• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 148 Views, 0 Comments

Storm cloud - JayWalker

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02: Story teller

“Let’s start, in the beginning…

Long, before time had a name… And dear god to I sound like Wu.

Let’s keep this history lesson short, and skip to the high-lights eh?

The First Spinjitzu master, created something.

Four weapons, made of gold. Pure, Creation.

The Sword of Fire, sometimes the Dragon sword of Fire. The burning hot passion, and desires to create. Lava, which cools into rock, metal melting and twisting.

Scythe of Quakes. Earth itself. Cracking and sifting, to create more. Able to splinter bones, and create mountains. The unshakable will, of the one that wields it.

Shuriken of Ice. What makes everything cool, and balances the fire. The cool and collectedness. More analytical, than passion. Almost unforgiving. But, can be soft.” He paused, as Bloom raised her hand.


“Is the last one water?”

“Ah, now that’s what’s interesting.

No, Water was not an element the dude could control. And, there was two others. But, he stole one, made it his own.” He stated, and made his fingers spark.

“Lightning?” Celestia asked. “That… Isn’t one of the major elements, in other… Media? Or, Legends.” She stated. “Oh, sorry Twilight, we… Didn’t ask how you were taking all this?”

“I am… Well, I’m dating Sunset. I was prepared for weird, from day one.” She said, shrugging.

“I… Forgot that.” Twi said, and sighed. “Please, continue Jay.”

“Water, was one of two elements, that were unable to be controlled. The other, is Storm. Water, was the counter to all that was solid. Ever changing, and unforgiving.

Storm, was tricky for even the wielder to deal with. A stray bolt, and death or destruction rains. But, it can also heal.” He breathed. “I try to be the balance.”

“The final weapon, was the Nunchaku of Lightning.” He said, and held them up. The Dragon hilts, glowing and pulsing with the power of the storms.

“It’s… Powerful.” Scootaloo, Dash and Shy all seemed like they sensed something from it.

“I’d say. It’s like standing next to Princess Celestia when she raises the sun.” Twilight whispered, moving a hand to the paper, where she was writing notes. It was messy, but slightly readable. Sunset was taking cleaner notes.

“… That’s funny.” Jay said, and Sunset nodded. “Celestia, do you feel anything?”

“… Kind of, but, it’s slightly off-putting if I am honest.” She said, tapping her fingers on her leg. Sunset nodded.

“Same. It’s like it’s something I can feel, but shouldn’t…”

“Well, that’s different.” Jay muttered. “Back to the story.

Each one, has a special skill, and a unique power. Sadly, we hardly got time to even begin to understand them.

The Scythe, could turn into a tank like machine, able to traverse the longest of distance.

The Sword, a bike, flashy and powerful, much like the element it harnessed.

The Shuriken, a smaller bike, small but stealthy. Like Black ice.” He explained.

“And the Nunchaku?” Scoot asked, tilting her head.

“… A Jet-Plane.” He grinned. “The feeling of freedom, not weighted by gravity, flying so fast, the rest of the world is a blur. The knowing, that you can just… Be, without issue.” He sighed, and they glowed slightly. He sighed, and they stopped.

“That sounds like the Pegasi I’ve talked to.” Sunset and Twilight said together, before stopping. “Er, you’ve talked to one before too?” Both asked the other.

Sci-Twi was just noting it down.

“So, how did he even create this stuff? If the world was primitive, and didn’t have advanced humans and forges, how did…”

“He was part Oni, and part Dragon.” Jay said, his Lightning, he didn’t even notice he was doing it at first, was purple, then gold, as he mentioned the two.

That, was new. Coloured Lightning. He would have to test it later.

“He created… Everything. He didn’t create all sixteen realms, only one. Ninjago. The rest, happened, either from another being, or by itself. Don’t ask. It was a headache, to even write a report on it last time. Anyway~

After a while, he gave up the four elements. And after a while, many other Elements showed up, almost over night. There was a dozen or so, that we’ve dealt with, but… Not important till later.” He sighed.

“How many are there?”

“A lot.” He said, and leaned back slightly. Pinkie just watched on. She has a knowing look in her eye.

“But, that’s not what’s important.

After a while, of him having a calm time, the Overlord appeared.

It’s unknown what caused him, if he was just an Oni that found the world… Or something more.

