• Published 16th Feb 2024
  • 163 Views, 33 Comments

Collateral Damage - Metemponychosis

Two young griffons find themselves dragged into a conflict they wanted nothing with, but when gods fight, mortals dance to their tune.

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07 - Epilogue - The Fallen Angel of Thunderpeak

Gabby waited in the hotel’s lobby, or whatever that place was. Locked doors everywhere, guards at every corner and one of the blue-caped weirdos behind every shadow. It seemed more like a prison or one of those camps nobody enjoyed going to, and they knew it. A kindergarten where someone would give her an angry glare if she looked like she was not busy with something, if she was being too friendly or too reclusive. The pigeon nets covering practically every external leisure area were particularly offensive, but at least using the pool was fun enough.

At night, she talked to Mister Le Grand again, and he agreed with her. The place looked like a weird combination of vacation and company meeting. According to Miss Gracielle, it was too much like a correctional institution. When they asked her how she knew, she pretended she hadn’t understood the question. Anyway, the conversation had ended with that because there was always one of the blue capes behind a piece of furniture ready to tell Gabby to keep her distance from the others.

In the end, that place wasn’t so bad. If only they stopped treating her like she had a communicable disease…

The night was comfortable with the magically maintained temperature in the rooms, and even with the overly meat-rich meals the northerners insisted on serving. She liked creamy, sweet things, but couldn’t complain.

In the morning, they gave Gabby her favorite saddlebags with a few personal effects and her documents. If they hadn’t killed a griffon in front of her, kidnapped her, and then some creepy lady hadn’t put her paws all over her, that wouldn’t be half bad.

The cobblestone in front of the building kept the glossy shine from the rain of the night and the trees swayed in a soft, chilly breeze. Gabby sat next to Madam Gaetana, the older, big northerner griffoness with the high collar cape. Stern with a no-nonsense stare while a carriage approached.

What was she doing there? Gabby still had no idea, but she supposed that since the northerners had given her the saddlebags, she was going on her trip to that Griffindell place. There wasn’t anything she could do about it anyway, so she might as well enjoy now the worst had passed.

When the carriage door opened, the sight of the henna painted yellow griffoness made Gabby reel a step back. Seeing another griffon in there whetted her curiosity, though. A young, blue, and creamy yellow griffon. Very young, with his blue eyes cast to the floor, and feathery crest flat on his head. And wearing that weird red scarf. Seeing Gabby, he perked up a little, though.

Entering after Gabby, Madam Gaetana greeted him. “Good morning, Gallus. Did you sleep well?”

“Peachy,” he mumbled.

After the old griffoness sat herself in between Gallus and Gabby, the latter looked around her to the younger one with a sheepish smile and a small hum. “Hi?”

“Hi.” He responded, but didn’t seem to be in the mood for a conversation.

“I will take both of you to the teleporter. Someone waiting at Thunderpeak that will take you to Frozenlake whee another will take you to Griffindell along with a caravan. It will be a tiring and long journey, but I can guarantee your safety. If anything, both are loyal and competent.”

Gabby said nothing, and Gallus mumbled a grumpy response she couldn’t understand. They spent the rest of the journey to the teleporter in silence, and their arrival was an almost pompous affair. Armed griffons in green uniform clearing the plaza before the facility, even before they disembarked. Despite all the security, they went straight to the teleporter room. They didn’t talk to the receptionist and the operator unicorn already knew what to do. He didn’t even look at them.

As soon as they arrived, an invasive cold replaced the sudden nausea of teleportation. Gabby shuddered and wrapped herself in her wings. She didn’t complain, but wished the annoying military griffons had at least packed something for the cold.

“I had forgotten how dumb cold this place was,” Gallus complained in a sour mood.

“Worry not.” Gaetana pipped like someone’s happy grandma. “We can get you some clothes while your bodies remember how to deal with the cold. Come.”

She escorted the two to the fancy bar and hotel reception that was part of their teleporter operator company. As soon as she opened the door for him and Gallus looked inside, Gallus gasped and then grimaced with a groan.

