• Published 9th Feb 2024
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers [Parallel Quest] - Cyrus Colter

At the start of a new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.

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Chapter 22: To a New Realm.

The next day, Rota Bage was sitting in a section of the Everfree Forest, pretty much the only place on Equus where she could do her current activity safely.

Namely, meditation to reign in her control over her energy. The divine energy she’d gotten from her last adventure had increased her potential, but the method had come at a cost. Her normally seamless control over ambient Ki, effectively allowing her a near-limitless supply of energy, had been shot.

Seriously, she dumped enough energy to blow up a star into one of her punches and only a quarter of it actually ended up lasting to the impact, and on top of that she couldn’t sense a damned thing. She needed to redo her energy control exercises.

She had just gotten done with the mandatory portion of the meditation and was about to test her control with a simple method she’d previously found effective…

That was until she felt a familiar feeling to what Marko had shared with her using a Detect Magic spell.

Having a suspicion, Rota began counting down.




Where it was a sunny day mere moments ago, it was now in the midst of a small downpour.

Hearing a set of giggles from her left, combined with the fact that a certain filly had yet to learn how to suppress her energy signature, told the Saiyan exactly what happened.

“At least you’re not screwing with the day/night cycle. But now, someone’s gonna have to explain to Applejack, Rainbow Dash and potentially Rarity why you knowingly brought your friends into the Everfree Forest, regardless of how safe they are with you,” the Saiyan said, prompting the giggling to cease in favor of a brief silence, then a brief pop as Sweetie assumedly teleported herself and her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, away.

Rota then sighed before letting herself return to her meditation. A few minutes later, Rota’s body began to emanate a purple aura, her hair and tail flashing the same shade of purple for a few minutes, then eventually fading back to its natural black tone as the aura faded.

Coming out of her meditation, the Saiyan looked up to see the Pegasi on the weather team clearing out the parts of the sudden storm that creeped over to Ponyville.

With a content smile, Rota once more returned to her meditation. She might as well reaffirm her control over her Saiyan instincts with some projection training.

The next day, with the CMC:

Scootalink climbed the long spiral staircase to Ganon Bloom's room, hoping that she wasn't too late to stop her from taking the Triforce of Wisdom from Sweetie Belda. When she reached the double door that was the entrance of the room, she bucked them open and ran in.

"Release Sweetie Belda, Ganon Bloom!" she yelled as she pointed her sword in direction of the Dark Lady threateningly.

This didn't faze Ganon Bloom who remained seated on her throne, chuckling darkly. "Ya're too late," she said. Then she raised her right forehoof and showed the Triforce mark, two of the three triangles composing it now glowing. "Only one left."

Scootalink growled, both in anger at Ganon Bloom and in worry for Sweetie Belda. "What have you done to her, you monster?"

In answer, Ganon Bloom just smirked and, with a flick of her hoof, made a crystal float down from the ceiling, the former bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom trapped in it. "Want her? Very well. Ah'm done with her." The crystal disappeared, and Sweetie Belda was propelled right toward Scootalink who caught her. The pegasus still ended on her back, but at least, the princess was safe.

"Ugh... thanks. I'm sorry, I could do nothing," Sweetie Belda said as she got up.

"Eh. No worries. I will still get her."

"At least, let me help you. We will have better chances if we work together."

Scootalink nodded, and they both faced Ganon Bloom, ready to fight her.

"Sweetie Belle! Here you are!" suddenly shouted a familiar voice, interrupting their game.

The fillies groaned and turned toward the approaching lavender alicorn.

"What is it, Twilight?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Is it true that you are the one who started the rain yesterday just by singing?" asked the mare. "Wait, what were you doing, you three?" she then asked when she remarked the filly's disguises and the wooden swords.

"Just playing," answered Scootaloo. "I'm the Hero, Sweetie Belle is the Princess, and Apple Bloom is the Dark Lord."

Apple Bloom nodded. "It's based on Sweetie's previous adventures."

"And to answer your first question, yes! It's true! A little trick that I got from this adventure."

"Can you show me?" asked Twilight.

Sweetie Belle thought about it for a few seconds before grinning and smiling. She then sung the Song of Storms, and the next instant it began to rain all over Ponyville.

Twilight gawked. "That's... incredible!"

