• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 147 Views, 0 Comments

Storm cloud - JayWalker

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After the storm

“Darling, how did so many get this… Damaged?” She asked, looking at all of them.

“Urgh, can you stop it with the name? Please? It’s weird. Makes me feel like I’m five, not –“ He didn’t say his actual age, but it must around hers, right?

“Sorry, Jay.” She said, the name almost foreign on everyone’s lips, as… It was almost too normal. There must be something about it. Swetie Belle was looking at some of the others.

“Oh that…” She held up something, that was not… Normal looking. “Man, I missed that one.” He said, holding it with more care than she’s ever held a dress before.

“It’s my first Gi.” He said, as he moved it around slightly. Brown rope, was holding a golden emblem. It was a cloud, with three lightning bolts. “Man, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” He asked it, perhaps the symbol? “Man, when did I ever think Gold was a good idea. I’m an inventor for Spinjitzu’s sake.” He laughed.

“I must say, it does seem to suit you… But isn’t the point of it, that you can hide?”

“One of them is dressed in white. And despite what it looks like… Stealth is my greatest forte.” He said, and slinked away. Rarity blinked, and almost lost sight of him.

“That’s so cool~” Belle said, looking right at him. “Can ya teach me?” She asked.

Dear heavens no. Please, have mercy. She could hardly find Sweetie on a good day. Especially in a crowd.

“Naw. It’s… It’s a me thing.” He said, with a soft, but sombre smile. “Anyway. Yeah, I missed this suit. Man, were those the easy days…” He sighed, in almost bliss.

“How long have ya been doing this?” Belle asked, with more bravery, and less tack than Rarity could ever wish for.

“… Two. Two years.” He stated. “But… A lot, happened there.” He said. “For me? It was three.” He muttered. “Maybe four. Game time, was weird.” He said, and looked at another one.

“Oh, a Dragon? Is this when you obtained… The weapon? I assume you did, as you have it on you.” She said, pointing at the one on the table.

“eh… Kinda? We got it, when we got our dragons.” She stilled.


“Scoot’s gonna love that~!” Belle sang, with glee.

“I know. Man, do I miss Wisp.”

“What happened?”

“Oh. He merged into a giant four headed dragon. Then he got killed by Dragon hunters.” Jay said, as he looked at the back. His Symbol, showing proudly.

Ah, a lot happened In two years, seems to be an understatement.

“So, how’d ya know about Scoot?” Belle asked.

“Trust me. I know, when someone’s not been In a stable home for a bit.” He muttered. “Also, she was nervous, and didn’t like the idea of me talking about it.” He shrugged. “But, other than that? Nothing.” He said, and looked at the next one. “I didn’t really know anything.”

“The one with metal? All. Are armoured, I know. But this one… The metal, is different, and difficult to move in, correct?”

“Sort of. You see this?” He said, noting the hinge. Ah. “This allows me to swing things around. And a defence against, certain enemies.” He stated.

“And these?” She asked, holding up, what looked to be a Kimono, that was blue and black. It had the Yen symbol on it.

“Ah, the Elemental Robes. Those, are special.” He said. “They all are, but these… These have this.”

He held up a handle, that was a Dragon’s head. It didn’t have anything, and looked almost like half the Nunchaku.

“What is it?” Belle asked. “It looks cool!”

“It’s… A sword.” He said, as thunder boomed, and a blue blade slowly formed, she could see the lightning knotting and twisting together, until it formed a solid blade.

She gasped, and looked at it, while Jay turned it around.

“It looks like stained glass?” She said, as Jay tapped the blade.

“Yeah, it does, don’t it?” He asked. He twirled it around. Sweetie nodded.

“Yeah… How’d you get it?”

“… Spoilers.” He said, but smiled all the same. “Damn, that was the first time I lost control, and destroyed things that shouldn’t be possible.” He said, and placed it on his belt… He looked at the next.

“Techno Robes. Goddamn, that was… Well, let’s just say, a crap ton of Robots.” He stated, and held a… Weird looking weapon. The bottom, looked sort of like a chainsaw, while the top, was a weird looking axe like thing, in a very light blue.