A steely-blue furred griffoness with a silvery head, and a longsword on her back greeted them. Blue eyes twinkling with joy, waited patiently like a predator in an ambush. Cyan ‘eye shadow’ pulled along with her sharp, aquiline facial structure in a giant grin as soon as her eyes landed on Gallus. Her feathers, silvery and cyan, perked as much as she exposed herself, sitting on the floor and opening her forelimbs like she expected Gallus to run at her for a hug. Unfortunately for him, she was close enough she grabbed him, despite his protests.

“Gallus! The cutest blue-blooded butt in the world!” she warbled with the chirpy accent of the northerner griffons.

“Gwineth,” he responded with antagonizing disdain, “the most vulgar griffoness to ever disgrace the world with her presence.”

“I missed you too!” she chirped even chirpier, messing up his feathers with exaggerated petting.

Then she looked at Gabby and twisted her beak. “Who’s pigeon?”

“Gabby!” she growled. “My name is Gabby, and I deliver letters.”

Gaetana intervened while Gallus tried to free himself from her embrace. “Gwineth, under orders from Lady Gwendolen herself, you will escort Gallus and Gabriella to Frozenlake. Make haste, you must join the first caravan before they depart to Brokenhorn.”

“I can take them straight to Griffindell.” The other complained.

“You will take them to Frozenlake, unharmed. And you mind their safety first. You will join the caravan and you will not create any problems. You know how important Gallus is. The Allmother will be watching.”

“Oof…” Gallus finally freed himself. “I haven’t been here five minutes and I already hate it all over again.”

Gabby waved her paw. “Can we get some clothes, please?”

Comments ( 6 )

Apparently Fimfiction's "Follow Creator" function doesn't work the way I thought. Had no idea these last two chapters dropped until I checked your Story section this morning. :facehoof:

*Ahem* Anyway WOW, I can finally let out that breath I was holding in since that dream sequence a couple chapters back. Very happy to see Luna's vision was of what could happen, rather than what will happen! I know realistically speaking Gallus never had any chance of escaping The Harpy's grasp, but it's good to see he was able to save some lives in the process, as well as untangle the genuinely chilling plot that unwitting GSA captain was a part of!

Also appreciate that unlike a lot of antagonists in fiction, The Harpy is smart enough to understand the importance of using both the "Carrot and Stick" methods of rule (at least when it comes to dealing with griffons,) as demonstrated by that "gilded cage" Gabby, Gustav and Giselle were sent to. Anyone can rebel against a ruler that only ever bestows punishment to their subjects, the same cannot be said for one that mixes it up with gifts and praise. That said, I don't see a bright future for Gustav's pastry business given the Cult's stance on anything involving processed sugar!

Still not 100% sure why Gabby is getting the same sort of treatment that Gallus is. I can understand why The Harpy would want to keep her on a short leash, given her ties to Twilight and co., and her nearly pure Saddani lineage. But that alone doesn't seem like it would warrant a trip to Griffondel while under the care of one of the few remaining Swordmaidens. Can only assume there is more going on that has yet to be revealed!

And once again we have Gwineth wasting no time reminding us why she could just as easily be called "The Harpy's Harlot". No doubt Gabby and especially Gallus are in for a "fun" time!

Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I had a couple of bad days while I was finishing this story and I focused too much on videogames.

Anywyay... Fimfiction does weird stuff sometimes.

What you said about Gustav is something I mean to touch on with Gilda in Fólkvangr. I'll give you no spoilers, but the Harpy's Children are more creative than she had considered.:moustache:

Well, Gabby wouldn't understand, but the reason she was sent there was because the northerners, unlike some GSA officers, are not doing what they are because they actually hate the hippogriffs or the 'ponified griffons'. The Harpy has instilled in them her twisted view that they are dangerous because they spread the pony magic among the griffons and she means it in the literal sense because it is in their blood, but also in the ideas they usually subscribe to. It is shame because this story should have dealt with that more overtly, but I didn't want it to get too large.

Anyway, I'm already working on the next chapter for PoP and maybe I'll give this one a sequel with their trip to Frozenlake just to show off the dynamics between the three.

Alright definitely looking forward to that!

Welll darn, I was hoping Gallus and Gabby knew each other, but alas ‘‘twas not to be. That being said…


I wanted to start their relationship, and with Gilda, from the start. Its gonna be important in Fólkvangr.


also gabby needs gallus snuggles ^^

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