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Powerful Potions

Limestone almost wished she had remained in the infirmary the next morning. History of Magic didn’t exactly fill her with much excitement and as soon as she got into the classroom, saw their teacher was a ghost and heard his monotonous drone, she was fast asleep as were the majority of her peers. Thankfully, and not really to any great surprise, Hermione seemed unaffected by Professor Binns sleep inducing monotonous droll and thus Limestone and her friends spent their free period in the library learning about the Gargoyle Strike of 1911.

Afterwards, the newly formed group of friends stopped off at the Great Hall for some nourishment before heading down to the dungeons for their first Potions lesson.

“I heard the Potions professor is a seriously mean fellow,” Susan said, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen upon the group as they descended into the dank and dreary depths of the dungeons.

“You don’t know the half of it. When I first got here, he refused to acknowledge me and then told Headmaster Dumbledore that if I ended up in his house, he would have me expelled. Said he would do the same with, and I quote, “the three werewolves and the psychological nutcase”,” Limestone explained solemnly.

Wow, what an arsehole. If he wants a psychological nutcase, I’ll give him a psychological nutcase, Scoti replied indignantly as they came to the bottom of the staircase and entered the dungeons proper.

Limestone groaned. “Please don’t. We’ve already angered two professors just by existing, the last thing we need to do is continue getting on Professor Sprout’s bad side. The only reason I feel we escaped punishment for yesterday afternoon’s mess was because she adored the new addition to the training fields and could not punish Susan as the fight took place on the training fields and was supervised.”

“That and the fact she was putting all her effort into not laughing at Susan’s new attire. Even gave her five house points for raising her fellow housemates’ spirits,” Leanne added, much to Susan’s embarrassment.

“Don’t remind me,” Susan griped. “She even made me pose so she could take photos! I’m just thankful my spare school uniforms mysteriously returned this morning.”

“Well, she didn’t force you to pose, you could have just refused,” Leanne argued.

“She threatened to ban fighting on Hogwarts grounds entirely and as we’re not allowed outside the grounds, that would mean no fighting until we got back to mine for Christmas! And that would hurt you just as much as me,” Susan argued back.

Taken aback by her friend’s words, Leanne stopped in her tracks. “Wait, you mean to tell me you posed for those photos for me? Despite…” she swiftly shut her mouth before she said to much but the damage had already been done.

“Despite what?” Susan growled.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” Leanne squeaked.

“I knew it!” Susan said accusingly while pointing a finger at her best friend. “You did hide all my clothes along with not telling me I was showing of my backside to half the school!”

Leanne in return pointed a finger at Scoti who returned the accusation with a look of mock surprise. “It was Scoti’s idea. She saw the dress on Limestone’s bed and coerced me into bribing Teeth with dog biscuits,” Leanne claimed.

Susan glowered at Leanne before turning to Scoti.

She’s lying, Scoti countered. I wanted her to tear all your other clothes to shreds so you would be forced to wear the dress for a week.

By the time Susan had finished reading the second sign, Scoti was already in the safety of their next classroom.


To no real surprise and despite Scoti’s best efforts, Susan ended up finding a way to sit next to her in their first Potions lesson. The class had barely settled in before the door to the classroom slammed open and a broody looking man with dark hair strolled in and announced himself.

“There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. And no, you shall not need your cauldrons today, this will be your theory lesson for the week not that it will do many of you much good.” Professor Snape paused deliberately at that moment and glanced in the direction of Limestone and her friends. “Potions making is a complex and extremely difficult skill to master but for those few who do possess the predisposition, I can teach you everything. If you possess the knack you can go from curing boils in your first year to potions in your later years that mimic love, force others to tell you the truth and place those you despise in a never-ending sleep.” He spat the last words out as his eyes specifically focused on Limestone.

Limestone gave her best sneer in return.

“But before all that you need to understand the ten critical steps that apply to every potion. Horse girl, let us see if there are any brains in that head of yours. Think you could enlighten us with one,” Snape said with a sneer of his own as the Slytherins in the room stifled their sniggers.