“One of four… Might have stolen the other three, wait. Why am I bothered with telling you that? You’re British. You do not care.” Jay said, and Rarity gave him, the look.

“Just because you are correct, doesn’t mean I like the stereotype, Jay.” She said.

“Fair.” Jay shrugged. “But, there’s three types of this. One, a staff. Another, Kurisagama, and the last? A simple sort of axe type.” He explained. He grinned. “Man, did I miss the feeling.”

“So, can you please tell us about the others?” Rarity asked. “It is quite interesting to learn why you have them.”

“Yeah, sounds like a good way to pass the time.” Jay said, shrugging.

“The next was given to me by a cult leader.” Both blinked.

“Please tell me that was a bad joke?” Belle whimpered.

“Nope. That was… One of three? I think it was three?” He muttered. “As was the next.” He said, holding up the next.

“This, is the Tournament, and this is the Jungle. This doesn’t have sleeves, and is more… Well, it’s more for training, now a days. And this, is for a Jungle like environment.”

“Ah, that’s… Not very good.” Rraity muttered. “You realise that, right Darling?”

“Yeah, yeah. Next was the time Ghosts came to try and kill everyone.” He said, holding up… Well, that’s just straight up looking like Armour.

“First time we went to war.” He said. “Had to fight for control over the Wind, and… Well, with half my power acting funny, the other half was trying to make up for it.” He explained. “It’s made of pure Deepstone. Allowing me to touch, and harm ghosts, even with just a punch.” He explained, and shrugged.

“Well, that’s nice Darling.” She said, smile slightly strained now.

“Yeah. The next… Well, let’s just say, Pirates, and Djinn, make me go feral now.” He said, with a harsh look, but smiled softly at it. “But, I still have a fondness for it. It helped me get closer to Nya.” He explained.

“What is it?”

“Destiny.” He said, with a soft smile, as he lightly brushed the Symbol. “It means I master Aitjitzu.” He explained. “Man, have I missed that.” He said, with a sigh.


“Allows one to almost fly, for a time.” He explained. “Learned with the Ghosts.” He explained.

“Next one, uh… Time Twins, came back.” A roll of the eyes. Quite, she could tell that was made for defence. More so than any other.

“Then uh, we had to deal with a cult… Again.” He said, shrugging. “And uh, a lot more.”

“This, is for the Day of the Departed. Or, remembering the dead.” He said, holding one that was almost a combo of the previous ones. He then pointed at two.

She looked at the second one, almost the same, but… A little different. One, was damaged, but… Well, defensive?

“One, is from our time being hunted. The other, was… When we were resisting against a lot.” He said, and sighed. “I’m not fond of these suits.” He explained.

“Dragon Master. Sometimes I use this when Riding a dragon. Means I don’t need to wear a saddle, ya know? Could probably use a horse or something too.” He muttered.

“This? It looks like your second one.” Sweetie said, holding it up.

Jay smiled, with a whimsy kind. Like a married man, thinking about the wedding, or proposal.

“It’s the Legacy. Man, these suits… They’re not for fighting. More, spiritual, in essence.” He said. “And, the suit I proposed to Nya in.” He said.


“You’re married!?” Sweetie asked, with wide eyes.

“Yeah. Yeah. Happened… With a bad situation, but, there was light.” He said, whimsical.

“Urgh. You’re acting like every time M- Rarity talks about AJ.” What was she about to say? My sister? Probably.

“Sorry. Uh, this Gi, is called Armour.” He explained. “It’s a sort of standard.” He explained.

“This one?”

“Ah, that one. Yeah. A second Legacy? I guess. Didn’t say much more, it’s like… A weird combo, of Tournament, Elemental, and Techno.” He explained. A new one was shown.

“Ah, Digi robes. Ah~ That was a nice one.” He said. He pulled at his hoodie. “Honestly, probably my fave, cause It’s got cool eyes. Want me ta show ya?”

He spun around, a small Tornado flared, and both girls looked away. And then, the suit was on.

