• Published 8th Feb 2024
  • 294 Views, 30 Comments

Ghosts of The Past - JeSuisLaPorte

It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.

  • ...

6. He Doesn't Deserve Your Kindness

Their work at the apple orchard now done, Olive and Apple Bloom bid Braeburn farewell as they returned to town, hoping they can get back to Apple Fritter’s before something bad could happen. Their mad dash came to an end once they noticed their cousin returning home with her groceries.

“Cousin Apple Fritter!” Olive screamed to get her attention, struggling to catch her breath. She was out of breath by the time she got to her alongside her big sister. This run was a real marathon, almost an entire kilometer traveled on hooves! Before her, all that came out of their mouths were wheezes.

“Oh, hey! Didn’t think ya two would be so eager to come back to me!” Their cousin exclaimed happily whilst she unlocked her door. “These hats look really good on you two! Mind helpin’ me out with ta groceries?” She placed some of her bags down for the fillies to pick. They were the lightest ones, of course.

“Uh, sure. We just...” Apple Bloom took a few deep breaths, trying to stabilise herself so that her speech may be unimpeded. “...wanted some advice, well, Olive wanted some advice ‘bout relationships.”

Olive blushed but pushed through the embarrassment to nod, gently levitating a bag up. “Y-Yeah, it’s for my marefriend, Sweetie Belle.”

Opening the front door, Apple Fritter gasped. “Then come inside! Ah’ll certainly try mah best to help in that regard, even though Ah’m no relationship expert.”

That last sentence piqued the pink unicorn’s curiosity. She knew very little about both Braeburn and Apple Fritter and all this time, she’s been more preoccupied with Speaker to the point that she didn’t bother to learn much about her cousins. That was a mistake she should remedy immediately. They’re family and she needed to know them on a deeper level for this link to mean something. “Do you have a coltfriend, o-or marefriend too, Apple Fritter?”

Her cousin’s eyes widened, her face blushing a bit. “O-Oh, well Ah mean, not yet but it’s bound to come eventually. Ah know some good stallions ‘round ‘ere! Still, what Ah can show ya will help immensely with gettin’ their attention. That, and also stimulatin’ yer lover!”

Olive rushed in front of her cousin, forcing the mare to look deeply into her beautiful eyes filled with a burning curiosity. “Stimulate my lover for what?”

Giggling, she bopped the filly on the nose. “That’s somethin’ ya’ll understand when yer older!”

The little unicorn blinked, the gears turning in her head. “So if stimulating is for something I don’t understand now, then does that mean it won’t be useful for me?”

“Oh, certainly not! It’ll help ya keep Sweetie Belle’s attention.” Apple Fritter placed her groceries on the kitchen counter, quickly filling her fridge. “We call this, seducin’. It works for ponies tryin’ to find their lovers and also works on couples wantin’ to have some fun.”

Slowly losing sight of the mission, Olive blushed, thinking of all the possibilities this lesson could be applied to her marefriend. As far as her foal’s mind could. “I want to have fun with her!”

Apple Fritter giggled, holding a hoof to her mouth much to the filly’s confusion. “Oh, it’s nothin’.” Once she was finished with her groceries, she turned her attention back to the two fillies. “Anyway, want me to show ya ta art of seduction? It’s very simple once ya understand ta fundamentals.”

Apple Bloom looked around. No sign of that dreadful stallion in the kitchen. But then, she heard a large pony slowly come to them. Just as expected, Speaker couldn’t help himself to eavesdrop on them, seeming more attentive since the subject of this conversation is “seduction”, something that fitted right his alley.

“Hey, what are you talking about?” He asked, peeking into the kitchen.

Apple Fritter sweated a bit, putting on a nervous smile. “O-Oh, mah cousins ‘ere just want me to teach ‘em ‘bout seducing other ponies. Um, would ya mind movin’ out of ta livin’ room for a bit? No offense, but Ah won’t feel comfortable showin’ ‘em with ya around.”

Speaker smiled calmy. “Ah, it’s no problem. I’ll just read in the kitchen then.”

Worried, Apple Bloom looked to her sister, wondering if that would impede the plan. Her little sister didn’t seem all too concerned. Knowing what kind of pony Speaker was, it’s no surprise he’ll peek on their “class” and get aroused. Like a fish eyeballing a worm on a hook, he’ll take the bait and won’t be any wiser about it.

Moving to the living room, Apple Fritter closed her curtains, feeling a little nervous. She made sure nopony could see into her living room, now noticing that it was making the fillies feel a little concerned. “Don’t worry, fillies! Ah’m just a little shy, is all. It’s not illegal or anythin’, just somethin’ Ah’m not comfortable doin’ out in ta open. Unless Ah see ‘him’.”

Olive’s tail waggled excitedly. “So will you show us how to become expert seducers?”

Apple Fritter smiled and turned around, lifting her tail to expose her marehood. “We’ll start nice and simple. Everypony loves ta flank and that’s what we should show first. To catch somepony’s attention, ya just bend yer forelegs, lift yer tail and do a lil shake. Like this.”

The earth pony shook her flank, waving her tail around as her exposed marehood flashed before the fillies’ eyes. For Apple Bloom, it was almost like a revelation, an explanation to the odd occasional behaviors of her big sister whenever she was around Rainbow Dash. The strange looks and the rather flirty movements... Oh dear, she’s flirting with Rainbow.

