• Published 14th May 2024
  • 429 Views, 35 Comments

Spike's and Twilight's lost Connections - Twilightsonic75

Spike believes that she and Twilight are drifting apart, and wants to get closer to her friends. Can he succeed?

  • ...

Rainbow clarity

Author's Note:

WARNING. This part contains some intense suggestive innuendo that you might not be prepared for. You have been warned. Also yes I couldn't help myself. Writing this part and not include stuff like this was too hard. Don't worry, next part will be more wholesome. Enjoy and see you in part 5.

It was morning at Rarity's boutique, and things have been brighter for Spike. Not only has he gotten closer to Rarity and helped her from overworking herself to the bone, but his first crush Princess cadence, after four years, returned his feelings for him and wants to be in a relationship with him, but Rarity wants to share him with her! He was wondering if Princess Luma was pranking him in a dream or this was all real.

After waking up next to Rarity in bed, he carefully made his way to the kitchen without waking her up. He started to make themselves breakfast. One downside for being small was that he had to use a step stoll just to cook. He couldn't wait to get a growth Spurt one day and say goodbye to step stolls.

As spike was about to finish making omelets, his stuffed with gems he had with him for emergencies, and Rarity's with vegetables and cheese, as well as a backup omelet with potatoes and dandelion blossoms. His vision was blocked by a pair of soft hoofs and a voice that said, "Guess who spikey wikey~"
Instead of freaking out, he simply said, "Good morning, Rarity."

"Oooooh. How did you know?" Rarity pouted. Upset that her sneak attack didn't work.

"Do you know how many times I've felt that with Twilight? Plus, I figured you would notice I was gone and look for me, " Spike said, knowing how Rarity's mind worked now.

Rarity looked smug and said, "I figured you'd be making breakfast soon. I just wanted to cuddle in bed with you some more." Rarity admitted that hugging Spike was like hugging a scaled teddy bear. So cute and huggable.

Rarity looked at the table and saw her plate with her omelet with Lilly cream pasties on the side and orange juice in a chilled glass.
She hugged Spike and said "oh Spike! This is too much! You didn't need to go all out like this."

"It's thanks for letting me stay over last night. Plus, your bed was so comfortable, Rarity." He said with a smile. Feeling better then yesterday.

Rarity chuckled and said "maybe next time, we can have another sleepover but with spa treatments."

Spike thought about and wondered "aren't usual pony treatments hard for dragon to benefit from?"

"Now that I think about it. I'm not su-"

*knock knock knock*

Spike heard the knock and was about to get it, but Rarity stopped him and said "Now darling, you've done more then enough for me. I'll get the door."

Rarity when to answer the door and was surprised by who it was. "Oh Rainbow dash! What a surprise!"

Rainbow dash stood on by the front door panting as if she just flew from a race. She could barley speak when Rarity said "Rainbow darling, your exhausted! Did you over done your training again?" At dose words, Rainbow started to panic inside, knowing what would happen if spike heard- "SHE DID WHAT?!" Too late.

Spike came to the living room and manged to get Rainbow dash on the couch to rest with water, before chewing her out on over pushing herself too far. Again. "This is the third time this month you've nearly collapsed from exhausting yourself in training! What's it gonna take for you to take care of yourself?! Your gonna give me a heart attack if something worse happened to you Cas you never listened to reason!"

That one broke her. She never knew how scared she made him, how much her HURT him! She only assumed that growing up with Twilight made him a nag by default. She never considered his feelings. She cried aamd said "I'm sorry Spike! I n-never meant to hurt you and make you worry! I was only worried about joining the wonderbolts! B-but it's not worth it if it makes you feel this hurt Cas of me!"

She hugged Spike and cried harder then before. A few minutes passed before he and Rarity calmed her down, they sat her down to eat the extra omelet so her can eat.

While she was never a big fan of omelets, she had to admit that this one was good! She couldn't making happy mouns as she chewed.

