the family lingered for a small while, before finally being cut by a question from Apple Bloom. "So, wait- what were you runnin round' the house for then?" She questioned, looking around at the random items her brother had gathered and stock-piled around the living room. Big Mac sheepishly grinned, lifting a hoof to rub the back of his neck. "I... don't know." He admitted, also taking a moment to look around the room, and realizing the mess he'd made.

"That's alright." Sugar Belle assured, tapping a hoof on Big Mac's arm. "We'll help you clean it up." She replied, getting up from the couch and lifting some random items with her magic. At first, Big Mac protested this, but Sugar Belle cut him off by lifting a singular hoof up.

"Ah! No! I'm more than okay to walk, I'm fine. And I'll be fine for many more months, we've got time." She smiled reassuringly, then gathered a few more items and began putting them back where they belonged.

Big Mac huffed a sigh, then got up and also began to clean. Applejack arose to, and heard a chuckle from behind. Apple Bloom was giggling at her brother being "told off." Applejack shot a stern look at her sister as she began picking up the pillows, blankets and papers scattered about the room.

She trotted back into the kitchen, where Big Mac had re-opened a cabinet, and was carefully stuffing pots and pans back into place. She walked over and began helping, making sure to stack the pans in order of smallest to largest. As the two ponies cleaned, Applejack spoke up. "I know you're still gonna be nervous till the little one gets here, and there are some things worth worryin' about." She sighed, not worrying to look directly at Big Mac as she spoke.

"But runnin around the house ain't gonna do anyone any good." The last, small pan slid into place and the cabinet was shut. "If, and when there's worryin to do, we'll be right here to help ya, understand?" She asked, finally making eye contact with her big brother. The stallion simply nodded in response, a small smile briefly crossing his face.

Applejack smiled back, and made her way back to the living room, where thankfully Apple Bloom was helping Sugar Belle re-fold the blankets. The family soon finished cleaning the mess left, thankful they'd talked Big Mac down before there was too much damage to their home. Each pony bid each other good night, and all headed back to their rooms.

Apple Bloom was still chattering away, albeit quietly to Applejack as they ascended the stairs. "I just can't wait AJ! It's gonna be so much fun- I'll get to babysit, an' read stories an' arrange play dates an-" Apple Bloom was cut off by her sister placing a single hoof over her mouth, the tiredness of an interrupted sleep catching up to AJ once more. "I know Sugarcube, we're all plenty happy to meet the little one." She took her hoof down, and gave a small yawn as she headed for her own room.

"But it'll still be a long while before we get to meet em', and there's plenty of plannin to do before that." She opened her door, happy to see her bed once more. "But, before any of that, we all need a good night's sleep." Applejack looked to sister once more, her eyes narrowing slightly as she spoke, "Which means everypony needs to get to sleep."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, but followed suit and headed to her own room. Just before the teen shut her door completely, she stuck her muzzle through the open gap. "G'dnight." She then promptly shut her door.

Applejack sighed to herself, but called back her own 'Goodnight.' She wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to this new attitude Apple Bloom was developing. Sure, it wasn't as bad as it could be, but she sure didn't appreciate her sister giving sass at any opportunity.

Still, Applejack thought, entering her own room and shutting the door. She was her older sister, and she'd try to do the best by her that she could manage. AJ crawled back into her bed, gleefully welcoming the warm comfort of her blankets and pillows. In truth, there was a lot to start planning on, and reading about, she knew that to be true.

But, for now at least, and until morning, AJ's exhaustion called for her to put aside her worries in place of a restful sleep. AJ found herself agreeing to that, deciding first thing tomorrow she'd start helping Big Mac and Sugar Belle. But for now, rest.

Chapter 2

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Early-morning sunlight peeked its way through the pale pink curtains of Apple Bloom's bedroom. As the mare shifted in her bed, a stray beam of light hit her closed eyes, lighting up her eye lids in a pale red glow.

She groaned in frustration at this, turning again in her sheets, purposefully this time. With the beam of light gone, Apple Blooms mind began melting back into its deep slumber. And she would've fallen back into a deep sleep if it want for a noise that made itself known at that moment.

A stern rapping of hoofs tapped against her door, ripping Apple Bloom away from the pull of sleep once more. She groaned, and lifted her head only high enough to carry her voice across her room, and to whoever was knocking. "Mmm.. What?"