For Olive, however, it caused her to blush. She’s always been more interested in mares and now, she was beginning to understand. Simply imagining Sweetie Belle doing this got her heart pumping with adrenaline. Her mind was filled with pure joy and excitement at the thought of even doing that to her, to show what she had learned. Her marefriend would be so happy!

“Alright, now ya try! Ah want to see some movement!” Apple Fritter exclaimed, rapidly turning around and clopping her hooves, prompting the spectator to try it out.

Olive was thrilled to finally perform this exact technique. At first, it was a little awkward. To make sure she got it right, the little pink unicorn performed every singular movement one by one, robotically. But as she began to understand, her moves accelerated to a more natural speed. Unlike Apple Fritter’s version, hers was more like an excited puppy seeing their owner return home. Adorable indeed, but not quite seductive.

“That’s good, but it’s lackin’ somethin’. Ta eyes.” Apple Fritter pointed to her green eyes. “They’ll tell ‘er what ya want.”

Olive looked into her cousin’s eyes curiously. “How can they do that? Eyes don’t speak.”

Apple Fritter giggled. “Certainly not! But what they can do is show yer emotions, yer pretty good at doin’ it already.”

“... I do?” Olive asked, her eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. If only she had a mirror with her at all times, she could see how she’s “good” at this because displaying emotions isnt’s something she though was her forte.

“Yes! They’re so expressive!” The earth pony pointed out before bringing attention to hers. “Ah have no doubt ya’ll master... ta bedroom eyes. They’re ta most important part of seducin’.” The mare’s eyes shifted to convey a much different emotion, lust. That, Olive understood clearly without needing an explanation.

The pink filly was surprised to see how much she could understand with just one look. Now, she wanted to try it, looking around for a nearby mirror she could use to practice this gaze. Her cousin must have read her mind for she already had one in her foreleg, placing it before the small unicorn. “Now, ya try! It’ll be easy if ya think of yer marefriend.”

Olive’s brows shifted, going up and down as she tried to reproduce the look her cousin showed. She tried and tried but couldn’t seem to get the expected results. It seemed sometimes too awkward, other times too forced or just plain silly.

Apple Fritter scratched her head. She didn’t have much trouble learning this gaze for she didn’t even need to do so; it just came naturally. For everypony it does, but Olive was clearly different from other ponies in the ways she acted and thought. Maybe that was why she was having a hard time? Or perhaps it’s because she’s not before her marefriend and is merely acting? “Ah see. Maybe it’ll come to ya once yer with yer marefriend. We’ll move on to somethin’ else.”

“No, I can do this. I’m getting really close!” Olive objected, letting the mental image of Sweetie Belle fill her mind with pleasure and longing. She couldn’t wait to come back to Ponyville not only to see her mommy, but to see Sweetie as well. The passion and love came to her easily and thus, she was finally able to perform the gaze as was shown.

Apple Fritter gasped. The little filly looked so pretty with that look in her eyes! She had a hard time pulling it off, but the result was phenomenal. It looked like she was a natural! A master seducer. Such beautiful olive eyes reminded her of a stallion she had a crush on a few years ago. The most popular stallion in all Equestria... until he vanished eight years ago.

She was so captivated by the filly that she did not notice the extra pair of eyes on her, watching from afar. One pony did, however. Apple Bloom saw in the reflection of the mirror two cold red eyes admiring her cousin’s flank. They were filled with an ominous darkness, one that was absolutely chilling.

Chilling, but reassuring to the earth pony. The fish has caught the bait! Speaker will now re-evaluate his plans, compelled by his body to move tonight. Predictably so. Their plan was going just as intended and if it continues this way, they’ll be done with him soon and Appleloosa will be safe once more.

Apple Fritter moved onto the next stage; the mane flick. Stallions always love to see a mare flick their mane, a simple but effective gesture. Homosexual mares were no different. The earth pony stroked her mane with an elegance unheard of for an earth pony in Appleloosa. Despite her rugged look and hard-working attitude, she can be quite feminine.

For this one, Olive struggled more. This gesture was more motor based, and the filly had some difficulties with motor control. It showed in her writing that was subpar compared to her classmates, thankfully compensated by her academic brilliance. She couldn’t get it just right for a while but didn’t let the constant failures stop her from trying to perfect this technique.

All the while, Apple Bloom kept a close eye on Speaker without giving her spying away. She used mirrors and window’s reflections to keep tab on him, closely observing his expressions. Once more, the stallion was showing lust for her cousin. The yellow filly had to battle her disgust and burning need to tell him to knock it off. For the good of her cousin, she had to let him creep on her, as much as it hurt to do so.

The creeping continued on until the stallion finally decided he’s had enough and left, but not before turning on the radio to muffle his exit upstairs. The radio played a song sung by a pony that was all too familiar to the three Apples.

Honey, I’m just a ghost of the past

I’m just a spectre that can’t let go

Oh believe, I had a blast

But he’s not the one, I won’t let the memories go

Your magic keeps me alive

But you’re driving me crazy!

