• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


My name is Metemponychosis Edgy Hornyson!


Sunny enjoys a smoothie with her friends now that unicorns got their magic back and pegasi could fly again. The fear was gone and the pony races could live together in harmony and friendship again. Unfortunately for them, things didn't go exactly as planned... Nor would have If anyone had planned at all.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

I cannot begin to describe how uncannily unsettling that cover image is…

It'll be nice if G5 explores in-depth what earth pony magic actually does.

Earth Pony magic was always more passive, expressing as strength and power to make plants and crystals grow. Ingenuity wasn't really Earth Pony magic is was a side effect of thier magic being so indirect, necessity is the mother of invention after all. Earth ponies where them real backbone of Equestria, being able to make food and building materials far beyond their own needs allowing Pegasi manage the weather, and Unicorns to seek knowlge.

I mean honestly the punchline was so stupid that it was perfect

Sure. But that wasn't what the movie did with them. Other than implying that they got the materials necessary for all the things Canterlogic created out of somewhere, and without magic. Miner and blacksmith earth ponies sounds like a cool concept. If anything, the earth ponies were a threat to the other races.

But this was just a dumb joke I wrote.

It really is awful. I cropped Hitch out of if, who was in the foreground.

Well they did a headstart on technology so that did make them the real threading party, but often the most dangerous are then ones most worried a out being hurt.

What....controlling crop production and super strength aren't enough?!

Yes. True. But the movie didn't mention that.
Don't take this too seriously.

Well they only just got magic back untill harvest time the crop boost won't be noticed, and untill enough feats of unexpected strength happen no pony will know Earth Pony magic is even a thing. That's the down side of passive power, it doesn't manifest in a way you instantly notice.
Unicorns and Pegasi are now doing something flashy, Unicorn horns glow and Pegasi fly. But earth ponies? Now they can lift and pull heavier things, plants they tend to grow faster and produce more, crystalline structures form easier and faster around them the kind of magic that doesn't draw attention.

Blacksmithing sounds like the sort of profession that not only Earth Ponies, but also Diamond Dogs and Dragons could get behind. Shame that the G4 writers never tried to capitalize on doing that as a thing. Can you imagine a scene like out of Sokka's Master or The Mandalorian where Spike is hard at work on creating a set of armor or a shield or weapon for his friends on request?

I mentioned earth ponies, but the truth is that all creatures would have some level of blacksmithing tradition. I prefer to think that they have different techniques. It's very fantastic, but dragons could use molten lava for source of heat (or even their breaths), and diamond dogs might make extensive use of crystals for enchanting items.

In my more serious stories, in the AU, I had old Equestria using a combination of earth ponies for mining special ores, unicorns using magic and concentrated sunlight for forging. Griffons used captured lightning. Modern crystal ponies use a magical tempering that makes a hybrid of crystal and metal that is excellent for holding enchantments. That sort of things.

But yes. It's a shame that G4 never explored that sort of thing.

I should have put a random tag on that thing.:rainbowlaugh:

I see. I'm just a bit confused.

Yes... because most of the first third is unfunny and irrelevant. Sure, Zipp has a job; where is the punchline? True not everything needs to be a joke but the only jokes i could identify were ones done in the movie or the dead horse of "what magic do earth ponies have" commentary from G4.

That part that made me smile? The moon and sun not moving. Opps; Sunny broke something! i can't be sure that it was a deliberate joke; solving that would be a 20k-100k worthy adventure instead.

The intention was that it worked as set up. A small amount of time passed after the end of the movie and those things changed. The joke in the idea that Zipp has a job is that she got a boring desk job. That clashes with her personality and her aspirations. It was a consequence that she lost her royal status she thought was a problem. Overall, the joke is that they wanted to make things better, but things got worse.

The thing about the Earth Pony magic isn't that they don't have it. The joke is that now the other races have it. The other races would be a threat now. And nothing really seems to have changed for the Earth Ponies.

The sun and the moon is more a sting at the movie, because they shouldn't be moving to begin with. It was a deliberate joke, and I even have a series of ideas in my head about the new friends going out and figuring stuff out. But that isn't a priority.

The whole story is meant to be taken as a joke with a few parts. And a mean spirited one because one would assume that they would all be friends after the end of the movie and that things would work out. I mean, I doubt that Zipp and Pipp will have suffered the implied consequences once the series starts. If it helps, I don't think I'll try to write comedy again.

It’s definitely a commentary at the least. :twilightsheepish:

Though I recommend taking my criticism (it’s not really critic without some constructive to go with) with a helping of salt. While I get most jokes the vast majority I simply don’t find funny no matter the medium.

Funnily enough, all of the points made in this story would ultimately be addressed Make your Mark.

Really? That is a pleasant surprise. What did they do the pegasus royals and who's controlling the sun and the moon? I don't remember if it made it to the story, but who's taking care of dreams?

1. The sun and the moon move by themselves now (when magic stopped, physics took over and continue to run the process).

2. The Pegasus Royal Family were reinstated as Zephyr Heights' heads of state; Make your Mark and Tell your Tale make clear that Queen Haven was restored as monarch, and her two daughters regained their princess status.

3. Dreams is the only bit they're a bit shaky on, as it's not been discussed in huge detail. However, based on what we know I suspect they aren't being monitored (which may be a good thing on reflection; Luna's watching of dreams always felt a bit Secret Police to me).

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