From the other side of the door came her older sister's voice, which was clearly awake, and partially frustrated. "C'mon now, it's time you got up, we've got a busy day today, an' I can't have you sleepin' it away!" Apple Blooms head fell to her pillow, finally giving in to the waking day, and opening her eyes.

She stretched and started to crawl out of the comforting sheets when another, this time slightly louder knock was made. "WHAT?!" She called again, annoyed that AJ was still lingering at her door. She heard a frustrated huff, and Applejack spoke again.

"What do you mean 'what'- I told you it's time to get up, that means you give an answer, Celestia-Dangit!" Apple Bloom could tell that AJ was getting more upset by the minute, and decided that maybe, it wouldn't be the best way to start the day.

"Sorry," the teen replied, stepping out of bed and heading towards a small wooden vanity that held a brush and her hair ribbon. "I'll be ready in a minute." She heard AJ mumble something to herself, and then give a final reply.

"Fine. Just don't take too long, or you'll miss out on breakfast." With that, she heard the receding hoof-steps of Applejack as she headed downstairs. Apple Bloom quickly brushed her mane and tied a neat bow, fussing for only a moment with it, as the ribbon tugged on her mane. Once she was satisfied she rushed downstairs to meet her family.

She first noticed the voice of Granny Smith, who was happily chatting with Sugar Belle at the table. She seemed chattier, and happier than usual. For a moment Apple Bloom wanted to question why, before she remembered the revelations that had taken place the night before. She also remembered that her grandmother had been happily, and heavily asleep upstairs when they had first learned of the great news.

Apple Bloom took a seat at the table, and was passed a bowl of oats, milk and a small pile of fresh apple slices. Applejack promptly sat down next to her, and nodded as she spoke up. "Eat up and meet me at the sheds out back." She lifted a spoonful of oats up and brushed her tied-up golden mane out of the way as she ate.

"Why?" Apple Bloom asked crunching down the sweet apple slices. Applejack wiped a hoof across her mouth before she responded. "Cause we need to see what all Ma and Pa had stored from when you were still a baby. Big Mac and Sugar Bell wanted to see what they could use for their little one."

"Eeyup." Big Mac vocalized, nodded in agreement from across the table. Apple Bloom stirred her hoofs nervously on the table-top as she ate. She had been hoping to spend the day with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. She was excited to share the news with them, and they only had a few weeks left before they started their first semester at the School of Friendship.

They were all excited about it, but they still wanted to enjoy as much of their summer as they could. She wondered if she should voice her want, but decided to save it for later. She was sure that if she worked fast enough, that she and AJ would finish with enough time left in the day to spend with her friends.

Deciding that would be the best alternative, she quickly finished her breakfast and dashed the dishes over to the sink. She looked over to AJ, who had just finished her own breakfast, but was making small-talk with Sugar Belle. Apple Bloom groaned as she pranced back to the table, swiftly grabbing her sisters' dishes, and placed them in the sink. Applejack gave a quick, mildly confused glance to her younger sister, but quickly returned her attention back to her sister-in-law.

After what seemed like ages to Apple Bloom, though in reality was only a minute or two, Applejack and Sugarbelle finally finished their conversation. Applejack brushed back her mane and placed her hat back on, signaling to Apple Bloom to follow after her.

To Applejack's surprise, Applebloom was already up and ready, and rushed to the kitchen's back door. As the pale green door clanked shut behind the mares, Applejack shot a confused, but amused look to her younger sister. "What in Celestia's name has got you so impatient? I could hardly get you outta bed, an' now you're runnin around like fox let loose in a hen house!"

Apple Bloom gave a sheepish grin in response, and started making her way to the family's storage sheds located on the back property. "I just... want to get a head start on everything!" She squeaked, dodging her sister's accusatory eyes. "I figure, if we get the work done sooner... that I can, uh... have time to do other things... later."

A single, suspicious eyebrow raised itself on Applejack's forehead, though the mare did no more to interrogate her sister. She decided that if the teen truly wanted to get her share of the work done sooner, it'd be best not to question it... for now. Reaching under her hat, Applejack quickly pulled out the keys for the storage and swiftly unlocked the first units' doors. Each sister shoved open a door, the creaky hinges screeching as the rustic wood was moved, and the doors were forced open.

Applejack waved a hoof around at the dust that puffed up from the storage unit floor, particles of dirt twirling and spinning around in the fresh air. She took a moment to survey the scene before them, pondering on where might be the best part to start searching. There were two whole other storage units, after all. Though Applejack was sure that she'd opened the right one.