Rarity however, saw an opportunity to mess with Rainbow, even though she calmed down, she can tell that she's still sad about what happened earlier. And there was ONE thing she knew that could lift the mood here. "My Rainbow~ I knew the omelets were good, but I didn't think you were gonna go 'all the way' with it~"

This got a reaction not only from Rainbow dash, but unintentionally Spike too as he was blushing intensely. Even feeling weird as certain thoughts started to build about Rainbow. "I-I Need to use the restroom real quick!" He took off at such speed that even rainbow was impressed.

Speaking of Rainbow she was blushing hard as well. From what Twilight said about Spike checking out their boobs at times, what Rarity said made her feel...tingly. she looked at Rarity and said "what was THAT for?! I know your gorgeous and all, but I'm straight! I would never...ok MAYBE on occasion we could. But-"

Rarity blushed a bit, now understanding what she meant said "Rainbow darling. I didn't make breakfast today. Spike did. He wake up from my bed earlier and made this incredible breakfast for us. I WAS surprised that he made extra, but it looked like it paid off in the end, heheheh~"

Rainbow immediately calmed down from what she meant but started to blush and said "ok two things. One. You two SLEPT together?! And two. Spike made this? It's so good! And...wait if spike made then that means you..." after realizing what she implied, she was feeling hot. Incredibly hot. Almost like she's in heat. Rarity caught on and said "my dashie~ you look red. Is something wrong~"

"You know exactly what's wrong! Your implying that I was gonna go all the way with Spike!"

"And what's wrong with that? He may be short, but he's no baby. He's a young dragon with...'needs' like us."

Rainbowbegan think about it and thought it made sense. But as she was thinking about it they heard something from the restroom.

"R-rarity! Rainbow! Roooooooooooar!!" That got a reaction out of both of of them, as they stared at each other. Rarity was the first to say "oh my. I think I when a bit too far with the teasing."

Rainbow gasped and said " you think?! What WAS that?!" She panicked. As Rainbow never heard spike roar like that before.

"I believe Spike was ummm...'releasing stress' if you will. Oh my, and it sounded powerful~"
Rarity said with a certain desire, in her voice.

Rainbow however, was starting to feel the same way and said "Rarity. Go check on Spike. R.d needs some private time."

Rarity had a feeling what she meant and said "at least move away from the coffee table please?" As she headed for the restroom to check on spike,she felt bad for casing them embarrassment in front of each other and wanted to apologize. She knocked of the door and said "Spike, darling? You ok in there? Feeling relieved?"

Spike felt embarrassed about it, thinking that Rarity was grossed out by what he did. But what she said next snubbed those feelings away. "It's ok Spike. All young beings have...urges like that sometimes. Including me."

Spike open the door a crack and said " Your not mad Rarity?"

"Why would I be mad? I'm flattered that you shouted my name when you ummm...'came' and also It WAS my fault that you had to go so fast. Forgive me?"

Spike saw the regretful look in her eyes and said "I forgive you Rarity. But I don't think it's a good idea for me to come out yet."

Rarity looked confused saying "why Spike? I forgave you already. What's wrong?"

Spike blushed before saying "well...it's had been a long while since i...you know 'released stress' and im...kinda not done yet. And your restrooms kinda a mess. I'll clean it up, but...give me some time?"

Rarity could see Spike turning deep purple. Before she could say anything they heard a yell similar to Spikes from earlier from the kitchen say "AHHH SPIIIIIIIIIKE!! YAAAAAAAHHHH!!"

"OH my. I better go check on Rainbow" rarity said concerned. Spike blushed and said "That was rainbow!?" Pressure was building again as he said "ok I'll be out later rarity!" Closing the door behind her she heard thumping inside as she walked back down fast.

In the kitchen rainbow was in the corner panting, as she was recovering from her episode, when Rarity walked in and said "had a good time dashie?"

Rainbow blushed and said "it was a while since I had a urge like that. How's spike?"

"Still in the restroom. He said he wasn't Finnish with his yet, and done blame him for that. " Rarity said with a sluty look on her face but decided to change subject before starting rainbow all over again. "So. How was the sleepover? Was it fun?"

