• Published 6th Mar 2024
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The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Savant 123

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are sometime call have face many challenges and enemies in the past. But now their will face they biggest challenge yet will their win or will the world be doom to chaos and darkness?

  • ...

Chapter 5: An old enemy return.

Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator and besides them were four dark silhouette. Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with three silhouette standing nearby.

In a small one-room apartment, a person is seen lying on her bed, trying to sleep. This person was the same one who witnessed the fight between Snow Queen and the guardians of harmony. She tries to sleep on her bed but can’t as her mind is thinking back to the guardians of harmony, the very girls who she believes are responsible for her current state. After losing her job and being arrested, she was blacklisted, and her reputation has fallen, and it was all their fault it happened. She lost her home and her money and was forced to live in a small, one-room apartment.

As she tries to go to sleep, someone knocks on her door. She ignored it first, but after it was clear that the person wouldn’t stop, she eventually got up and walked towards the door, ready to give the person a piece of her mind. When she opened the door and saw the person, she froze as the person let out an aura of intimation and malice that made her feel like a small mouse in front of a giant predator. This feeling is made worse by his red eyes. She unintentionally looked directly at it and felt more fear. She heard the old saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. Well, when she looked into his eyes, she saw what looked like an all-consuming void that continued to expand and made her feel like her soul was stuck in it.

She backs away from the man in fear. She never once felt this afraid in her entire life. Heck, somehow, this man somehow makes that demon from that faithful day pale in comparison.

“Wh..o, who are you?” The person stammers.

The man just looked at her before saying, “I am known as the other, and I believe we have something in common.“

"And what would it be?" The person said still afraid of the man in front of her.

“The desire to get rid of a certain group of people,“ the other said as he blasted a magical beam from his hand, creating a projection of the guardian of harmony. This gains the person's attention.

“You want revenge on them, and I want them gone, so why not work together?“ the other said.

“And how do you expect me to help?” the person said.

“Oh, I have ways to help give you the means to get rid of them." The other said as he extended his hand towards her, “Just shake my hand, and you will gain the power to take them down.”

The person looked at the hand, unsure of what to do. But after thinking, she realizes she doesn’t have anything else to lose and shakes the other hand.

Immediately, a bright blue light covered the entire apartment.
In another apartment building, three certain figures were on their way to their apartment.

“This is the worst." Aria said, ”No powers, no fame and glory, and now we have to work overtime at a dumb taco restaurant.“

“Ah, it isn’t that bad,” Sonata said as she brought a taco out of a bag and ate it. "At least our employee benefit allows us to get at least one free taco during break and two if we work over time.

"You are the worst,” Aria said to her younger sister, Sonata.

“You are,” Sonata simply said.

"Will you two shut up?” Adagio said it in annoyance. “Being stuck here and losing my power is already terrible enough. I don’t need my situation to be more tortured than it is now.”

“Let's face it, Adagio,” Aria said as she sighed. “We no longer have our powers and are now forced to live in this dump; we have reached rock bottom.”

Adagio didn’t say anything but just continued onward, with her sisters following her. She used the room keys to open the door as she thought about what Aria said, and as much as she hates to admit it, she is right. Without their magic, there is basically nothing.

Adagio opened the door, and she and her sisters saw someone in their apartment. This person is none other than the other.

"Greetings, dazzling,“ the other said. ”I believe we have much to discuss.”
The next morning, Twilight was on her way to school. Right now, she is waiting at a crosswalk with other people. But somebody has walked up rather close to her. She couldn’t tell who this person was as they wore a black trench coat and hat, which covered their entire face, making it difficult for her to see who the person was. Twilight was slightly put off by his closeness. This person appeared to her, but she decided to ignore it as crossings were always pretty crowded. The people crossed the street as soon as the sign lit up. However, even reaching the other side as most of the other people began to split off and head in separate directions, Twilight glanced back to see the same person in the trench coat behind her. Was the person following her? This was the thought that ran through Twilight's head.Feeling a little nervous, she picked up her pace and began fast-walking. But her stalker simply picked up their own pace to keep up and maintain a distance where she was still in sight. Getting really scared, Twilight broke out into a run once she saw the grounds of Canterlot high; even then, the person was still following her. It was only until she entered through the school door that the person seemed to stop. She looked in the person's direction through the glass doors, and the person looked in her direction before walking away, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hi, Twilight,“ Pinkie Pie said suddenly appearing behind her, causing her to jump as she screamed.

“Wow, you ok there, sugar cube,“ Applejack asks as she and the rest walk towards her. ” Ya all shaker than a chicken riding on a pickup truck on a bumpy road.”

“Sorry,” Twilight said as she tried to catch her breath, ” but someone was following me just now.”

"Really?” sunset asks as she looks through the glass doors. ” I don’t see anything.“

“They stop as soon as I enter through the doors,” said Twilight.

“That sounds very scary,“ said Fluttershy. “What if the person comes back again?”

“If it makes you feel safe, twilight, I can help walk you home,” the sunset offers.

“I am coming too." Rainbow Dash said, ”If this creep tries anything, I will send him in to the hospital emergency room.” She empathized with this by punching one of her hands on an open palm.

“Thanks guys,” Twilight said, smiling and grateful to have great friends like them.