He was taken down, as was the Stone army. Ninjago, was split in half, half submerged in the sea.

After a while, everything calmed down.” Jay sighed. “And I’m going to skip a lot here.”

“Why?” Rarity asked. “This is so much more interesting than our world?”

“Uh, not from around here.” Twilight said.

“And because… For quite a while? It was peaceful. Until, the Serpentine, and Chen’s cult came into be- Wait…”


“How the fuck, was Chen still alive?” Jay suddenly asked.


“Guy with a snake cult. Actually kicked off the war, or rekindled it… And trained Garmadon, when he was younger… And it wasn’t recent…” He stopped.

How was Chen alive!? Wait, he had to be taken into the Departed realm… Every guard even said I was the one Chen feared most…

“I’m not going to think too hard about that.” Jay muttered, with a sigh. “Sorry, just… Misako, is like, in her sixties now, and Chen was older, by a fair amount, when he told Garm to do the letter… And no, I’m not thinking it’s weird, they’re kinda immortal, to some degree. Chen, was… Mortal, I think?” He muttered.

“So, don’t mess with a guy called Chen, got it.”

“Yeah. Serpentine wars. Five main factions.

The first, and possibly most dangerous, is the Hypnobri, they can hypnotise, like the name says. Read the tin.” He shrugged.

“So, they can turn others to their side.” Celestia said, noting that down. Ok, that’s good to note. Jay thought. That she’s the one taking more note, on the threats.

“Yeah. Sleeper agents too. Their the most dangerous, as… Even elemental Masters, can get turned. Cole, and his Grandfather both got Hypnotized and turned to the enemy. Cole, for like, a week or so. His grandfather, the war.” He sighed.

“So, what? They eyes? A tail, rattling?” Celestia asked. “I am taking it, they are not normal snake size?”

“Nope. Human shape, and all. Also yes, eyes. They have a weird rattle thingy, but it’s different for all. Only the leaders, or generals, are able to have tails, and it will change, to who is clearly the leader.” Jay explained.

“So why was I growing a tail?”

“Oh, that’s cool~” Sci-Twi muttered. “That deems that there is a sort of magic, that interferes with the biology of them, that changes them. Is it passive, or active? Because if it’s passive, then it would happen either as the person dies, or the roll is given up. If it’s active, does that mean all have a chance of being a leader? How is it determined? Is it power scaling… Ignore the pun, or by trails, or by tests?” She rapid fired those questions, Jay sweat dropped.

“Uh… Ok, let me try… Ok, so there are Trial by combat, for the title. There is a staff. Might be also tests, in a safer way. They have a massive healing factor. I think any of them can do it. There is also power scaling, and no, I won’t ignore the pun. And, as far as I can tell? Are a lot like real snakes. The magi side, I have no clue.” He muttered.

“Wait till she learns about the other powers.

“So, is the Hypnosis powerful?” Celestia asked, writing all that down.

“… Sort of. I don’t think it can work on machines, or by recordings. That would be… Hell, to be honest.” Jay muttered. “Ve- Uh…”

“Venomari!” He said, with a strained grin. “Doesn’t work on machines, but is an acid trip.” He explained. “They often have vials, or jars of the stuff, stored up. If they leave it for too long, then it starts to hurt them.” He explained.

“So, Hallucinogens, and good glass makers?” Sci asked, with a tilt of the head.

“Yep. They tend to be fairly easy, as they rely on that, but certain things can stop it.” He explained. “Like, say… If you were blind, or had eye protection, or were a robot.” He explained. “… Most the time?” He muttered, knowing that Zane was effected once, but wasn’t another…


“I mean… Robots are a hard thing to understand. Anyway~” He then held up three fingers.

“Constricti. They, are… Well, they can borrow into the earth.” He said, and a few held up hands. “I know, sounds like one could have control over the Earth element, right? Well, sorta? They can spin really fast, and even break the hardest of stone.” He explained. A few held up hands.

“Yes, they are also able to constrict air ways. Either by hands, or… Magic. I don’t know why people keep saying Clouse was the only magic guy around. Only one has a tail, too.” He muttered.

“Fair. Please, keep going.” AJ said, with a gleam in her eyes.

“Yeah. This is the most I’ve learned, ever.” Dash said.

“Huh, if those two are listening…” Rarity muttered.

“And the Cuties have been pretty silent.” Twi said, nodding at the three.