Stacks of wooden crates, cardboard boxes and miscellaneous containers filled the small unit, stacked up high along the back walls. Leaving just enough room in between piles for a pony to make their way through to the back. Apple Bloom recoiled at the sight, realizing her plan to rush through her work might not be such an easy task. Applejack huffed a sigh, and began making her way to the closest pile of crates.

"Well," she breathed, "Let's start in the front, an' work our way back..." Apple Bloom briskly followed after, coming to another smaller pile of boxes and carefully lifting up the first small cardboard box. It didn't help any that seemingly, none of the crates, boxes or containers were labeled. Sure, the Apples weren't usually ones for such methodical organizing, but it seemed now that, with so much history to go through, at least a few labels would've been helpful.

Apple Bloom opened the cardboard box and glanced at what it contained. Buttons, thread wheels and bundles of miscellaneous cloth... surely not what they needed. She sighed, placed the lid back on and set it to her side. The mare then lifted up another box, opened it's lid and took a gander at its objects.

Again, nothing like what her and AJ where there to find. She took a look around at the many, many piles of old, probably useless junk, and felt her stomach drop. At this rate, she'd probably be stuck in that storage unit until nightfall. She began work again, lifting the lid of another box and peering inside.

Box after box, crate after crate... and still no closer to finding what was needed for a baby. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes as she moved on from one pile, to another one, this one bigger and probably filled with even more useless inventory. She glanced at Applejack, who had somehow already worked her way through several more piles than Apple Bloom, and had put the boxes all back in place afterwards. Apple Bloom kicked herself mentally, it hadn't even occurred to her to put the boxes back into place. She realized that this searching was going to take even longer, and she was sure it was already noon by now.

She glowered in annoyance at the new pile, sifting through the boxes at a faster rate, glancing over smaller boxes, sure that nothing important was inside. "I don't get it!" She grumbled, "Why can't we just buy new things for the baby? S'not like we can't afford it!" Applejack looked up from sorting through a large crate to her sister, immediately noticing Apple Bloom's growing frustration.

Applejack shook her head in annoyance, and continued looking through her own pile as she responded. "Because, sugar cube," Applejack replied, emphasizing the "because", "It's important to see what we already have, so we ain't spendin' money where we don't need to. Anythin' we have from when you were a foal is also stuff that you got from me, an' Big Mac." Applejack shut the crate she was looking through and began re-stacking her pile. "And that means that it's also stuff that came from Pa and Granny."

"It's important that we keep what we can in our family as long as we can." Applejack looked towards Apple Bloom as she spoke, hoping that her words were getting through to her. "Cause when our family's gone..." Applejack hesitated on the words she just said, pausing only for a moment to consider whether she wanted to go so heavy in her words. She decided it was worth it, if only to emphasize a point.

"Parts of em'... they stay with us, in the things they made and cared for. And... we don't want to lose those too, especially if it was somethin' important to them." With that, Applejack moved onto another pile, letting her words hang in the air and permeate the mood.

Apple Bloom's ears fell as her sister's words sunk in. They were heavy-handed, though Applejack did always find a way to bring a scolding or lesson back to family. Apple Bloom turned back to AJ, and lowered her head shamefully as she replied. "...I'm sorry." She lamented. "I was just gettin' frustrated... but I didn't mean nothin' like that." She insisted, desperately hoping that Applejack wouldn't harbor any resentment.

Applejack, of course didn't and shot back a warm smile from her side of the unit. "Course not sugar cube, I know it's hard work, but it's work worth doin'." Apple Bloom smiled back and quickly began her work again, this time searching at a slower pace. Just as she was placing the final small box back into it's place, Apple Bloom caught sight of a large, dark brown crate, hidden behind other containers.

The lack of light in that corner, and being hidden behind other boxes made the crate nearly invisible. But, Apple Bloom had managed to spot it, so she promptly shoved the other boxes out of the way, her curiosity peaked about this hidden box. At the very least, it wouldn't hurt to check and make sure it didn't hold anything important. Her hooves gripped a small ridge on the crates lid, and she dragged it out of it's nook, grunting in frustration at it's weight.

It scrapped along the unit floor, and finally came to a rest at her hooves. She unlatched the small lock on the front and opened the crate. She was already ready to put it back in place, sure that this one would be like all the others. To her utter delight, however, Apple Bloom saw before her; neatly bundled blankets, toys, books, and many other baby supplies she wasn't entirely sure the purpose of, but knew it was meant for a foal.