"I just made it unto a downpour, but if I wanted, I could put more power and turn it into a real storm, and even into a hurricane. And... I suppose that with more control, I could turn this into a snowstorm, I'm not sure," Sweetie Belle informed. "I'm sure that I can teach you to do it. All you need to do is to sing the Song of Storms while putting some magic in your voice, not unlike the Royal Canterlot Voice. Anypony can do it."

Twilight was visibly shaking in excitement now. "Can you sing this Song of Storms again, please?"

"I can do better," replied Sweetie Belle before she materialized a piece of paper and a pen. She wrote the song on the paper and gave it to the mare. "Here you go, the Song of Storms. You just need to sing the beginning to create a storm, but I will let you test if singing more of it is useful. And you don't even need to sing it. Playing it with an instrument works too. Any instrument, except maybe some percussion instruments."

Twilight looked down at the paper with the song. "This will revolutionize weather management!"

Sweetie Belle then grinned even more. "I also got a song to control the cycle of day and night. It may ask for more power however."

Twilight eyed the filly at this. "You are not foaling with me, uh?"

"Nope! Want proof?"

"NOOOO! If you move the sun and the moon now, it may cause panic! I will talk to Celestia and Luna about this, and if they agree, we will test this song tonight."

Sweetie Belle nodded.

Twilight then asked if there were more songs ("Yes, there are, but I don't think they will work in this world.") before she returned to her castle to send a message to Celestia and probably to experiment with the Song of Storms. The rain stopped not long after, and the fillies were able to continue where they stopped.

"Be ready to bite the dust, Ganon Bloom!"

"Then come, Scootalink!"

That evening, Sweetie Belle was on a balcony in Canterlot Castle with Twilight, Celestia, Luna and (for reasons known only to Celestia) the Bages at her sides. The princesses had agreed to test the Sun's Song and to let Sweetie show it to them, and now, they were gathered here to witness the miracle. Twilight even had some machines installed to read the amount of power needed to sing the song and make it work, to see if anypony could use it.

"Everything is ready, Celestia," said the lavender mare.

Celestia nodded and looked toward Sweetie Belle. "You can do it."

The filly nodded in turn and sang the Sun's Song. Almost immediately, the Sun fully disappeared beyond the horizon, and the Moon rose from the opposite direction and took its place.

The princesses could only look in wonder. Then, Twilight looked at the readings from the machines, and her jaw dropped. "Oh my... Celestia! Look at these readings! I could have used this song while I was still an unicorn! That's still a lot of power needed, but far from the amount you and Luna usually use to move the Sun and the Moon! Any pony with enough power in them could do it! Starlight could do it! Rainbow could do it! Applejack and her brother could do it too!"

Celestia and Luna looked at the readings, then exchanged a glance before they both turned toward Sweetie Belle.

"You must not tell anypony you don't trust about this song. And if you already told somepony about it, you must make them promise to not tell anypony without your agreement. If somepony with bad intentions was to get their hooves on this song..." Celestia said.

"Or, worst, all of Equestria learns about this song and the ponies begin to abuse it, and the cycle of day and night as we know it will cease to exist," Luna said.

Sweetie Belle, Twilight, and the Bages agreed.

"However, the song will be very useful," began Twilight. "If we could find a way to make the song play automatically each morning and evening, we would be free of this duty of controlling the Sun and the Moon.”

Luna nodded. "An automated instrument powered with a magical crystal that could replenish itself with the ambient magic. This can easily be done in a few days."

"As for the Song of Storms, it will be a boon without doubt, but I fear the pegasi's reaction," said the Alicorn of the Sun. "I will have to go to Cloudsdale to talk to them and see if we can come to an arrangement."

"I'm glad that my adventures help Equestria. Too bad we can't use the Ancient's technology, yet," Sweetie Belle grumbled.

If only they could find a way to bring huge quantities of Matters from the Dream Universe. Sweetie Belle could open a giant rift, but it would be too risky for the two universes. Thanks to the Void Energy, she could create Matters like Void, but it would take forever. No, their best bet was to wait to build Matter generators, and only then they will be able to use the Ancient technology freely.

"It's only a matter of time," assured Twilight. She, Magolor, Susie, Marko and other scientists from both universes were working hard to study the Matter generator of the Lor Starcutter.

The following days for Sweetie Belle were split between school, playing with her friends or helping them to find their Cutie Marks, and training her Pokémon. She hadn't come back to bring them to Hyrule on the last adventure because it had been just too dangerous and they were just not strong enough yet. This needed to change so her Pokémon could follow her no matter what.

So she made them face each other in duels, or made them attack targets such as dummies or rocks.