“Oh, guess so.”

“Then, we get… Urgh, we’re onto the Fangpire.” Jay muttered. “I have the hardest time even looking or thinking about one.”


“Ok, so like… One time, they attacked my families junk yard.” He explained. AJ got a dark look in her eyes. “Yeah. Apparently, that made all tribes, and Lloyd a little scared of me? With how well I was doing everything that day. The others also learned, that I mess around for reasons, such as, making them underestimate me.” Jay sighed.

“Keep expectations low, and they don’t bother you.” Fluttershy said, nodding her head. Before eeping, and hiding behind her hair.

“Yeah. Like the name suggests?” Jay flexed his hand, and scratched his scales. Everyone was looking at them. “They can turn others, into snakes.” He bared his fangs.

A few leaned away, while Fluttershy and Sci both leaned forwards. As did Sunset and Celestia.

“Yeah. Didn’t happen that day. No, we cured them.” He said, and rubbed his hand. “The venom. Goddamn if it isn’t potent. Even being dead for a few decades, or even centuries, they have enough venom, to turn another. One bite, and… Scales are the first thing to show. They start where you were bitten.” He explained.

“Then, fangs grow. After the scales spread. And, for me? A tail.” He sighed.

“As in… The special, kind of Tail?” Pinkie asked. “Instead of the normal kind of tail. I mean, there isn’t really a normal type of tail for a human, well, kind of. I mean people do tend to do weird things, and have weird wants. Especially in that CRAZy shop I found. I swear I saw Sunset and Sci-Twi in there, but I could be mistaken, as I thought I saw Fluttershy in there, and that would never happ-“ Pinkie got cut off, by a very red Celestia, and a few looks of horror.

“Thank you, Ms Pie. Jay, please continue?”

“Right~” He nodded. “So… Yeah. Fangpires, are… They are a little bit of a sore spot for me.” He explained.

“And the last. Anacondrai.” He sighed.


“Yeah. Big, mean, and very urple. But can be bleached.” He noted. “They are… They are the most dangerous.” Celestia looked at him.

“Also, the reason for a cult existing.” Everyone blinked at that.


“We’ll get there, when we get there.” Jay explained. “First thing?

They are tough. Scales, that can take a beating. Even a sharp sword is not going to do much. Bludgeoning can only go so far, before they just stab you.

Jaws that can unhinge far enough to swallow a fully grown man.

A body, that can just… Turn invisible.” He sighed, as they looked scared.

“And, they all died out.” A few looked confused.


“They got locked away. But, I think the place they did, wasn’t always a desert. I think, the water dried up, and the animals moved.” He curled up slightly. “Honestly, sometimes… Sometimes I wonder what happened, or what Serpentine I would have become, if it wasn’t a brand new one.” He muttered.

“I don’t think there’s much point wondering about that.” Celestia muttered. The rain was still going hard. Jay winced, knowing a few had to run home or call for help, because of it.

“So, what happened after?”

“In short? Jesus had to fight Lucifer.” A few blinked.

“They have Christianity where you’re from?” Rarity asked, confused.

“Eh, we have Japanese, English and Ninjargen.” He shrugged. “It’s weird.” He shrugged. “A lot of… Er, lack of a better term? Human stuff, makes it’s way over.” He stated, and held out his palm.

“So, Master Wu.” He noticed a few have odd looks. “I know, a normal name for once.” That got a few grins. “But, he had a brother called Garmadon, so don’t relax just yet.” A few sighed.

“Wu, was… An off shoot of creation. Garmadon, of Destruction.” He smiled. “But at the time? Garmadon was all about creating a better world. Wu… He sowed destruction with ever move he made.

Never trust a snake, and the future wars, was because of Asphera. He fucked up making that friend.

The Devourer, the Greatist Snake of all. Poisoned Garmadon, and stared growing, as soon as Wu refused to collect it himself.

Elements, not siding willingly, with him, because of him using them.

People, not being fond.

Life to him, was almost a chess match, for a few years. And then, he and Garmadon, got a morality call, when their father passed.” He sighed. “Well, they call it that. He honestly can just leave the Land of the Departed.” He explained.

“So, they decided to make friends. Garmadon, even fell in love… Wu did so, with the same woman. Garmadon got the girl, and stuff.” He shrugged. “Don’t ask. It was weird. And it was def, after Chen. Quite a few years, actually.” He muttered.