A wide grin spread across her face, and Apple Bloom quickly lifted up one of the blankets, reeling around to where Applejack stood, across the way. "I found it!" She called out, lifting up the bundled baby blanket like a prized trophy. "It's all here, in this big ol' crate!" She yelped, overjoyed that not only had she found the baby stuff, but, admittedly, that she'd been the one to do it. She wouldn't have been upset if AJ had found it, but it did add a little boost to her ego, knowing she was the one to look at the hidden crate in the corner.

Applejack smiled and promptly set down the box she had just been looking through. The orange mare rapidly made her way over, and peered down in delight at the open crate. "Good work, Apple Bloom!" She praised, patting her sister's head affectionately. Apple Bloom grinned wider at this, happily accepting her victory over that darn storage unit.

"An' here I was thinkin' we'd have to look through those other two sheds, nice work youngin'!" Applejack promptly sat next to her sister and began using a single hoof to dig through the crate. She gently lifted the many objects, looking them over to make sure that nothing had disturbed them this whole time.

Everything seemed in good condition, and she knew that Big Mac would wash nearly everything in there anyway, just as a precaution. Applejack was smiling proud, until something stuck to the bottom of the box caught her eye, and her smile promptly dropped.

Apple Bloom noticed her sister's change in demeanor and lifted a hoof to Applejack's shoulder. "Sis... what's wrong?" Slowly, and oh so carefully, Applejack lifted a paper up from the crate's bottom. Apple Bloom peered at it confusingly, and quickly realized her sister wasn't holding a paper.

In her hoofs, she held a small photograph, it's color still vibrant, as it hadn't seen the sun in many, many years. Applejack gulped, pushing down tears she could feel welling in her throat. She handed the picture to Apple Bloom, who took it confusingly, unsure why AJ was acting the way that she did... until she too noticed the contents of the scene.

Displayed in still vibrant colors, was a picture of her parents, and her as a newborn. Her mother's hooves held her gently, her beautiful curly orange mane cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes were glued to her foal in her arms, a tiny yellow foal, her red mane barely peeking it's way through her fur.

Next to them was her father, the striking resemblance between daughter and father unmistakable. His eyes were also glued to the tiny foal, a warm, kind smile spread across his face. Apple Bloom felt the same, joyous sadness working it's way through her. Ever since she'd learned about her mother and father's past all those years ago, she'd done everything she could to learn all about them.

And she had, she'd read about them, and looked over the few pictures of them over a million times. There existed a version of her parents in her mind, ones that were partially true, and partially the pieces she'd filled in herself. Now, she had another piece of them, one that was all hers. Tears poked their way from her eyes, falling silently down her face as she stared at the picture, a small smile making itself known.

"I'd forgotten all about that one..." Applejack vocalized, wrapping a hoof around her sister as she spoke "Y'know me and Mac have ones just like it... Granny wanted to save our first moments with Ma and Pa." Apple Bloom sniffled and wiped the tears from her face, nodding as she remembered her brother and sister's own pictures, in a similar fashion to her own.

Applejack patted her sisters' back and promptly stood up, carefully shutting the lid of the crate. "Well, we'd best get this inside so Mac and Sugar Belle can look through it." Apple Bloom nodded in agreement, carefully taking the photograph and placing it just behind her mane, pressed against her mane and ribbon for safe-keeping.

Carefully, the two sisters lifted the crate off the ground, and onto their backs. Applejack stood up fully, despite the weight of the crate. Apple Bloom grunted and she felt her hooves shake from the pressure. Applejack chuckled at this, "You sure you've got it sugar cube, I can carry it myself if it's too much trouble."

Apple Bloom gave another involuntary grunt as she finally stood up fully. "No! I got this!" She huffed, finding every word she spoke required a level of effort. Applejack rolled her eyes, but let her sister try.

"Fine, if ya say so." The two made their way out of the storage shed, and back towards the house. Apple Bloom noted, as she walked along with AJ that the sun didn't seem that much further than when they started, it might only just now be noon. She felt slightly embarrassed at this, realizing that maybe her sense of time could be off when she really wanted something, or really didn't want to do something.