Not far from the school, the person who was following Twilight was standing nearby, looking at the school. This figure is none other than the person who the other recruits.

“So you are the one that we are supposed to work with?“ A voice said causing the person to turn and see three people walking towards her. These people are none other than the dazzlings. What caught the figure's attention was the red pendant that they wore around their neck. She could tell that those pendants were not normal, as they let out powerful magic.

“I do not need to work with a bunch of kids,” the person said as she turned to look back at the school.

“Well, we don’t want to work with you too, but the old man makes it clear that no is not an option,“ Adagio said. ”For now, we need to work together.“

As much as the person does not want to admit it, she is right. ”Fine,“ she said with a resigned look.

“For now, we need to find a way to lure them to a secluded place,” Adagio said.

“And how are we supposed to do that?” Aria asks.

“We could try baiting them with tacos,” Sonata suggested.

“No, we use someone to lure them, and luckily for you, I have been gathering information on them and know three perfect targets,“ Adagio said as she laughed.
The final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day.

“Remember everyone, the field trip to Sparkle Industry is in three days,“ Ms. Cheerilee said to all the students as they began walking out of the classroom.

“I thought we would never get out of there,” Flash said as he stretched his hands.

“I know how you feel, man,“ Sandalwood said to flash.

“Come on, it wasn’t that bad." Microchip said this to his friends.

“Easy for you to say you are a straight A student,” Flash sentry said.

"So, any plans for today?” Microchip asks.

“Not much. I am helping Tree Hugger with a protest today,” said Sandalwood.

“I am going to practice on my guitar, as I just got it back from the repair shop," said Flash Sentry. “What about you?”

“I am going to work on my new invention,“ Microchip said.

“Just make sure it won’t turn rogue and try to kill us again,” Flash said.

“One time, I created a robot that went rogue one time,” Microchip said, annoyed.

Eventually, all three boys went to their lockers to pick up their things and leave the school to go their separate ways.

As Flash was walking on the street, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was following him. He looked behind him, saw no one, and continued walking. But as he walked, he felt it again, causing him to look back again. Freaking out a bit, he began walking faster. However, as soon as he heard what sounded like footsteps following him, he began running faster. He eventually looked back and saw nothing. He slowed down and began walking while keeping his head turned. Eventually, he turned his head forward and began walking. However, as he walked, he didn’t notice someone stretch one of their legs in front of him, causing him to trip and fall down face first . He turned and looked up and saw the last person he expected to see. Adagio dazzled, standing above him and smirking.

“Hello, guitar boy,” she said as her eyes glowed red.
At the garden in the gardening club of Canterlot High Wallflower, Trixie had just finished tending to the garden and was now resting on one of the benches nearby, drinking a bottle of water.

“Thanks for the help,“ Wallflower said to Trixie as she drank her bottle of water.

“But of course, Trixie isn’t just great and powerful but also generous,“ Trixie boasts.

Wallflower just playfully rolls her eyes, having gotten used to Trixie's boastful altitude. She has to admit that it was quite ironic that Trixie has become one of her closest friends. Since not long ago, like sunset, she thought Trixie was a blowhard, but after getting to know Trixie personally, she learned that, like sunset, she misjudged her. After spending time with Trixie, she learned that underneath her show-off and boastful personality, she has a hidden heart of gold.

“Hey Trixie, can I ask you something?“ Wallflower asks her friend.

“Sure, what do you want to know? Trixie asks.

“Well, I just want to know why you had an antagonistic relationship with Sunset before the whole memory stone incident,“ Wallflower asks.

This caused Trixie to sigh before turning to Wallflower. She stared at her for a few seconds before saying, “Can you keep a secret?“

"Sure, I pinkie promise not to tell anyone, and as Pinkie would say, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” wallflower said as she made the motion for a pinkie promise.

“The reason for Trixie to have such rivalry with Sunset is because of jealousy,“ Trixie admitted.

“Jealous? Jealous of what?” wallflower asks in curiosity.

"I'm jealous that she can do magic and comes from a magical world,“ Trixie said. ”You see, I have always had a love for magic since I was little. My love for magic started when I first saw the great mumbo perform on my eighth birthday. I was amazed, but what caught my attention the most was how everyone was giving their attention and adoration to him, and I wanted that. You see, back at my old school, I was not exactly popular or full of confidence, and people always looked past me like I was a nobody, like I was invisible, and my parents, while loving and caring, were always too busy back then with work to spend much time with me. So after watching the great Mumbo perform, I decided to become a magician to get people to finally notice me. It worked since, after I started my magic career, people began to give me attention and adoration, and over time my confidence grew, and eventually I was able to have friends. However, as my confidence grew, so did my love for magic, and I began searching for real magic—not the parlor tricks or slight of hand people do, but real magic. I spend a lot of time and money trying to find even the faintest trance of the real stuff, but to no avail. But on that faithful night in the fall formal, I finally got my chance to see real magic. It was the most scary and exciting moment of my life, and when I learned that sunset was from a magic world and had magic, I became jealous of her, so I became somewhat of a rival to her. But while I was jealous of her, I was actually secretly thankful for her since what she did helped me feel better about myself. You see, when people learn I was looking for real magic, they will make fun of me and call me crazy, which, while I won’t show it, still hurts me deeply, so to finally see real magic helps me a lot since it means my search was not for nothing and that all those people who make fun of me were wrong.” Trixie said as she drank her drink.

