• Published 9th Feb 2024
  • 278 Views, 76 Comments

Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers [Parallel Quest] - Cyrus Colter

At the start of a new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.

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Chapter 8: Bonding with a Brawl.

The two on one collision of power ended up sending the combatants away from each other. All three recovered near simultaneously, Marko and Sweetie Belle charging back at each other while Rota circled around. Sweetie threw another punch, but Marko caught her hoof and slammed the filly into the ground, once, twice, thrice, before spinning his arm around while still holding her then throwing the filly into the distance.

As soon as Sweetie Belle recovered, Rota struck from behind, sending the alicorn flying the opposite direction, only for Marko to suddenly appear in front of her and unleash a burst of energy from his hand that she barely blocked with a shield, still being sent flying another direction from the attack. With a laugh, the filly caught Rota’s leg as the Saiyan tried to kick her from above then threw her towards the charging Marko, halting his momentum, then shot a beam at the siblings that Rota met with a beam of her own. The beams clashed, causing a swell of energy at the center.

Seeing the clash slowly going out of Rota’s favor, Marko took a stance that Sweetie Belle, though just barely able to see it, recognized instantly.

“Kamehame-HA!” Marko shouted as a beam of red energy mixed with Rota’s own blast against Sweetie’s, adding enough power to start to reverse the clash. Realizing this, the filly raised a shield around herself, blocking the blast and obscuring her vision just enough to not see Rota until the Saiyan’s fingers, coated in purple energy shaped like claws, stabbed into her shield. Rota then pulled her arms wide, shattering the shield and momentarily shorting out Sweetie Belle’s magic. Luckily, she still had her other powers and training, quickly falling back to her martial arts training as Rota engaged her with a rush of blows, the two exchanging strikes as they flew through the sky. Marko quickly revealed himself once more, taking potshots at Sweetie Belle with finger beams and energy balls. Though she was still holding her own well, the filly knew she needed to get more serious if she wanted to actually win this fight.

With that thought, Sweetie Belle redirected a punch from Rota, then slammed a punch of her own in her cheek, sending the Saiyan crashing through the remains of three buildings, then caught Marko’s flaming fist as he tried to punch her. Spinning around to gain momentum, the filly then threw the human at a nearby mountain, causing a crater to form around him on impact. As Sweetie Belle dusted her hooves off, she was caught off guard by a sudden and very loud shout, accompanied by the distinct sensation of rising energy.

Looking back in the saiyan’s direction, the filly was somewhat shocked to see a golden aura suddenly in her face before she was sent flying from a boot to the face from Rota herself. Recovering from the blow, Sweetie saw that Rota had changed. Her once-black hair was now glowing with golden energy, her eyes, previously a light brown, were now cerulean, and even without her ability to sense energy, Sweetie Belle could easily tell that Rota was much more powerful now. Her quickly healed broken nose was a testament to that. A similar shout and surge of power erupted from Marko’s location as the mountain erupted akin to a volcano, the older Bage sibling emerging from the molten rock wreathed in flames, his skin now a more scale-like consistency.

Looking between the two of them, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but smile with glee. Rota’s voice broke the filly from her reverie, bringing her back to the moment.

“This is where things get a little more exciting,” the Saiyan said before she suddenly vanished. But Sweetie Belle could still sense her, like with Marko. She turned around as she dodged a punch from Rota, the two soon vanishing along with Marko, the only visible sign of their fight at this point being the shockwaves from when their blows would either land or clash.

The crowd in Ponyville was going wild, cheering on Sweetie Belle and the Bage siblings in equal measure. However, there were a few in the crowd that were busy discussing amongst themselves.

Twilight, Applejack and Rarity looked at the viewing sphere in shock and awe at the events transpiring. Not only had the siblings not been lying about their power, but they had apparently been HOLDING BACK during the incidents with Rainbow Rocket they had been told about. (which did next to nothing to discourage Sweetie Belle and her friends from deciding to spend Spring Break there, much to the annoyance of their respective guardians.)

The surprises would keep coming, however, as Twilight spotted a familiar sight out of the corner of her eye. A team of Pegasus royal guards escorting a chariot carrying Princesses Celestia and Luna, the latter of which seemed both annoyed at something and intrigued by the viewing sphere the ponies were gathered around.

Twilight quickly went to greet the Princesses. “Hello, Princesses, I assume you got my letter?”