Rainbow,who was glad to change the subject and tell her about what they did at the Sleepover. They played truth or dare, got pranked by the cmc, and ate Applejacks famous homemade apple pies. However, she was embarrassed to talk to her about THIS topic. "R-rarity? I have to tell you something. "

Rarity looked concerned as she heard Rainbow dashes voice get nervous. "Darling, what's the matter?"

Rainbow braced herself to tell her. "two things actually. First is that...are we considered Spikes friends? Like actually his friends?"

Rarity began to remember the events from the night before and said "So you noticed it too huh? I saw the hurt in his eyes and it broke my heart to be honest. That was the whole reason I brought him here. To connect with each other. And well...you weren't the only only one who got chewed out by Spike.

Rainbow smirked. Decided to get even with Rarity for the stunt she pulled. "So~ you got in trouble with Spike huh? Did he have to give you a spanking for being a bad mare~"

This time is was Rarity's turn to blush and feel tingly, but had to hold it till she was done with Rainbow dash first. "R-Rainbow! Seriously! I don't think we realize how important Spike is in our lives. When he was crying in my hoofs, I realized how we taking him for granted. And after the talk we had. I now consider Spike to be my best friend now."

Rainbow looked on the ground and felt hurt that Spike was feeling like this. Her guilt grew even more as she teared up again. "I...I never knew he felt like that. And here I am pranking him, putting him down. And didn't even bother inviting him to cloudstale for the young flyers competition. And despite all that...he filled in for me when I was under discord's spell...some element of loyalty I am. I don't deserve him as a friend. If I had a chance, I would start all over again. Build our friendship with him again. I'll even give up being a wonderbolt if it'll help him!"

Rarity gasped. Shocked that Rainbow dash would give up her dream for Spike. "R-Rainbow dash. Being a wonderbolt is your dream! You would give it up for Spike?"

Rainbow dash looked serious at Rarity and simply said "would you give up on your fashion career if it'll help Spike?"

Rarity didn't have to think long to answer. "If it's for Spike, I'd do it in a heart beat."

Rainbow nodded and said "then I'm putting my dream of being a wonderbolt on hold for a while. At least till I'm worthy of it in Spike's eyes."

Rarity couldn't help but help but respected Rainbow dash for doing something so bold. She then decided on something and said "well if you want to prove yourself to Spike, then here's an idea. Spent the day with him. I know it did me and him a world of good when I spend quality time with him. I know you two will hit it off."

Rainbow dash then said "sounds like your setting us up on a date."

Rarity grumbled and said "you know what I mean. Bond with that sweet drake!"

Rainbow started to feel more confident and said "You know what? Your right! I'm gonna give Spike the best day ever! And I have a plan already on how to do that!"
Spike had walked out of the restroom after cleaning it and said "sorry about that. Had to tidy up real quick."

Rainbow got close and said "not a problem! Say Spike."


"How would you like to spend the day with me? I have the whole day planned for us! What do you say?"

Spike was surprised. He didn't think he was cool enough to spend time with her. But decided not to think about it. Except "what about Twilight? I don't think she'll"

Rarity looking red said "Leave her to me darling. I can tell her that your with rainbow dash and that your gonna spent the night."

Spike then said "whoa Really dash?! You'll let me stay with you tonight?!"

Rainbow dash was about to say something, but the look in his eyes was too much for her to handle and said "ok sure. You can stay over Spike."

"YES!!! I'll go get my things!" Spike when to go collect his things and gave Rainbow dash enough time to tell Rarity something.

Rarity asked "so darling before you and Spike leave, what WAS the second thing you wanted to tell me? "

Rainbow dash though that this was too easy "dose Spike stare at your rack?"
That got Rarity and said "darn you rainbow! That did it!" She ran off to her bedroom and lock the door as Spike got out and locked the door. Spike wondered what happened when he heard thumping in the room, knowing what was happening, he ran down the stairs and grabbed Rainbow dashes hoof ran to the front door. But not before hearing a scream from Rarity saying "YAHHHHHHH! SPIIIIIIIIKE! MAKE ME YOUR MARRREE! YAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"

The two of them spead out of the boutique, they hoped there day was less Awkward then the morning was, as they began their epic day in the sky.