Wallflower, just look at Trixie in silence. She just saw another part of Trixie that she doesn’t think she ever shows to another person, and she can tell this was really personal as she had not spoken in the third person, not once throughout her whole story. But what caught her attention the most is how Trixie long ago was once like her, invisible to everyone, but unlike her, she gained the courage to finally get out of her shell by herself, something she was unable to do. This made her realize why they were able to get along so well—because they were the same before. However, this also caused her to wonder if, if she had never found the memory stone and tried to get out of her shell herself instead, would she end up becoming like Trixie herself, a person who is full of confidence. This was the thought that was going through her mind as she wondered if she had just done something sooner and stopped caring about first impressions, would she be able to prevent herself from suffering all those years of loneliness.

However, her thoughts and their quiet moment were interrupted by what sounded like a stick being snapped. Both girls looked around and saw nothing.

“Who’s there?“ Trixie said as she and Wallflower stood up.

“Calm down, it’s probably just another member of the gardening club,” Wallflower said, trying to calm down her friend. "It's probably Derpy again, trying to see if she can grow a muffin tree.” After it was revealed that Wallflower found the memory stone in that location, Derpy wanted to see if she could grow a muffin tree by burying a muffin in the ground. Her reason is that since the magic artifact was in the ground, the ground was probably magic, since the artifact probably filled the ground with magic.

However, when they saw two people walking towards them, they were shocked to see who it was. It was Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“What are you two doing here?” Trixie demanded. ”If you are here to cause trouble, think again.“

“Oh, who is going to stop us, you?” Aria mocked.

"Oh, please, without your pendants,you are just regular teenagers,“ Trixie said.

“You mean these pendants?” Sonata said as she and Aria pulled down the collar of their shirt, revealing the pendant they wore around their necks.

“What?“ Trixe's confidence decreased seeing that” those can’t be real.”

"Oh,” Aria said as she and Sonata's eyes glowed red and translucent wings sprouted from their backs, causing them to float in the air. "Just this look fake to you.”

Both girls run in fear seeing that.

“Not so fast,“ Aria said as she stomped her foot on the ground, creating a small shockwave that blew the two away and caused them to land hard on the ground. The two girls try to get up, but before they can, they see a shadow over them. They looked up and saw a figure dressed in a trench coat and hat.

“Who are you?” Wallflower asks. The figure responded by taking off their hat, revealing their face.

“Wait, aren’t you..."Trixie said, but before she could finish what she was saying, the two sirens were floating above them. Their eyes glow red as they smile evilly at the two girls.
Currently, Twilight was walking on her way home with Rainbow Dash and sunset following her. As they walk, all three girls notice a large, obese man following them. They went around a couple of corners and changed a few of their paths, but the man still followed them.

“Twilight, is this the one stalking you?” Rainbow Dash asks as he steps on the man.

“No, the one stalking me was thin and wore a trench coat and hat so that I couldn’t see their face,“ Twilight said.

“Well, it is possible his buddy with the person stalking you earlier,“ Sunset said.

“What should we do?” Twilight asks.

“I can go beat up the guy now,” Rainbow Dash said as she slammed her fist into her palm for emphasis.

“I have a better idea,“ Sunset said as she whispered her plan to her friends.

Immediately, all three girls began running, and the man, seeing this, quickly ran after them. All three girls turn a corner in the street, and the man quickly turns only to see them gone, much to his confusion. He began walking forward, looking around, looking for them. However, when he walks under a tree, rainbow dash and sunset jump out of it and kick him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground face first. He turned around and saw Rainbow Dash and Sunset looking down at him while Twilight was climbing down from the tree.

“All right, buddy, start talking or else.“ Rainbow Dash said as she punched a fist to her palm, "For emphasis, you better tell us why you've been following us.”

However, must to the three girls confusion the man simply laugh.

"What is so funny?” Sunset ask. The man's eyes suddenly turned red, and as he stood up, his body started to grow bigger as it changed. All three girls back up a bit as this happens, and when the transformation was completed, all three girls were shocked to see it was none other than vindicator.

“Vindicator!“ All three girls shouted in surprise.

“Surprise to see me again, girls,” he said mockingly.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. ”How are you alive? We killed you.”

“Oh, it’s simply really. I have a powerful regeneration ability that allows me to regrow my entire body, even from something small like a single small finger, with my entire memories and experiences in tact.” Vindicator said.

“Well, in that case, this time we're making sure there's nothing left of you,” Rainbow Dash said as she, Twilight, and Sunset got ready to fight.

“I don’t think you should attack me yet, unless you don’t want to see your friends again.“ Vindicator said as he used his powers to make three pictures appear in the air. The picture slowly fell to the ground, and before it could hit the ground, the three girls grabbed the pictures. What they saw in the picture shocked them. It was the picture of Flash, Trixie, and Wallflower all tied up. ”If you want to see them, bring the rest of the guardians of harmony to the cave at the beach and be there by sunset, or else I will devour them.”

After saying that,vindicator disappeared in a magical flash of light.
It was sunset, and all the guardians of harmony had all gathered up and arrived in front of the cave at the beach. All of them are ready to confront vindicator and rescue their friends.

