• Published 6th Mar 2024
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The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Savant 123

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are sometime call have face many challenges and enemies in the past. But now their will face they biggest challenge yet will their win or will the world be doom to chaos and darkness?

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Chapter 2: Attack of metal Bane

In the underground dark chamber that serves as Grogar and his forces base, the other and Grogar's top subordinate are sent close to the pool in the center of the room.
“Our top priority should be to collect negative energy such as fear, hate, sadness, and despair to nurture our master to full strength.“ The other said to everyone that was present.

“How do you suggest we do that?” Chrysalis ask.

“Simply, we will send a monster to the surface world to terrorize the humans, causing them to produce negative energy for us to use for our master revival.” The other said, ”And I have the right monster for this task.”

He then produced a clay doll from his robe, which he threw into the pool.

“Rise metal bane,“ the other said as he blast the pool with his staff, causing it to glow. ”Rise and do our master bidding.“

Instantly, the pool glowed, and a dark light flew out of it and traveled to the surface world.

In CHS, Sunset had just left her class when she saw flash sentry walking in the hallway.

"Hi flash," she greeted him.

"Hi sunset" He greeted her back. "So crazy day yesterday with that monster, huh?"

"Yeah," Sunset said.

"So equestrian magic is going wild again?" He ask.

"Something like that" was the only reply: " Anywhere got to meet with the girls, so see you around, flash."

Sunset then left to meet the girls in the cafeteria. After reaching the cafeteria, she went and sat at the table where her friends were.

"Well it seems we are all here" Twilight said.

" Yeah now we can officially start the first meeting of the guardians of harmony"Pinkie said happily.

"Guardians of harmony?"ask sunset.

"Yeah, guardians of harmony, "Pinkie said. "If we are going to be a hero team, we need a cool name."

"Guardians of harmony" Sunset said. "That actually has a nice ring to it."
"I agree, it sounds kickass, Rainbow Dash said.

"Anywhere,we are supposed to meet Discord after school to get our training started, so don't be late to the meeting point,"Twilight said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get started." Rainbow Dash said,"Who knows what else power I now have?"

"Well, I just hope our training do not effects our weekend since I still have plans,"Rarity said.

"Ya, not the only one rare." Applejack said,"I have to help my cousin move her things to her new apartment this week. Man, I still can't get over everything that happened yesterday."

"You are not the only one," Sunset said." Till now, I thought all we had to worry about was wild equestrian magic."

"Well, for now, I suggest we just enjoyed our lunch"Suggest Twilight, to which everyone agrees.
In Canterlot City, on one of the building roofs, there is a group of cloak figures, and leading them was a creature that stood out among them.

This creature wore silver armor that covered its entire body, leaving only its red hands and red eyes exposed. This creature is non other than metal bane.

"So this is Canterlot City," metal bane said. "This city will make the perfect harvest ground for our master."
As soon as he said that, he raised one of his hands, and in a flash of light, a large axe appeared.
After the school ended, sunset and her friends were waiting at the base of the school statue for Discord to arrive.

“Where the heck is he?" Complain about rainbow dash.

“Shimmer down, partner." Said Applejack, "It has only been five minutes.“

“Yeah, five boring minutes,“ said the rainbow-haired girl.

“Well, excuse me for having to maintain my cover as a janitor.“ A familiar voice spoke, causing everyone to look behind them to see Discord standing. “I have to stay back for at least five minutes to get a hard-removed stain on the cafeteria ground.”

“Anywhere, let's go.“

Discord then led everyone to his van in the parking lot. After everyone got in, he started the vehicle and drove everyone around town until they parked in the parking lot of a bar. After getting out, they went into the bar.

The bar itself looked normal, with the only thing standing out being the image of a black sun on the walls. Discord walks to the bartender and shows him his badge, which has the image of the black sun on it. Nodding his head, the bartender let them go to the back, where Discord opened up a part of the wall showing a hand scanner on it. After putting his hand on it to let it scan his hand, the walls opened up, leaving a secret elevator. After that, everyone got inside and waited as the elevator went down. Once the elevator stopped and opened up, we were greeted with a hallway of black lights.