They arrived at the door and Applejack maneuvered to slide the crate off their backs, carefully placing it on the ground as she propped open the back door. Using her hidden strength, Applejack pushed the large crate into the house and across the kitchen floor. Coming to a rest in the living room, where Sugar Belle greeted her.

Apple Bloom followed inside, carefully shutting the back door and following her sister into the living room. Sugar Belle began happily looking through the crate, and thanked Applejack and Apple Bloom for looking for it. "Thank you, really." She insisted, "I'm sure that we can use everything in here for the little one- oh I'm so excited to tell Big Mac!"

Applejack chuckled and smiled to Apple Bloom, who smiled back. It did feel good, she realized, to do that work for her sister-in-law and brother. It was important to them, and very much needed. Apple Bloom pulled the picture out again, looking it over with care and comfort. Applejack noticing and gestured to the bookshelf full of albums and photos. "Do you wanna put it next to mine and Mac's?" She asked.

Apple Bloom looked to her sister, then back to the photo. "No... if it's okay with y'all... I think I'd like to keep this one in my room." She replied, unsure of her sister's response. Applejack smiled again, that same warm, kind smile.

"A'course sugar cube." Apple Bloom smiled back and quickly rushed to her room. She didn't have a frame at the moment, but was sure she'd be able to find one somewhere in their house. For now, she propped the picture up on her vanity table's mirror, where she'd be able to see it every night she fell asleep, and every morning she woke up.

Apple Bloom gazed out the window of her room, beyond the glass and farm, a small portion of town could be seen. She wondered if Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would miss her for the day... it was only one day after all.

She'd initially hoped to spend the day with them, but now, after spending all that time around her family's memories, she wanted to keep that mood going. She was sure that Sugar Belle would appreciate some help sorting through that crate, and she'd be more than happy to help her do that. She was her family, after all.

Chapter 3

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A few months had passed since Big Mac and Sugar Belle's initial pregnancy announcement, however despite the allotted time, the bustle the family faced of prepping for a new foal had not calmed down. Big Mac, most of all was working tirelessly to ensure that all precautions were taken, and all plans were being made. Though his family assured him that they'd be there to help, no matter what, Big Mac still found himself worrying endlessly, day in and day out.

He'd even stopped his monthly hangouts with Spike and Discord, much to his friends' annoyance. Discord in particular had been exasperated by Big Mac's constant absences, even pointing out the incredibly long time that ponies were often pregnant for. Of course, though, Big Mac knew his friends wouldn't be happy with his decision. Mac wasn't entirely happy with his constant worry either, it was a surprisingly exhausting thing, to be worrying all the time. He wondered whether Princess Twilight felt this way often...

Regardless of his friends and family's worries, Big Mac pressed on, planning and prepping like a mad man. Truly, the amount he had planned for, as far as this foal was concerned, could've put any plan or schedule Twilight Sparkle had ever made to shame. That is why, on this particular day, just after Big Mac had finished reading through yet another parenting book- and was fussing about the house at all the details the book had pointed out about baby-proofing, Granny Smith decided to take matters into her own hooves.

The elderly mare knocked the book out of her grandson's hooves and looked him square in the eye. "Alright sonny,I've had enough a' yer nonsense. C'mon, we've got to find somethin' that'll cool yer mind off." The pale green mare examined the living room around them, her eyes settling on the nursery door just beyond. "There..." she said, grabbing her grandson's yolk and pulling him along as she walked. She was relieved when he didn't resist, and followed along with her. She wasn't afraid to give any youngin' what for, but she didn't have the strength she once did to pull it off.

"Yer wound tighter than a piggy's twirly tail! We need somethin' nice an' relaxin' for you to focus on." She heard Big Mac huff, but he still didn't resist. Granny let go of his yolk and pushed open the nursery door. Just as she had expected, the room was still very much in need of renovation. The small room wasn't in dis-repair, but it could sure use a fixer-up if a new baby would be staying in there soon. An idea snapped into Granny's head and she grinned, rubbing a hoof along her chin in deep thought. "Yes, I think that'll work nicely."

A few small boxes where piled in a corner, and the furniture in the room had been covered in white cloths, dust clinging to their surfaces. He guessed that the pale green curtain on the window also contained a lot of dust... so much more for him to do. Big Mac hated that he noticed these things to be done, but then he knew he only really trusted himself to get all of this work done. Granny suddenly turned to Big Mac, and pointed a hoof at the room. "Now, you get to work cleanin' this place up." She stated, beginning to walk away from the room, towards the other end of the house. "Imma go get some supplies. I want that room all clean when I get back." She called out, not bothering to look behind her as she trotted away.

