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Herbology 101

It was the following morning over breakfast when Limestone got a good look at her timetable over a piece of toast and jam. Overall, she had eight classes. Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms and Flying all began today whilst History of Magic, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) and Astronomy began tomorrow. She was least looking forward to Flying obviously while the late-night Astronomy class was going to be interesting to say the least. She had never once been up that late back on the rock farm. Their motto had always been early to bed, early to rise and this morning had been a great example of this. She had been up an hour earlier than Scoti and both she and the other girl had had to wake up the two lycans, who it was clear, were not morning animals. The prefect from the night before, whose name they now knew was Maddie, had come to collect them just before 8am and she had been forced to sort the state both Leanne and Susan were in, even if the latter’s short hair remained a frizzy mess from her unwanted bath the night before. Both girls were now devouring an enormous and entirely meat-based breakfast across from Limestone with cups of tremendously strong coffee. Neither girls table manners had improved overnight and both continued to eat, well, like wolves. At least this meant Limestone was able to avoid any awkward small talk and eat her breakfast in peace. That was until she received a gentle tap on her shoulder.

“Oh, hi Kendra, nice accessory,” Limestone deadpanned.

“Get this damn dog of my arm,” Kendra grumbled with clear dark circles under her eyes.

Clamped onto her left arm with his namesake, was Teeth.

“Teeth, breakfast,” Limestone said, pushing two heavy laden bowls of food out from under the table.

Teeth immediately let go, fell to the ground, and started on his breakfast.

“Thanks for keeping him entertained last night, hope he wasn’t too much of a handful,” Limestone said cheekily as she turned back to begin on a bowl of cereal.

Kendra’s right eye twitched before a manic grin crossed her face. “Not at all Limey,” she said ruffling Limestone’s hair. “Hope you enjoyed your slime shower and you have a great first day. Oh, you’ve your first Flying lesson today and at the same time I have a free period, how coincidental, I will have to come and watch, along with a few friends.”

Limestone coughed and spluttered on her cereal. “Really, there is no need. I’m sure you have much better things to be getting on with.”

“Nonsense. I also want to catch the youngest ever witch or wizard to pass their broomstick flying aptitude test in action,” Kendra argued turning to Scoti next to her. “I’ve heard great things about you and I’m sure Melody will find a spot on the quidditch team for you. Where do you play? I’m a Beater myself but sadly am having to step away this year due to other priorities.”

Beater, Scoti replied not even turning to acknowledge the older girl as she continued with her breakfast.

“You don’t say,” Kendra replied examining the pint-sized girl in front of her. “Wait, don’t tell me…”

Scoti paused in eating her breakfast and slowly pulled back a sleeve of her robes too show of the biceps on her right arm. She then proceeded to make a slicing motion across the scar on her neck while holding a finger to her lips.

“The Falmouth Falcons U18’s infamous Slytherin Slayer. I have got to go.” And just like that, Kendra was gone.

Limestone was not sure what unnerved her more, the sudden departure of her annoying self-appointed older sister, the countless scars that covered Scoti’s arm, or the fact that both Susan and Leanne had paused in the annihilation of their breakfasts.

“No way,” Susan muttered.

“Seriously?” Leanne questioned.

Scoti once more placed her finger to her lips.

“Would one of you like to enlighten the pony from another dimension? For starters, what the buck is Quidditch?” Limestone interjected testily.

“Oh, sorry Limestone, or should that be Limey?” Susan teased in response.

Limestone’s eyes turned to slits as she picked up an apple and crushed it to pulp in her right hand. “That answer your question. Now spill.”

“Okay, okay, Limey, no need to get so angsty. Quidditch is the number one magical sport. Played on broomsticks, on occasions it can result in serious injuries although nothing that magic cannot heal and usually such injuries only occur in professional matches. Well anyway, each of the five biggest teams in the United Kingdom and Ireland, one for each country, have an under-eighteen’s team that compete in a summer tournament at the start of August. It draws big crowds and is a great way for these teams to scout future possible players, with each team having picked their pool of players from trials at the start of July, the only rule being they must be eighteen or under at the start of the tournament,” Susan explained.

