• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 543 Views, 25 Comments

Out of their Elements - setiell

Wallflower Blush managed to erase the memories of the rest of the six girls. Now they have no memories of the friendships that were made in CHS. How is Sunset going to fix this? (An alternative touch to EG special: Forgotten Friendship)

  • ...

Chapter 2

Sunset pulled out a notepad from her backpack. She grabbed her pencil and got prepared to write.

“So, why don’t you girls tell me what’s going on?”

Scootaloo was the first one to open her mouth. She scratched the back of her head and started to talk.

“Rainbow Dash used to love sports, but now she doesn’t. All she likes is books and music. And, No, I’m not talking about nonfiction science-y egghead books. I’m talking about books like Daring Do.”

Sunset wrote down what she just heard.

“Well, Dash was a huge fan of Daring Do, and she really loved to play the guitar, so it does make sense.” Sunset said. After a moment, she asked again. “But what happened to make her not like sports? That's her passion!”

Scootaloo shook her head and closed her eyes.

“I have no idea. Something happened in her freshman year, but I wasn’t in CHS back then. And that’s not the only thing that’s gone. I think she is trying to act normal, and it works, so no one else seems to notice, but she is different. She doesn’t boast any more. It’s been moons since I heard her use the word ‘Awesome’. Mom and I tried to talk to her about all this, but all she says is ‘I’m fine!’” She opened her arms in a frustrated manner.

Sunset frowned. “Wait. You two are sisters?”

“Obviously? You said that.” Scootaloo said.

“Like Sisters-sisters?”


“Like Live-Under-the-Same-Roof-kind-of-sisters?”

“Yes! Why do you keep asking?”

“Well, I knew you two were sisters. Dash told me that too. But I had no idea you two were related. I thought you two were honorary sisters or something?” Sunset said, looking dumbfounded.

“What makes you think that?”

“Let's just say.. World Parallels, and I’ve never gone to her place before.” Sunset said.

“Actually, you're half right since we are not exactly related. I was adopted.” Scootaloo pointed out.


“Don’t worry. It’s not a sensitive topic anymore. I got over it years ago.” Scootaloo said as she gave Sunset an assuring smile.

Sunset smiled back at the girl as she continued.

“So.. What about the others?”

“Well, Rarity is not that different from what you said. She’s all about fashion, and I have no idea what made us distant. It was around sometime last year.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Do you know something that might have happened before that?” Sunset asked.

The three girls kept on saying ‘Umm’s and ‘Uh’s as they shared some looks. Sunset wasn’t sure why they were shy to talk all of a sudden. It took a while before Sweetie Belle squeaked out in a tiny voice.

“Um.. You..?”

She wasn’t expecting that. But then, memories of her history with Rarity flashed in her head. It can’t be it. With a trembling voice, Sunset slowly asked again.

“What do you mean ‘me’?”

“Well…. you did kinda crush her when she ran for the Princess of the Spring Fling. You don’t wanna know how much ice cream she ate back then. I seriously thought she’d have diabetes.” Sweetie Belle finished. As Sunset’s face grew darker and darker, Sweetie Belle quickly added. “When you were mean you know! You are nice now! Right?”

“You’re saying that.. she became distant with you because of.. me..?” Sunset quietly said.

Sweetie Belle sat next to the taller girl, and put a hand over her shoulder before she opened her mouth.

“But we don’t know that for sure. Every time I tried to make Rarity tell me why she has become distant, she just says she’s sorry and she’ll try to make it up for me, and it’s nothing I have to be concerned about. All the time! I think if this was really about the Spring Fling thing, she would’ve told me since I knew about it, and there’s no point in hiding it. But I’ll try to talk to her about it again. I doubt that she’ll tell me though..” Sweetie’s smile faded as she said.


“Oh! I almost forgot. She made a lot of friends after that incident! What you did was wrong, but it may..? have had a positive impact on her in the end, and you seem like you are really sorry about it. Don’t beat yourself too much about it.” Sweetie Belle managed a smile again.

Sunset gave a bitter smile.

“Thanks, Sweetie Belle. I needed that. But friends? How is that even possible?”

“I dunno. She invited them to the boutique once.”

“Applejack has friends too! She always hangs out with them on Sundays.” Apple Bloom said.

“Rainbow Dash used to have one.” Scootaloo added.

“What? But Wallflower said she erased it all!” Sunset shouted as she wrote down the new facts.

The girls shared looks as they just shrugged.

Sunset sighed as she said. “Let’s just think about it later. So?”

“I think that’s it for Rarity.”

As Sweetie Belle finished her talk, Apple Bloom opened her mouth.