Limestone’s sneer gave way to a look of shock, in part at being called out and in part at just how rude Professor Snape had been to her. But she was not about to be outdone and took a stab in the dark. “Following our textbooks,” she replied.

Snape’s sneer somehow became even sourer. Limestone had clearly struck a nerve. “I suppose that answer is passable for an ass, although the correct answer is in fact following the recipe.”

Hermione watched in awe as Limestone lifted her hoof mere centimetres of the ground before slamming it back down again and causing a crack in the stone floor. Hermione could easily guess who her friend wanted to be stamping her hoof on at that moment in time. Instead, she ground her teeth together and forced out an apology instead.

“Of course, sir. And sorry, sir, I will be more vigilant in keeping to the correct terminology in future, sir.”

“See that you do,” Snape replied before turning his attention to Susan. “How about you dog? Care to enlighten us with another answer?”

Susan’s left eye twitched and Scoti had to grab hold of the other girl’s right arm to stop Susan then and there getting expelled for attacking a teacher. Susan closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Well, I am waiting? Or should I ask dog two and…”

“It was not until the fourteenth century that a set list of critical steps for all potions was devised by the skilled alchemist Nicolas Flamel. The first two of these are ensuring your equipment is not only clean but functioning correctly to as the number one cause of a poor-quality potion is unaligned and inaccurate scales. That good enough for you Professor Snake?” Susan interrupted smugly.

The class fell silent and even Professor Snape was taken by surprise for a split-second but it did not take him long to regain his dour demeanour.

“I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks, although that will be five points from Hufflepuff for your insolence,” Snape droned, turning his attention to his next victim.

Scoti watched as part of their desk shattered under Susan’s furry grip. On the plus side, at least her friend no longer wanted to disembowel her.

“Miss Prewett, eyes up front,” Snape snapped sharply, “And tell me another of the critical steps.”

Scoti shrugged her shoulders and held up a sign. Sorry sir, my focus over the summer was on non-verbal spells

“No excuses and I will not accept such responses in my class. Either speak up or stay silent and face punishment for your insolence,” Snape barked cruelly.

Scoti gestured to the scar across her neck and then proceeded to mouth words as she gestured her incapability to do as Snape had requested.

“No excuses. Twenty points from Hufflepuff,” Snape rattled cruelly.

Scoti momentarily held her teacher’s gaze before slowly lowering her head in defeat. That was too much for Susan but before she could retaliate Scoti gave her arm a squeeze and a not so reassuring look, considering the tears that Susan could clearly see bubbling in the other girl’s eyes.

Snape meanwhile had moved on to his next victim. “Ah, I see we have a celebrity in our midst. Mr Potter, care to enlighten us with your knowledge of the ten vital steps to any potion?”

Harry looked a little taken aback by the request but quickly recovered to stutter, “c-correct ingredients sir.”

Snape glowered at the boy for a moment before his attention was redirected to Ron sat next to him who was trying to stifle a giggle. “Mr Weasley, that will be five points from Gryffindor for your insolence unless you can name me the remaining six steps that have yet to be mentioned.”

Ron stopped giggling and stared at the Potions professor mouth agape.

“I will take that as a no. That will be a further five points for your lack of preparation,” Snape droned before turning to the weasel faced Slytherin boy. “Mr Malfoy, care to enlighten Mr Weasley with the final six steps.”

“Yes sir. They would be, timing, ageing, stirring techniques, bottling, using the correct incantation and most importantly, competence in your own ability and skill,” Malfoy rattled off as if straight from a textbook.

In fact, all the Slytherin first years had been slipped several pages of parchment by their head of house on Sunday evening and told strictly to memorise the information or face the prospect of not only dishonouring their prestigious house but severe punishment as well. Professor Snape did not accept even the smallest failure in his students.

“Excellent, ten points to Slytherin,” Snape droned with a malevolent smirk across his face. “Now, in case you didn’t catch all of those you have five minutes to copy them all of the blackboard behind me.” He paused and tapped his wand against said blackboard causing all ten steps to reveal themselves. “What you will notice is there is no explanation provided as to why each step is so vital to the potions process. For those who wish to excel in this class, this is something I expect you to do of your own accord in your free time. For those who don’t, don’t come crying to me when you fail your end of year theoretical exam, for it is only those who are truly dedicated who will succeed in this class. Well, what are you waiting for. You have five minutes. I suggest you start writing.”