“Wow, this place is still as amazing as the first time we were here,” said Sunset.

“Well, black light is an amazing place,“ says Discord as he leads everyone to the hallways. ”Now let's begin your training.“

Discord led everyone to an elevator, and after clicking one of the buttons, they went to one of the lower floors. After stopping, everyone left the elevator and went into the hallway, where they would walk into the single metal slide door at the end of the hallway. After opening it up, everyone was led into a large, empty white room.

“All right, everyone.“ Discord said, "Let's begin your training.“

“What is this place?“ rarity asks.

“This place is the training room." Discord said, “In this room, you will be faced with a solid hologram of enemies so you can practice your new powers.”

“Cool solid hologram“ Pinkie Pie said, ” like in the movies.”

“Yes, like in the movies,“ Discord said. ”Now before we begin, there are a few things you need to know about your powers.”

Everyone turns their attention to Discord.

“Now that your elements have reached the second stage, they will continue to evolve depending on the strength of the bond you have with one another. This means that with time, your powers will get stronger or you will gain new powers.”

“I am curious about something,“ Sunset said, gaining Discord attention.

“And what would that be,“ he asks, turning his attention to the sunset.

“How did you end up joining Black Light since it’s obvious you're not a regular person with how you can use magic?” Sunset said.

“And you are right, for you see, I am not human; I am actually,“ Discord said when he suddenly spun and his appearance and clothes changed. His white hair has grown longer, reaching his shoulders; his ears are now replaced by elves-like ears; and his clothes have changed from his janitor uniform to a red tunic with one strap, matching pants, and elves-like shoes. ”A fairy.”

“A fairy,“ Sunset said in shock, like everyone else.

“Oh, a fairy!“ Pinkie Pie said, bouncing, ” Do you grant wishes?“

“I am not that kind of fairy,“ Discord said. “Anywhere, we need to start your training now, as we don’t know how long we have before the next attack.“

In Canterlot City, Flash was walking out of sugar cube corners when he heard screaming. He looked and saw people running from cloak cover figures and metal banes.

“Flee for your life, human’s,“ Metal Bane said, "for your end is near.”

As soon as he said that, red circles with arcane symbols on them appeared in the skies, and out came giant axes raining on the ground.

“Ah crap,” Flash said as he ran back inside as the axes covered the streets. Luckily, no one was hit by them, but as people ran from metal bane and his lackeys,unseen by the naked eyes, purple wisp -like substances came out of them, which flew into the air and flowed into the everfree forest, where they eventually reached the cave leading to the chamber housing Grogar. The substances enter the sphere containing Grogar, and with each substance entering the sphere, it glows bright red.

“Yes,” the other smiled seeing this. ” With each negative energy Lord Grogar devours, he becomes stronger."
Back at Black Light Base, as sunset and her friends were training in the training room by fighting against hard holograms of monsters from cyclops, trolls, manticores, etc., the doors opened and an agent of Black Light walked in.

"Sir, there is an attack in the city,” he said. Hearing that, everyone stopped and looked at each other before nodding. Everyone left the room and went into a monitor room where countless agents were working on the different control panels and machines. When they reach the control room, their saw star swirl has already arrived in the room.

“Star swirl, what is the emergency?“ Discord asks.

“Take a look” was his only reply. Everyone looked at the monitor in the room and saw on the screen metal bane attacking the city by swinging his axe, which let out an energy slash that cut through anything that was in front of it. The rainbooms , or in this case, the guardian of harmony, as they now call themselves, saw countless negative energies coming out of the people that were terrorized by metal bane and his lackey.

“What is that coming out of them?” Twilight asks in curiosity, like everyone else.

“Those are negative energies,“ Discord answers. ”Normally, you can’t see them unless you have a high sensitivity to magic or a special magic item, but due to advanced magictech developed by black light, normal people can see them.”