“As soon as I get my hands on that guy, I am going to burn every part of him until there is nothing for him to regrow from," Rainbow Dash said in anger.

" I know how you feel, Sugar Cube, but ya need to calm down.“ Applejack said, ”Getting angry won’t do anyone any good."

“Yeah, you might pop a blood vessel or get so angry that steam might come out of your ears, which probably would hurt a lot since, after all, steam is very hot, and I am sure it will hurt a lot if it comes out of your ears.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Ignoring what Pinkie Pie said, we do need to keep calm." Rarity said, ”As much as I want to teach this brute a lesson, I prefer to do it in a way that won’t get us kill.”

Hearing that, Rainbow Dash calmed down. "Sorry guys,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It’s ok, dash,“ Fluttershy said as she put a hand on rainbow dash shoulder to comfort her. ”You were just worried for our friend’s safety.“

“Anywhere we need to go in now,“ Sunset said, ” but remember, keep an eye out for traps and surprises since it is obvious that this is all a trap to lure us in.”

"Okay, dokie, Loky," Pinkie Pie said as she saluted.

"Well, let's go in,” Twilight said as everyone began walking towards the cave.

“Let me save you the trouble,“ a familiar voice said. Immediately after they heard the voice, the owner of the voice came out of the cave.

“Vindicator,“ Rarity said as she glared at the monster, “so it is true you are back.“

“You know we shouldn’t be surprised, as the villain always returns,” Pinkie said.

“Where are our friends?“ Sunset demanded angrily.

“They are right here,“ a familiar voice said, and to everyone's surprise, flying out of the cave were the dazzlings holding the tied-up flash, Trixie, and Wallflower. They each dropped the three hostages on the ground.

“Well, long time no see rainbooms,” Adagio said, smirking as she and the other two sirens landed near the vindicator.

“The dazzlings,“ everyone but Twilight said in surprise.

“So those are the sirens you guys have been telling me about,” Twilight said, remembering how her friends told her about the battle of the bands and the sirens.

“How the heck did you guys get your magic back?“ Rainbow said.

"It is simply our new benefactor giving us these new pendants,“ Aria said, showing them the pendants.

“So Grogar recruited you three sea witches,” Applejack said. ”Why am I not surprised?“

“Not just them,” another voice said as a familiar figure walked out of the cave.

“You,” Twilight said as she pointed her fingers at the figure. ”You, the one that was stalking me this morning,“

“Alright, who are you?” Sunset said.

“I thought my voice alone would make you recognize me,” the figure said, removing their head and revealing it to be none other than principal, or in this case, ex-principal Cinch.

“Principal Cinch!” everyone shouted in surprise.

“Wait, shouldn’t it be ex-principal since she got fired?” Pinkie pointed out.

“Yes, I was fired because of you,” Cinch said in anger.

“ Us?” Rainbow dash said.

“After what happened in the friendship game, the school board decided to do some investigating, and after they discovered that I blackmailed Twilight and threatened her to not only participate in the friendship games but also use what they call unfair and unethical methods to win the friendship game, they not only fired me but also had me arrested and blacklisted me from working in any form of education again when the students revealed how I almost supposedly endanger the students of crystal prep and canterlot high,” Cinch said, “and it is all your fault.“

“Our fault,“ Rainbow said. "How is it our fault?“

“It's because of you that not only the reputation that I worked so hard for crystal prep was destroyed, but my reputation was also destroyed,“ Cinch yelled. “Well, it doesn’t matter now since now I can have my revenge.“

Cinch then took off the trench coat, revealing her old principal outfit. Cinch's body was then covered in a dark glow before transforming into a 15-foot-tall monster. The monster that she turned into is a large blue-horned monster, with the lower half of the monster having a large tail instead of legs.

“"Hahahaha!" Sunset laughed, catching everyone's attention.

“And what do you find so funny?” Cinch asks in anger.

Sunset laughs a bit more before stopping. “I am laughing because I can’t believe I actually found someone more petty and immature than my old school bully self.”

"What is that supposed to mean?” Cinch said in an angry tone of voice.

“You see, while I did many awful things in my bully days, I still at least admit that they were of my own doing and that I have no one but myself to blame for when it was time for me to face the consequences for my actions. You, on the other hand, can’t acknowledge that what happened was your own fault and that you have no one else to blame but yourself. That, in my opinion, makes you no different than an immature, overgrown child. Our previous villains in the past were at least mature enough to acknowledge that what they did was of their own doing and that they had no one but themselves to blame when it was time for them to face the consequences. On the other hand, instead of acknowledging that what happened was your own fault, you decided it was easier to blame others while conveniently ignoring the actions that you took that led to what happened to you. In short, you are nothing more than an immature, overgrown brat, one that is more immature than my old bully self, which I should remind everyone was such a brat that because she didn’t get what she wanted, she pulled a temper tantrum that dragged two worlds into the crossfire,“ sunset said to Cinch, who grew angry with each world that came from the girl.

“But I should thank you, though,“ Sunset said, surprising everyone.

“Thank me for what?” Cinch asks, confused.

“For giving me a reason to finally beat you up.” Sunset said, “You see, after what happened in the friendship game, I wanted to do nothing more than beat you up, but I am a better person now and you were a regular human, so it would be cruel to beat you up, especially if I use my magic. But since you are now working with an evil dark lord and are no longer a normal human but a person with magical powers, there is no longer a reason for me to hold back or not use my magical powers on you,” she said before firing a large fireball on Cinch's face, causing her to recoil back. While everyone was distracted by this attack, Twilight used her telekinesis to pull Flash, Trixie, and Wallflower to them. When they get near Rainbow Dash, use her super speed to untie them.

“Go, we will handle this, guys,“ Sunset said.

“But we can’t leave you guys,” Flash said.

“Don’t worry, darling, we are more than capable of handling these ruffians.“ Rarity said, "Now go.”

All three nodded before running off.

“All right, let's take these jerks down,” Sunset said as all the guardians of harmony charged in to attack their enemy.

Both sunset and twilight fought against Cinch, who, after recovering from the previous attacks, jumped towards the two as they ran towards her. As she landed, she punched her left hand towards Sunset, who teleported out of the way and appeared above her. As she falls, she raises her fire cover fist in the air and punches one of her eyes. This caused her to scream as she recoiled backwards, and while she was distracted, both sunset and twilight blasted a fireball attack and a magical attack at Cinch, which combined together to form a large magical attack of fire and magic that hit her in the chest, causing her to be thrown off the ground and into the air, where she landed on the ground on her back. Twilight then uses her telekinesis to lift her up in the air and slam her into the ground over and over again. After she slammed her one last time into the ground, Cinch's body was covered in a dark glow before changing into a giant spider. She spit a spider web at them, but sunset just burned it with a fire attack before it could hit them. Sunset then teleported next to Cinch and uppercut her with a flame fist before teleporting behind her and blasting a magical blast at her, causing her to launch forward to Twilight, who caught her in her telekinesis, and toss her back to Sunset, who used her magic to form a tornado that caught Cinch. She spun around for a bit before being spit out of it. As Cinch was flying into the air, she turned into a bird-like monster and flew towards them. However, Twilight, using her telekinesis, tosses a large boulder at her, which she manages to dodge.However, what she didn’t notice is that the boulder is still in twilight magical aura, and thus Twilight was able to direct it back, causing it to hit her and cause her to fall from the sky and onto the ground. She then turns into a snake-like monster and charges at them.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were busy fighting against vindicator. Like during their first battle, Applejack flipped Vindicator onto his back, and while he was on the ground, Rainbow Dash used her super speed to rapidly kick him in the face with lightning embedded feet. With one last kick, she launched herself from his face, and as Vindicator tried to get up, Applejack used her powers to make a vine wrap on one of his legs and drag him all over the beach floor before making the vine toss him in the air and onto the beach floor. Vindicator stood up and fired a magical blast from his mouth at Rainbow Dash, who used her super speed to avoid each blast. As Vindicator was too busy firing at Rainbow, he didn’t notice Applejack was next to him, and as he was about to fire another blast, Applejack used her super speed to forcefully close his mouth, causing the blast to hit the inside of his mouth, which caused him to be blown backwards. He got up, revealing his mouth had been destroyed. His mouth regenerated, and immediately vindicator turned his body into the forms he used during their first battle (the guardian of Harmon would later call it his berserk form). After he was done changing into his other form, he quickly charged at the two.

The dazzlings let out a sonic blast from their mouths at the other three guardians of harmony. But rarity form a diamond dome over them. The dazzlings just scream louder until the dome breaks. However, when the dome broke, there was nothing but a giant hole, causing confusion among the three sirens. Their went to the hole to take a peek, and as they were busy looking down the hole not far from them, a hole opened up, and rarity useing her powers lift her and her friends on a rock platform from the other hole. Fluttershy takes advantage of their distraction by firing a wind attack at them, blowing them into the air where they land on the sandy beach floor. The three sirens stood up and turned back to glare at them. However, immediately when their turn , their saw cupcakes were heading their way, and when it hit them, it exploded, blasting them away again. The three sirens stood up again and at once stomped their feet on the ground , creating a large shockwave attacked, hitting the three girls and blowing them back across the air and onto the sandy floor. The dazzling continue to press the attack by screaming out a sonic blast from their mouth, blowing them away again. The three guardians of harmony stood up as the three sirens landed near them. Both sides glare at each other before both sides charge at each other again.

Cinch, who was in a squid monster form, was being thrown in the air and landed on the sandy floor. She turned back into her first monster form (which Sunset would later call her horn demon form) and charged at them, only for both girls to jump out of the way. Cinch tried to slam her fist at sunset, but she just teleported out of the way. Cinch turned and saw that sunset was standing not far behind her. Cinch charged at sunset, only for her to fall to the ground. She turned and saw her lower half caught and held by twilight magical aura. She then noticed a large shadow over her. She looked up and saw a large cloud over her. The cloud then fired lightning bolt at her. After that was done, she got up and looked in front of her, and she saw that both twilight and sunset standing in front of her in battle stance, ready to continue the fight. Cinch got up and charged at the two girls while screaming furiously. She was furious that even with her new powers, the two girls were beating her back with little problems.

What seems to have slipped cinch mind is that the reason why she was doing poorly in this fight and the reason why the two girls are beating her back is because of the difference in experience. The two girls have been dealing with all forms of magical threats even before they unlock the second stage of their elements, meaning they have gained more than enough experience when it comes to fighting against monsters. Their experience in battle was further improved after their training and their previous battles against Grogar monsters. It is due to this that their skill in combat has not only improved but also their teamwork, as they are able to properly coordinate each other's attacks in battle. In addition to that, their training, along with their previous battles against Grogar monsters, has taught them the different ways they can use their powers against their opponent. Cinch, on the other hand, has never gotten into a real fight before. The only skill she had in a confrontation was her ability to intimidate others to do what she wanted, and even then, that was only when she had authority or some form of power over them; hence, she usually tries to avoid any confrontation where she doesn’t have either, and when she does find herself in such a confrontation, her first instinct is to try and talk her way out, and if that doesn’t work, she flee for her life. Basically, her lack of any real fighting skill or experience means she does not know how to fight, and add to that the fact that she just recently got her powers and thus does not know how to properly use them in a fight beyond just a simple punch as hard as you can. In short, the difference in experience means twilight and sunset are able to handle cinch with little problem.

Meanwhile, Adagio and her two fellow sirens have just landed on the beach floor, having just been thrown by rarity, who have formed a giant mallet and used her powers to make it swat them like a fly. Rarity then makes a giant diamond boulder, which Pinkie Pie touches, and after being touched, Rarity uses her powers to throw it to the dazzlings, who scream a sonic wave at the boulder, making it go back to them. However, Fluttershy, using her quick thinking, sent in a powerful wind blast that sent it back to the dazzling, and as soon as it hit the dazzling, it exploded upon impact, sending them flying into the sky until there were just a twinkle in the sky.

“And the dazzling are blasting off,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Come on guys, let's go help the rest of our friends, “Fluttershy said.

Vindicator has just swiped Applejack away and is currently holding rainbow dash in one of his hands and crushing her. But Rainbow Dash simply covered her entire body in lightning , shocking his hand and making him let go of her. While he was distracted, rarity made a stone fist punch his face, which caused him to fly off the ground and land across the beach on his back. He got up, as all five guardians of harmony reunited and got ready to fight. Before he could do anything, he felt his body start changing, and much of the strength and power he felt earlier were gone.

“Oh no,” he said as he looked around his body.

“Well, look at that,” Rainbow Dash said, smirking. “It seems you can only maintain that form for a short while. Too bad for you, we don’t have a time limit on our powers,“ she said, making electric sparks appear on her hands for emphasis.

Before vindicator could do anything, cinch was thrown towards him, causing him to flew off the ground and land across the sandy beach with cinch on top of him.

“Get off me,“ Vindicator said as he pushed cinch off him.

Both of them got up and saw that all the guardians of harmony were standing in front of them.

“Give it up; you can’t win,” Sunset said.

Vindicator and cinch glare at them before he notices something from the corner of his eyes. It was Flash, Twilight, and Wallflower hiding behind a rock, having been watching the fight the entire time. A wicked idea crossed his mind, and he immediately jumped to the three locations and swipe the rock aside. Before the three of them could do anything, Vindicator grabbed Wallflower and Trixie with his large hands.

“Hey, let go of them,” Flash said as he punched Vindicator to make him let go of the two girls. Unfortunately, the punch was barely felt by him. Vindicator responded by swatting him away.

“Annoying,“ he said as he turned his attention back to the guardians of harmony. ”Don’t move, or else your friends will die.”

“Why ya no good dirty varmint” Applejack said in anger as she was about to run towards him ,. However before she could do that, vindicator started tightening his grip on the the two girls causing her to stop.

“Don’t think about it,” he said.

“Don’t worry about us guys,” Wallflower said.

“Yeah, the great and powerful Trixie can take this bully grip,” Trixe said.

But the guardians of harmony just stood in place, not wanting to get their friends hurt.

“You dirty coward,“ Sunset said in anger to vindicator.

“Insult will get you no way,” Vindicator said as cinch moved towards them and started punching every one of them as hard as she could.

“No,“ Trixie yelled in horror, seeing her friends being beaten up.

“Come on guys, don’t worry about us, "Wallflower pleaded, "just fight back please.”

“Not so tough now, are you?“ Cinch mocked, as all the guardians of harmony are now laying on the ground. Vindicator then blasted a magical attack from his mouth towards the guardians of harmony, causing them to be blasted across the beach.

“No guys." Trixie and Wallflower said at the same time as tears began appearing in their eyes seeing their friends in such a state.

“Quiet you,” vindicator said as he and Cinch, began walking towards the guardian of harmony as they tried to stand up, ” or else I will crush you like insects.”

"What did you say?" Trixie said as she saw wallflower glare the vindicator.

“You heard me,” vindicator said as he tightened his grip on them.

“Stop,“ beg sunset, “you hurting them.“

"Shut up,"Cinch said as she punched sunset across the beach.

“How dare you" Trixie and Wallflower glared at cinch when they saw that before turning to vindicator. ”How dare you hurt our friends”

“Oh, what are you going to do about it?" Vindicator mocked, "You just bugs to someone like me.”

Inside both Trixie and Wallflower, two strong emotions were going through them. These emotions were anger, anger at the fact that these two were hurting their friends, and a strong desire to protect their friends.

“How dare you?" Trixie said as a white aura was beginning to covern her and a black aura were beginning to cover wallflower.

“What the heck?“ Vindicator said in confusion and surprise, seeing this, which is mirrored by everyone around the beach.

“What is going on?” Sunset asks no one in particular.

“How dare you hurt our friends?“ Trixie and Wallflower said as a light and black burst came out of the two, causing vindicator to let go of the two girls as he was blown back. Instantly, everyone's attention was now on the two girls as a light and dark aura covered their entire bodies.

“What the,” sunset said as a flash arrived next to her to help her up. Flash was also confused by what was going on.

When the aura disappears, it reveals that both girls have changed outfit . Wallflower now has long black hair, and she is now wearing a black suit that covers her whole body. Trixie, on the other hand, was dressed in a blue dress with the helm of the skirt reaching her knees, and she is now wearing armor boots. She also wore a blue cape and a matching blue magician hat, like the one she always wore, except this one was blue with yellow stars pattern on it.

“What the heck happened to us?” Wallflower asks as the two examine their new outfits.

“It doesn’t matter if you change outfits since you're still going to die,” Vindicator said as he jumped towards them.

“Look out!“ Twilight said.

“Stay away from us,” Wallflower said as she suddenly felt something inside her. Like some kind of instinct that was telling her what to do. She pointed her hands towards him, and instantly a black orb flew out of her hands and hit Vindicator, causing him to fall to the ground on his back. While everyone was distracted with that cinch, turn into a snake monster and charged towards Trixie.

“Trixie, look out,“ sunset warns the magician.

“What?” Trixie said as she turned behind her and saw cinch above her. ”Stay away,” Trixie said as she disappeared and appeared next to Wallflower.

“What the?” Trixie asked, confused, as Cinch turned her attention to the two girls. But before she can do anything twilight, having gained her bearings, use her telekinesis to drag Cinch by the tail, lift her in the air, and toss her onto vindicator.

“Questions later, fight now,“ sunset said as she and the rest of the guardians of harmony stood along with flash next to Trixie and Wallflower.

Both Vindicator and Cinch stood up and glared at them all. But before the two can do anything, a portal suddenly opens underneath them. The two then fell into the portal, and immediately the portal closed after the two entered it.

“What just happened?“ Twilight said, voicing what was on everyone's mind.
In the city junkyard, the dazzling were just walking out of it, having just recovered from their fall into the junkyard.

“This stinks,” Aria said. Currently, all three of the dazzling clothes have tears on them along with burn marks.

“Stop complaining,“ Adagio said. "At least we still have our pendants this time.”

Unknown to the three, a portal opens up under them, and immediately all three fall down..
In Grogar's main chamber, two portals open up, and out comes Cinch (who is in her human form), vindicatorand the dazzlings. All of them landed on the floor of the chamber.

“Where are we?" Sonata ask, Being the first to revive from the fall, this place is scary.”

“This is the master lair,” Vindicator said.

“Why are we here?” asks Adagio.

“Because you all fail,“ a voice said, causing everyone to turn to its source to see the one who said it was the other.

“What you mean we fail." Cinch said as she got up, “You drag us out of the battle before I can destroy them.”

“Don’t be a fool; the guardians of harmony alone were more than enough to beat you and vindicator, and now, with additional help from those two magic users, their will just win faster,” the other said.

“Wait, what two other magic users?” Adagio asked, but was ignored as the other focused his attention on Cinch, who looked like she was about to blow a fuse.

“See here,” Cinch said. "I demand you send me back now so I can have my revenge on those brats.“

“You don’t give the orders here." The other said, "You may have been something important in the past, but now you are nothing but a lowly servant meant to serve their betters.”

Hearing that cinch, turned back into her horn demon form and charged at the other, ready to tear him apart. The other just stood unfazed as Cinch got closer to him. Cinch's arms were now arms-length towards him, but the other just simply snapped his fingers, and Cinch turned back into her human form, much to her surprise.

“What happened?“ she said in shock as she looked over her body.

“You seem to forget that I was the one you gave you your powers, and thus I have complete control over the forms you took,” the other said as he blasted Cinch with a magical blast, literally twisting her body like a pretzel.

"Ahhhhh!" Cinch screamed in pain as her body was twisted into an unnatural shape.

“Listen here, human,” the other said with his voice full of malice, ”from now on, you will obey me and, by extension, the master himself, and if you ever think of disobeying or betraying either me or the master, you will learn a new definition of pain.” He emphasized this by twisting her body again. "Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes,” said Cinch, in pain. The other, satisfied with this, snapped his fingers again, untwisting her body and returning it to normal.

The other then turned his attention to the dazzlings. ”Do you have any complaints?“ he asked with his voice still full of malice.

“No,“ Adagio quickly replied.

“I don’t have any problems,“ Aria said.

"Me too," Sonata said.

“Good,” the other said, ”now follow me since we have work to do.“ He then started walking further into the chamber with cinch, vindicator, and the dazzlings following him.

In the main base of black light, the guardians of harmony have informed Star Swirl of what happened and brought Trixie and Wallflower with them so that they can examine them and find out what happened to them. After doing a couple of tests on them and taking a few DNA samples, they tell them to wait in Star Swirl office and wait for them. This is why, currently, the guardians of harmony, trixe, and wallflower are sitting down in the Star Swirl office.

“So you guys are now working for a secret organization to stop an ancient evil,” Trixie said as the guardians of harmony finished explaining to them what was going on while they waited for star swirl.

“Yep, pretty much,” Sunset said.

“Wow, and I thought things couldn’t get even more complicated,“ Wallflower said.

“Welcome to our world, darling,“ Rarity said.

The door suddenly opened, and in came star swirl, discord, and Stygian.

“So do you guys know what's going on with them?” Sunset asks.

“Yeah, we want to know why they suddenly glow and go and shoot things from their hands and go poof and appear in different places,” Pinkie Pie said.

Star swirled, clearing his throat before talking. “From our test, we have found the reason why they can do it.”

“So what is it?” Trixie asked, as she and Wallflower wanted to know why.

“The reason for it is because you two are descendants of mages,” Star Swirl said, shocking everyone.

“ What!” Everyone said it in surprise.

“You see, our tests have confirmed that both Trixie and Wallflower are descended from mages, or more specifically, Wallflower is a direct descendant of Stygian while Trixie is a direct descendant of Morgana le Fay,” Star Swirl said, shocking everyone further.

“From the information we have gather, Wallflower has inherited Stygian abilities to manipulate shadows, while Trixe has inherited Morgana magic powers, and in fact, I believe you might have been indirectly using them the entire time.”said star swirl shocking everyone even more

"What do you mean?” wallflower asks.

“Well, after the memory stone incident, we decided to keep a close eye on you." Discord said, “What caught our attention was how you two exhibit unknown abilities. Wallflower, you have the strange ability to just be in the background and not be noticed unless you do something to get people to notice you, and Trixie, you have been exhibiting strange magic, like how you were able to teleport out of a locked room even though you were not supposed to have magic, and let us not forget the incident with the sock where you gave a rainbow dash your lucky sock, which was able to move on its own accord. This new information has finally given us the information we need.”

“Trixe, the reason for why you could teleport out of the lock room is because you have subconsciously been using your dormant magic to teleport out of the room, and the reason for the sock being able to move on its own is because you have subconsciously been infusing it with magic due to you believing that it is lucky you have been indirectly leaving magic residue on it. As for you wallflower, the reason why people used to have difficulty noticing you is because back then you were subconsciously using your powers to disguise your presents from other people. My theory is that since you used to think that you were invisible, you magic has indirectly made you invisible towards others, but after gaining more confidence and believing you were not invisible, it has stopped making you invisible. "Star Swirl explained to everyone.

“Wow,” Trixe said, ” so Trixe has had magic all along.”

“Apparently, it has just been domain until now,” Discord said.

“But why awaken now?” sunset asks.

“It's simple: both of their magic are affected by their emotions,“ Star Swirl said. ”My guess is that seeing you all in trouble causes them to develop a strong sense of desire to help you guys which in turn awaken theri dormant magic.”

“It’s true." Wallflower said, "When I saw how you guys were beating up, I wanted to do nothing more than help you guys.”

“Trixie was the same,” Trixe said.

“Aww, thanks guys,” Sunset said, touched like everyone else.

“So what now?” Wallflower asks.

“Well, for now, you need training so you can better control your powers,” Stygian said. ”I will be teaching Wallflower how to better control her powers while Star Swirl will be training Trixe.“

“So does this mean Trixie and Wallflower are on the team?“ Trixie asked the guardians of harmony.

“Well, if we are going to beat Grogar, we will need all the help we can get." Sunset said, "But I must warn you, it will be dangerous.“

“Dangerous? Trixie, laugh in the face of danger,” Trixie said as she laughed to empathize.

“I know it will be dangerous, but I am still willing to help,“ Wallflower said.

“Well, in that case, welcome on board, honorable members of the guardians of harmony,“ Sunset said happily.

“Oh, this is exciting,“ Pinkie Pie said as she began jumping around. “We now have more members. Oh, maybe I should throw a welcome to the team party.“

Everyone just smiles at Pinkie's antics. Even though Grogar manages to gain new powerful minions that day, the guardians of harmony also gain new allies who will help them in the battle against Grogar. The battle is just getting started, and both starts are getting stronger with time and only time will tell who will emerge victorious in this conflict.
End of chapter 5.

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Author's Note:

I bet non of you except the dazzling or cinch to make an appearance in this story or the twist with trixe and wallflower.

This also give some explanation to questions that was never unanswered in the series such as how Trixie was able to teleport out of a lock room or that fact she have a magic sock( In case you couldn’t tell I am referring to the short Sock It to Me). It also give an explanation to wallflower whole invisible thing.

As previously mentioned in this chapter cinch was easily beaten back due to lack of experience in a fight as well as lack of experience in using her powers. But that,I gut change in time.

This was also the reason why Vindicator was able to put up a better fight since he is now more experienced on what the guardians of harmony can do and unlike the first time he isn’t taking them lightly. It also help that he was only fighting two of them instead of all seven.

On a unrelated note did anyone saw the Pokémon reference.

Leave a comment on what you think of this chapter.

Next chapter : A toxic trip