No matter, I will save you

Even if you don’t believe me

Please, open your eyes

He doesn’t deserve your kindness

Olive flinched, scared out of her mind by the familiar voice of a certain purple stallion. Her heart raced as she looked back, expecting him to jump into view only to recognise the source of the voice. The filly panted, standing still to let her heart calm down. It was a shame that the voice was forever associated with her traumas for all of her father’s songs were really good, but she would never be able to enjoy them for that very reason.

“Uh, Olive? Are y’alright?” Apple Fritter asked softly, gingerly touching the filly’s shoulder.

Olive flinched again, coming back to reality. “Y-Yes. I was just... reminded of bad memories. I’m okay.”

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom followed the stallion with her eyes, watching as he tip-toed upstairs, disgusted by the song himself. What business he could have up there, she’ll find out for her sister and cousin’s sake. Since Olive was busy dealing with the shock and keeping Fritter occupied, Apple Bloom went upstairs alone. She moved slowly but surely, making as little noise as possible. She did not have the luxury of having a monster inside her to bail her out of trouble should she be cornered. She only had stealth on her side. She’d better not get spotted.

Just as expected, Speaker returned to Apple Fritter’s bedroom but for what? Approaching the bedroom, Apple Bloom leaned over, sticking only part of her head out to peek on the stallion’s creepy activities.

There, she saw the earth pony look under the bed, pulling something from underneath. As he wiped the dust away, Apple Bloom could see it was a book, a journal most likely. Her hypothesis was confirmed when Speaker took a pen out of his shirt pocket and began writing frantically.

With his back turned, Apple Bloom could only see his face in the mirror. The stallion’s red eyes were locked on the book, his hooves were writing frantically. In his haste, he did not even take the time to make sure he wasn’t being watched, a rookie mistake. With full confirmation that their plan was working, the earth pony had no further business spying on Speaker. They’ll come back for the night and catch him before he can do anything.

But just as she left, she saw the stallion’s red eyes in the mirror look up, straight at her. Curiously, Speaker did nothing about it, seemingly having not noticed her. Strangely lucky, Apple Bloom took it as a sign to leave immediately before trouble could arise.

Returning downstairs, she returned just in time to see Apple Fritter’s lesson come to an end, her little sister having apparently completely forgotten about the plan. Olive was more preoccupied with learning how to seduce her marefriend which was also her sister’s best friend. The little filly is very clingy and attaches herself quickly to other ponies, becoming best friends in mere hours. It was cute to say the least, but it also suggested a sad upbringing that lacked love.

Apple Fritter greeted her jovially. “Back from yer bathroom break? Ah’m afraid ya missed ta rest of ta lesson.”

“Oh, that’s okay. It was mostly for Olive anyway. She can always show me what she’s learned, but Ah’m guessin’ it ain’t really mah business.” Apple Bloom answered, checking behind her towards the stairs just to be sure.

The earth pony picked up her hat and trotted towards her front door. “Well, in that case, Ah’ll go out ‘cause Ah have some very important work to do! Ya should both return to Braeburn. And no need to lock ta house, Speaker’s stayin’ inside for ta day. He’s almost healed right now, says he’ll be headin’ to a big city like Las Pegasus sometime soon...”

Olive cringed, lowering her hat to hide her face. Hearing about Las Pegasus brought back some terrible memories. She always went to the big cities when she was young. Aurora, Anarchy, Strong Hoof, Dreamcatcher, the Crimson Mask, their names were all associated with these cities. The bigger the city, the worse the crimes.

“Sounds like a... cool place?” Apple Bloom didn’t sound too convinced, and her cousin didn’t seem to care much about Las Pegasus. After all, they’re Apples, they’re all about hard work and being in touch with nature itself. That’s what it meant to be an earth pony.

“Ah suppose. Don’t really plan on goin’ there at all.”

Now left alone, Olive and Apple Bloom instinctively stared at the stairs, sensing the evil presence on the floor above. With each passing second, they felt more compelled to book it. Speaker was busy right now, meaning this was the best moment to leave before he could turn his attention to them.

“Ah have no idea how ya managed to live with ponies like ‘im back then. Ya must be very strong.” Apple Bloom commented, feeling a shiver go way up her spine.

Olive frowned. “I just thought everypony was like him. I used to think I was just weak and stupid and that I needed to change. That was what Anarchy always told me.” She looked away from her sister, ashamed. “He was right; I was stupid when I was younger.”

Now in the warm comforts of the outside world, Apple Bloom moved into her sister’s view, a comforting smile on her lips. “Ah just think ya didn’t know any better. It didn’t make ya stupid, Ah mean, just think ‘bout yer grades. Yer super smart! Ya only needed a good parent to realise that!”

Faced with a compliment, Olive’s biggest weakness came into full view. Flattery was the easiest way to appeal to her. Even after spending entire months in the Apple’s care, she still had a hard time processing compliment. She never knew how to react to them. She only knew that they made her very, very happy. As such, she blushed, turning red in mere seconds. “Y-Yeah, I’m super smart.”

“Now that’s more like it!” Apple Bloom patted her little sister, taking on a prideful look. “Ah don’t want ya to say bad things ‘bout yerself anymore, got it? Yer much better than ya think and Ah want ya to always remember that.”

Moved, Olive’s eyes watered as her tail waggled around uncontrollably. Unable to contain her emotions, she jumped on her big sister, hugging her. “You’re my favorite sister.”