“It seems they are collecting negative energy.“ Star Swirl said, "My guess is to help restore Grogar to full power.“

"Wait, restore him,” Sunset asks.

“During our last battle, Grogar was heavily injured,” Star Swirl said. “Hence why they sent this monster to terrorize the city. There is no doubt they are trying to collect enough negative energy to restore Grogar, and once that happens, we all will be doomed.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s kick butt,” Rainbow said eagerly. Before anyone can do anything, Sunset phone suddenly rings. She picked it up and discovered it was Flash, who called her. She answered the call.

“Hi flash,” Sunset said. ”Yes, we know there is a monster attacking the city. We are going to stop it now. Ok bye."

Sunset hung up the phone and immediately Discord escorted them out of the room.

Star Swirl returned his attention to the monitor as soon as discord and the guardians of harmony left.
Back in the city, metal bane laughed in enjoyment as countless humans fled from him, releasing negative energy that would help in his master return. Luckily, so far, there have been no casualties, just proper damage, but unless he stops, that might change soon.

“Hold it right there." A voice yelled.

Metal Bane turned around and saw the guardians of harmony behind him.

“Well, the elements of harmony finally show up,” he said as he held up his axe eagerly, as he couldn’t wait to use it on them.

“Thats guardian of harmony,“ Pinkie said.

“Well, it doesn’t matter what you call." metal bane said, "As on you tombstone will just be written only dead. Reapers attack”

He ordered the cloak figure, now identified as reapers, to attack the guardians of harmony.

“Let's show this varmint whose boss,” Applejack said.

“Took the words out of my mind, darling.“ Rarity said, ” Since it looks like someone needs to teach these brutes some manners,”

“I will try my best,” Fluttershy whispers.

“Guardians of Harmony, “Sunset said, "To battle.”

As soon as sunset said that everyone pony up to their superhero forms and charged into the battlefield.

The reapers attack the guardians of harmony with different forms of weapons, including spears, axes, swords, and Etc, while the guardians fight back with their magic.

Sunset uses her magic to blast a large fireball into two reapers, causing them to explode upon death, leaving only their burn clocks on the ground. She instantly make a magic barrel to shield her when one of the reapers blasted her with a magical blast from its sword. She instantly teleported behind that reaper and hit it in the back with a flame fist, causing it to flew in the air and hit a group of reapers. Sunset then saw she was surrounded by a group of them, and she remembered from her training a new move she developed. She disappeared from the ground and appeared in the sky, and she fell. She raised her first, which was covered in flames, and punched the floor when she landed on the ground, releasing flaming shock waves that hit all the reapers that were surrounding her.

Rainbow Dash was using her superspeed and lightning powers to attack the reapers. With each punch of her lighting-embedded fish, she instantly takes down many of them. She looked and saw a group of ten reapers charging at her, remembering her training she cover her entire body in lighting and zoom past them, and as soon as she did that, all the reapers were hit with a lightning attack, causing them to explode upon death.

Rarity uses a diamond shield to block a magical blast from a reaper before making a diamond hammer appear in her hands and causing it to extend until it hits that reaper. She then makes it disappear, making two boxing diamond gloves appear on her fist, and punches two of the reapers in front of her as hard as she can before making them disappear. She also makes a giant diamond boulder appear and rolls it on the ground to run over a group of reapers.

Pinkie Pie freezes a group of reapers in front of her before running towards a group of reapers where she would jump around them and touch their weapons, and with each touch, their weapons exploded, taking out many of them.

Applejack uses her powers to make vines appear and grabs a group of reapers with them before tossing them away. She then uses her powers to make a carnivore plant monster that attacks the reapers.

Fluttershy uses her powers to make a wind shield around her that protects her from any reapers that get too close to her, making them blow away upon impact, and any magical blast they try gets swept up in the current, which is then forewarded back at them. She then makes large hands made of wind come out of the wind shield and attack the reapers, causing them to be swept away.

Twilight uses her telekinesis to disarm the reapers before blasting them with a magical blast. She grabs a couple reapers in her telekinesis and tosses them into another group of reapers.