They eyes. Like a mask that moved, ya know the ones, right? Well, this one conveyed happiness, and laughter.

“Yeah. I love this suit. And it can do this!” He tapped a button, and it was… A rockstar suit, with the blue skin, and white hair.

Looking even more like Rainbow Dash than ever.

“So, it’s a Gamer outfit?”

“Yeah. Prime Empire. It’s… A long story.” He said, waving.

“So, what are the last?” She asked, hoping to make him smile.

“Ah, right.” He looked at them, and pointed in turn.

“Hero Outfit.” He said, holding one up, that was errily similar to his third outfit. “It’s when I was the Hero, in a far off kingdom.”

“This, one. The last, before coming here… Fugitive… The others, are just random. Almost one off missions.” He stated, not giving them a second glance. “They don’t hold that much importance to me. Honestly, I don’t care as much.” He said, but held one.

It was… Almost like Scuba gear. She wondered why he is holding it longer, than he said he would.

“So, how’d you think the others are getting on?” Jay asked.

“Hmm… I only Met Twilight today, right?” She then clarified. “Both of them.” She clarified.

“Sunset, is def trying not to spill the beans to her mother.” Jay snickered.

“Yeah. And Both Fluttershy and Dash, are the doting mother figures for Scoots.” Rarity chuckled.

“Oh yeah. Urgh, I wonder how everyone is actually doing.”


Sunset sighed as she sat on the couch, Celestia sitting on a chair, looking at her.

She would take anger, or resentment, any day of the week. She’s used to that.

Not, pity, and sadness, and understanding.

She doesn’t deserve that. Not from any Celestia.

“What did Jay say about Time Travel? You got… Flung forwards?” She asked, and Sunset sighed.

“As far as I know, yes. He did say that. And it makes sense. The way this Twilight is around her Celestia, is… It’s like mother and daughter. My thoughts were… She replaced me, in days. And, I was never important to her.” She curled up slightly. Celestia looked like she wanted to do, or say something, but stayed silent.

“So, I took a crown. You know the dance? It’s for my Twi. Urgh, even saying it, I realise how bad an idea it was… but it would have fit her dress, so well.” She sighed.

“It sounds, that she wasn’t the parent you needed.” Celestia said.

“… She should have been. I made it diff-“

“You didn’t make it difficult.” Celestia tried. “She should have done more.”

“She learned from the mistake of trying to train me.” She said, bitterly.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Celestia said, voice stern. “There is nothing wrong with you young lady. Honestly, if I could, I would adopt you right now, and call myself your mother. You are an amazing child, and deserve a lot more than you have.”

“… Really? After everything I’ve done?” She asked, not moving.

“Sweetheart. What you have done, is… Preschool, to what others have.” Celestia promised. “And, before you ask. I did mean it. I would be proud, to call you daughter.” Sunset smiled.

“Uh… Thanks… Mom?” She said, sheepish. Celestia just smiled.

“So, how old is my new daughter?”


“So, you ran when you were fourteen?”

“Yeah…” Celestia just pulled her into a hug.


Bloom sighed, as she looked at the clear night sky.

Monsters. Gods. Weapons that could destroy world, if fallen into the wrong hands.

She listened, and Applejack walked up beside her, the padded feet barely making a noise, but hearable, in the quiet night.

“So, long day?” She snorted.

“Understatement.” She sighed, and both stopped, as they heard a soft groan, and a small bang of metal. Quiet, and wouldn’t be heard during the day.

“Who the hell…” AJ seethed. “Is messing around on our farm?”

“Dunno. Let’s go see.” Bloom said, and the two got on some rainboots, and ran towards them.

When they got to the barn, housing a tractor, and the Truck, they didn’t expect to see Jay.

“How in the fresh hay, did ya get ere?” AJ asked, as Jay looked at them, from the engine of the Tractor.

“Uh… Ya’ll know I got teleportation, right?” Jay asked, as he flipped the Wrench. Bloom tilted her head.

“How’d ya fix it? There was a giant hole in the side?”