Apple Bloom giggled, reciprocating the gesture. “Ah mean, Ah AM yer only sister...”

“But you’re always there for me, even when mommy is gone. I’m so happy you’re with me here. I don’t want to face them alone.” Olive responded, getting more emotional. Her big sister softly kissed her on her cheek.

“Ah’m yer big sister, and Ah’ll always be there to protect ya, even if ya don’t need me.”

With the last apples knocked down for the day, it was finally time for the residents of Appleloosa to return home and take a long break from this hard work. The royal guards watched the earth ponies leave, resting beneath the shadows of the apple trees with cider cups in hoof. Working away from Canterlot’s castle was surprisingly great. Captain Mango proved to be more accommodating than the princesses. In his own words “Nothing’s really urgent right now. We can practically leave these two alone and nothing bad will happen.”

And he was right. Many times, just to test it, they left Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher alone for a couple of minutes. Not once did they ever behave differently, talk about escaping or even harm another pony. They were truly the prisoners of the month, if such an award even existed. As such, Mango was going very soft on his troops, almost giving them full reign to do whatever they want. They went to the pub often, played games on duty and joked around with the former Anarchists.

The further the week advanced, the more talkative the inmates got. Their spirit seemed brighter and happier than before. It was especially noticeable on Dreamcatcher who took much better care of her mane than she ever did back in the dungeons. Her attitude also began to change, now slightly more interested in teasing Strong Hoof. She often flirted with him and generally seemed closer to him than she did before.

Mango was extremely happy with that, often butting in their conversations. His troops found that rather amusing. He acted as if they were great friends all this time when just a few months ago, he was slashing down Anarchists with no remorse. Crazy how much things can change in so little time.

The last apple fell in the basket, and with that, Mango called it off as the others left the orchard. In mere minutes, there were only the guards and the two inmates left in this vast space. The batpony captain returned with a cup of cider in hoof to Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher. “Can’t believe after all this time, you’re still hurting for him.” he mused to the blue mare. “Love truly lifts the spirit, ay?”

Dreamcatcher rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Get a marefriend already.”

Raising his wooden leg, Mango chuckled. “Every mare loves a heroic stallion. Sadly, the one I have in mind wasn’t impressed enough with the noble sacrifice of my leg.”

Strong Hoof looked at the captain’s wooden leg with much sympathy. “If I wouldn’t have been so down in the dumps that day, this wouldn’t have happened.”

The batpony waved his leg. “Meh, don’t sweat it. I’ve already gotten over it a long time ago. I hope you’ve gotten over your scars too.”

Strong Hoof didn’t bat an eye, barely glancing over his burnt body. “These scars I deserved. I have no regret.”

Mango nodded. “You did, just don’t forget to love yourself. A little self-love can go a long way.”

The goliath felt his side being poked by a gentle hoof. He couldn’t help but let out a small smile once he saw Dreamcatcher rest on his soft skin. “That certainly won’t be the only love you’ll have, big colt.”

Sipping his cup, the good captain smiled warmly. “Ain’t that nice.”

“Why don’t you ask her out? It could work out for you.” Strong Hoof proposed calmly.

Mango laughed. “I did... twice. She was a bit too dense to notice those were advances. Anyhow, I know I’ll eventually find one who’s more interested in what I do. Then again, I already live a fulfilling life, I can go on without a marefriend.”

Dreamcatcher smirked. “Say whatever makes you cope. You won’t resist the siren’s call forever.”

Blinking, the batpony looked down his cup of cider. “I’ve already succumbed to it.”

“Don’t black out on the way back to the hotel.” Dreamcatcher scoffed. “We’re not gonna carry you back there.”

Relaxing down in the orchard, the three ponies listened to the calm howls of the wind gently caressing their manes. The distant chatters of Appleloosa were nothing but echoes down there, a sign that there was life up there in these barren wastelands. Despite having very little water around, Appleloosa was a thriving city all thanks to the hard work of its ponies, all of them being earth ponies.

In this town, Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher were right at home.

The hot sun couldn’t reach them thanks to the protective barriers of shadow casted by the apple trees. It slowly descended from the sky, trying to get a better angle to ward them off but for the moment, they could enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Then, another noise added to the calming sounds of nature. In its echoey form, it was rather loud and only seemed to increase in volume with each passing second. Listening intently, Captain Mango quickly realised what it was. “Oh, looks like the stampede’s coming. Might wanna plug your ears for a moment, this is gonna get loud.”

Hundreds of buffalos rushed by the path created in the orchard for them. This was their stampeding ground, a tradition for their species and one Appleloosa came to respect after a long and tedious battle between ponies and buffalos.

Very rarely have the three ponies sitting here seen a buffalo much less an entire tribe of them stampeding. Young and old alike, they stormed in the orchard to create a beautiful spectacle for those who chose to stay down there.

After a few minutes, they were gone. The calming silence of the orchard returned to soothe the resting ponies. The spectacle was nice, but the serenity they were residing in was much better. In that moment, it felt like they could all understand each other without uttering even a single word. All three could agree that they should remain there for at least another hour, until it gets dark.

“You know, maybe we can take off another rule for you two. If you ever want to stargaze, I’ll let you out at night.” Mango said suddenly, not even looking at them. He was simply staring through the leaves of the apple trees, glancing at the piercing beams of the sun trying to pass through this protective barrier.

