• Published 8th Feb 2024
  • 309 Views, 30 Comments

Ghosts of The Past - JeSuisLaPorte

It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.

  • ...

4. Passion Rekindled

The rodeo was the talk of the town. Nopony in Appleloosa would ever miss it. An activity ingrained in their culture, in their identity. It was what made them unique from the rest of Equestria. Being an Apple, Olive had to participate.

In this sport, a pony had to climb aboard and bison and try to stay on them for as long as possible, resisting the animal’s power. Foals climbed atop the younger ones whilst the adults tackled on the big ones. It was invented following the peace established between the two clans. A way to bury the hatched and embrace their new ways.

Sadly, Olive didn’t look too good today. Apple Bloom could see it clear as day. The way her little sister hurried her out of the house, and immediately after leaving from her bathroom break that happened after the injured stallion came was concerning. She suspected he had something to do with this sudden change in behavior.

Now standing before the rodeo, Olive let go. “I-Is this the rodeo?”

“Yup.” Apple Bloom’s eyes were on her sister and not on the daring ponies riding the bisons. She could see the little filly was distracted, partly absent from the event. Olive’s eyes stared at a fixed position, not even on the all the action.

Apple Bloom tried to say something, but the shouts of the crowd drowned her voice. She raised her voice but even then, her words were difficult to hear.

Olive said something too, or so she thought. Her little sister’s mouth moved slightly, forming sentences she couldn’t hear. Perhaps she was whispering, but to who? Nopony could hear them even if their ears were right next to their mouths!

Apple Bloom grabbed her sister by the foreleg and dragged her away, determined to know why she was acting this way.

“H-Huh? Wh-What are you doing? Where are we going? I-I want to watch the rodeo!” Olive blurted out rapidly, trying her best to resist her sister’s pull. Alas, Apple Bloom was stronger than her.

“Ah don’t think ya wanna see it.” Apple Bloom said, worried. “Somethin’s not right, sis. Ya don’t look like yer enjoyin’ yerself.”

Olive’s eyes widened. “Wh-What? But I am having fun!”

“Stop lying!” Apple Bloom whimpered. “Yer makin’ me nervous. Ah wanna know what’s wrong.”

Her little sister avoided her eyes, turning away. “Nothing’s... wrong. I’m just, um, nervous about the trip.”

Apple Bloom frowned, her sister was clearly hiding something, but it was not out of malice. Olive was an angel; she wouldn’t keep a secret from her without a good reason. “Ah know it’s not ‘bout ta trip. Please, tell me what’s wrong. Ah wanna help. A-Ah'm yer big sis.”

Her little sister looked over her shoulder briefly, whimpering. “I-I can’t tell you, sorry.”

Concerned, Apple Bloom approached Olive and held her tight. “Is it about that stallion?”

The little filly shrieked, freezing upon the mere mention of this pony. Her inner turmoil surfaced in her eyes, frightened and clinging onto her sister’s. Olive felt that all too familiar sensation in her chest, the one that appeared everything fear consumed her. She nodded weakly. “I don’t want him to hurt you. Y-You can’t know that...”

Apple Bloom frowned. “Why not? Ah can’t let ‘im scare ya like that.”

Olive lowered her head. “Because if you know, he’ll kill Braeburn and Apple Fritter.”

Her little sister’s answer didn’t get through at first. The shock had temporarily shut down Apple Bloom’s brain, leaving her mind blank. Then, the memories of the stallion surfaced. His posture, the things he said, his face, it all came together to paint a clear picture. If Olive knew who that pony was, then that could only mean... “Wha-”

Before she could scream, Olive covered her mouth. “Shh! He can’t know you’re helping me. If he does, he’s going to hurt our cousins.” Now, it was her sister’s turn to drag her away. The two fillies hid behind a barrel, where nopony could ever see them. “Speaker is very evil. Anarchy used to tell me that he was a bad Anarchists. He’s extremely dangerous.”

Apple Bloom was sweating. A dangerous criminal, inside her cousin’s house! They’re in danger! “W-W-Well, let’s go back to Apple Fritter and stop ‘im.”

Olive shook her head nervously. “But we can’t! He’s close to Cousin Apple Fritter. If we tell them now, he’ll take her hostage and hurt her. We need to wait until they’re separated.”