“Applejack is… Ah don’t know. She’s kinda similar to what you said when she’s home. She loves the family and is a hard worker. But.. not when she’s outside. She wants to keep it a secret that we are siblings. It’s not that she doesn't like me. She loves me, and she’s really overprotective of me when we’re home. The weird point is that in public, she’s just one of the cool girls, and she pretends she doesn’t know me...and It… hurts mah feelings.” Apple Bloom said in a sad voice. It was sure for Sunset that there was some tension between the Apple siblings.

“Have you two talked about it?” Sunset said in a caring voice. She sat on her knee and looked up straight into the yellow girl’s eyes.

“I wanted to.. but I think I’ve never had a chance.” Apple Bloom looked away.

“Now might be a good time. Why don’t you talk about all this with her after school? After all, we have to know what happened.” Sunset smiled.

“Okay.” Apple Bloom nodded and looked into Sunset’s eyes.

“Maybe I’ll try to talk with Dash again about what happened too.” Scootaloo said.

“Great. Let’s meet up again after the talk.” Sunset stood up as she prepared to go.

“What are you going to do?”

“I have someone I need to talk to.”


Sunset waited at the parking lot. She tapped her right foot as she was starting to get worried. What if she doesn’t remember? Sunset looked up and turned around as some footsteps were heard from the direction of her back.

“Sunset Shimmer. You wanted to see me?” A light blue skinned girl with silver hair was standing behind her with her arms crossed.

“Trixie! Do you remember me..?” Sunset asked.

“You can’t seriously think of someone as Great and Powerful as Trixie being so easy to manipulate.” Trixie smirked.

Sunset let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank Goodness you remember Trixie. But.. How did you get out of that room?”

“A magician never reveals her secrets. Just know that it took a lot of smoke bombs. A LOT of it.” They both laughed. Trixie opened her mouth again.

“So.. what happened with Wallflower Blush?”

“She.. kinda erased all my friends’ memories.” Sunset rubbed her back.

“Your friends?” Trixie raised her eyebrows.

“My friends. The Rainbooms. Don’t you remember?” Sunset’s eyes twitched.

“Who are.. the Rainbooms..? All you wanted was to get everyone to remember you were nice again. Right?” Trixie said, unsure of herself.

“You don’t remember?” Sunset said. It was a moment before she realized that Trixie wasn’t an exception to the memory wipe about her friends. “Oh.. right.. It makes sense.”

“Well, Trixie doesn’t know what happened. Care to fill in?”

Sunset told everything that happened from the start of her friendship to Wallflower’s memory wipe. As she finished talking, Sunset was able to see Trixie looking dumbfounded, trying to process all the new information she never knew.

“So, will you help me again, Trixie?” Sunset asked.

Trixie grinned deviously, crossing her arms.

“Only if I get to be voted as the Great and Powerfulest!”

Sunset smirked at her friend.


They started to walk home, smiling and talking to each other. After minutes of small talk, Sunset spoke in a sincere tone.

“Hey, Trixie?”



Trixie smiled. They continued the small talk as the sun started to fall on the horizon. No one noticed a dark silhouette behind them, watching the whole scene.


The CMCs started to walk home.

“So, we’re going to talk to our sisters, huh?” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah.. Ah hope it will turn out fine.” Apple Bloom replied.

“Let’s hope for the best.” Sweetie Belle sighed.

Apple Bloom tapped her chin as she started to talk.

“How will you two get ‘em to talk about it? No offense, but you two have already tried and failed.”

“Honestly, I have no idea.” Scootaloo said.

“I don’t know about you, Apple Bloom, but I think Scootaloo and I shouldn’t talk about this directly.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Then what do we do?” Scootaloo asked.

“We’re going to have to ask a question that doesn’t let them know what we want to know, but can still let us know all the information we need!” Sweetie Belle said in an excited voice.


“Hmm… like.. I can ask Rarity for some advice about the Spring Fling? It’s only a few months ahead.”

“Oh, and I can ask Rainbow Dash about some soccer stuff! The junior team match against CPA is this week, so it won’t look suspicious. At least I hope so.” Scootaloo added.

“We’re the CMCs! There’s nothing we can’t do!” Apple Bloom said.

The three girls jumped and performed a high-five as they shouted.



Apple Bloom ran over the grounds of Sweet Apple Acres. She stopped as she found a familiar figure. Applejack was standing on a stool, picking apples with a basket on her other arm. Apple Bloom shouted.

“Applejack! Ya busy now?”

“Nah. I was just getting done with picking those apples. Why?” Applejack turned her head and replied.

“Can I talk to you for a minute..? It’s important.”