“Hm, stargazing...” Strong Hoof mumbled. “It’s been so long since I gazed at the night sky. I heard that Princess Luna rearranges it every night to create an entirely new spectacle.”

“Correct, she does it for the few who love the night more than the day. Us batponies mostly, but I know a certain filly that loves to admire the stars in the sky.” Mango responded, triggering a wave of nausea in the two lovers.

“Hgn...” Dreamcatcher cringed, trying to chase the images away. “It’s nice, I guess. I’m just... happy she’s doing great.”

The captain felt that statement was a bit forced. It was somewhat genuine, but it didn’t sound quite right. The fear and regret inside their heart was still fresh. The poor batpony had no idea if these three could even reconcile. If they could, it would be a bloody miracle. But that was just wishful thinking. Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher murdered Olive’s closest friend and almost killed her, twice. It would probably take years, even decades until they could bury the hatchet and move on. He knew what it was like to have traumas. A recent one was forever etched in his right foreleg, where a prosthetic lied.

He had a new nightmare that repeated once or twice every week. The same gory image of his hoof being torn off by Anarchy’s gaping maw. No number of jokes or deflecting could truly heal that pain. It was gone forever.

“This place’s nice, ain’t it?” Mango said after a long silence. “We should return tomorrow, once we’ve finished our work of course.”

Strong Hoof stretched his hooves, groaning in pain. Even after all this time, his injuries still felt fresh, too deep to have fully healed he imagined. “It is a nicer view than the dungeons.”

The captain of the royal guard smirked. “I figured you’d get tired of the dungeons eventually. I sure did and I don’t even stay in there 24/7.”

“It could really use some cleaning. It’s filthy in there.” Dreamcatcher mumbled, keeping her eyes on the sky.

“Maybe we can do something about it.” Mango said, getting an idea. One he’ll save for next week.

Much time has passed since they left Apple Fritter, enough for the sun to set. Under the beautiful blazing sky, Olive and Apple Bloom watched the horizon, pondering. Tonight would be the night that would finally put an end to this predicament. The plan that would save their cousin from the grimy clutches of Speaker.

Understandably, Olive was terribly nervous about it all. What if they got to Apple Fritter too late? Would she be hurt? If so, that would be their fault for not coming up with a better plan! Thinking about it more, maybe their plan wasn’t as good as they thought after all. Maybe they should come up with something better before it’s too late.

“Sis? Is everythin’ alright?”

Olive snapped her head towards her older sister, surprised. “U-Um, I don’t know. Do you think our plan is good?”

Apple Bloom tapped the little filly on the shoulder, smiling. “It’s gonna be fine! We thought about it a lot. It’s sure to work. Ah know, ‘cause yer super smart an’ all.”

Feeling somewhat reassured, Olive inched closer to the earth pony, nuzzling her. “We’ll have to leave soon.”

“Howdy, fillies! How’re yer enjoyin’ Appleloosa so far?” Surprised by this loud and jovial voice, the two sisters hopped away from the window. Braeburn sure was rather sneaky, or maybe they were so focused on their mission that they didn’t hear him coming.

“Oh, it’s, um, lovely.” Olive awkwardly responded, unsure if she even believed her words. Truth be told, she didn’t get the chance to truly enjoy her trip because of her insomnia and Speaker. But if they can stop him in time, she might get a day or two to relax and hopefully, come to like this town.

Braeburn neighed, tapping his hooves down happily. “Boy, am Ah glad to ‘ear it! Ah know it can be quite tough to get used to it, ya know since it’s mostly for earth ponies and secluded, but it got its charms. Ya must have ta Apple’s blood in ya!”

Olive forced a smile, feeling even worse about herself for lying to his face. The Apple’s blood in her... if she can’t even like a town that featured so many of them, can she really call herself an Apple? Her heart hurt and she couldn’t even show it for as long as he remained to the point that she was subconsciously begging for him to leave her alone.

Even worse, he was quite perceptive and quickly caught on to the lie. “Uh, Olive? Are y’alright?”

Now sweating, Olive avoided his eyes, feeling bad about herself. She lowered her head, looking off to the side. “I’m alright, cousin Braeburn.”

Leaning close to the filly, Braeburn lifted her head so that their eyes could meet. “Are ya sure?”

Meeting his gaze, Olive felt herself being judged. He was her cousin, and she was outwardly lying to his face just to spare his feelings. This wasn’t what Applejack taught her. Why can’t she be truthful now when she had always been? It infuriated her. Anger directed at nopony but her. She felt completely and utterly pathetic. The pink unicorn wanted only to go away and be alone to think it over.

But another part of her couldn’t handle this turmoil. It begged her to say it out loud, to express her true feelings.

“Olive, if somethin’s wrong, ya gotta tell me. Ah’m supposed to take care of ya and believe me when Ah say Ah only want to make sure yer doin’ good. Yer mother told me how much this trip was scarin’ ya, so Ah just thought it’d do you some good to take yer minds off things by goin’ to ta rodeo and make ya work at ta orchard.” Braeburn explained, softening his gaze. “We’re family, aren’t we? Ya can be honest with me.”

Olive teared up, reaching out for the stallion with her small hooves. “I... I hate it here! I’m so scared and nervous!” She cried out, feeling the sweat drip down her face.

Braeburn was understandably shaken by this statement but didn’t seem to take offense in it. Instead, he smiled warmly. “Oh... Ah figured. Um, forget what Ah said ‘bout ta Apple blood. Ya don’t need to like Appleloosa to be an Apple. Ah got a lil carried away there. But, yer indeed an Apple for tellin’ ta truth instead of hiding yer true feelings.” His smile dropped. “Ah understand why ya might not like it ‘ere. Ah just hope you at least like me. Ah’ll understand if ya don’t. Ah’ve never truly taken ta time to think ‘bout how ya felt all alon-”

“No no! Don’t say that!” Olive hurriedly said, shaking her head profusely. “I don’t, not like you. You just want me to feel happy and... I like that. I like you, cousin Braeburn.”

The earth pony smiled, patting the filly’s head. “If ya ever got a problem; don’t be ‘fraid to tell me ‘bout it. Ah’m ‘ere to help after all.” Standing up, he stretched his back and placed down his cowboy hat. “Now then; how ‘bout we play a game together before bed?”

The little filly looked out the window. The sun was still in the sky, illuminating the sky in a blazing color. Before she’d go out there and confront the ghost of her past, she can spend some quality time with her cousin. Take her mind off the constant stress and be reminded of what it’s like to be a normal filly.

It was getting dark, and with such times always came the introspection. Whenever the night came, Dreamcatcher would always find herself thinking deeply about everything. Her mind kept her up at night, always worrying and regretting over every little thing she did, it was an inescapable Tartarus. There was no stopping these dark thoughts. They were her prison, her eternal torture.

Where did I go so wrong? Dreamcatcher kept repeating to herself, looking out the window. They were many times she did the wrong thing, but one of them had to be the pivotal moment, the one action she regretted most. Was it choosing to come along with Jolly Melody and stay by his side? No, there was something that came before, the one choice that brought her to this place and in this troubled state of mind. It happened so long ago, before the Lucky 38, before Las Pegasus, before she was a slave to the rich.

It was the start of this decade long domino effect that made her a monster, a being unworthy of love and happiness. And worst of all, she never could have known this simple action would forever change the course of her life.

It all harkened back to her origins, her true identity, her family and her tribe.

Oh, she could still remember when she was but a young filly dreaming of earning her cutie mark, excited to find out what her destiny was. She was nothing special, a filly born into unremarkable parents simply working for the good of the tribe. Living in the wilderness, they had none of the more advanced technologies of their urban counterpart. They relied solely on their sharp instincts and the simple tools they knew how to make.

Life was simple and easy, the complete opposite of hers in present day. No brick houses with fancy windows, only small tents big enough to fit the whole family. Her tribe were nomads. They ventured into every corner of Equestria that had good vegetations, avoiding the south and the north entirely. Life was good. She yearned for her cutie mark, helped her family harvest the delicious berries of the forest and built campfires to sit around and listen to her elder’s tales.

That was the life she knew since her birth up to her ten-year anniversary; she had no reason to care about what was happening in the big cities or the royal capital of Canterlot. There were constant issues there, but not with her tribe. Only small disagreement that were solved fairly quickly. There could be no better life than this.

But things quickly changed once she realised her spirit was connected to something else, something that could not be controlled by any mere ponies. The domain of the night, of the unconscious mind, dreams. Only Princess Luna knew how to manipulate this realm to help her subjects, but she was long gone. Now, there were no ponies that could even hope to understand it.

At first, the signs were vague. Dreamcatcher was only lucid dreaming, able to manipulate this realm with no trouble. This world was at her commands, and she used it to satisfy her fantasies, to earn her cutie mark. Little did she know, she would get it for real soon.

Slowly awakening to this strange power, she began to leave her dreams and enter those of others. The little blue filly started with parents, bursting into their dreams to say hello. To her confusion, whenever she would come into them, they would scream and call her a witch, terrified of their own daughter.

“Mommy, look; it’s me! I’m in your dream!”

“N-No! I-I-It can’t be. My daughter’s a witch! A witch!”

“Daddy, I want to play with you!”

“There are evil spirits inside my daughter! I-I must ask the Elder. She can get them out. She always knows the way...”

Dreamcatcher forever cursed herself for not seeing the signs sooner. If only she would have realised that her only real option was to keep the truth hidden. Once she got her cutie mark, she should have passed it off as simply being good at making dreamcatchers. They would have bought it and left her alone and she would still be there, with her parents.

Did they even love her? Probably not, no good parent would throw their child away simply based on the Elder’s word.

She remembered that fateful day, when she peeked into the Elder’s tent, seeking her parents. The fire inside was dying, but it showed enough of the mare’s face to worry her. She’d never seen the Elder look this grim before.

“What should we do? We know there are evil spirits in our daughter. It’s why she can visit our dreams. We believe Nightmare Moon might be responsible for that cursed power.” Her father told the Elder.

The old mare’s eyes darkened, her gaze sharpening as she scrutinized the filly’s parents. “Hm, when did she get her cutie mark?”

“It was just one morning, a-after she woke us up. She kept screaming about her cutie mark, I...” Dreamcatcher's mother’s eyes widened as she realised that the signs were there since the very beginning. Her daughter always intruded on their dreams, and they thought nothing of it. The evil spirits, the bad mojo, it was in her all along.

Nightmare Moon, a name that became synonymous with her misery. From the Elder to Anarchy, they would always mention that monster.

“It would appear your foal is cursed by the evil spirit of Nightmare Moon. We must act before the curse takes over her body and attacks the tribe. Gather the-”

A small misstep, a simple rock flung away on accident. It was that it took to give away the filly’s presence. Dreamcatcher had all eyes on her, faced with the dark gaze of the Elder, and the troubled ones of her parents. The old mare despite looking weak, trotted with full confidence towards her. Her body still had enough strength to do what needed to be done for the good of the tribe.

“M-Mommy? Daddy? What’s going on?” She asked, already knowing the answer to her question. What the Elder said... it couldn’t be true, right? She wasn’t cursed, not inhabited by evil spirits. She was fine, she only got her cutie mark.

Her father looked her in the eyes, distraught but quickly his face darkened. He was ready to accept the reality of the situation and thus, the filly could no longer recognise him as he joined the Elder’s march. “Don’t worry, sweetie; we’ll free you of the dark spirits. They will not take over you.” His voice was shaky, still adjusting to his new resolution.

Her mother, however, stood back, unable to even look her daughter in the eyes. She remained silent, letting the stronger willed ponies do what needed to be done.

The Elder... Oh, the Elder. The mare who ostracised her. She was the wisest of the ponies in her tribe, the one everypony would come to whenever they had a problem or simply sought guidance. Her word was law, never to be questioned.

Funny now that she thought about it; Anarchy’s word was law too and look where it brought her. Nopony should ever be afforded this much power. For it was this very power that convinced her closest friends and parents to turn on her.

Oh, the memory still hurt like a knife in her stomach. Every time she recalled what happened, the knife would twist. Twist until the pain was too much to bear.

If only she knew...

Now scrambling through the forest, lost, the young pegasus desperately tried to lose her pursuers, the very ponies she grew up with. Familiar faces, now twisted with disgust, hatred and sadness pursuing her in the darkness of the early morning. She cut her hooves on the many sharp branches littering the floor, tripping and falling over rocks, screaming and crying as she heard the horde approach.

With her mind now cleared, she felt her stomach turn inside out, feeling that this scene is now all too familiar. Once the filly, now the pursuer. All along, she knew what it felt like to be Olive, alone in the dark. Only, she succeeded where the small unicorn failed. But today, she wondered if that success even meant anything in the end. Oh, the irony.

Now lying coldly on the ground, she realised that she was the loser. She did not have the same luck as Olive, she did not get a new beginning, one that promised a better future. All she was given was oppressor after oppressor. A greedy and uncaring stallion traded for a complete and utter psychopath who almost got her killed numerous times.

Stumbling around the forest, she eventually found a nightmarish new home in Las Pegasus. A large city that lighted up the dark sky with its numerous lights and attractions, a city that never slept. For a pony who lived outside of society all her life, this sight was a living nightmare. Sadly, it was the only place in which she could find other ponies, thus, the only place she could go to. A young filly like her, even with the skills she had learned from her parents could not survive in the wilderness, not when she is utterly outclassed by the beasts that are stalking the woods.

Trotting around with her head low, Dreamcatcher looked around for food but there was nothing she could obtain. They demanded currency, something she did not have. She had nothing on herself and worst of all; an empty belly. Without the means to secure her livelihood, her days were numbered.

Eventually, she found the only source of food that was available to her. A lone dumpster in an alley, with old and disheveled ponies rummaging through it. A helpful advice that she took once the coast was clear. Looking inside, she found the spitting image of her new life. The cruelty of that this world hides to all foals. A cruelty that inevitably rears its ugly head. The scent twisted her stomach. She had to combat her disgust for what was in there could still sustain her body and keep her going, just a while longer.

Following these experienced lost souls, Dreamcatcher learned that you could take advantage of other pony’s kindness by begging for their bit, something they’ll more often than not offer. Some of them struggled to earn many bits for the day, but the young filly at least had more luck. It was easier to take pity on a lonely filly on the side of the road than it was for an old and ugly stallion.

And so, for days, this was her life. Begging on the streets, searching in the trash for anything useful and spending the only bits she had to survive another day. Through it all, she couldn’t stop thinking about her parents, about her tribe, about her life under the Elder’s wisdom. Even after they exiled her, chased her out of the woods, she wanted only to crawl back to them, but it was useless now; they moved away, never to be found again. She could not find her way back in the woods, leaving this city as her only salvation.

The nights were not any better. The constant lights of the never sleeping city made it hard for her to fall asleep when she was used to the peaceful silence of the forests. Without a home to block out the noises, she struggled to keep her eyes closed for many ponies passed by her and each time she worried they would have bad intentions. She was alone and defenseless, the bits she earned couldn’t be defended.

In this concrete jungle, she was the odd one out. The other homeless ponies at least knew how to speak English, but not her. She only knew to speak the language of her tribe. As such, any sentence they uttered to her was alien in its meaning. She only had her instinct and their body language as a translator. Thankfully, some of the lost souls of Las Pegasus were kind enough to teach her the language. Just enough for her to vaguely understand the intentions behind their words.

A cruel and pitiful existence for a foal. That was, until a peculiar stallion found her begging for bits. A well-dressed earth pony with a curious look in his greedy eyes. He was what everypony thought of when they imagined a pony from Las Pegasus. Many came to this city to become rich and powerful, but few could ever reach this level of success.

Lady Luck smiled at her, offering in this stallion at chance at leaving the streets to find a comfortable bed to sleep in. Gladmane was his name, a pony that pride himself on treating his employees fairly and having the best resort in the entire city.

“Hey, kid; you’re lookin’ for some work? If you come with me, I’ll give you a place to stay in.” He said, smiling innocently. But as Dreamcatcher figured now, this was nothing but a front. It didn’t matter to him that she was just a filly at the time, she was her slave. For the next eight years of her life, she was shackled to the Lucky 38, a luxurious resort in Las Pegasus. She could either stay there or go back to her grimy life on the streets. An illusion of choice.

“For now on; you’ll give the nice customers their drinks. I tell you what goes where and you do it, m’kay? It’s simple, really. You’ll get used to it in no time.”

“But sir; I’m hungry!” She exclaimed, making a conscious effort to correctly pronounce each syllable although it still sounded rather crude.

“Nuh uh huh! You’ll eat only when it’s time. You’re in Las Pegasus, kid. It’s time you reconsider the way you think.” The stallion refused, pointing to his hoof watch.

Was he necessarily better than Anarchy? Probably not, for all her time spent in the Lucky 38, nopony ever made sure she was safe. For a young and relatively pretty mare, she was a prime target for the slimes of Las Pegasus. But no matter how many times she begged her boss to help her deal with them, he never so much as thought about it. To him, these ponies were customers, mindless machines that filled his piggy bank and nothing more. They needed to stay or else he’ll lose out on money. She heard he eventually rebranded his resort to throw away any reference to Jolly Melody.

At least with Anarchy he made sure nopony ever got to harass those he deemed important. With him, she was a V.I.P, an untouchable mare. None dared to pull any funny stunts on her, else they’ll be reduced to mush and served to the whole gang on a silver plate.

But in the end, he was only after her power and its application. Who she was didn’t matter to him. She was nothing but an asset, a tool for Anarchy.

The only leader who truly cared about her was the lunar princess, the very mare Anarchy chased after for almost an entire decade. Funny how things turn out in the end. At the very least, Dreamcatcher knew she had a half-decent leader and Strong Hoof still at her side. It was not much, but it was something.

The midnight blue alicorn was trying her best to “redeem” her. Dreamcatcher doesn’t believe she’s even worthy of such efforts, not when she gnawed on a filly purely based on Anarchy’s command. The soldier is just as guilty as the leader.

This world is a dark and cruel place, Dreamcatcher knows that all too well. It’s a shame then that she shared that cruelty with a filly so underserving of it. Olive is no monster; she was all along.

Shedding a tear, she stood up, gently brushing against the giant earth pony. “Strong Hoof... I don’t want to stay here. Can we go back to the orchard, please? I want to watch the stars tonight, with you.”

“Hm, it would be better out there. Not enough space in this room.”

Author's Note:

Another long one! Hope you've enjoyed this chapter, 'cause I'll be working on another incomplete story for a bit before returning to this one.

Also, from what I've planned, there should be at least 3 chapters left before its over. A bit quicker than I imagined, but that's mostly because I've put so much stuff in these past two chapters.

Comments ( 3 )

Some comments:

Apple Fritter smiled and turned around, lifting her tail to expose her marehood. “We’ll start nice and simple. Everypony loves ta flank and that’s what we should show first. To catch somepony’s attention, ya just bend yer forelegs, lift yer tail and do a lil shake. Like this.”

1. Apple Fritter, what the hell? And making the kids do it too? Good seducing lesson though. Also it looks like Apple Fritter had a crush on Jolly Melody along with Cheerilee
2. I'm also starting to really like the relationship between Mango, Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher, even though the latter 2 are still racked with guilt
3. Speaker, your freedom days are numbered
4. Now we know how dreamcatcher can go into and manipulate dreams. Also that was a sad backstory


1. Apple Fritter, what the hell? And making the kids do it too? Good seducing lesson though. Also it looks like Apple Fritter had a crush on Jolly Melody along with Cheerilee

Considering that ponies are naked all the time, I figured it would make sense why they'd have no problem showing their "private areas". And as for Jolly Melody, I kinda see him as this world's equivalent of Michael Jackson, amazing singer, known and loved everywhere. Only, he has a dark side that the King of Pop doesn't have.

2. I'm also starting to really like the relationship between Mango, Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher, even though the latter 2 are still racked with guilt

So do I. If I feel like it, I may write another short story about them on another "reforming" trip. Maybe send them to Las Pegasus to tie up some loose ends. But before that happens I still have two other sequels to write which would focus more on Olive and Anarchy respectively.

4. Now we know how dreamcatcher can go into and manipulate dreams. Also that was a sad backstory

Out of all the scenes in this chapter, this one was by far my favorite as well as the easiest one to write. The inspiration just kept on coming and I'm happy with it overall. Would have felt unjust to not explore Dreamcatcher's past further when I did so much for Strong Hoof in the prequel.

Just found the story and noticed it's been two months since last update, I don't want to rush you, just want to know if you plan to finish the story to make sure

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