Her stomach turned; Apple Bloom looked forward to this trip. An opportunity to have some fun with her little sister. The last thing she wanted was to be involved in another life-threatening scenario. The haunting memories of Strong Hoof were still fresh in her mind even though they happened two months ago. She wasn’t ready to stare death in the eye once more. “But if we wait, that leaves our cousins vulnerable! We ‘ave to do somethin’ now!”

Olive rubbed her forelegs with a defeated look in her eyes. “I don’t know what to do.” But there was a silver lining now. The superhero had her trusty sidekick ready to battle. She wasn’t alone in this fight. Together, they’ll make sure justice prevailed. Justice? “We can ask Captain Mango for help! He has authority. He can lock up Speaker if we tell him!”

Apple Bloom’s face illuminated. “That’s a great idea, sis! Let’s go find ‘im!”

Leaving the corner, they were faced with one big problem, the massive crowd. Could Mango be in there somewhere? If he was, it would be complicated to find him. Hm, or perhaps they could ask one of the royal guards. They’ll bring them to the captain and the situation would be solved, easy peasy.

Weaving around Appleloosa, the two fillies eventually found him but not in the crowd, no. Captain Mango wasn’t watching the rodeo at all. He was working with his troops and... them.

“Oh no...” Olive whispered. “Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher are there.” She may be strong, but no way would she ever come within a fifteen-meter radius from these two monsters. The fear and the hatred were much stronger than her, and they were telling her to stay away.

“S-Should we..?”

Olive turned around. “No, I don’t wanna.”

Too scared to come any closer, the two fillies turned back and returned to the rodeo, hiding in the crowd.

Under the heat of these arid lands, Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher worked on the construction of new houses for Appleloosa. It was why they were here for. A nice change of scenery from the dank dungeons of Canterlot’s castle, one that will hopefully get them to open their heart to the world.

The royal guards were kind enough to help them too. However, it would appear that Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher weren’t feeling well. Sweat dripped down their entire body, the heat becoming unbearable.

Strong Hoof carried a large pile of logs on his back. Despite his body begging him to stop, he continued.

“You know you don’t have to work yourself to the bone to get our favors, right?”

The giant lowered his head to meet the sharp eyes of the batpony captain. Captain Mango had a bottle of water in hoof, sweating from top to bottom. “You’re tired, go take a break.”

“I can continue.” Strong Hoof resumed his course, blinking heavily as his tired legs threatened to crumble in any minute.

Captain Mango frowned, switching his attention to Dreamcatcher. The poor mare wasn’t doing any better, but still insisted to continue working until she died of exhaustion. The batpony was getting fed up of seeing these two disrespects themselves like that. He flew over to the pegasus and knocked away what she was carrying. “Dreamcatcher, you need to take a break. Don’t overdo it.”

The blue pegasus grumbled. “I can still work.” She leaned over to pick up her charge, but the batpony stopped her and forced her to sit on the floor.

“No, you’re killing yourself and I won’t allow that to happen.” Mango sighed. “You’re dehydrated, let me get you some water. Oh, and tell your friend to stop too.”

Dreamcatcher rolled her eyes and unenthusiastically called for her giant friend. “Hey, Strongy; we must take a break now.”

Strong Hoof stopped, the constant rhythm of his stomps coming to a stop. “Is this an order?”

“Fraid so, we need to sit down.” Dreamcatcher watched her friend shake the earth by simply taking a seat in the middle of the road. They said nothing to each other, but they did keep their eyes on one another. A mutual understanding of their situation, and the lack of aspiration they were facing. Nothing mattered anymore. They were nothing but husks commanded around. But thinking about it; weren’t they husks even in the hooves of Anarchy?

Mango returned with a bottle of water for the mare and a barrel of water for the giant. “Don’t be afraid to ask for a break, ponies. You’re allowed to take one whenever you please, we’re much laxer than an actual job. In a way, you’re quite lucky. I know a lot of ponies who’d wish to have that privilege.”

To his relief, the two ponies did drink, rehydrating themselves. They may be crazy enough to work themselves to death, but they at least listened to reason every now and then. Still, not much progress in their reformation. Princess Luna would be disappointed to see no real change occur in them after such a radical move. It’s an all or nothing move, one that she hoped would bring them closer to the light.

Taking a break together, Mango stared silently, waiting for any of them to start a conversation. Simply talking to each other could help greatly. They were already familiar with each other for the captain often visited the dungeons to chat, although it was often a one-sided conversation.

Nothing happened, the three ponies just drank their water in silence. The captain of the royal guard was disappointed to say the least, so he decided to take matters into his own hooves. “Hm, I see the way you two look at each other. Tell me; are you like, real close friends or maybe something more?”

The two ponies glanced at him, slightly irritated, but no response. “In case it interests you, I did have a marefriend once, a long time ago. Eh, things didn’t really turn out well for us.” He left it vague, a hook to reel them in.

Dreamcatcher laid her eyes on him again. Feeling hopeful, Mango looked away, hoping that she would say something if he wasn’t trying too hard to get her speak. “I’m not surprised.”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“You reek of cider, you’re poorly shaved and you spend your days getting yourself piss drunk.” Dreamcatcher laid into him.

Mango rubbed his beard with his wooden leg, feeling a bit self-conscious. “You do have a point. Still, that’s not the whole story. I do have a flattering side, believe it or not. Hm, looking back at it; I’m starting to understand why it didn’t work out.”

“Hm.” He had Strong Hoof’s attention now!

“I believe our relationship was based on lust rather than love. We just liked each other for our bodies and abilities in bed. That’s a recipe for disaster. Lust drove us together and then, apart.” Mango continued. “You two look to be in a better spot than me and my ex-marefriend.”

Strong Hoof blinked. “It is passion that drove us together, not lust.”

The batpony smiled. “Passion? What kind of passion exactly, if you don’t mind telling.”

“We shared a desire to better the world, to open our heart to other ponies’ suffering.” Strong Hoof explained calmly.

Dreamcatcher, however, didn’t look too please with the direction of the conversation. “Do you get a kick out of learning other’s secrets? I’d like to keep my relationships private.”

Mango smirked. “Well, I exposed mine before you, nopony’s really having an edge over the other. Say, now that you’re allowed to sleep in the same room unlike the dungeons, would you say you still feel the same way?”

The blue mare’s brow furrowed. “What are you getting at?” she asked despite knowing the answer.

Mango cocked his head back, smirking. “I got you two a room. I’m offering you some privacy.”

Now that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Dreamcatcher’s cheeks turned red, forcing her to hide behind her long mane. “Ugh, stop trying to pry into our lives, you creep!”

The batpony smiled. “Alright then, I suppose I’ll stop now. I’m sorry.”

Still, this had a strong effect on these two. He could see it now. The way Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher looked at each other was different. He saw a passion rekindled. The sheepish eyes of the mare met the confident ones of the scarred giant.

It was a rather uncomfortable conversation, but it worked. They took the first step. Strong Hoof had a certain softness to his appearance, something the batpony never saw before. “Heh... no need to thank me.”

Back to square one. Olive and Apple Bloom stayed far back, watching the rodeo from afar. They could cross out Captain Mango for now, seeing as he’s unapproachable. There was only one pony they could ask for help; Sheriff Silverstar. It sounded like a great idea. A figure of authority who can lock up Speaker! They just need to tell him and get the whole town to stop him before he could commit any evil deeds. This is how they will become heroes.

“That’s a great idea, sis! Let’s go right naow!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in excitement, but Olive didn’t share her joy.

The earth pony could see the pink filly was deep in thoughts. She had proposed the solution but now was reconsidering it. “No... No, it wouldn’t work.” Olive finally said, defeated.

Apple Bloom blinked. “But why not? Ya know who he is, ya just gotta tell ta sheriff!”

Olive whined. “We need evidence to prove he’s a criminal, but we have nothing. Nopony is going to trust me alone, we need to get proof that Speaker is evil, then we can ask Sheriff Silverstar.”

Apple Bloom lowered her head, moaning. “C’mon, why can’t it be this simple?” Her little sister knew all about the ugly side of Equestria. She knew it all thanks to the worst influence in her life. The grinning stallion whose brilliant mind was sadly not placed in service of all, only for himself. It didn’t feel fair for them to be trialed once more by the darkness to save the ponies they love. Why is it always happening to them? First it was Strong Hoof, now it was another crazed monster coming to threaten their family. “We really must be ta unluckiest ponies in all Equestria.”

The pink unicorn’s eyes moved to her CMC cape, finding some comfort in its rough fabric. It’s a cape, a sign of her superhero status. Apple Bloom was wearing hers too. Together, they can make a great team. Two superheroes that will battle against evil no matter the odds. “Other ponies might find it unlucky, but we’re superheroes, Apple Bloom. No matter what happens, we’ll always fight evil together.” Olive struck a pose before her sister.

Seeing the renewed confidence in her sister, Apple Bloom giggled as she nuzzled the little filly. “Yer too adorable for this world.”

“Hm... but I’m also cool!” Olive affirmed. “I fought and defeated the biggest meanie in Equestria. No baddies will ever stop us if we work together!”

The little unicorn’s adorable attitude was more than what Apple Bloom could handle. Olive was a living treasure, one that did not deserve the horrible treatment of her peers. Today, she’ll finally be able to deliver justice for her little sister. To punish those that dared to hurt this innocent filly. “Yup! Yer ta coolest filly ever!” She exclaimed, hugging the little pony.

Olive returned her love happily. “And superheroes always show love and kindness to other ponies, like mommy.”

“So, how’re we gonna get evidence to prove that this stallion’s evil?” Apple Bloom asked. “We’ll need a camera to capture proof.”

Olive’s face lit up. A camera, she was thoughtful enough to have brought her newest toy; a camera that does in fact, take pictures unlike most toys. “I brought my camera, we can take a picture of him doing something evil and save Appleloosa with it!”

“Great!” Things were looking good for them. “But... how are we gonna catch ‘im doin’ somethin’ evil?” A valid question coming from the older sibling.

The pink unicorn’s enthusiasm dropped in an instant. “Oh... Speaker is smart, he won’t do evil things unless he’s sure he can get away with it. We’ll have to follow him and hope he doesn’t notice us.”

Apple Bloom looked around. Many ponies were moving around, celebrating. With this much ruckus, it should be easy to stalk somepony. Well, not stalking, heroes don’t stalk ponies. They’re merely keeping an eye on him. “Sounds like we’ve got a plan. Where’s yer camera?”

“At Braeburn’s house. Hurry, we can’t let Apple Fritter and Braeburn alone with him.”

After getting their hooves on Olive’s new toy camera, the two sisters returned to Apple Fritter only to be stopped by an unexpected roadblock: that being Braeburn. “Why, hello there! Ah just finished lunch and Ah’m fully ready to go to ta rodeo with y’all. C’mon girls, let’s have some fun!”

Olive shook her head. “Not now, we have som-?!” Before she could complete her sentence, Braeburn dragged the two fillies to the rodeo despite their complaints.

“Alright, Olive! Now that yer an Apple, it’s only fair ya try out ta rodeo. See how long ya can last.” Braeburn jovially said.

“Wh-What?” The pink filly watched the other contestants try their luck. The arena was surrounded by ponies watching the current contestant trying to stay on the buffalo’s back. It was one at a time in this big arena. One at a time. Olive froze once she realised that. She wouldn’t be getting in there alone, with the entire town watching her, right? “Um... I-I'm not going in there alone, is that right?”

To her relief, Braeburn smiled. “Of course not! Yer gonna need a little help from me, but ta rest is up to ya. Oh and remember; this is a personal competition, yer only aimin’ to beat yerself. No need to compare yerself to others, that’s a good way to destroy yer self-esteem.”

Apple Bloom smiled awkwardly. “Uh, yup! That was a terrible mistake Ah made a long time ago. Ah, um, feel better now that Ah don’t do it anymore.” It was clear in her face that she too was uncomfortable with this. The mission was of vast importance, but Braeburn wasn’t going to let them go this easily.

Worst of all, he left Apple Fritter all alone with this disgusting criminal!

“C’mon, Olive! Now’s our turn!”


Braeburn dragged the little filly inside the arena, trotting over to a young buffalo that kindly welcomed them. “Oh, I’ve never seen this filly before. She must be new to Appleloosa, isn’t she?”

The earth pony tipped his hat. “Yup! She’s ta newest Apple! Therefore, she must go on ‘er first rodeo!”

“U-Um, cousin Braeburn...” Olive covered her face with her mane, mortified by the hundreds of eyes upon her. So many... Even more than in her class. If only she had a good excuse to leave. “I’m going to follow the injured pony Apple Fritter brought in” isn’t going to do it at all. No, she had nothing.

Oh, the fear of failure was growing stronger by the seconds. What would happen if she failed immediately? Would they all laugh at her for the coming week?

“What’s your name?” The young buffalo asked. From the sound of his voice, he must be in his teenage years, almost an adult. A perfect size for a foal to try their first rodeo.

“Um, hm... Olive.” She croaked, her eyes scouting out the large crowd.

The buffalo kneeled, presenting his back to her. “Well, hop on, Olive! I promise I won’t go too hard on you since this is your first time!”

After she climbed the buffalo’s back, Braeburn made sure she knew the rules before it would begin. “It’s really simple. Just hold on to that there rope and stay on ‘im for as long as possible. Ah’ll stay close by in case somethin’ goes awry.”

Olive could already imagine how things can go wrong. Broken leg, cracked skull, concussion, she’s going to shatter like a window by the time this is over.

“Alright, good luck to ya, girl!”

Back inside Braeburn’s home, Olive had given up the last of her energy to make it through the rodeo. Being out in public, talking with other ponies drained her energy, often leaving her too tired to do anything. Even if it wasn’t late, she couldn’t keep her eyes open for long.

The same could be said for her older sister who had the time of her life out there. Both fillies were shambling to their bed, ready to crumble in its comfortable mattress.

Under the sheets, Apple Bloom yawned. “Ah’m sorry we didn’t get to do yer plan.”

Olive blinked. Her eyes were heavier than an anvil. At least, insomnia won’t be a problem for tonight. She would need to regain her strength for next time, if she wanted to save her nice cousin from Speaker. “It’s okay, we still have time. Tomorrow, we’ll watch him and then save Appleloosa...”

“Hm?” Apple Bloom noticed they forgot to take their cape off. Not that it mattered too much right now, her muscles didn’t want to move anymore. “Ya, we’ll be superheroes tomorrow, sis. Ah promise that no matter what happens, no matter what problems or dangers comes yer way, Ah’ll always be there to help. It’s what Cutie Mark Crusaders do. Ah just wanted ya to know that. Huh?”

Quiet breaths filled the silence. Adorable little sounds coming from the mouth of her little sister. She had fallen asleep in record time! Watching her in this peaceful state of being, Apple Bloom was in awe. Olive was sleeping like an angel. In fact, she was an angel even when awake. She couldn’t have asked for a better little sister than her, the most precious filly on the planet. A star that shined brightly in the sky, always defying the darkness. She inspired her to be a hero.

The sun was setting down and with it so were the two ponies that put their blood and sweat into building new houses for the ponies of Appleloosa. A tiring experience, but the pain they felt that day, they deserved all of it. The scorching heat, the headaches, the weak limbs, it wasn’t enough to make up for their atrocities. There lived one pony, a filly that symbolised the worst in them, the one that bore the mark of their evil.

Fear, hatred, regret, every time they met her eyes, they were compelled to close theirs. Why did she have to be here? They never asked to see Olive again. It was best that they ignored each other until the end of time. To ignore as best they can the pain they’ve inflicted upon this sad beast.

For now, they should move on to other things. Captain Mango offered them a room in Appleloosa’s sole hotel. A nice gesture for sure. They made the conscious effort to thank him although they didn’t feel it was right. They don’t deserve that kind of luxury. Animals don’t deserve to be treated with upmost respect.

Strong Hoof stood before the bed, quickly realising that there would never be a bed fit for him in Equestria, not that it bothered him; he was used to sleeping on the floor. The behemoth found a nice spacious place in the room to lay down on the side. As he relaxed his broken body, he noticed Dreamcatcher was in the bathroom. She had left the door open and stood before the mirror.

The most striking thing about her was that she had a different expression this time. No longer apathetic, she looked somewhat disappointed as she fumbled through her hair, frowning. Then, her eyes moved slightly, having just noticed him. Cringing, the mare closed the door.

“Hm.” Strong Hoof placed his head down, feeling somewhat uncomfortable as always. Grunting, he went to pick a pillow from the bed and dropped it on the floor. He turned around to face in the opposite direction of the bathroom. Thanks to the pillow, his head wasn’t hurting from resting on the creaky wooden floor of the room. The giant closed his eyes, waiting for the night to take him away, but it didn’t come. He was still missing something, the sheets.

His body longed for the comfortable feeling of the sheets on his skin. His burned scars demanded it. Weakly raising his head once more, he tore the sheets off and placed them carefully on his sad body. Now, he was truly ready to fall asleep.

But then, the creak of a door tore him out of the peaceful night. Dreamcatcher stepped out of the bathroom, but it was no reason for him to turn around. Too much effort, he just wanted to sleep.

“Um, S-Strongy? Could you... look at me, please?” The voice of the blue pegasus was hesitant, lacking in confidence. A strange departure from her cold and apathetic tone she had employed for months.

This unusual change compelled him to listen, and so he turned. To his surprise, Dreamcatcher had changed her manestyle, reverting to her adorable ponytail. Under the moonlight, this style was beautiful, a welcome change from her previous rugged look. “You’ve changed your mane.” He stated in surprise.

“Um, w-well yeah. I knew that you, um, loved the ponytail so... I brought it back.” Now this was most unusual. The mare was awkward, avoiding his gaze as she spoke. She reminded him of the young mare he met eight years ago. Back when they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. A most welcome change. She looked much prettier that way.

It brought forth a smile, something he hasn’t done in a while. Simply staring at her in that very moment reignited a passion he had forgotten. “You look nice.” Strong Hoof rested his tired head, unwilling to strain himself any further. He knew where this change stemmed from. Captain Mango had planted an old idea in the mare’s head. An idea he was happy to embrace again.

Now that they finally shared a room and some privacy, they could be together again just like old times. But unlike the past, they were not trotting in the wrong path. This could be the start of something new, something nicer. Maybe their ideals were not dead after all.

“Come.” Strong Hoof weakly demanded, leaving some room for the mare. “We’ll be together for the night.”

Dreamcatcher opened her mouth, pleasantly surprised to see that her change had a strong reaction on the stallion. She felt her freckled cheeks grow warm as she slowly approached him. Despite the horrible burns on his entire body, he still looked handsome and strong. The confident and powerful pony she fell in love with was still in there, somewhere under that shell.

Both were. They only had to take the plunge into this unknown future, together. Dreamcatcher crawled under the sheet, cuddling against the giant. His warm fur brushing against her soft body, it brought back good memories. Good memories now tainted by hindsight. But now, they could form new ones without any regret. Their eyes were open. They were freed and now, they could put each other back together without any worries.

Both heads rested upon the same pillow, close to one another. Their eyes met. Both were pitiful looking, tired but somewhere in there, they could see something new. A determination ever-growing. It was small, but it would only grow in strength with the passage of time. Cuddling, they were hopeful about the future for once.

One step at a time, they were cleaning their sins against the society they once judged unfair. Perhaps they were grossly generalising their world. Not everypony is lucky but damn it if the ponies in power weren’t trying their best to help!

“The night is getting old.” Dreamcatcher started; her beautiful eyes locked in his. “Nopony will ever hear a thing. Let’s do it again, for old time's sake.”

Strong Hoof grunted, shuffling his hind legs around. “I would not be opposed to that. I missed these nights.”

His lover touched his face softly. “Even monsters know what love is. Isn’t that beautiful?”

“Wake up, Swift Snow. It calls from beyond, you’re needed now.”

The small white stallion woke up confused inside the destroyed town they had set camp in. Looming just above his bed was the figure of the pony he owed everything to, Jolly Melody. The strong yet soft voice of the violet unicorn compelled him to get up despite his fatigue.

Rubbing his eyes until they could stay open, he noticed Jolly had a happier expression than usual. His grim, vindictive look was replaced by a hopeful one. “Today will be a day to remember, Swift. We shall begin the ritual at once, and call for the power that gave rise to our mare on the moon. It shall be our key to bring her back and overthrow Princess Celestia.”

“Oh, you said you’ll turn into something greater than a pony. Is that what we’re about to see?” Swift Snow croaked, still in the blurry line between awake and asleep.

Jolly Melody shook his head. “Not yet. I believe there’s a pony more deserving of our master’s blessing than me. You will be the first to taste its power. The means to bring a change in this comfortable world.”

The shock alone woke the small stallion immediately. “Wha-me? I’m sorry, Jolly, I-I just...”

“But I insist.” Jolly affirmed, turning to face the little Swift. “I can tell you’re dissatisfied with your current body. Allow our master to perfect it for you. You’ll be even greater than before, the embodiment of our iron will. Isn’t this what you have always wanted?” Such a calm and powerful voice. Swift Snow couldn’t help but agree with him. The stallion’s beautiful eyes emitted such wisdom. He knew Jolly Melody was right. This is his destiny.

“Alright, I’ll do it.”

The violet unicorn smiled. “Then let us hurry up; the others are waiting.”

However, in the shadows lied a figure that didn’t exist yet at the time. A goliath that watched the scene unfold with regret. He watched as his smaller body followed pure evil into the ritual chamber. His eyes were full of optimism and pride, but the giant’s? They were tired and sad.

“Oh, I remember that day. The first ritual...” A beautiful voice came from behind. A voice with a pronounced French accent, one he always found adorable. It’s been so long since she came into his dreams. To be more precise, it’s been so long since he’s dreamt. Following the death of the beast, there was no more reason to destroy their dreams. Nothing left to hide to the alicorns.

“Terrible days...”

Inside the ritual chamber of what remained of the town hall, many ponies waited for these two. Amongst them, Swift Snow recognised the beautiful face of the mare simply known as Dreamcatcher. The two have been eyeballing each other for quite a while now, talking for hours on end about their struggles. Out of all the ponies in Jolly’s group, she was the one he could sympathise with the most, not to say that the others haven’t gone through their fair share of miseries. There was just something about her that made him want to stay by her side.

“The ritual is about to begin. Swift Snow, step into the circle, will you.” Jolly Melody stopped before an alter he had carved himself. A sign of his darkest devotions, of the hate and injustices that fueled this war against monarchy.

Inside the circle, Swift kept his eyes on Dreamcatcher for comfort. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was scared. He had no idea how things will turn out, what he’ll become once the ritual ended. His future was blurry, riddled with questions and uncertainties. His eyes moved around in search of Blaze, but his friend wasn’t here. Most likely keeping an eye on the two fillies outside.

Jolly Melody grinned, raising his hooves high in triumph. “From now on, this entire country shall be ours and we’ll settle the score with society!”

In the farthest corner of the room, Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher watched. The blue mare frowned sadly. “How many times have you been dreaming about this?”

“A lot.” Strong Hoof responded weakly. “I’ve lost count.”

Dreamcatcher mustered a weak smile. “At least, I’m happy you didn’t turn into a monster like Anarchy. Yeah, it could have been worse.”

The behemoth of a stallion kept his scarlet eyes on the ritual. “I did turn into a monster. I’m grateful they were able to knock some sense into me, but it doesn’t erase what we have done.”

“What are we supposed to do?” The freckled pegasus asked, lowering her head. “There’s no way we can just say sorry and leave it at that. We ruined her life, and tried to do so again.”

“That second time is all on me. I hurt many ponies, all of them undeserving.” Strong Hoof moped, feeling anger rising within himself. His past hatred was now redirected towards himself, the true monster.

“No, don’t scapegoat yourself, please! I was the one that told Anarchy his daughter survived! It’s my fault any of this happened!” Dreamcatcher cried out, sadness filling her eyes.

Strong Hoof turned his gaze away, focussing on absolutely nothing. “If you would have been there, you’d see why I’m undeserving of any love.”

“Even if I had been there, I’d still love you. A life without love isn’t a life worth living, remember?” The blue pegasus flew to the stallion’s face, nuzzling him. “I’m still with you, to the bitter end.”

“Thank you...”

The ritual ended behind the mare. The wimpy body of Swift Snow was replaced with the hulking beast that had made him such a fearsome criminal. Everypony’s jaw dropped, awestruck by the power of their master. It had turned the weakest of them into the strongest in a flash.

Jolly Melody’s eyes widened. “It... It worked. It works.”

Swift Snow stood up proudly, amazed by his new body. It was such an amazing feeling. All that strength coursing through his veins, he was unstoppable now. His old name wouldn’t do anymore. He needed a new one, a name that’ll reflect his newfound strength. Raising his giant hoof, the stallion was surprised to see how hard it had become. His hoof was as hard as diamond, even better, it can cut through diamond. In an instant, the world has turned to cardboard for him.

Grinning, he proudly announced his new identity. “The name’s Strong Hoof. Earth pony, right hoof of Jolly Melody and the stallion who’s going to burn this world to the ground!”

Author's Note:

Took a while to get back in the groove of things. Exams are coming up, so I had less time to spare. Well, that and I've been slacking off when I had the time to write. A temporary loss of motivation. Thankfully, my good friend brought back that motivation and fun to get back to work! See you next chapter, or in the comments I guess.