The scribbling of pens hitting parchment filled the room as Snape retired to a chair behind his desk only for a series of loud bangs to make him immediately jump out of it. A moment later and a bucket, appearing from seemingly nowhere, fell atop his head. The smell that radiated from it was pungent and as their professor removed the bucket it became clear to the students what the brown substance Professor Snape was now covered in was.

The weirdest thing was, that, as quickly as the bucket had appeared, it, and its contents, had disappeared, the only evidence of what had happened happening being the pungent stench of dragon dung that now clung to Professor Snape.

“I have no idea what just transpired but I don’t want to know, nor do I care. All I want is for whichever one of you who was behind this tomfoolery to come forward and accept their rightful punishment immediately,” Snape said coldly.

Silence engulfed the room.

“Fine then, have it your way. Everyone shall be required to report back here after lessons finish for the day to write “I shall not prank my professors and must at all times respect their authority,” one hundred times each. You have two minutes left,” Snape said heartlessly.

“What!” Draco cried indignantly standing up and pointing a finger at Scoti. “I bet it was her. She was the one claiming to Professor McGonagall she could perform conjur something or other yesterday before a fire breathing chicken appeared and then disappeared in the blink of an eye!”

Scoti simply gave him a blank emotionless look in return.

“You mean conjuration. Mr Malfoy, usually I would severely discipline such an outburst, but on this occasion, I shall forgive you. Miss Prewett, care to defend yourself?” Snape said, slithering towards his prey like, well, a snake.

Scoti said nothing.

“Nothing to say in your defence. Well then…”

Scoti suddenly raised her hand and pointed to something behind Snape at the exact same moment Snape drew his wand and pointed it at the beast.

Teeth growled, red eyes aflame like the fiery pits of hell.

“Horse girl, I strongly recommend you call of your attack dog before I turn him into sliced cheese,” Snape said cautiously.

Limestone ignored him. Sod causing more trouble she thought, this twat deserved it.

“Miss Pie, you heard what I said. Even the slightest graze and I will have you expelled,” Snape said, as a single line of sweat dripped down his forehead.

“Oh, now you remember my name. Leave her in peace and go back to teaching the lesson, then he will happily take a nap at my feet. And unless you want us to report the name calling and discrimination to Professor Sprout, I strongly suggest this ends here professor,” Limestone said brazenly causing Hermione to stare at her open mouthed in absolute shock.

Professor Snape scowled at Limestone for several seconds before a timely growl behind him saw him lower his wand and head back to the blackboard and tap it clear.

“If you had not finished copying that down, tough, it is time to move on and I feel a demonstration is in order.” He highlighted to the twelve bottles on his desk. “Unfortunately, I cannot force any of you to drink these as some may very well kill you whilst others will only cause you mild inconvenience. Even so, that rule does not apply to your pets. Miss Pie, please come up to the front of the class and bring that beast with you,” Snape sneered singling Limestone out once more.

Limestone looked to the ceiling. One way or another the Potions professor was determined to make the next five years of her life, at least, a living Tartarus for her and her friends. “Well, might as well get this over with,” she muttered under her breath as she pushed herself to her feet with her good arm.

Placing two fingers in her mouth, Limestone let out a sharp whistle. In an instant Teeth was by her side as she made her way to the front of the classroom.

“If you would please pick one and make your hellhound drink it. Do not worry, as far as I am aware he is immune to all deadly poisons and I have several antidotes on hand if required anyway. Treat it as a test and a learning experience, for one day in the future you may very well be in a situation where choosing the correct potion to drink decides whether you live or die,” Snape explained, clearly enjoying the cruelty he was inflicting.

“Well boy, this is another fine mess we have got ourselves into,” Limestone muttered to a confused looking Teeth as she examined her options.