“Ah, that’s the cool part.” Jay made Lightning. Actual Lightning, dance across his pointer and thumb. “Lightning, is very, very hot. Ya know how it turns things to ash? It can also melt metal.” He explained. “Or, meld it together.” He said, and Bloom saw the very fixed cracks.

“Oh, at’s cool~” She said, and Jay grinned.

“Heh, ya should have seen my bike. A beaut, if I do say so myself. Course, dad helped with tha one.” He stopped. “Er, He helped, with that one.”

“You have an accent?”

“If I get stressed enough? Or tired? Yes. Or, Comfortable,” he explained, his head being rubbed by two fingers.

She found the outfit, to be very, very different.

It looked kinda like that Blacksmith she met that one time.

“So, this is a new one. What’s it for?”

“Eh, more protective, than a few others.” He shrugged. “Hey, ya wanna learn how to make it work again?” He grinned.

Both glanced at each other. “Sure. As soon as we get some food in ya. Yer dead on yer feet.” AJ said.


“Please, just listen to mah mahm, and get something to eat damnit.” Bloom sighed, with a heavy voice.

Silence rang in her ears.

“Uh, sorry for swearing, momma.” She said, scratching her arm. What’s she forgetting?

Jesus, she’s tired. She needs a snack, and a good five hour sleep.

What’s the time? Three in the morning?

“It’s… It’s fine, Sugar-cube.” Momma said, sounding funny. Was she off put by the swear? Naw, she probably can just tell how tired Bloom is. That’s it.

“ER, I’ll have something to eat, then let you guys sleep. I’ve got some things to do, anyway.” Jay muttered. Both nodded, Momma still a little off-put. Was swearing that bad?

“What kinda things?” Momma asked, sounding slightly more normal.

“Eh. Surprises. Also, making sure all my weapons are ok. I get the feeling, I’ll be needing them soon.” He stated. Bloom turned to him, and tilted her head.


“Somethin always comes up.” Jay said wisely. “And the fact that there are multiple ways to get into this universe, is not a good thing.”

“Well, momma will protect me, right mom?” Momma coughed, and Bloom patted her back.

“Uh, yeah. Yeah. I’ll always protect ya, little flowah.” She said, hugging her. Bloom grinned.

“Heh. Well, better get something to eat, I’m hungry. I need to regrow my heart.” Jay said.

“Uh, excuse meh?”

“No beat beat in this damn chest.” Jay said, and Bloom placed her hand on the left side.


Momma did it too. She had a very pale face.

“… that ain’t normal.”

“I’m a snake. If we can’t get enough to eat, we eat our own hearts, to survive for like, another week.” Jay said, shrugging.

“Oh, that’s… Actually kinda cool.”

“Yeah, keep in mind? It’s only my powers, that is keeping me alive.”

“Still cool.” Bloom said.

“Yeah.” Jay admitted. “My powers are really cool, aren’t they?”


“Morning. God, what a day yesterday.

Hey, Sunset. It’s a Gadget Girl. I uhm… I’m sorry, I didn’t talk much yesterday…


I’m not sure what to make of it all.

It was hard to believe magic, and ponies exist. And then you showed me, the very cute form.

And then, Jay Walker showed up.

He’s teaching. He’s teaching better, than a damn lot of teachers I’ve had.

Why is that a thing?

But, that’s not important.

I’m trusting both you, and him. But, mainly you.

If you trust him. I trust him.

I… I love you, with all my heart. Because, you’re the one, that completes me.

Yours, forever, Twilight Sparkle.”

She sighed, as she sent the audio log. They love to do them with each other.

“So, you really are dating.” The adult one said, from the door. “Come on. Your Parents think this is Time Travel. Sadly, it isn’t.” She sighed sounding and looking more tired than Twi felt.

“Ah, right.” Twi looked at Adult Twi, and sighed.

She wonders how her parents are going to react…

“So, there’s two… What the hell Twili? Did you get that Time Machine to work?”

“… No.” Twi muttered, dejected. “She’s from another universe.”

“…” Everyone stared at the other.

