• Published 14th May 2024
  • 429 Views, 35 Comments

Spike's and Twilight's lost Connections - Twilightsonic75

Spike believes that she and Twilight are drifting apart, and wants to get closer to her friends. Can he succeed?

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Spike's lost bond

Spike has a pretty exciting life so far. Being the only dragon in ponyville, being the hero of the crystal empire, and the best friend of the smartest unicorn in the world!

To most ponys, Spike seemed different. A aild animal or a even a monster to some of the higher elites in equestria. Twilight Sparkle on the other hoof, was different. She didn't see a baby monster. In her eyes, he was like a little brother she never had. Even though Spike at times saw Twilight as attractive and cute, it didn't change the fact that she was his best friend and at the time his only friend.

On top of all of this, though, Spike had quite the secret - a secret he kept even from his closest friends, including twilight, was aware of. He was in fact, a prince - the true son of Princess Celestia - but he had kept this information secret as he didn't want ponies to be his friend just because he was a prince"

Even with this massive secret, he still remembered how they would sneak into the kitchen for a late night study snack, or when he helped her with carrying her books, or on the rare cases when she wasn't studying, they would read together fairy tails and adventure books together, or when he would Cuddle with her in bed when there was a thunder storm at night...

Even though they were only 4 years apart in age and Despite spike short Stature he was surprisingly mature and smart. Even though Twilight can treat him like a colt, ponys tend to be surprised when he's seen Assisting not only Twilight and also Princess Celestia in official royal work. However, what Spike never could imagine was the idea of Twilight making other friends. More specifically, PONY friends. He thought that if she made pony friends one day then... that would be it for him. She wouldn't need a small dragon tagging along with her and embarrassing her... right?

However, life had other plans for the duo. Before he knew it, they had moved to ponyville, moved into Golden oak library, and made 5 new best friends. At first, Spike didn't see the new mares in Twilight as a problem. They would still do the same things they would do in cantrlot, and living in a tree was pretty cool, he admitted. But as the months go by he noticed that,little by little,twilight would leave him behind to hang out with her new friends and even when he would tag along with twilight he would likely be left behind and forgotten...something that scared spike beyond belief...

One day, while doing his half of the chores in the library, Twilight came running down from the bedroom, with a happy grin on her face as Spike asked her "hey twilight! What's with the extra happy mood today? Expecting a new set of research books from Princeess Celestia today?" Twilight turned around with a smug look on her face, knowing her little brother/best friend knew her the best out of all her friends.

"I wish spike. Then today would be extra perfect!" She squealed at the thought. "But no. Today's the slumber party at applejack's barn! Sure, I've had a sleepover here when you went to Princess Celestia's for royal dutys, but this is the first one where it's not gonna be in the library!" She said excitedly.

Spike heart sank a bit. Forgetting about the sleepover she had planned a while back. He actually wanted to ask Twilight if she wanted to have a movie night that night, something they hadn't done since their younger days at Twilight's dorm. She then noticed that spike looked sad for a split second, and then he quickly covered it with a fake smile saying "Oh. I actually forgot about that." Spike said as he tried to hide his heartbreak from twilight. The last thing he wanted was to trouble her with his problems and make her miss her slumber party.

Twilight thought for a second and said "Well spike. If you want, would you want to come along with me to the party? I know that girl slumber parties are not your thing, but I'm sure we can -"

Spike stopped her before she made him feel guilty. He knew what she was doing. Trying to make it seem like he was wanted at the party when he knew all too well that he would be an extra, in the corner, not important enough to be invited in the first place. He admitted that he wasn't as close to the others as twilight was, and it made him realize that he was beginning to lose his best friend, slowly but surely it was happening. He decided to come up with an excuse not to go and let Twilight have her good time and said "Actually I can't make it twilight. I'm ummm... excepting something from Princess Celestia. You know, normal royal paperwork, somebody's gotta do it, right? Hehe." Twilight looked at spike's nervous face with concern. She'd notice for the past weeks that Spike has been depressed and not as happy when he's at home. Sure, they would talk a bit, and he would help her around the library, but then she thought, "When WAS the last time me and Spike had alone time together?" She decided to think about it on the way to the sleepover.


"I'll get it!" Twilight said as she walked over to the door to see who it was. The mailmare delivering a package? A pony wanting to check out a book? To her surprise, it was one of her best friends, element of generosity, and Spike's not so secret love interest, Rarity bell. A white pony with a stylish purple mane and the local fashion designer of ponyville. She was the most feminine of their whole group, especially compared to some of her other friends. "Twilight, darling!" She said in a exciting yet Sophisticated tone. "I'm so glad I caught you! Are you heading to Applejack's sleepover today?" Twilight face began to glow, Remembering her plans for that night.