“Sure thing, Sugarcube.” Applejack smiled as she put the basket on the ground.

The two sisters walked into the house. They went past the kitchen and entered straight to Apple Bloom’s room. Applejack sat on Apple Bloom’s bed and started to talk.

“So, what’s it ya wanted to talk to me about?”

“Umm.. Applejack.. Why do we have to keep it a secret that we’re sisters? Ah really like you.. you’re the coolest big sis ah could get, and ah can’t tell anyone.” Apple Bloom slowly said.

Applejack’s face turned pale. She gulped and let out a sigh before she opened her mouth.

“Remember when ah asked you if ya wanted to tell others you’re from the farm?”

“Of course I do. Ah remember sayin’ yes to that.” Apple Bloom said.

“Do ya still think the same?” Applejack asked back.

“Of course! There’s nothin’ ta be ashamed of the fact that ah’m part of the Apple family! Right, Applejack?” Apple Bloom said as if it was an obvious thing. She smiled proudly. The little girl looked into her sister’s eyes, her own eyes shining.

“.…Of course, sugarcube. Of course.” Applejack said in a low voice, smiling warmly back to her sister.

“So.. why can’t ah tell?” Apple Bloom asked again as she hugged Applejack.

“It’s.. nothing you should be worried about. Ah’m mighty sorry if I hurt your feelings Lil’ Bloom. You know ah love you. Right?” Applejack said as she patted Apple Bloom’s head.

“Yes.. But when you sorta avoid me outside, it.. hurts..” Apple Bloom quietly said.

“I’m sorry. Ah promise to not avoid you. But… can you still keep it a secret that we’re siblings?” Applejack asked.


“I’m sorry Apple Bloom. But.. Ah think you won’t be able ta understand.” Applejack said as she pulled herself away from the hug, trying to avoid her little sister’s eyes.

“Did anything happen to you??”

“No. Ah’m fine.”

Apple Bloom stood up as she stomped her left foot on the floor. She clenched her fist and started to shout.

“Ah won’t buy that anymore! Ah’m sick of all these lies!!! Why can’t you just tell me what’s going on big sis..? You said you love me, so why are you keeping me from all these truths!!!”

Tears were about to well up in the little girl’s eyes. Applejack’s head fell. She looked away.

“I’m.. sorry. Ah really want to, but.. Ah can’t tell you the truth.” The blonde girl said, looking ashamed.

“FINE! Ah guess.. you don’t want mah help!”

Apple Bloom let all of her anger out. The anger that has been growing for moons. The anger she has been trying to avoid for ages. She ran away from her sister, leaving her alone in the room.

Applejack saw her sister running away. Being shocked and all alone, Applejack stood up, trying to follow her. That was when her phone started to ring. She saw her phone screen with shame, and let her own tears fall on the screen. After a moment, she wiped out her tears as she cleared her throat and accepted the call.


“Hey! Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo shouted as she opened her sister’s room door. Quite loudly. Very loudly.

“Whoa! Seriously? I was getting to the best part!” Rainbow Dash said in frustration. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, reading the latest Daring Do book that just came out last week.

“Hehe… Sorry.” Scootaloo smiled sheepishly.

“Uh-huh.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“So.. whatcha doing Dash?” The small girl asked.

“Duh, Reading, of course.” Rainbow said as she closed her book and showed its cover.

“Oh. So… you have some time?”

“Sure.” Rainbow Dash sat up and gave a small smile to her little sister.

“Great. So, the junior team match against CPA is this week.. so.. I just wanted some tips..?” Scootaloo sat next to her.

“Scoots, you know I don’t do sports stuff anymore. Just go and ask your coach.” Rainbow frowned.

“But you used to! Besides, Coach Iron Will will only say the same thing over and over again. ‘If someone tries to block, show them that you ROCK!!!’” Scootaloo finished as she started laughing.

Rainbow chuckled alongside her sister.

“That was pretty accurate. But nah, you probably won’t get any good advice from me. I wasn’t that good at it anyway.” She said as she stood up, walking to the door.

“What?? But no!!! You were the most awesome-st amazing soccer player I’ve ever seen!” Scootaloo shouted. She couldn’t believe what she just heard.

“Thanks, but no.” Rainbow said as she continued to walk out.

“Why did you even quit soccer? And every other sport? You never told me.”

That made the taller girl stop. She turned around and rubbed her neck.

“It’s…. never mind. I guess I just grew out of it. Some new things caught my attention.”

“But..but.. what you like now is nothing new!!! You have liked Daring Do since middle school, and you always liked cool music!” Scootaloo said.