“Okay, and I’m guessing this Slayer person is a player for one of these teams?” Limestone asked trying to keep up.

“Actually, no. They play for a sixth team that do not host trials, the Falmouth Falcons. Instead, they send scouts to acquire certain players from these other clubs’ trials who may be good but don’t always fit with these clubs’ morals. The Falcons on the other hand have no problems with players with questionable ethics, their club motto even is Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads,” Susan went on. “All they ask in return is that all their players wear masks and never reveal who they actually are either during or after the tournament.”

“Why?” Limestone queried.

“Who knows? Possibly to prevent other teams from pinching any of the more decent ones who can be persuaded from playing dirty? Stealing players happens a lot in professional quidditch as galleons talk. Or it could be to avoid any serious repercussions from significant, high standing families unhappy with their style of play. The latter applies to the Slytherin Slayer and the Falcons U18s are notorious for being disqualified. Up until two years ago they had never made it to the final of the tournament before. This year they won their third title on the bounce. You want to know how?” Susan asked

“Of course,” Limestone replied impatiently.

“There are two players on either side called Beaters and it is their job to protect their fellow players from magical flying balls called Bludgers with clubs and possibly redirect these Bludgers towards the opposition. The Slytherin Slayer has not only mastered pin point accuracy through what must have been hours and hours of training, they are also able to hit these Bludgers with enough force to not just break but pulverise bones as they demonstrated on their debut. Despite being frowned upon, a Beater injuring all the opposing players is not an illegal method of ensuring victory. Interestingly, the Slayer only severely injures players whose family have links to Slytherin House or who sided with the pure-bloods during the wizarding war, thus the nickname. Most others are just given a rather nasty concussion or have their brooms so badly damaged they are forced to land and cannot continue,” Susan concluded.

“And no one has tried to injure her in retaliation?” Limestone quizzed.

“Of course, but the Slayer’s broom handling is incredible and as such no opposing Beater has ever managed to hit them with a Bludger,” Susan answered. “Also, as no one knows their true identity, nobody could possibly sabotage them of the pitch.”

“I see,” Limestone said deep in thought as she went back to her cereal. Quidditch sounded like a truly bizarre game and one she most certainly would not be getting involved in.

“So, are you the Slytherin Slayer?” Susan whispered across the table to Scoti who had quietly gone back to her breakfast and was now nearly finished.

There was no response, not even a sign this time.

Susan was about to press the matter further but was interrupted by Professor Sprout approaching the table.

“I am glad to see you all made it to breakfast despite the antics of a certain few last night. I can assure you they have been given a stern talking to this morning although I must condone… my, what is that awfully pungent aroma?” The Herbology Professor enquired.

Susan instantly forgot what she was about to do as her cheeks went bright red in embarrassment and she tried to hide her face behind her hands. Leanne on the other hand could not help but let out a snort of laughter, sending her mouthful of breakfast everywhere. This earnt her both a condescending look and a further question from Professor Sprout.

“And what might I ask is so funny?”

“Sorry Professor. It’s just, Susan couldn’t beat Scoti at arm wrestling last night so she received the bath of shame. I think that is a combination of vanilla and strawberry body wash with mint tea tree oil shampoo. That is also why her hair is so frizzy this morning,” Leanne answered for her friend as she guzzled down the final mouthfuls of her breakfast.

“I smell revolting,” Susan mumbled through her hands.

“I see,” Professor Sprout replied ignoring Susan’s murmurings and instead glancing over at Scoti, who had just finished the remains of her breakfast and in return gave her a warm, but somewhat unnerving, smile. At that point Professor Sprout was reminded of an old muggle saying, it is always the quiet ones you have got to watch out for. She certainly would need to keep an eye on all her female first years this year, that was for sure. “Anyway, I just wanted to come by and inform you all that we will be heading out in a couple of minutes, so please finish your breakfasts and meet me by the entrance, thank you.”

“Wow, I think she was so put off by Susan’s luxurious fragrance, she forgot to tell you off for sending Teeth after Kendra last night,” Leanne exclaimed once Professor Sprout was gone.

“Well, it is definitely something,” Limestone replied taking a banana from the fruit bowl in the centre of the table. “Still, could have been worse.”

“How, how could this be any worse?” Susan griped still hiding her face behind her hands.

“I could have given Leanne a bottle of Teeth’s dog shampoo.” Limestone said emotionlessly taking a bite out of the banana. “And Leanne just stole the last of your breakfast.”

Susan removed her hands and stared down at her now empty plate, then at Leanne whose mouth was full of food.

“What? I was still hungry and you were busy moping. You win some, you lose some,” Leanne spluttered spitting out half chewed up food all over Susan as she did so.

Susan leapt at her friend and the two girls went rolling onto the floor in a tangle of limbs.

“I believe you owe me a galleon,” Limestone said with a smirk turning to Scoti.

Damn, even I didn’t see that happening before lunch. Double or nothing? Scoti suggested holding aloft a single galleon

“Thanks, but I know to quit when I’m ahead, especially when up against a seer,” Limestone replied pocketing the galleon in her robes.

Fair play, Scoti responded as the two girls admired the scrap that was taking place on the floor on the other side of the table.

“They’re really going at each other, aren’t they?” Limestone commented as the two girls continued fighting for dominance.

Werewolves. What did you expect, a pillow fight?

“Good point,” Limestone noted. “Also, remind me if I ever get invited to a fancy shindig, never to invite one of them as my plus one.”

Absolutely, Scoti stated as Leanne grabbed the fruit bowl from the table and smashed it over Susan’s head. The girl teetered dizzily for a second on her feet before collapsing in a heap on the floor.

“Oops. Too far?” Leanne winced, turning to her other two dormmates, one eye barely open and looking like she had been attacked by a wild animal, which, technically, she had.

“Just a touch,” Limestone said sarcastically. “The furry mittens and muzzle are a nice touch though.”

“Oh shit,” Leanne said as her hands, sorry paws, came to rest on her muzzle.

“First morning, first morning. You had better have a good reason for knocking out your dormmate Miss Moon,” Professor Sprout’s scathing voice cut through the throng of students that had gathered to watch the fight.

“Just a friendly bit of sparring professor, nothing you need to worry… why is the room spinning,” Susan argued groggily from the floor, somehow managing to prevent her breakfast from coming back up.

“Just look at the both of you, an embarrassment to our house. You are lucky it is the first morning otherwise I would be deducting points from the both of you, but that will still be detention for both of you after classes in the greenhouses later today and that is me being lenient. Take this as your one warning, fighting, even play fighting, will not be tolerated except on the playing fields and with a member of staff in attendance to prevent it from getting out of hand, understood?” Professor Sprout said sternly.

“Yes, Professor Sprout,” Leanne said glumly, turning to face her irate head of house still in partial wolf form.

“Good, now get yourself and Miss Bones to the infirmary. I’m sure an older student will be happy to give you directions. As for the rest of you, classes are about to start so chop chop, hurry on along. Unless you want to also be helping in the greenhouses later today,” Professor Sprout said taking charge.

The crowd quickly dispersed, not wanting to anger the usually mild mannered Herbology Professor any further. As Leanne and Susan went off to try and locate the infirmary, Limestone and Scoti fell into step behind their still clearly infuriated head of house who kept muttering under her breath a mixture of sayings including “First morning” “Unbelievable” and “Those two will be the death of me.”

Thankfully, by the time they had reached the greenhouses, Professor Sprout seemed to have calmed herself down. After a quick head count to ensure everyone aside Leanne and Susan were present, she addressed the latest additions to Hogwarts outside one of the many greenhouses that adorned the back of the castle.

“For those of you not in Hufflepuff, I am Professor Pomona Sprout, Herbology Professor here at Hogwarts. Many of you right now are probably wondering how plants can have anything to do with magic? Well, there are two main answers to this question, the first of which I shall provide you with, the second I shall ask from you once we are inside. So, think carefully. The first major role plants have in magic is that there are many plants out there with magical properties of their own and these properties can be placed on a scale, from extremely helpful, like Dittany, to extremely dangerous, like Venomous Tentacula. It is for this reason why you are only permitted in the greenhouse behind me during your first year as all the other greenhouses contain dangerous specimens that are way above your current level. Your first year is all about gaining the knowledge from your core text book to be able to take care of each of the plants covered inside, along with what they are used for. Over time, as your confidence and skill blossoms, we will then look at tackling some more difficult specimens in the other greenhouses in your later years. Thus, this is why if any of you attempts to gain access to any of the other greenhouses this year, you will be immediately expelled, as your safety is paramount and I would not want any of you to come to any harm, understood?”

“Yes, Professor Sprout,” The students answered as one.

“Excellent. There is your one warning, I hope you heed it.” And with that Professor Sprout turned, and, taking a ring of many keys from her belt, unlocked the greenhouse. “There are seven tables, four students to each although there will now be two tables with only three due to two of my students ending up in the infirmary this morning,” Professor Sprout finished with a clear edge to her voice.

In the end, Limestone and Scoti ended up on a table with the two Gryffindor girls, Hermione and the third werewolf, Lavender, who both sported pale complexions and long frizzy brown hair. In the middle of the table sat four white plants.

“Limestone and this is Scoti,” Limestone said introducing herself and her housemate. “She speaks using signs, don’t ask. Hermione and Lavender, correct?”

“Yes, a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Hermione replied a little to pompously for Limestone’s liking.

Lavender on the other hand just gave a timid nod in reply.

“Okay, settle down please,” Professor Sprout ordered from the front of the greenhouse. “Now, before we begin with your first lesson properly, who believes they can answer my question from outside. What is the second major role plants have in magic?”

Hermione’s hand immediately shot into the air.

“Yes, Miss Granger isn’t it.”

“Potions ingredients professor, such as what we have on the table here…”

“Very good, ten points to Gryffindor and apologies to cut you off, I just didn’t want you spoiling this week’s lessons for everyone. For you see, in front of you are four plants that play a vital part in a variety of potions. Three of these are three of the sixteen variations of Asphodel. Although these variations can be used interchangeably in potions, certain variations seem to work better in some potions than others do. Furthermore, Asphodel is a very pernickety plant and every variation has its own particular set of needs. Thus, your objectives across this week’s lessons are the following,” Professor Sprout informed, picking up a stick from the desk at the front of the classroom and using it to point at a blackboard that she had already set up.

1) Figure out which three of the four plants are variations of Asphodel and what these variations are.

2) Figure out what the mystery fourth plant is.

3) Discover what potion each form of Asphodel is best used for.

4) Discover what the mystery plant is used for.

5) Work out a specific care routine for each form of Asphodel.

6) Work out a specific care routine for the mystery plant.

7) Note any further pertinent information.

“I expect you to work together on your tables to answer these questions. Maybe you work in teams of two and target a question each per lesson and then share your findings between each other after class. Or maybe you target a question each over two lessons and then target five and six in pairs, or tackle every question together, the choice is yours. You will be applying what you learn practically next week. Good luck, you may begin.”

A cacophony of noise started up as the groups of first years discussed how they were going to tackle the problems laid out before them.

“Well, I believe I can answer the second question straight away,” Hermione said smugly.

“Go on,” Limestone nudged, the girl’s attitude was already getting on her nerves.

“Examine the stems of each of the plants and tell me what you see,” she replied cryptically.

Limestone rolled her eyes but decided to play along with Lavender and Scoti. To her annoyance, Hermione was right. Although from afar the plants looked almost identical, a closer inspection revealed that one of the middle ones had a pure black stem and leaves whereas the other three were just a very dark green.

“Well spotted,” Limestone noted pointing to the mystery plant. “I’m guessing you know what it is?”

“Moly,” Hermione stated. “It has enormously powerful healing properties either consumed on its own to counteract enchantments or as part of the Wiggenweld Potion, a generic healing potion that is used to cure many minor ailments or to provide a short time boost in a person’s strength and stamina,” she explained, pushing her copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi across the table for Limestone and Scoti to examine.

After several minutes, Limestone pushed the book back to Hermione. “Brilliant, that’s a third of our work sorted for the week in under five minutes. All we need to do now is put those answers down on parchment and then discuss how we would take care of this plant. It doesn’t seem to have any specific requirements so that shouldn’t take long. A bit of sunlight, some water and fertiliser, job done. I wonder why Professor Sprout has given us the entire week for this assignment, seems a bit much.”

“Maybe because others might not have such a keen eye as I, or bothered to read their textbook before coming to class, as you certainly haven’t done otherwise you would be aware that the chapter on Asphodel is nearly fifty pages long and that out of the different types, the white types are exceptionally difficult to distinguish between,” Hermione informed with a patronising look on her face.

Limestone was really starting to dislike Hermione’s attitude but also could not deny the girl was clearly intelligent and that she would be pivotal for them to successfully complete their work for the week. Thus, she bit her tongue and took a quill in her hand and began writing the questions from the board down on a piece of parchment. She needed to get the other girl on her side and quickly, no point beating around the rock pile as her dad used to say to her.

“Apologies for being so naïve but let me put this to you bluntly. We can waste time arguing or we can get on with the work at hand. I may not be the brightest rock here but you can be sure I’ll chip in and work hard, because I’m a Pie and that’s what we do. And I can vouch for Scoti, I know she will give her… hey where did you get that pillow, no, you cannot take a nap,” Limestone ended with surprise, grabbing the pillow of Scoti in the process.

But you and the Egghead have got everything covered and plants are boring, Scoti groused.

Hermione was staring at Scoti, her rational mind scrambled by the appearance of the pillow and then the sign seemingly out of nowhere.

“Magic,” Limestone tried to reassure the Gryffindor girl before turning back to Scoti. “As for you, might I remind you Professor Sprout is our head of house and I feel she would be less than pleased if you were to take a nap in her class.”

“No, I would not be at all pleased. Unless you would prefer to join your dormmates after classes finish this afternoon,” Professor Sprout scolded as she came across to see how they were getting on.

Scoti pouted in silence as Limestone gave their teacher a breakdown of how they were getting on.

“Good, thanks to Hermione. She has been amazing. Thanks to her we have already managed to single out the anomaly, name it and figure out its uses,” Limestone admitted causing Hermione to blush across the table. “I was just about to help her decipher a care plan whilst Lavender and Scoti start on figuring out the variants of asphodel, when someone thought they could skive of.” She directed a stern glare in Scoti’s direction and earnt a stuck-out tongue in return.

Professor Sprout looked impressed as she looked over their first two answers. “Impressive, I had not expected anyone to figure out the anomaly so quickly. I feel another twenty points are necessary for Gryffindor and for your honesty Miss Pie, five to Hufflepuff,” she stated, handing back the piece of parchment to Limestone. “As for you,” Professor Sprout pointed to Scoti, “I will be keeping a close eye on you so don’t even think about napping in class again or I will have you in a week of detention,” she said sternly.

Scoti slumped in her chair further but took out her own copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi and began comparing the asphodels in the book to the nearest one to her on the table. Lavender then proceeded to pick the plant up and come round the table to assist her grouchy classmate.

“Well, it seems like you have everything under control here. Excellent job the both of you,” Professor Sprout commended before moving onto the next table.

“Shall we begin then?” Limestone stated opening the small, several pages long second chapter of her book entitled How to care for your Magical Plants.

“Thanks,” Hermione practically whispered from across the table as she opened her own copy to the same chapter. “I’ve never had anyone be so nice to me before.”

“Don’t mention it. Hard work deserves reward my family always says,” Limestone grunted, trying to concentrate on her reading.

“If you like, I could help you. I’ve read this chapter twice already,” Hermione offered, rising from her seat.

Of course she had, Limestone thought to herself. “Fine,” she grumbled with forced enthusiasm.

Being lectured by a know it all was the very last thing Limestone wanted but sometimes in life you just had to grin and bear things you did not like so as not to hurt another person’s, or pony’s, feelings, a trait she had had lots of experience of with Pinkie. And dare she admit that on occasions she may, just may, have enjoyed her sister’s latest harebrain plan, such as the whole cupcake escapade. A smile slowly creeped its way across Limestone’s lips as Hermione began explaining the six things all plants need, even magical ones.