Eventually their were able to take out the entire reapers until only metal bang is left.

“All right, buster, it's just you left,” Applejack said. ”So you may as well surrender.“

“Ha, I like to see you try." Metal bane are said as large numbers of circles appear in the sky and large axes fly out of them.

“Everyone to me,“ Rarity said as she quickly made a diamond dome to cover her friends and herself as soon as they were around her.

The axes rain down on the dome, and while the axes are bouncing off the dome, it has become quite clear that they were able to cut pieces of it off, and soon the dome will break.

"What are we going to do?” Fluttershy said in a scared voice. ”We can’t hide forever.“
“I have an idea,“ Sunset said.

From the outside, the dome collapsed on itself to reveal a large hole. The axes still rain on that spot. While Metal Bang was distracted by the disappearances of the guardians of harmony, another hole opened up behind him, and out came Applejack, who jumped out and punched him in the back. It wasn’t long before rarity, using her magic, lifted herself and everyone out of the hole on a diamond platform. Early at sunset, have her use her magic to open up a hole for them to escape through while at the same time making a tunnel for them to use to sneak through and attack metal bang from behind.

Metal Bang stood up, turned, and looked at them with a glare.

“ Cheap shot," he said as he slashed his axe, making an energy slash to come towards them. Everyone managed to dodge it on time.

Rarity then used her magic to toss a diamond spear at him, but it bounced harmlessly off his armor.

“HaHaHaHa” Metal bane laugh ”Nice try, but my armor is unbreakable,“ he boasts.

“Oh yeah.“ Rainbow Dash said, ” How well does it do with lightning?“

She then fires a lightning attack at Metal Bane, but must to everyone shocked it looks like he was unharmed.

“You think I can’t handle a bit of electricity?“

Pinkie Pie then ran towards him and touched his armor, causing it to explode. She then jumped back to her friends. When the smoke clears, metal bane still looks fine.

“Is that all you can do?” he said as he hit his axe on the ground, which created a shockwave attack that hit everyone.

“Dang it,“ Rainbow said. ” We can’t hurt him through that armor of his.”

Sunset then got an idea.

“We can’t hurt him through his armor, but what about from within?” she said as she went and told Rainbow her plan, which got a nod from her as she used her super speed to disappear for a second before appearing again to give Sunset something.

Sunset then looks at metal bane and disappears before appearing in front of him and punching him with a magical cover fist in the chest before disappearing and appearing back to her friends.

“What that supposed to...” He said, but stopped as he felt something bursting out of his armor. He looked around his body and saw that his armor was bursting open like something was coming out. He then looks at sunset.

“What did you do?” he demanded.

“It simply,“ Sunset said, "we can’t hurt you through your armor, but why not from within your armor? So I have Rainbow Dash run and get me a seed, and all I have to do is get close enough to teleport in it inside of you while using a powerful growth spell.”

As she said that mental bane armor burst open as it couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. A giant plant ended up bursting out, causing metal bane to be toss into the air, and landing in front of the guardians of harmony.

He stood up and noticed his armor was gone. “Oh no,” he said.

“Oh yes” Sunset said, "Girls, let's finish this.”

Everyone nodded as their blast sunset with a magical blast empowered her to fire, a powerful magical blast at metal bane, which destroyed him instantly.

After that was done, everyone powered down and returned to their regular form.

“We did it,“ Pinkie said.

“Of course we did it,” Rainbow Dash said.

"I never doubted for a second,“ Rarity said.

Sunset just smiled, knowing that they had won another battle. However, unknown to them, they were being watched. On one of the buildings rooftops nearby, two familiar figures have been watching everything.

“It looks like they have won again,” Wallflower said to Trixie, who had dragged her onto the rooftop when she saw the rainbooms go and fight the monster so they could watch the fight.

"Trixie, are you okay?” Wallflower asks the magician, who was unusually quiet throughout the fight.