Two minutes later and she still had no clue what any of them were or what would cause Teeth the least or no harm. She had at least excluded two, a blood red one and a black one, as both gave her chills just looking at them but that still left her with ten, including four that were orange and another that was totally clear that, even from only knowing Professor Snape for less than a week, Limestone knew may be a double bluff.

“Time is ticking my dear. We do not have all day,” Snape harried.

Limestone shook her head. This was ridiculous. How was she supposed to know what was safe for Teeth to drink? Surely at least one of the orange ones must be safe but which one? She, really, really, wanted to scream as loud as she could at that moment in time.

“Choose or I shall do it for you,” Snape snapped.

Limestone threw caution to the wind and grabbed a pale-yellow bottle from the end of the line. “Teeth boy, if this goes wrong, I want you to know that I will happily go find you the biggest bone in the kitchens to say sorry. Now please, open wide,” she said, reaching out and giving the fur on her dog’s head a ruffle.

Teeth obediently obliged, his brain sparking into life at the word “bone,” and opened his mouth wide as Limestone poured the yellow liquid into it.

Limestone waited anxiously, preparing herself for the worst. Nothing happened, aside Teeth giving her a funny look. She let out a massive sigh of relief just as Teeth abruptly rolled onto his back and started laughing uncontrollably. Limestone stared at her dog unsure what to do.

“Congratulations,” Professor Snape droned over the top of the laughing. “You just gave your beast laughing potion. It will wear of in an hour or two at most, probably less, I have never tested it on a hellhound before. It is a complex potion that I teach sixth years to brew and used as an effective defence against the banshee, a creature you will learn more about in Defence Against the Dark Arts this year. The only side effect is a bout of melancholy after the laughing subsides that should, to my displeasure, pass by the very latest dinner this evening. For now, Silencio,” Snape cast, pulling out his wand.

Teeth continued laughing but no sound came from his mouth.

“And I hope you were all writing what I said down,” Snape concluded as Limestone got down on one knee, wrapped her right arm around her pet and consoled him as he continued laughing uncontrollably.

“I am so, so sorry boy. The mean nasty man made me do it but I promise I will never let him force me to give you anything again and I will go down to the kitchens myself tonight and see if I can find you the biggest bone imaginable.”

Teeth was awfully confused over what was going on and the strange noise that was coming out of his throat but if it got him cuddles and a bone with one of the two people he adored most in this world, he didn’t care. He forced out his tongue and gave his distressed mistress a comforting lick that seemed to do her the world of good.

Limestone forced a smile onto her face for Teeth.

“Dear Merlin, that’s unnerving,” Susan jibed from her seat, receiving a scowl in return from Limestone. “Much better, thought you were going soft there for a moment Limey.”

“Miss Bones, if you’re going to continue to disrupt the lesson, you can come up next,” Snape said in his unforgiving monotonous drawl.

Susan suddenly looked a little alarmed. “But sir, I don’t have a pet.”

“You are the pet. Or are you not aware that werewolves, like hellhounds, have a natural immunity to deadly poisons from your monthly intake of wolfsbane potion. Now, get up here or you can come back when classes are over for the day and write a thousand-word essay on each of the potions up here,” Snape said unforgivingly.

Susan took a deep breath and rose to her feet. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming, and before you say anything, wolfsbane is the tenth potion from left to right, you can tell by the misty blue smoke emitting from it. And no, I would rather risk death than drink that when I do not have to so I will take the clear liquid one,” Susan said confidently as she passed Limestone and Teeth on her way to the front, grabbed the bottle of clear liquid and downed it in one swift motion. “Huh, water. I was sure that was going to be a double bluff,” she said, looking a little confused.

“Miss Bones, please tell us your deepest, darkest, secret,” Snape said with a devilish smile.

Susan stared at her professor as if he had grown another head. “Are you mad? For one I have a plush unicorn named Mr Snuggles that I sleep nude with every night as without him I have terrible nightmares and often end up marking or destroying the bed I am sleeping in. Secondly, I’ve a terrible habit of catching fleas. Thirdly…”

Susan cupped a hand over her mouth as her cheeks turned red and the entire room burst out laughing.