“I really have no logical reason for Chen being alive, or his Cultists, other than, they did a crack pot spell.” He noted. “Anyway~

After that, the Time Twins wanted to take over.” Everyone raised hands.

“Yes, they had powers over time. No, they did not have the exact same powers. One, had the power to stall, and rewind. Another with the power to fast forward, or slow-mo everything… It doesn’t work very well on me.” Jay said, looking at the ceiling.

“That’s… Not hard to believe, as Lightning is often depicted as a follower, or leader of the Speed types. Such as the Flash, or many other things.” Celestia noted, and blushed as everyone stared at her in shock.

“Hey, we teachers like to relax too.” Jay said, with a shrug. Everyone looked at him. “Uh, spoilers. Let’s just get into this.

Twins of time. They got defeated due to… Chrono, steel.” He sighed. “That’s a pun.” Scootaloo giggled.

“Ya knows, anyone else finding it odd how easy we’re taking this?”

“I’m used to weird shit.” Sci said, with a shrug.

“I taught her the weird stuff.”

“I have the Goddess of the Sun, as what is basically my mother.” Twi said.

“… I’m not even getting into my life.” Scoot said, with lidded eyes.

“I’m an Apple.”


“Please. I have seen weirder shit in my hen- ANIME!” Rarity corrected with a big blush.

“I’ve caught her watching the Anime.” Belle said, with a shrug.

“… I…” Fluttershy hid behind her hair.

“Eh, I find it interesting.” Dash shrugged.

“Pinkie’s Pinky.” Jay said, shrugging.

“… You live with Luna, and play her games for more than five seconds…” She shrugged.

I like fanfiction…” Fluttershy whispered.

“So, nothing’s new?” Jay asked. “Good.

So, after that, the Time Twins came back, and two of my friends came back in time to stop them from messing with history.” That made a few people blink.

“Ok, do not mess with you or your friends.” Bloom said, with a nod.

“Yeah. Couple years later. And Garmadon was cast into the underworld, after trying to take the Weapons of Spinjitzu.” He explained. Celestia sighed, but nodded.

“So, after a number of years. Wu found us.” Jay said, and he sighed. “It’s late, and everyone’s needing to get home. Scoot, your parents actually back? I know your aunts are on a vaycay.” Jay asked.

“Uh… They did.” She said, with a nod.

“Ok, so Dashie. Let her stay with you tonight, they def didn’t stick around. Fluttershy, go with the two and make sure they eat more than just pizza or Take-out. Scoot’s growing, and Dash is an athlete, so they need better food than that.” Two hey’s sounded, but didn’t argue.

“I can do that.” She said, nodding.

“AJ Bloom, both of Ya’ll need ta get extra drinks, some Alcoholic for Celestia, because goddamn if she’s sober for the rest of it, then she’s not going to have the best time.” Jay explained.

“Roger! Also, more for us?”

“We’ll be talking for literal hours, so yee.” Jay nodded. “It’s… A very, very long story. I gave you the History, on it all. And this, took about an hour.” He said. He hasn’t talked that long since he was running a TV show. Or being a teacher.


“Everyone should probably get some rest. OH right. Rarity, you live in a boutique, right?”

“Yes?” She looked slightly confused.

“I might need to borrow some thread.” He said, holding up a torn suit. She gasped.

“Oh no darling, that needs a new fabric, not just a thread!” She gasped, looking at it.

“Right, before I get sucked into helping Rarity with twenty different outfits, Sunset.” He looked at her.

“Celestia, can you make her stay with you, cause like… It’s either you, or Sci-Twi. And she’ll have a hard time explaining to everyone in her house, why there is an adult her.” Jay said, with a slight snicker.

The four looked at each other.

“… You do-“

“I do.” She said. “And I will.”

“I mean… Yeah, can’t exactly hide a whole ass human being…” Sci muttered.

“You can, it just takes a few invisibility spells, and being si- I have said too much.” Twi stated, looking at everyone’s shocked looks.

“Library close, ya know that right?” Jay asked, and everyone looked like peace was restored.

“Knew ya for ten minutes, and that freaking tracks.

Author's Note:

Jay is very much used to having to explain things. He's also been a teacher before.
Intresting thing to note, is that he's the only one to have plans, that always work! :raritystarry: