• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 540 Views, 25 Comments

Out of their Elements - setiell

Wallflower Blush managed to erase the memories of the rest of the six girls. Now they have no memories of the friendships that were made in CHS. How is Sunset going to fix this? (An alternative touch to EG special: Forgotten Friendship)

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight Sparkle was a student with a bright mind. She knew better than her peers about everything, and yes, even friendship. She knew that no one actually understood her. She knew that what everyone gave her was a pity, disguised in a pretty wrapper named friendship.

Twilight looked around the cafeteria, trying to find a quiet place where she could eat alone without interacting with others. As she found a nice seat, she put her tray down and sat down. She turned her attention toward the other tables. Most of the students were talking, smiling brightly as they continued to eat. Twilight sighed. Maybe Cadence was right. What is it like to make a friend? The girl shook her head immediately. No, I couldn’t risk it. Others don’t even want to be friends with me, and I don’t need friends either.

After lunch, Twilight walked down the hallway, heading to her next class: Physical Education. She was never a sports person, so it was clear she wouldn’t enjoy this class period. As usual.

The class bell rang, and Twilight stood next to her peers and gave herself some stretches. A few minutes passed, and Coach Iron Will started to talk.

“Starting from today and until your vacation, we will be learning basic soccer techniques and moves. Today, you will be practicing dribbling, passing, and shooting as a pair. So get up and pair up with your classmates!!”

Twilight sighed. Great. It was just Great. Everyone started to team up with her friends, and it was obvious Twilight was going to end up alone. That was until Twilight saw another girl standing in the corner with her arms crossed. It was that moment when the coach blew a whistle.

“Miss Sparkle! Go over there and pair up with Dash.”

So, the girl’s name was Dash. She was not familiar with her, but she gave Twilight this weird sensation in her guts. Huh. That was new.

Twilight walked over and poked her shoulder. She gave a deep breath and waved her hand to the rainbow haired girl. “Um… Hi..? My name is Twilight.”

The girl smiled back and replied. “Name’s Rainbow Dash.”


The scene was getting awkward, so Twilight quickly added. “So.. let’s get this done as soon as possible. Okay? Since it’s clear that you don’t like this.. and I don’t like this either.. so..”

“Uh huh. But is there a way we can just slack this thing off? I.. really don’t want to do this.” Rainbow asked with an unamused tone.

“I wish there was,” Twilight said, only to get an annoyed side glare from the coach. “But apparently, there isn’t.”


As Twilight started to kick the ball, Rainbow frowned.

“No, no. You shouldn’t give a pass like that. You will probably end up spraining your ankle. Try to kick with the inside part of your foot. Like this.” The girl then gave a smooth pass back to Twilight.

“Whoa. You’re good at this. Did you practice this?”

“Haha. Funny. You almost made it sound like I practiced soccer.” Rainbow glared at Twilight, not giving her the chance to argue back.

Trying to lighten up the mood, Twilight started to talk. “Heh Heh.. I was just complimenting. I can’t understand those who like sports either. I was never that kind of person.”

“There are many things we can’t understand. I can’t even understand myself sometimes.” Dash added.

This segment of the girl gave Twilight a strange feeling. It felt like.. she didn’t know how to put it in words. It was suddenly like.. someone was able to understand her. She stood quiet for a moment. Was she able to tell her feelings to the person she just met? Was she able to-

“Uh.. Twi?”

“Yes?” Twilight smiled.

“You zoned out there for like, two minutes.”

“Oh. Sorry. I was.. just thinking about something.” Twilight said.

“Wanna talk about it? It’s not like I have anyone else to tell what you’re gonna say.” Rainbow smiled back.

Maybe it was okay. Maybe Dash didn’t want to be friends with her, and if she was not going to see her again, saying some of her feelings wouldn’t hurt. Twilight took a deep breath and talked.

“It’s like.. I’m not able to fully understand my own feelings too. I feel like I am missing something, but I couldn’t figure out what is missing.”

“You felt that too? I live with that feeling every day.” Dash chuckled.

“Huh.. I guess it’s just some common symptom of adolescence.” Twilight said sheepishly.

“It probably is.” Dash said as she looked up in the sky.

Talking with Rainbow Dash gave Twilight comfort. It was the first time somebody actually looked at her without pity or comparison. The first time she felt understood, even if it was for a small time. Maybe this was friendship? She wasn’t sure. What interrupted Twilight’s thoughts was the school bell. Rainbow gave a small pat on her back and started to leave. Twilight had to know.

“Wait! Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah, Twilight?” Rainbow turned around.

“Are we friends?”

A silence filled the atmosphere. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked the question. She didn’t even know how much time passed. Sweat was on her hands, and she started to get uncomfortable. Rainbow’s expressions were mostly incomprehensible, but Twilight was able to read at least one emotion right. Anxiety.

Rainbow was completely different from what she saw while they were practicing and talking. It seemed like her confidence was suddenly wiped away. Was it because of her?

“I… You… I don’t think so.” Rainbow quickly said and ran away.

Of course. No one wanted to be friends with Twilight. Twilight saw the rainbow headed girl’s figure getting smaller. She sighed. Today’s experience made it even clearer: Twilight Sparkle can’t, no, no, doesn’t need friends.


Sunset and Trixie started to talk, getting to their next classes.

“So, here’s the plan. I share Advanced Biology with Twilight 5 minutes later, so I go and talk to her, and since you don’t have classes, you go and find Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy’s whereabouts. Neither of them has any classes in this period like you.”

“Okay, but why do you insist on talking to Twilight first?” Trixie said.

“Because I already read some memories about her. It will be easier to approach her.. at least easier than the others.” Sunset said as she gave a bitter smile.

“Uh huh. But are you sure.. Fluttershy is one of your friends?” Trixie asked as she raised her eyebrows.

“Yes Trixie, you’ve already asked 7 times.” Sunset sighed out of frustration.

“It’s just.. Trixie has never met her.. but she’s…”

“Just spill it, Trixie! What’s wrong??” Sunset shouted.

“She’s kinda… unkind?”

“Huh?” Wow. And that was something Sunset never thought she would hear about Fluttershy. It was unimaginable just to put the words ‘Fluttershy’ and ‘unkind’ in the same sentence.

“You’ve heard it right. She isn’t known to be the kindest person in the world as you claim to be.”

“It might be a misunderstanding. Are we talking about the same Fluttershy?” Sunset asked again.

“Trixie was saying that all along!!” Trixie raised her voice, annoyed.

“But why?” Thanks a lot, Wallflower. “Uh. Nevermind. Just.. then.. Can you find Pinkie pie? You don’t need to talk to her. Text me where she is, and how she acts.”

“And That’s what the Great and Powerful Trixie can do.” Trixie said as she grinned.

“I don’t know what I could do without you, Trixie.” Sunset said, approaching her new friend and giving her a hug.

“Just make sure you get me as the Great and Powerful-est.” Trixie said as she patted Sunset’s back.

The two girls pulled out from their hug, and gave each other a small handshake. Sunset saw her destination and started to walk towards the classroom with confidence.

It’s time for you to taste some magic of friendship, Twilight.

The red headed girl smiled and entered the room.


Twilight ran into her room and sat on her bed, covering her face with her blankets. She sobbed her eyes out until she heard her dog, Spike’s voice.

“Twilight… Can you tell me what happened..?” He whispered softly.

Twilight lifted her head, meeting her eyes with Spike’s. Spike slowly walked and sat on Twilight’s lap, licking her hands to give her comfort. As Twilight’s sob faded down, she started to talk about what happened that day.

“Cinch.. She.. I have to transfer to CHS.. and take full responsibility for what happened.”

“What??? How could she! That’s not fair!” Spike shouted out.

“At first, I thought so too. But.. I guess I sucked all the magic from… I can’t remember who.. but some people, and turned into a rampaging demon, got overwhelmed, and tried to destroy two worlds.” Twilight said as her head dropped in guilt.

Spike put his paw on Twilight’s arm.

“It’s not your fault Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, and opened her mouth. “The initial reason? No. But it was still me Spike. I felt all that. I remember saying all those words as Midnight Sparkle.” Her voice choked as she finished the sentence.

“Twilight, there’s no way you’re Midnight Sparkle. Do you still want to understand magic so badly that you don’t want to consider the consequences of the action you plan to do? Destroying the world?” Spike said.

“No!! Never!” Twilight shouted out as she shook her head.

Spike smiled. “My thoughts exactly. Midnight Sparkle doesn’t exist anymore! She was defeated by… uh.. whatever.. I couldn’t remember. But you still get the point. Let’s just get a good night’s sleep. We should probably go and talk to Cadence about this tomorrow before you go. You still have a few days left.”

Twilight’s tears were gone now, thanks to Spike. She stroked her dog’s head as she laid down on her bed, putting herself into a nice sleep. She took off her glasses, and smiled warmly at her dog.

“That sounds like a great idea. Thanks Spike…. And I hope you’re right.”

Twilight woke up the next morning and smiled. A brand new day. What made it the best day was that it was Saturday. Saturdays meant that she didn’t have to go to school, and no school meant no Cinch, no peer pressure, no back talking, no everything. She gave a small grin and got up from her bed.

Twilight headed to the bathroom. The splash of the cold water on her face made her feel good. So, today’s plan was to talk about the matter to Cadence, get back home, and have some rest.

Twilight sighed as she thought about the idea, of attending to CHS. Maybe CHS isn’t that bad after all. Maybe she could have a nice, new life with some new associates? Twilight thought as she looked into the mirror.

Suddenly, a mint-damaged horn and a flame of light appeared on Twilight’s face.

“No… nononono.. It can’t be..!”

A doppelgänger of Twilight emerged from her very own figure. The only thing that separated herself from that creature was that the new figure had the demonic form of herself. It was Midnight Sparkle.

“Did you miss me, Twilight?” Midnight said as she gave an evil grin.

“Midnight Sparkle..?? But you were defeated at the Friendship Games!” Twilight said as she pointed a finger.

Midnight laughed.

“Oh little Twilight, hate to ruin your hopes, but I cannot be defeated. I am you.” Midnight Sparkle said as she put her hand on Twilight’s chin.

Twilight shook off her hand and shouted.

“NO! I’m nothing like you!”

“You really think so? Then, what do you think made me in the first place?” Midnight hissed in a dangerous manner.

“You are just a consequence of misused magic. I…. am not you.” Twilight said.

For a moment, peace came. Midnight Sparkle was gone. As Twilight gave a relieved sigh, Two demonic wings appeared on her back. Her own mouth started to move outside her will. Twilight tried to resist, but it was impossible. She started to speak.

“You are wrong Twilight. I am You. It was you who made me, and you will never be forgiven, even in CHS. You don’t deserve friends, and you don’t need friends.”


Twilight snapped her eyes open as the horrible dream was over. What a terrific way to start a day. Spike came running, worried about Twilight. He gave Twilight his best puppy dog eyes, well, quite literally, and talked to her.

“Did you have a bad dream, Twilight?”

Twilight managed a fake smile and patted Spike on his head.

“Um… yes. And Spike, it’s okay. I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“Uh.. if you say so. Shining Armor said he would give you a ride. Come outside when you are ready. Okay?” Spike said.


Twilight got dressed up and went to the living room. A new start. That was just a dream. It’s a dream. Right? It will be okay. It will be okay. She kept on reminding herself of the same phrase over and over she didn’t even notice Shining Armor talking.

It will be okay. It was just a dream. It will-



“We’re here.” Shining Armor said. Looking concerned for her own sister.

“Oh. Thanks for the ride.” Twilight said.

“Anything for you. Just remember that it’ll-“

Twilight ran off the car, not giving his brother a chance to finish his sentence.

“- turn out fine eventually.”

Twilight opened the door, only to see her old babysitter and her school’s dean sitting down, waiting for her to come in. Twilight slowly stepped in and told Cadence everything, from the start to the end.

“Principal Cinch did WHAT??” Yep, a legit response.

“You heard it right.. What am I gonna do? How can this happen?” Twilight said.

Cadence held Twilight’s hand as she started to talk. “I’m so so sorry for this Twilight. It was actually my idea to help you get transferred to another school. The peer pressure and bullying were getting worse.. and Cinch really wanted to get you expelled. I suggested helping you by letting you get transferred, only if you agreed, but I never thought Cinch was going to blackmail you with all this. I should have known.” Cadence’s voice held sympathy, trying to be totally sincere with Twilight.

“I.. you did?” Twilight asked in a small voice.


Twilight smiled.

“Thanks, Cadence. I really appreciate your effort. I think I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

Cadence’s face darkened as she continued.

“But are you going to be okay in CHS? They all know you.”

“It’s fine. My only real friends are you, Spike, and Shining Armor.. so I don’t have to care about anyone else…. but these relationships are not exactly friendship, aren’t they?” Twilight smiled sheepishly.

“Heh.. yeah.” Cadence smiled back.

“It’s not like I need friends. I’ll just… do my studies… for like a year and a half, then it’s graduation!” Twilight said.

“I’m glad you have plans, though, Twilight, please consider making friends. It’s important.” Cadence said as she gave her a concerned look.

Cadence continued.

“And.. Twilight, could you tell me what role mitochondria play in respiration?”


Twilight blinked and shook her head as she snapped back to reality. Right. This was Advanced Biology class. Twilight looked at her teacher with a sorry smile.

“Miss Twilight, I asked you what role mitochondria play in respiration.” Ms Harshwhinny said.

“Oh.. it helps produce ATP.” Twilight answered quickly.

“Very well, Twilight. Next time, don’t zone out during class, and try to pay attention.”

Ms. Harshwhinny clapped her hands and cleared her throat as she started to give an announcement.

“Class, that’s for today, and I will be giving you some new assignments. You will be writing a report and giving a 10 minute presentation about a topic branched from what you've learned in this semester’s AB class. You may do this alone, or you may do this as a team. The report is due this weekend, so get started on the research!”

She was definitely doing this alone. Numerous ideas flashed through Twilight’s mind. That was until a voice interrupted her thoughts. A red-yellow haired girl, which she recognized as Sunset Shimmer, was standing next to her, and talking to her.

“Hi Twilight. Do you want to do the project with me?” Sunset smiled.

“Uh.. I was planning to do this alone.” Twilight said. She put on her kindest look.

Sunset seemed a bit disappointed at this point. But she quickly smiled again and continued.

“Oh.. but.. can I do it with you anyway? I want to be friends with you.”

Friends. Is she saying this genuinely? Can I trust her? But Twilight remembered who she was. She was Sunset Shimmer out of all people. Twilight knew that she didn’t have a nice reputation, even though she didn’t know the exact reason. And she realized that this was the girl who yelled at her at the Friendship games. I should’ve listened to her back then... She might be saying nice things because she wants to use me. I can’t keep my guard down.

“Are you trying to blackmail me?’’ Twilight asked.

“No, In fact, I’m trying to make it up to you. I’m sorry I yelled at you at the friendship games. It must have hurt your feelings back then.” Sunset said as she gave Twilight a warm smile and an apologetic expression.

That felt genuine. Should I be nice to her?

“Okay? It’s fine.” Twilight said.

Sunset tilted her head and raised her eyebrows.


“So what?” Twilight asked.

“Can we be teammates?!” Sunset asked.

Twilight wondered. Is she really willing to be her friend? How was she able to know if she could trust her? Maybe I can just get the project done quickly, so that I don’t have to end up being friends with her. That way I don’t have to worry about her true motives.

“.. Fine. But let’s make this quick. I’ll write the report, you do the presentation, and I-”

“Wait, What? That’s not teamwork?” Sunset interrupted.

“Well… then what did you expect?” Twilight asked.

Sunset seemed to think for a second before she started to talk again. She made a slight grin.

“Why don’t you come over to my place tonight? We’ll have a nice time brainstorming ideas, writing reports, and eating pizzas.”

Is this what friends did?

“Uh.. Why not just use the library?” Twilight tried to argue.

Sunset gave a wink as she started to speak.

“If I wanted to just get the assignment done, that would’ve been perfect. But this isn’t about biology. I want to be friends with you Twilight. Uh…..And mostly, the library won’t let us bring pizza inside.”

Maybe this won’t hurt. She didn’t see any pity or comparison with the other Twilight when Sunset talked. While she wasn’t sure why Sunset was doing this, she thought this wouldn’t go wrong unless they didn’t get too close.

“Okay. I’ll take your offer, But… I… really don’t know about the friendship part.”

Sunset smiled.

“It’s fine Twilight. Just meet me after school, and I’ll take you to my place.”


Yes Yes Yes it worked!!!! I can’t believe I pulled that off! Sunset thought as she waited for Twilight in front of the destroyed Wondercolt statue. Sunset continued her thoughts.

Let me just clear up some things I already know about Twilight. 1. She is from CPA, and she transferred right after the Friendship games. 2. She transformed into Midnight Sparkle at the Friendship games and - wait. How was she able to transform into Midnight Sparkle if there was no friendship between the other girls, which means no ponying up, which means there’s no magic to take in the first place?

Sunset thought of the matter for a second. Then she remembered seeing Applejack’s memory at the beach.

Right! The use of a memory stone can lead to some memory alterations, but it can also just erase the memory instead of filling it with a reasonable explanation! Well.. I probably should find what differentiates the erased events that altered other memories and events that are simply left blank instead of altering other memories, but that could wait.

This is a great plot hole! I think I can use this along with the selfie sensor camera to convince the girls if they keep thinking I am a jerk!

“Sorry I’m late.”

Sunset quitted her thoughts as Twilight arrived. She smiled at her friend.

“It’s fine. Let’s get moving.”

The two girls started to walk to the bus stop. Sunset wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to have a small talk, so she asked Twilight a question.

“So.. How’s everything going on?”

“Um… fine, I guess.” Twilight rubbed her neck as she replied.

“Uh.. sure.”

An awkward silence followed as Sunset finished her sentence.

“Oh. There’s our bus.” Sunset said as she signed Twilight to come.

Don’t worry Sunset, this will get better once you get comfortable. You’ve got this.

The pair soon reached Sunset’s place. Sunset led the other girl in her room, and the red haired girl asked Twilight another question.

“I’ll order pizza for us in Domino’s. What kind of pizza do you prefer?” Sunset said as she scrolled her phone screen.

“I like Hawaiian pizzas.” Twilight said.

This led the girls’ scene into another dramatic silence.

“What??” Sunset shouted.


“You.. like pineapple toppings?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t see any problem in that?” Twilight simply smiled.

“How did I never know?” Sunset whispered. She surely didn’t know that Twilight loved pineapple pizzas. Was this another kind of cruel joke of Wallflower’s?

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Just.. never mind. But how, just HOW can one like Hawaiian pizza??!! Pineapples are fruits. Fruits aren’t meant to be eaten warm.” Sunset frowned as she said.

“Well, at least it tastes better than Pepperoni pizzas.”

“What did you just say..?? I can’t even….” Sunset realized this was getting nowhere and would just get her image worse. “Let’s just drop this topic. I’ll order half Hawaiian, half pepperoni.”

“Um.. Okay?” Twilight said.

Sunset put down her phone as she finished the order and sat on her bed. She signed Twilight to sit on the chair and started her talk.

“So.. why don’t we talk about… life?”

“Shouldn’t we talk about the biology project?” Twilight said.

“We have plenty of time.” Sunset said as she spread her arms.

Twilight seemed to look uncomfortable. Maybe she was pushing too hard? After a few seconds, Twilight sighed and spoke.

“No, we don’t. Sunset, why are you insisting on getting close to me?”

“I’m.. not?” Sunset said, trying to look innocent.

“Yes, you are. Why should I even trust you with my feelings? I don’t need friends.” Twilight said. It was obvious that she had some history regarding this topic.

Sunset cleared her voice and spoke in a soft, sincere voice.

“No Twilight, everyone needs friends.” She smiled as she finished her sentence.

“But not me I guess! I… I think I’m not even forgiven.” Twilight said.

This really hit Sunset’s feels. A memory of a purple demon-like creature flashed through her head. She was soon able to realize where her anxiety and problems were coming from.

“This is about the Midnight Sparkle incident, isn’t it?” Sunset slowly spoke.

Twilight’s pupils started to tremble.

“I…. it’s none of your business.” She said in a shaking voice.

“It is Twilight, I just want to help you.” Sunset said as she snatched Twilight’s hand.

Twilight immediately shook off her hand, and raised her voice.

“Oh, so now you are talking about your motives? I bet you will try to help me by making me say everything that happened and once I did, you will just say, ‘The other Twilight is better.’”

Twilight’s voice held fear, and hurt.

“Twilight.. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But you have to believe me when I say I want to help you. You just need a friend.” Sunset smiled and stood up.

This made Twilight stand up too. The purple skinned teenager stomped her way to the room’s door. Sunset just watched as her ex-friend’s face was covered with tears. Twilight turned around and looked straight into Sunset’s eyes.

“If you are sorry for me, just leave me alone. I don’t want to get pitted by someone who doesn’t even understand me.” She said in a weak, but low voice.

Sunset really felt bad for Twilight. What did the poor girl have to go through to block everyone from herself? She really wanted to help her, especially because she saw her past self from Twilight.

“But what if I did?” Sunset asked.


“What if I did understand you?” Sunset asked again.

“You can’t.” Twilight said as her head fell.

“I can. Twilight, I’ve been through the exact same thing as you. You would’ve realized that I don’t have a good reputation. I used to be mean, and I craved power. So I stole a magical artifact that can make me have ultimate power. It turned me into a demon. That’s why I understand you Twilight. I was a monster too.” Sunset ran over to the door and grabbed Twilight’s arm. This time, she didn’t shove it away. Instead, Twilight looked moved. Sunset continued. “But you can be better off if you give other people a chance to give you help. People will forgive you because they know it wasn’t your fault. I know that too.”

“…But.. What if I end up getting hurt? Once I open up?” Twilight asked in a meek voice.

“I won’t let you. When I was going through a hard time, some good people taught me how friendships can be the cure. Now, Let me show you that you don’t have to go through this alone.” Sunset led Twilight to somewhere she could sit down. The two girls shared looks as they finally sat down.

“Friends?” Sunset said.

Twilight smiled.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Twilight hugged Sunset.

As the hug ended, the purple geode on the teenager’s neck started to glow. The glow grew brighter, and brighter until it blinded both of the girls’ sight. A big boom was heard, literally knocking down every object in Sunset’s room.

Sunset’s vision came back a few minutes later. She rubbed her eyes as she tried to get a better look at her surroundings.

Twilight was sitting on the floor, staring at Sunset with a bright smile, tears welling up in her eyes.


Author's Note:

Sunset was never gonna give Twilight up, or let her down, or run around and desert… Okay I’ll shut up.

Comments ( 7 )

Pretty good, definitely interesting seeing more of how Sci-Twi is coping with her altered memories.

Oughta get more interesting with the implication Sci-Twi regained her memories of friendship again. Did she only regain her memories of her close friendship with Sunset only or did she also regain her memories of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie too?

If Sci-Twi regained some memories, does this mean the memories Sci-Twi regained were also regained by everyone else too?

Glad you enjoyed it!
You will get your questions answered in the next chapter! :ajsmug:

I really enjoyed the latest chapter. It was a lot better and more entertaining than the previous one. I am very curious to see what will happen next.

Thanks! I’m trying to improve my writing skills. Glad it (sorta) worked!

Hi, when is the new chapter coming out?

Comment posted by setiell deleted May 19th

I'm working on the next few chapters, but I don't know when I will be able to complete them since I have a lot going on in my own life :(
But I'll try to finish it as soon as possible! Thanks for your interest!

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