Celestia smiled at her former student, then replying, “Yes, we did, though I will admit, Luna only heard of it after dealing with something rather… strange in the Dream Realm. Even for its standards.” She shuddered at the memory of her singular venture into the Dream Realm courtesy of when Starlight Glimmer swapped her and Luna’s Cutie Marks. Looking over to the viewing orb in the center of the crowd, most of whom had heard her and gave a bow, to which she simply gestured for them to rise, returning their attention to the sight that previously held their attention, she continued, “And I, myself, have some concerns about these beings. The one called, ‘Rota,’ in particular, if what Luna told me of her dream last night was any indication of her waking mind.” Looking at the viewing orb, the sight of Marko launching seemingly hundreds of flaming energy blasts at Sweetie Belle, the filly practically dancing between them, only to be met once more by Rota suddenly appearing with a punch that Sweetie blocked, the force still sending her into one of the blasts.

“I can certainly attest to having concerns of my own, but she seems able to control herself. Rota doesn’t really strike me as the kind to simply start a fight for no reason,” Twilight said.

“While that is among my sister’s concerns, I believe she was more referring to the mention in your letter of a transformation triggered by looking at the full moon. I cannot say much about her dream aside from what I have told Tia without breaking confidence, but I can, at the least, assure you, she seems more concerned with ruining buildings than harming others while in that form,” Luna said, her eyes locked onto the viewing orb showing the fight. “I myself find it more concerning that both she and her brother seem to be at least on par with Sweetie Belle at the time I dueled her, and yet they still hold back their strength to a large degree.”

Twilight gulped as her and Celestia’s attention went to the orb.

Sweetie Belle was now flying erratically while sending projectiles of all kinds, her whip separated into its multi cannon form to facilitate a faster firing speed. Marko charged at her, striking her with a burning combo of punches that the alicorn interrupted with a cannon turned beam sword, only for Rota to reappear behind her and slam a kick on top of the fillies head, sending her crashing back to the ground.

The siblings then charged up and fired a volley of blasts at Sweetie Belle, causing explosions that she was able to protect herself from by turning to metal. Bursting out from the smoke cloud, Sweetie punched Rota, sending her flying back for a distance, then turned her attention to Marko, blocking his overhand strike, only for an uppercut from the other hand to catch her in the gut, making her cough up a bit of spit and opening her up to a flurry of punches from the enhanced human, who then sent her flying with an uppercut. As Sweetie recovered, Rota reappeared again and punched the filly in the cheek, sending her flying into a mountain.

The siblings took a moment to build their energy back up, expecting Sweetie Belle to charge back in again.

So, it was quite a surprise when Sweetie’s own power spiked before the mountain disintegrated as her mane and tail seemed to turn into flames the same color of green as her magic. Marko and Rota barely had time to react before the alicorn was suddenly behind them, waiting for them to respond in kind.

Marko gave another sigh before he and Rota’s auras flared causing the air itself to quake at the sudden spike of power all in one place.

On Planet Popstar, Void was enjoying a day with his sons, Galacta Knight sparring with Meta Knight nearby as Kirby busied himself by gobbling as much of the food as he could, when he felt the sudden surge of power. It seemed to get Kirby and the Knight’s attention as well, the former stopping in the middle of eating a strawberry shortcake and the latter two halting their sparring. Void turned his gaze upwards as he honed his senses on the source of power.

With a shock, he realized the source of it.

“Poyo?”(“Sweetie Belle?”) Kirby asked.

“It’s Sweetie Belle. But she’s not alone. She seems to be with two other very powerful beings,” Void answered his son’s question.

“Father, could you open a viewing rift for us to see what’s going on? It could just be her and them showing off, for all we know, but we should still see if it’s important,” Galacta Knight said as he and Meta Knight approached. Void nodded before sweeping his hand out in front of him, a screen-like rift opening and showing Sweetie Belle flying in front of two other beings.

“Oh, I think I know the universe these two are from. Nice kid, their creator deity, even if he hasn’t grown up in the time since I last saw him. Anyway, they, thankfully, seem to be on an abandoned planet, so let’s just enjoy the show,” the god said upon seeing the manifestation of the humanoid's power.

The siblings power spiked as Marko’s brown hair turned a glowing orange, his eyes flashed red and his aura flared into a mix of white and blue with red sparks, while Rota’s transformation seemed covered her in red fur, her top and sleeves exploding (her bra, thankfully, was unaffected) as her own aura mixed with her brothers. Sweetie and Rota smirked at one another while Marko rolled his eyes, before the three of them started their fight anew. Marko moved beside Sweetie Belle and struck at her with a flaming punch that she blocked, only for Rota to slam a kick into Sweetie’s side, sending the alicorn flying before she recovered, intercepting an energy punch from Rota with one of her own. The resulting clash of energy burned and carved the planet beneath them as they held their ground. This was interrupted by Rota pulling her fist back and twirling past Sweetie before kicking the filly from behind, sending her into a flaming elbow strike from Marko, followed by three punches and ending with a kick that sent Sweetie flying for a bit.