Big Mac was still confused by her behavior, but chose not to worry about it for the time being. After grabbing a broom and dustpan from the kitchen, he began the work, deciding to enjoy the peace and quiet of cleaning the small room. He swept the floors clean, revealing the pretty dark wood that had been hidden under many years of dust. He gently gripped the curtain end in his teeth, and shook the cloth, watching the dust puff up into the air, and fall down onto the floor. He swept that up as well, and shook off the dust of the coverings on the furniture in the room. Nostalgia swept over him as he revealed more of the room, fond memories of his own time spent there, and his younger sisters when they were infants.

Big Mac lifted a single hoof up to the railing of the crib that sat in the corner of the room. Sturdy wood, painted and polished to perfection, and had been in the family for a few generations. He felt his heart swell with pride at the thought of it carrying on into the next generations, cradling and keeping safe the next line of Apples. Big Mac's trip down memory lane was cut short, however, when he heard a clattering of metal behind him. The stallion whirled around to see Granny in the doorway once more. The old mare had brought back two paint buckets, brushes, and drip cloth with her.

"Paintin's a nice little activity, It'll keep yer mind offa worryin'... for now at least." Big Mac wasn't entirely sure if the nursery needed a new coat of paint, but he wasn't about to disagree with Granny at this point. He really did need something to take his mind off of the worry and stress, if only for a moment. He drew back the curtains and opened the window, breathing in the cool fresh air. As Granny set out the drip-cloth along the baseboards, Mac moved the furniture out of the way, temporarily into the living room. Using the back claw of a hammer, Granny pried open the two cans of paint, and gently stirred the colors back into their original form.

She handed one bucket to Mac, and pushed her own over to an opposite corner of the room. Silently, the two ponies began their work, brushing on a calming pale-green onto the walls. The two didn't speak for some time as they worked, simply enjoying the ambiance of the sounds of nature from the window, and the gentle bristling of the brush on wood. Granny Smith suddenly chuckled to herself from the corner where she was working. Big Mac paid no mind to her noise, until she chuckled again, slightly louder this time.

"Did I ever tell you bout' the time your Pa put a hole- straight through the wall of the livin' room?" Big Mac's ears perked up at the mention of his father. Aside from the few memories he had of his parents, and the ones he'd been told outside the family, many of the stories of his father hadn't been told to him. "Nope..." Mac replied, hoping his mild answer would encourage Granny to share the story. "Well," she started, setting her brush along the rim of the bucket, and settling herself on the floor.

"He'd just gotten his cutie mark not a month before, an' he was sproutin' up like a weed. That boy was grown' faster than I could keep up with." Big Mac smiled at that remark, reminiscing on his own growth-spurt, that for him had practically happened overnight. "He was a hard worker, even that young, an' he always meant well, but my..." Granny let out a hearty chuckle. "That boy just didn't how his strength!"

"He'd learned to be careful with the farm equipment, after he'd nearly broken some of it, with those big hooves a' his." Granny snipped, remembering the cost it'd been to fix the farm equipment her son had nearly wasted. "Anyhow, he learned how ta' be nicer to the equipment, but apparently it didn't stick in his mind to be the same way to the house..."

Big Mac had set down his brush at this point, deciding to leave the first coat he'd done to dry, while he listened to his grandmother weave her tale. "It was a nice spring day, the apples were ripe, an' most of our family had come out to work at the orchard. But, I had ordered yer Pa to stay inside that day." Granny lifted a hoof to her chin as she recalled some of the finer details of that long-passed day. "He'd caught somethin' fierce an' could hardly stand up outta bed. Might've been the chicken flu... or maybe it was pig-pox...?"

Big Mac huffed a tiny, breathy laugh. It wasn't so much that he found his grandmother's confusion amusing, as it was that she tended to lose the plot when describing the needless details of a story. Still, it was a story, and one of his father. Those had been rare to come-by his entire childhood, and for most of his young-adult life. Now that the Apples and Pears were opening up about the past, he took every chance he could to listen to their stories, especially ones about Bright Macintosh.

"Well, whatever it was, he had it bad, an' I reckon it tore him up that he couldn't help out with the work. Never-mind we had plenty a' help anyway. He was given me so much trouble that mornin' I practically had to rope him to his bed, kept gettin' up every few minutes and fussin bout' the house." Granny grinned as she continued her story, the joy of remembering her son, even in a frustrating moment still making itself known.