“I said, never mind.” There was a hint of venom in the voice. It was clear that the conversation was getting uncomfortable. However, Scootaloo pushed more.

“No! I won’t until you tell me what's been going on!! You’re nothing like your past self! You don’t say that you are awesome anymore, you hate sports that you don’t want to even touch the ball, and you do nothing except listen to rock music or read those dusty old fantasy adventure books! And what about Fluttershy?? You never told me wh-”

“Don’t you dare say another word.” Rainbow Dash suddenly hissed in a low, toxic tone, raising her index finger. She continued her talk as her voice grew louder. “And now you’re saying I’m useless huh? I thought you wanted me to give you some damn advice, but I guess this was your plan all along! You wanted me to talk about what happened!”

Scootaloo shook her head. She quickly started to talk. “No Dash.. No! I never said anything about being useless! Just hear me out, I’m just-“

“Well, here is some advice if you want, NEVER MIND!!” Rainbow Dash shouted. A long silence followed her outburst.

Scootaloo looked at her sister’s face. She managed to speak in a small, cracking voice.

“Rainbow Dash…”

Rainbow Dash looked into her sister’s eyes. Her facial expressions mellowed out as she realized how hurt Scootaloo was.

“… I ... .I shouldn’t have snapped at you Scoots. I’m sorry.” Rainbow said as she looked away.

“It’s okay, do you wanna talk about it?” Scootaloo asked in a quiet tone.

“No.” Dash said sternly.


“But nothing. I.. I have to be alone. Just go. I’m sorry.” Rainbow opened the door, waiting for Scootaloo to go out.

“Can I just-“ Scootaloo stood up and tried to argue.

“I said, just go.”

Scootaloo had no choice but to leave the room. As she stepped outside, she heard the door closing behind her. All she could hear after was a quiet crying sound coming from the room.


Sweetie Belle opened the door of Carousel Boutique.

“Rarity! Are you here?”

“Sweetie! Darling! You came early. I thought you had those meetings with your friends this time every week?” Rarity was in her room, looking at her inspiration note.

“Yeah! But.. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had to go home early today.”

“That’s nice.” Rarity replied without looking at Sweetie Belle.

The conversation died down quickly. Sweetie Belle noticed it and started talking.

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Oh. It’s been a while since you have helped me, Sweetie. If you insist.. would you be a dear and get those fabrics over here?” Rarity said, still not looking at Sweetie Belle. She was now doing some sketches.

“Sure!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Thank you. Now you may go up to your room. I’m going to the mall later, so I’ll bring dinner to your room before I leave.”

“Uh.. Rarity? I wanted to talk to you about something.” Sweetie Belle said as she handed over the fabrics.

“What is it?”

“My new friend said she wanted to run for the Princess of the Spring Fling.. and.. since you’ve been through it before.. you can.. help..?” Sweetie Belle tried to give her the most innocent look.

“Sorry, Come again?” Rarity took her glasses off and finally met her eyes with Sweetie’s.

“My new friend wants to run for the Princess of the Spring Fling.” Sweetie Belle said.

What??? Is she mad or something?” Rarity shouted dramatically.

“I guess… no..?”

Rarity turned around again and put her glasses on. She opened her mouth.

“Well, the only help I can give is to tell her to be careful of Sunset Shimmer. But.. I doubt she’ll try to do anything after what happened at the Fall Formal.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Oh.. okay..” Sweetie Belle said. She was expecting a longer conversation than this. Maybe she came at the wrong time. As she was trying to leave with a disappointed face, Rarity suddenly called her.

“By the way, who is this friend of yours?” Rarity said as she turned her back to Sweetie Belle.

“Uh.. she’s a friend I just met yesterday! You probably won’t know her even if I told you her name.” Sweetie lied.

“Is she nice?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah! I think she is a good friend.” Sweetie Belle gave an assuring smile.

Rarity smiled back at her as she stood up and walked toward her little sister. She lowered her arms, gesturing to Sweetie Belle to come. As the little girl came closer, Rarity braced her into a hug. The two sisters enjoyed each other’s embrace until Rarity whispered in Sweetie Belle’s ears in a quiet tone.

“Don’t trust her so early darling. Help isn’t a thing you can give to anyone, anytime.”

Sweetie Belle pulled out herself from the hug and looked at her sister in disbelief. Rarity simply smiled at her warmly as she continued.

“After all, in this school, everybody acts like it’s everyone for themselves.”

Author's Note:

Well, there is a reason why this story's title is 'Out of their Elements'. I assure you, there will be a pretty good explanation on why they are all like this. :raritywink:

Next chapter is going to be about our beloved Sci-Twi. Feel free to give any constructive feedbacks!