“Veritaserum, the most powerful truth serum known to wizarding kind that seemingly is also powerful enough to work on werewolves. A mere few drops of this potion will have you spilling out even your innermost of secrets. Regrettably, it is strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic so I must legally provide you with this antidote immediately,” Snape informed his class while passing Susan a small bottle with a pale blue liquid inside.

“And how do I know this isn’t some trick,” Susan queried, her embarrassment turning to anger.

“Hey Susan, what do you think of Professor Snape?” One of her peers suddenly cried out.

Susan downed the supposed antidote before her mouth could respond.

“Huh,” Snape said showing just the faintest hint of disappointment.

“If you were expecting a bigger reaction, you have obviously never tasted wolfsbane potion before. What you passed me there may have been disgusting but compared to wolfsbane it was like a prime steak. Now, may I return to my seat please sir?” Susan requested curtly upon realising the potion she had just drunk really was the antidote.

“I guess you may as long as you take those two with you,” Snape grumbled pointing at Limestone and Teeth.

“Come on you crazy mutts, back to your seat,” Susan said as she grabbed both by the scruffs of their necks before dragging them back to Limestone’s seat.

“Oh, and Miss Bones, I suppose ten points to Hufflepuff for your knowledge. That is indeed wolfsbane potion, used to curb lycanthropic tendencies during the full moon. We will come back to both wolfsbane potion and veritaserum theoretically later in this year. Right now, let me see? Ah, Mr Weasley and Mr Longbottom, I see you both brought your pets to class, so why don’t you put them to good use?”

Both Ron and Neville rose apprehensively to their feet and started to slowly make their way to the front of the classroom.

“GET A MOVE ON WE DO NOT HAVE ALL DAY!” Snape roared and both boys hurriedly made their way forwards.

Neither had any clue which of the potions to choose.

“So, erm, any clue?” Ron asked the other boy.

Neville shook his head.

“Sod it, I guess if in doubt, go for the one you know,” Ron said, his hand drifting towards the bottle of wolfsbane potion, only to be distracted as a hand tapped him on his shoulder and handed him a small torn piece of parchment.”

“Miss Prewett, I have no clue when you snuck out of your seat but I suggest you return there immediately unless you want a detention.”

“Sir, is it true wolfsbane potion is deadly to non-werewolves,” Ron suddenly squeaked going very pale as he finished reading the piece of parchment Scoti had handed him. He had possibly nearly killed his pet!

Snape did not look at all pleased that Ron had found this information out. “Yes,” he droned without further explanation. “As for you Miss Prewett, for your impu… stop, don’t drink that you silly girl!” he suddenly exclaimed but too late as Scoti downed the ominous looking black potion, gave her classmates several spectacular looking expressions and then collapsed onto the floor, unmoving.

“Snape’s killed her!” Someone shouted before a tidal wave of screams erupted across the classroom.

“Settle down, settle down,” Snape instructed, trying, and failing, to regain order. “I SAID SETTLE DOWN. THE NEXT STUDENT TO EVEN COUGH WILL RECEIVE QUADRUPLE HOMEWORK FOR THE ENTIRE FIRST TERM,” his voice suddenly boomed causing the Potions lab to instantly fall into a deathly silence. “That is better. Miss Prewett is not dead, she has merely consumed draught of living death, an extremely powerful sleeping potion that makes the consumer appear as if they are dead. As long as you can administer wiggenweld potion to the affected person then they will almost certainly reawaken and be absolutely fine, although its effectiveness is time dependent and there are cases of people who have never reawakened and eventually died in their sleep,” Snape finished to a round of horrified looks. He rolled his eyes and moved across to Miss Prewett’s unmoving body. “Weasley and Longbottom, if you want a reprieve, help get her upright so I can administer the antidote.”

Both boys rapidly did as they were told and a moment later Snape had forced open Scoti’s mouth and poured the green liquid down her throat.

“There. Rest her up against my desk and she should be awake by the end of the lesson. As for the rest of you, who feels they may be able to identify the remaining eight potions on my desk?”