“Well, that’s weird. Hey, quick question… How’s the us over there?” Armour asked.

“Uh…” A-T looked away. “Shining’s Married to Cadance.” She said.

“… You’re married, to my dean.” Twilight gave an unimpressed look to her older brother.

“… To be fair Twi, she pushed it…”


“You, are actually married to…” Well, Twilight wasn’t going to come out of her room, ever again. “I’m transferring to Canterlot High.” She said, suddenly.

At least she’ll be with her girlfriend there.

“No, you won’t. This school is good.”

“Yeah. And I’m not exactly wanting to go to school, with my damn sister in law.” She said, rocking back and forth in a ball motion.

“Well, what do you do here? Cause my Shining is the captain of the Princess’ guard.” A-T explained.

“Wait, there’s royalty in your world?”

“Yeah. Everypony just kinda goes along with it, but Princess Celestia doesn’t really care too much, more of making sure laws are upheld. Princess Cadence, is what is considered Aphrodite or Cupid… She has powers over love, and Princess Luna just came back after… Well, she kinda went insane, but it’s cool now.”

“Everypony?” Twi made a cut it out motion.

“Yeah, everyone is a Pony.” A-T explained. “Alicorns, Unicorns, Earth ponies, Pegasi. I became an Alicorn recently. And the rest of you, are Unicorns.” She explained.

“You mentioned Shining Armour. But not us…”

“I haven’t seen you two, in a while.” She said. “Uh, cause I moved in with my mentor…” She said.

“Oh… How long?”

“I was seven.” She said, rubbing her arm. “And uh… She became my mother. I still saw them. But, hardly ever.”

“So, like… We should get going…” She said, looking at the time. It was midday. “And don’t you have work?”

“Eh, I got a lunch break. Also, there was a call a few houses down.” He grinned.

“Uh, what?”

“He’s a cop.”

“What’s a cop?”

“Police Officer?” A confused look.

“Up holding the law… Most the time.” He said, darkly.

“Oh, like the Royal Guards. Or me and my friends.” Twilight said.

“Uh, what do you do?”

“Fight gods.” Jay said, floating above them.

Three people screamed. Twilight just stared. Both did.

“How’d you get in here?” Twilight asked.

“Eh, I could probably go toe to toe, with Discord.” He said. “I’m not normal. Also, the lock was really, really easy to pick.”

“Of course it was…” Adult sighed.

“I would have to arrest you, but I can’t arrest someone flying. How would that even go down?”

“Fair. Thanks, Mr Officer. I don’t have the best record.” He whispered.


“I don’t exist here.” He explained. “I’m from another, another universe.” He explained, and made lightning crackle along his arm. “Oh, by the way, we’ll meet in the same room.” He said to the two.

“Thanks, Jay.”

“Make sure that Sunset doesn’t skip.”

Thanks Jay.” She stressed. Jay laughed, it was… It was weirdly like Sunset’s. And he vanished with a crack.

“So, that just happened…” Shining muttered. “I’m going back to work. At least that makes sense.”


Bloom opened her eyes, her head not pounding, so she didn’t accidentally drink alcohol again. But it was… Light. Like she didn’t get enough sleep.

She stayed lying down for a few seconds, listening to the soft, soft rain. Hardly anything, but would make sure the tree’s wouldn’t dry today, as it’s supposed to be hot…

Wait, it wasn’t supposed to rain. She shrugged it off. Doesn’t really matter, does it?

She wonders what the others are doin.

“Heya sugar! Morning.”

“How the hell, are you even awake?” She asked.

“Language, Hun. And cause I’m used to doin more on less.”

“Eyup.” Big Mac said, with a sigh.

“You’ve said worse.”

“Yeah, but yer young.”

“You’re not that old.”

“Old enough.” She said, with a shrug.

“Maaahm~!” She whined. “I ain’t a baby.”

“I know Hun, bit yer still young.” Wait…

Did she just say mom!? Please, tell her that Bloom didn’t just call AJ mom!?

“Somethin wrong Petal?” She heard.

“I’m… Ahm Fine.” She lied.