Tank entered his shell and quickly moved to the side to avoid Volta's Thunder Shock. He then came out and immediately countered with a Water Gun followed by a Tackle. Volta avoided the Water Gun with a jump to the side, but didn't see the Tackle until it was too late and was rammed and sent flying in the air. When she crashed, she was KO.

"Yes!" shouted Tank in victory under the applause of the watching ponies (Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and a few classmates) and the other Pokémon.

"Good job Tank!" congratulated Sweetie Belle before she healed Volta who got up after that. "You did well too, Volta. You two are becoming very good!"

"Really?!" asked Volta with her big, round eyes looking at Sweetie Belle in joy.

"Yes, you are," said Sweetie Belle while petting the little Pokémon.

It was at this moment that Tank suddenly began to glow before changing shape, to the wonder of the ponies. He visibly became taller, his tail became longer and thicker, and two small wing-like appendages appeared on the sides of his head. The glow then disappeared, revealing the new Wartortle to everypony.

"Ahah! Yes! Yes! I evolved!" he yelled.

Sweetie Belle squealed and hugged him. The spectators then approached to have a better look at the Wartortle, all of them amazed to finally see the evolution of a Pokémon, especially Twilight who was wondering how this worked.

The evolution really boosted Tank's capacities. After that, he won all his fights (except against Drako who, despite being just a Dratini, was still much stronger), and he became much more effective on the farm.

It was really then that the ponies understood how right Sweetie Belle had been. The Pokémon needed to fight, and they needed someone to guide them for this.

In the following days, the Pokémon evolved one by one. First, Smily who evolved into a Haunter (he retained his round gaseous head, but his entire body became purple and he gained spiky protrusions and two disembodied hands, making him look more like a ghost), then, Ratzo who evolved into a Raticate (he looked more like an actual rat, chubby-looking with brown fur instead of purple, and he could now stand on his back-legs), and Drako evolved into a Dragonair (looking more elegant, with a horn on his head, wing-like appendages on his head, blue crystal orbs now present under his chin and on his tail, and his snoot was now blue).

Lulla needed a Moonstone to evolve, so she had to wait for Sweetie's next excursion to the Pokémon world. As for Volta, to become a Pikachu, she didn't really need to fight. She needed something else: love and friendship. It was just a matter of waiting until she got enough.

Sweetie's Pokémon team was starting to look great, and it made many of her classmates envious. Many now wanted their own teams of cool Pokémon.

Maybe Twilight and Magolor will start to work on a portal to the Pokémon Universe.

Speaking of Magolor, he finally finished creating a translator like he and Sweetie talked about between Sweetie’s adventures and enough for her and the Bages, at that. One glass of water each later to swallow them, and Sweetie, Rota and Marko could now understand all languages, written and talked. It was quickly tested on the Ancient writing and on the language from Hyrule, and after seeing that it worked, Magolor and Susie began to work to mass-produce it.

The next weekend

“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with us?” Sweetie Belle asked Marko for the fifth time… in about as many minutes.

“Yes, I’m sure. I'll need to up my training if I want to keep up with you and Rota, especially since she shared some God Ki with me. Besides, she should be enough company for your next adventure,” Marko answered.

“Alright. If you’re sure,” the filly (finally) conceded.

With a subtle momentary glare at nothing in particular, Sweetie Belle went outside to meet up with Rota so they could go to a new universe. The two met up near the market and, after taking a moment to gather Sweetie’s Pokemon, were seen off by a few shoppers and merchants wishing them well.

Passing through the rift, the two found themselves in what seemed to be some kind of temple. Immediately in front of them was a courtyard area with Dragon Statues that Rota identified as a Lung dragon in design.

Before they could note much else, a voice sounded off.

“It would appear the greater Omniverse has brought a surprise to the two of you as well as myself and my companions.”

Turning around to face the voice, the pair saw a man, a bit shorter than Marko, and not as built, but Rota immediately recognized him. Divinity or not, he still knew the humble monk the God before them once was.

The man, clad in a white oriental style shirt and black pants with a red dragon design on it, and his eyes and tattoos glowing with power, brought his hands together, fist in palm and bowed to Rota, who copied his gesture.

“Liu Kang. Good to see again.”

Author's Note:

This came to me on a whim, and I felt no desire to resist it.

This will take a bit of time, since I'm doing something that I have no personal experience with.

If anyone reading this story would like to help with writing, send me a PM and we'll discuss details.