• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 130 Views, 2 Comments

Spike the Brave and Glorious - Troyjan

Rarity gets captured by a gang of old enemies of hers. Spike sets out on his quest to save Lady Rarity on his own.

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Rarity was having a pleasant lunch with her eccentric friend Pinkie Pie, on the far edge of the meadows on the outskirts of Ponyville. The two of them had finished eating the sandwiches that they had packed. With some help from Rarity, Pinkie Pie had finished off the small cake that she had brought, which was made from a new recipe that she had been wanting to try. Satisfied with her meal, Rarity was sipping on the last of the iced tea in her glass.

“I’m glad you had the chance to stop by Pinkie Pie. It has been a while since we had a proper outing.”

“You said it Rarity! Taking on a full-time-traveling-party-planning-career with Cheese Sandwich has had us hopping, skipping, and jumping all around Equestria all day, every day, for every party we host! I’ve hardly had any time to experiment with any of my totally-unimaginable-scrumptious cakes or baked good ideas between party services and party dessert orders. I’m soooooo glad I got a chance to taste test my “Caramel Marshmallow Quadruple Fudge Brownie Cake.” I think I’ll add it to my regular rotation of cake selections for my upcoming party planning events.”

“That all sure sounds like the hoof-full. I’m glad everything is working out well for you and Cheese Sandwich. I think the two you make a fine pair.”

“Aw, thanks Rarity. We’ve actually been thinking about some things. Our is goal is to host at least one major event in every single area on the continent, before retiring our traveling party services. After that, we plan to find a place to open our own party supplies business.”

“Why, that sounds absolutely lovely Pinkie Pie. In due time, I’m sure the two of you could make that dream of yours come true.”

“We can actually do that whenever we want. Between my savings from working for the Cake’s bakery, what Cheese Sandwich got from selling his gag factory research facility, and the funds we earned from our traveling party services, we have bits to spare. Well, that is, for all long as both of us don’t go out of control spending it all in one massive party blowout like we did that time with Rainbow Dash’s birthday-move-in-anniversary.”

“Oh Pinkie, you haven’t changed at all. I’m sure everything will turn out fine, as they usually do.”

“Thank you Rarity. You always were the super duper smartest with your bits out of all our friends. Seeing your success was actually the reason I decided to start saving in the first place, instead just spending my entire paycheck on party decorations and cake ingredients. It just makes me so uncontrollably happy that Cheese and I might one day be able to accomplish everything we ever wanted to do, and then many other things we never ever knew we wanted to do.”

“Well, I’m glad to be of help in any way to such a dear friend, Pinkie Pie.”

“Yay, I’m in such a good mood right now! I feel like I could just run all across Equestria, give a day long circus performance, and then give out cupcakes to every creature in Ponyville,” yelled Pinkie Pie, as she began to prance around Rarity. “OH!,” she suddenly exclaimed, before coming to a stop. “There are at least thirty seven tasks I wanted to get done before my plans for tomorrow, and that doesn’t even account anything I could come up with before then! Goodbye Rarity, and see you later!,” yelled Pinkie Pie, as she quickly pranced away.

“Pinkie Pie darling, don’t you have a moment to…,” said Rarity, before trailing off. In just a brief moment, Pinkie Pie had darted away, leapt through some grass, and into a nearby patch of forest. Rarity got up and ran after her. “Pinkie Pie wait, you forgot your cake holder!,” yelled Rarity, as she followed her impulsive friend’s spontaneous sprint through the woods. But it was no use. Pinkie Pie did not hear her. Her pink fluffy tail quickly left Rarity’s sight as she hopped between the densely packed trees. Rarity halted, giving up her chase, and turned around. She would just go and return the things Pinkie Pie had left the next chance she saw her.

Rarity was slightly disoriented as she looked around the unfamiliar woods she found herself in. Not wanting to stay in the dark, unnerving place any longer, Rarity made her way towards the nearest visible clearing. When Rarity emerged from the forest, she was in a very different place then when she first entered it. Instead of grasslands, Rarity found herself in an extremely barren area where little vegetation grew in the dry rocky soil beneath her hooves. All around her were piles of loose dirt, several large, unnaturally shaped boulders, and numerous deep, mysterious holes in the ground. From the looks of things, Rarity believed that she was near Ponyville’s local gem caves. Standing still, she could not help but notice how eerily quiet the place was. She peered into one of the dark holes that bored deep beneath the surface. Rarity suddenly remembered exactly where she was, and whose territory she was standing in. Wasting no time, Rarity trotted away from the holes, and towards the general direction of Ponyville.

After a moment, Rarity reached some familiar looking grasslands. Then she spotted the cups and plates atop the blanket that she had left out from her lunch with Pinkie Pie. Rarity slowed down to a trot, and made her way towards her belongings. Letting out a sigh, Rarity started gathered her and Pinkie Pie’s things into her saddle bags. Just as Rarity finished, she heard something which sounded like a twig snap. Rarity turned and looked around, but saw absolutely no creature else. Assuming that it was some sort of coincidence, Rarity slipped on her saddle bags and began walk to Ponyville. Rarity then heard leaves rapidly rustling. Rarity turned her head again towards the sound, but saw nothing but the vegetation surrounding the outer perimeter of the nearby forest waving in the gentle breeze. Dismissing what she heard, Rarity turned and continued walking through the grasslands. Rarity’s ear suddenly twitched as she heard some sort of strange growling noise. Rarity quickly turned her head once again, but saw nothing but the tall, ever abundant grass that surrounded her.

Rarity quickly looked around, trying to spot any sign of any creature else that would have been following her. “Pinkie Pie are you there?,” Rarity called out, feeling more uneasy by the second from the now ominous silence. But no creature responded. Now creeped out, Rarity began quickly trotting towards Ponyville. After a few moments, she heard what could have been a set of paws, thumping on the ground behind her. Rarity turned her head back towards source of the paw steps, but saw nothing but the set of trees that she passed. Not stopping, Rarity continued her way home. At last, Ponyville was in sight. Rarity moved on, and entered the bustling streets of her hometown. All around her were various familiar ponies that she would spot from time to time. At ease, Rarity walked past the several stalls setup throughout the commercial area of town, and towards where her boutique was located.

Passing an alleyway, Rarity heard a loud rattling which sounded like several wooden boxes being knocked over. Rarity peered into the alley from which the sound had come from. However, all she saw was a small pile of old wooden crates, and a pair of trash bins. Not a single creature was in sight.

Rarity could not have reached her home soon enough. She closed the door quickly, before letting out a loud sigh of relief. Perhaps it was just her own imagination that was messing with her. After emptying the contents of her saddle bags, Rarity went straight to her workshop to get some work done. After a few moments, Rarity was intensively focused on her store’s next line of summer themed clothing, and had begun sewing a sun dress from one of her sketches she had tacked to her workshop’s wall. After several hours of work, Rarity had forgotten all about the weird observations she had during her trip back home after her lunch.

But what had followed Rarity to her home had not forgotten their goal.