"Oh absolutely I'm going! I can't wait to our make shift spa treatments, ghost story's, and eating applejack's homemade apple pies!" She said excitedly. While Rarity started to look kinda down saying " well I'm sorry to say darling, but I'm afraid I'll have to miss out on these events this time." Twilight looked shocked to say the least, saying,"What?! Why?! I thought you were excited to try a real sleepover after our first one was a flop?" Rarity began to remember what she meant. She admitted that she and Applejack definitely didn't act friendly during their first sleepover with Twilight and wanted to give her a real chance to experience that with all their friends. But owning one of the best fashion lines in equestria means you'll be called on to make last-minute orders for things like a wedding, or a dance, or stuff like that. She looked at Twilight and said, " I'm so sorry, darling. But I just got a huge order, and i need to finish it quickly." Twilight thought about this and asked." Well, if you need help, I can cancel for today, and we can go hel-" Rarity stopped Twilight from talking to say "Darling. There's no need to cancel the sleepover. I simply said I won't be able to attend this time. There's no need to cancel at my expense. Go and -" Before rarity continued talking, she noticed Spike behind Twilight. She hasn't admitted this to anypony, but ever since his first birthday party in ponyville he's been somepony she's considered to be her safety net, her rock, her Dimond in the rough so to speak. She even remembered when Blueblood broke her heart and he comforted her though out the night. And that last moment she remembered the same look that Spike had now. The sight of Spike's sadness was enough to break her heart and she wanted nothing more to mend and confert him in her hoofs. Then she had a idea that could work. "Actually dear, I might need some help after all. Is it OK if Spike came to help and stay at my place for the night?"

Twilight was taken back by this. Rarity never asked to have any of her friends over for the Night since she was too busy at times. But Spike gets to go? She started to get a sense of... Jealousy? "Wait why would I be jealous?" Twilight thought as she turned to see spike smiling so big she think he's doing a Impression of Pinkie Pie. Spike meanwhile was incredibly excited. The love of his life, inviting him to spend the night with her and her alone? This was a opportunity he COULDN'T let slip by! Plus it would him a chance to get to know Rarity better and maybe have a chance at being her drakefriend! Or at least he can finally have a friend of his own in rarity. The thought of making a friendship with Rarity warmed his heart. "Of course I'll go and help you rarity! I AM Twilight's #1 Assistant after all!" Seeing Spike smile made Rarity incredibly happy, seeing him smile made her heart Swell and made her blush slightly that nopony noticed. "Splendid! Spike you really are my hero!" She gave spike a kiss on the cheek and immediately he started to see hearts around his head. Rarity could even admit that this kiss felt more personal then her other kisses she gave him over the three years she got to know Spike and Twilight.

Speaking of. Twilight was definitely feeling like she was ignored by Spike for a bit, and she started to feel... a bit angry that he acted like how they would back in cantrlot. But she expected this given his crush on the mare. She then said to rarity "well if Spike wants to, then he can go. But what about the princess package?" Spike looked at her and said," I can always go to the post office tomorrow and grab it on the way back. It won't take long." Twilight sighed before rarity said," If everything is taken care of... shall we go back to my place?" Spike nodded his head and was prepared to walk over before rarity said "would you like a lift my spikey wikey~" spike admitted that it was embarrassing to be called that in public since it sounded kinda childish. But when it's just their friends, he didn't mind since it was a name Rarity calls him. "Of course I'll take a lift." Spike got on rarity back and said, " Bye, twilight! See you later!" Rarity said," Bye-bye, darling. Have fun at the slumber party!"

As they left, Twilight waved sadly and closed the door only to make frustrated noises when she was alone. "It's not fair!" She yelled in the library."Why did SHE get spike to be happy?! And riding of her back?! THAT'S OUR THING!!!" Twilight was venting out her frustration, realizing that she was completely jealous that Spike was with another pony that wasn't her. She then began to calm down and said, " Relax Twilight. It's only for tonight. After the slumber party, you can easily make up the lost time you didn't spend with him. "Twilight began to get her things and made her way to applejack's. Thinking about what activities she and her little brother can do when she got back.

Author's Note:

Hope guy guys like this story! This is my first piece of fanfic so I hope it works well. Thanks to yodajak10 for proofreading.