Recovering from the blow, Sweetie Belle called her cannons back to her, having sent them back to her pocket dimension before unleashing her power. Surrounding her horn with her cannons, she began to charge energy into them, intending to at least fire off an Ultimate Doom Laser.

“Final push. Here we go!” Rota called as she and Marko came up side to side with each other. Marko took the same stance as earlier, his hands at his right pulled behind him as if holding something, this time charging much more energy between his palms as he called out the attack’s incantation. Rota took a similar stance, her hands at her left, clawed and both facing forward.

“Ka-me… Ha-me...”

“Galick Gun…”

Sweetie Belle fired her Ultimate Doom Laser at the siblings as they unleashed their own massive beams.



The beams clashed causing a massive swell of energy. The filly and the Siblings tried to overpower one another, only for the clashing energy beams to detonate, unleashing a massive explosion that forced the combatants to guard themselves in order to not be sent flying.

As the smoke cleared, all that was left of the area of the planet they had been fighting on was a crater roughly the size of the Everfree Forest in width, and thrice as deep. The three combatants powered down and grouped up near the edge of the crater. Marko and Rota breathing hard while Sweetie Belle seemed fresh as ever. “That was a lot of fun,” the filly said.

“Yeah, it was…” Rota said while panting, her top having changed to a purple shirt with a black sleeveless vest.

“Here, let me heal you,” Sweetie said before using her powers to restore Marko and Rota to the state they were in before. Only, upon finishing, the filly noticed that Rota’s power seemed to grow exponentially during the healing process. The raised eyebrow on her face was noticed by Rota, who took a guess as to what the question was and answered as she stretched her limbs out.

“Saiyan's have a genetic quirk that allows us to grow stronger when either recovering from a nearly lost fight or when fighting a tough opponent. What you’re sensing is that, but happening at the rate you healed me, if I had to guess,” she supplied.

“Oh. That’s neat,” the filly replied as she opened a rift back to Equestria.

“Well, now that we got that sorted, let’s take a few weeks for a break before we go gallivanting off to another universe, eh? I know I’m looking forward to a bit of quiet,” Marko said as they traversed the rift.

“Agreed,” the filly and Saiyan said in sync, before looking at each other and giggling.

It was then that Sweetie Belle noticed Celestia and Luna approaching them and waved at her. “Hey, P- Celestia and Luna. I suppose Twilight sent you a letter?”

Marko and Rota saw the Equestrian Diarchs approaching and quickly bowed at the waist in respect.

“You need not bow to us, noble warriors. Greetings, Sweetie Belle. Yes, Twilight did send me a letter, though I didn’t get to read it until after Luna and I had met for a meal,” Princess Celestia said.

“And yet, twas not till we saw you battle that we truly understood the truth of your assessment. A thrilling bout, indeed,” Luna spoke up. “Though, that leaves the question of why you wished to have the bout in the first place.”

“Two reasons. First, I just wanted to cut loose a bit. Second, he wanted to know if she’s able to control her power,” Rota said without hesitation, jabbing a thumb at Marko next to her.

“I’d say that battle was proof enough of it. For now, we’re just gonna take it easy until we’re ready for a new adventure,” he spoke up finally.

At that, the crowd began to disperse. Rarity and her friends all went back to their homes, Sweetie Belle following her sister while the Bage siblings were taken to Twilight’s castle, the purple alicorn wanting to ask some questions about the pair’s power. As the days went by, Sweetie Belle and the Bage siblings did as proposed and relaxed, letting the stress of their recent travels/adventure loosen up until they were ready. In that time, Sweetie Belle talked to Magalor about getting a new translator that would allow her to read other languages, a fault found in her earpiece translator. Within a week, most of which was spent distracted by Magalor running Rota and Marko through various tests and interviews, the pair and Sweetie Belle had Magolor's confirmation of the new translator: a nanobot that would integrate itself within the language center of the subjects brain, translating all vocal and literary stimulus into a language said subject understood.

Two and a half weeks later, the three decided they were ready and met up on the outskirts of town, ready for a new adventure.

Sweetie Belle opened a rift then looked at her two new companions before the three of them stepped through into a new world.

Author's Note:

I'm gonna be honest, if this chapter were the length I wanted it, I wouldn't be releasing it until next year.

So I decided to work with what I could think of and get it out when I can.

Also, the reason for Rota's top changing is because each of my 5 DB OC's can change their clothes with a snap of their finger. Relatively basic spell in their universe, but still tricky to master when you aren't naturally inclined towards magic.