“Yes, Trixie is alright. Trixie was simply worried that it would end up like yesterday' monster attack,“ she said. Unknown to the rainbooms, both Trixie and Wallflower have been watching yesterday's battle through the school window, where they witnessed them almost being killed by vindicator. They wanted to help but knew they didn’t have the means to do it. After they managed to pull a win against vindicator, the two girls left the window to think about what they had just witnessed.

This is something that has been on her mind lately. She always hated the fact that she couldn’t help her friends with any of the magical threats. She knew, despite all her boasts, she was just a regular human. She hated the fact that she can’t do more to help as the only time she did do something that was helpful was during the time when wallflower lock both her and sunset in the yearbook room. Even then, she can’t figure out how she managed to get sunset out in the first place or, more importantly, be at the final confrontation.

Wallflower also feels the same, as she was bothered by the fact she couldn’t help her friends but just stood and watched to make sure they were okay. Both wish there was a way to be able to help them more.
“So metal bane has failed,” said the other from inside the chamber , having witnessed the entire battle from the pool in the center of the room. “No matter , there are still more monsters I can use.”
“You girls were great out there,” Star Swirl said to the guardians of harmony.

“Thank you, sir,” Sunset said. “But some credit goes to Discord for helping us unlock our new abilities.“

“Gees, thanks guys,” Discord said.

“Well, today was another victory for us,“ said Star Swirl. “But be warned, Grogar will send more monsters to gather more negative energy, and with each negative energy he collects, he will grow stronger. So I ask you to be prepared, as the battle has only just begun.”

“Don’t worry, “Sunset said, “as long as my friends and I are together, we can handle anything.“

All her friends nodded their heads to that as they agreed with what the sunset said. The battle may have just begun, but they are ready for anything.
End of chapter 2.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update but due to personal reason I couldn’t post another chapter but don’t worry I will post another chapter soon this week.

Anywhere here a little fun fact originally metal bane was supposed to be carrying a dumbbell and his ability would only be able to make large dumbbell fall from the sky but I change it to axes since it was more better.

Another fun fact in this chapter Applejack super strength was originally supposed to evolve making her strong enough to tear metal bane armor off but I decided to change it to give a small reference to the IDW comic. In case it wasn’t obvious the growth spell sunset use to make the plant grow big and fast was the same one she did in that comic that tell us of her origins and her eventual fallout with celestia.

Here a bit of character bio:

Discord: Discord is the son of of the fairy king oberon and Titania the fairy queen. He was even by the standards of his kind a powerful magic user to the point only a few could match him this included his father, mother and older brother . The reason for his unusual strength is unknown but it is believed that due to him being born on the night of the blood moon an event that happened once a thousand years where fairies would be at their most strongest. Discord for centuries would use his powers to terrorized humans and fairies alike. After an argument with his father he left his homeland of Avalon. During his banishment he would continue to terrorized humans and magical creatures and during which he would go by many different name one of them being Loki god of mischief.

However once word got out about an attack on Avalon by Grogar forces he return back to his homeland to assist in its defense. Afterward he ,his older brother and father would join forces with other species and human kingdoms to battle against Grogar and his forces. His father sadly was kill in the battle. After the war his older brother took over his father throne and become the new king of the fairies. Meanwhile Discord now humbled from his experience join the order that would be one day be known as Black light.

Due to his immense magical power and knowledge of magic and magical creature he easily become black light top agent.

Reapers: Reapers are creatures that was created by Grogar to serve as the bulk of his army. During the Great War their are normally use as replaceable soldiers use to wear down enemies forces and resources due to the ease and little time needed to create them.

In battle their use different forms of weapons which their can use to blast magical attacks from. What make them truly dangerous is when their attack in large groups.

Metal bane: Metal bane is one of the many monsters that was created after Grogar was seal away. His ability comprise of summoning axes that are sharp enough to pierce stones and solid items and the axe his wield allows him to attack with shockwaves and a magic slash that can cut through metal. What makes him truly dangerous is his armor which is almost completely invincible to all forms of attack.

Next chapter: snow storm of the yuki onna.

Don’t forget to leave a comment on what you think of this chapter.