"Now, I hadn't been there when he put the hole in the wall, one a' yer cousins had been in the livin' room at the time... can't for the life of me remember who though..." Granny squinted in frustration, trying to remember, and eventually giving up. "Well, yer father had apparently wandered out of his room again, and yer cousin was just about to get me when well..."

Granny let out a heartier chuckle, holding a hoof up to her chest as she laughed. Big Mac leaned forward from where he sat, now completely wrapped up in the narrative his grandmother was weaving. "Now, I can't say-" Granny started again, still laughing faintly to herself. "What in Equestria's name was goin' on through yer father's head, but I reckon he though he was already out workin' in the field."

"Cause next thing yer cousin knew," Granny continued, "Bright Mac had grabbed a basket that was layin' by the chairs, brought it to the far wall of the livin' room, leaned forward in front a' the wall-" Granny shook her head, a smile still present on her face. "An bucked his legs right through the livin' room wall. Before anyone knew it, I had a brand new window, right where a good sturdy wall used to be." Granny sighed to herself, and let her words linger for a moment. Her vibrant amber eyes shimmered as she remembered the cousin telling her the news, frantic and panicking, just as any pony would in that scenario.

"Well anyhow, yer cousin came an' got me of course." She stated, standing back up from her spot on the floor. Big Mac followed suit. "When I got back to the house, yer Pa was scoopin' up bit's a' drywall an' scooping it into the bucket, like he woulda done with fallen apples. I reckon his fever was so bad, he couldn't tell fruit from foundation!"

"Yer Pa wasn't in trouble, just yet. I had a doctor come over an' give him some good strong medicine. He was better not long after, an' helpin' me an' the family repairin' the wall too." Granny turned and stirred her can of paint again, picking her brush back up and starting on a new coat. "A' course we has apologizin' none stop, he felt more than bout' bought breakin' our home like that."

"But I figured, him learnin' how to repair a wall, build up the wood an' foundation again was enough to makeup for it. He was plum out of his mind when he broke it anyhow." A light gust of wind blew in from the open window, bringing with it the fresh sent of an autumn afternoon. The familiar sound of the brush grazing over the wooden wall, as the two ponies began their work again. "It was fine after that... I think that wall might even be stronger than the rest of the house now..." Granny concluded.

A few moments of silence passed as the two ponies worked again, simply enjoying the others company, and the work they put their hooves to. After a moment though, Big Mac spoke up, still lingering in the joy hearing a new story about his father had brought him. "It was nice... hearin' bout' him." He commented, setting his brush down on the rim of the bucket as he moved to another wall of the room.

"Maybe, sometime... while we're still gettin' ready, I can hear more stories like that?" He asked, hoping now that the years of openness from the family would encourage his grandmother to share more stories, from whoever or whenever. Granny smiled and nodded to her grandson, the silent confirmation was all he needed. Granny wiped a hoof across her forehead and looked about the room. Most of the walls had been painted, there were only a few more coats to do.

"Y'know," She said, walking over to Big Mac who was already beginning work on a new coat of paint. "I think we've done enough good work fer now." She patted his shoulder and grinned. "Why don't we grab some lunch, an' I can tell you some more bout' yer Pa." Big Mac smiled widely, setting the brush down, and closing the lids to the paint cans. He followed Granny out of the nursery, gently shutting the door behind them.

"I've got a lot like that one, an' more bout' yer father. Stories like it just come from bein' a parent." Granny commented as the two walked across the living room to the kitchen. "I'm sure you an' Sugar Belle will have yer own stories to tell someday." Granny sat herself down at the kitchen table, as Big Mac walked over to their cupboard and began prepping lunch. "At the very least, it's a good way to pass the time." The old mare proclaimed, more than happy that she'd lived a long enough life to raise her own child and grandchildren, and she hoped, more than anything, that she'd at least get to meet her great-grand foal.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, spreading out bread, peanut butter and apple slices on the kitchen counter. His worry, to do the best, and prepare for the worst still remained... he wasn't entirely sure that those feelings would ever go away the closer he got to being a father. Regardless of those feelings though, he felt better now. He'd always known his family would be there for him, and he was sure that he could handle whatever came his way. That he, and Sugar Belle could do this... and, at the very least, they'd have some interesting stories to tell when all was said and done.