“Yer looking off sugar.” Bloom moved away from the caring hand.

“… Hey, come on. We gotta get tah school anyhow.”

IN the car, the older girl sighed.

“So, yeh noticed callin me mahm.” The blonde stated.

“… Yeah.” She whimpered.

“I don’ hate it.” She said, honestly. “You called me that, most of last night.” She spoke, not taking her eyes off the road.

“… Really?” She asked.

“Yeah, really. If ya wanna.”

“I… Thanks, momma.” She whispered.


Fluttershy woke up, to her cuddling Rainbow tightly.

“…” She stayed still. She remembered what happened yesterday, and that Scoot was taking the guest room. She stared at the love of her life, and planted a soft kiss on the forehead.

“Morning.” She said, as Dash opened her eyes.

“Morning… Better get Scoot’s up, huh?” Fluttershy nodded, and Dash nuzzled closer. “In a minute.”

When they did get up and dressed, they just stood at the door, as Scoot’s was hugging a pillow.

Dash picked up the carelessly discarded leg, and sat on the bed.

“Scootaloo, it’s time to get up.” Fluttershy called from the door, and the girl snuggled down.

“Don wanna go ta school mother…” She mumbled. Fluttershy, despite her name, isn’t the most shy. She’s just quiet. But that. That just made her hide behind her hair, and turn redder than Big Mac.

“Heh.” Dash laughed. But stayed pretty silent. “Kiddo, come on. We gotta get up.” She said, slightly pushing the girls shoulder.


“Don’t you wanna learn?”

“I learn from you mom.” Fluttershy grinned at the previously blue girl. Now, the very red and blushing girl, just glared slightly.

“Come on. We gotta have breakfast. Flutters making breakfast.” Fluttershy deserves that. And she doesn’t mind.

At least it will be healthy, and fill them up.

“… Please tell me that I didn’t…” Scoots was more awake now.

“Call me mom, and Flutters Mother? Yes.”


“Language.” Fluttershy said, with a slight giggle.


“It’s cool, kiddo.” Dash said. “We ain’t gonna hate ya for it.”

That’s what Fluttershy loves about Dash. She might be brash, and a little rude. But, she known what to say, most the time. Sometimes, she doesn’t, but sometimes… Sometimes she can just say all the right things.

“… I shouldn’t.”

“Why?” Dash asked. A reversal of being a kid, asking an adult, ain’t it?

“Cause I have parents. They… They love me, right? They’re just busy!”

“In another city. And all School records have either your aunts, or us on speed dial, due to needing us.” Dash spoke with a calm voice, but Shy could see the starts of an inner anger.

“Bu… Isn’t it wrong? I shouldn’t.”

“You can. And It’s not wrong. If you think of us like that, I’m not going to stop you, and I know Fluttershy isn’t either.” She nodded, letting the two know, that she’s on their side.

“Thanks… Mom.” She said, giving Dash a hug. Fluttershy rushed over, and hugged the two a little tighter.

“Come on.” Dash said, as they broke off, and handed Scoots the leg. “Let’s get this on, and have something to eat.”


“Do you have everything?”

“Urgh, this is the seventh time you’ve asked me mom!”

“I know darling, but you are tired, and tend to forget things.”

“… I’ll be right back.”

“You forgot?”

“My… Yes.” Rarity chuckled, as the girl pulled down her skirt a bit more.

“Well, I’ll be waiting for you Sweetheart.” She said.

A bang, and she sighed.


Rarity thought about what she said.



“IT’S FINE DARLING!” She called up. When Sweetie came down, Rarity just hugged her.

“Honestly, I was wanting you to do it.” Rarity admitted. “Cause Honestly? I would adopt you if I could, in a heart beat. They have hardly even seen you.” She said, brushing the hair slightly.

“Thanks… I’m Sorry.” She said.

“Darling. As I said, I would. Perhaps Jay could point me in the direction of a good lawyer. He seems to have three on speed dial…” She muttered.

“Hasn’t he only been here for a singular night?”

“I don’t think he slept…”

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