• Published 3rd Mar 2024
  • 357 Views, 9 Comments

Wedding Bells and Bacos - Mokoma

...and other things that Sunset and Sonata are discussing to add to the reception of their special day! Surely it's all going according to plan?

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Who's your Mare-Do-Well?

"Sonata Dusk, will you marry me?"

"YES!" The siren cried out, jumping up and picking up Sunset Shimmer with surprising ease, starting to spin her around and swirl with her. "A million times yes, Sunset! Yes! For the realziest of realzies, yes!"

Sunset's head was dizzy - long before she was picked up by her lover with superhuman strength. Their relationship was a year strong - plus February's leap day. It was fascinating to her how it all led up to this point. From the day Sonata asked her out on a hangout disguised as a date, it was an intense feat - how strongly and quickly their relationship bloomed. It all began with that first hangout. At first, they met every weekend or so. Then, twice a week. Then, four times. Soon, they met almost daily, whenever the opportunity allowed them.

What Sunset saw in Sonata was that strange abundance of sincerity mixed with a love for the things around her. Of course, Sonata was far from good. She was a siren, after all. At first, Sonata still had that tinge of affable evil - but it seemed to melt away with each date. Sunset could see that she was right about Sonata - for she was completely different away from Aria and Adagio. She practically ran to whatever activity they'd planned, cutting in line to get into the zoo, or vaulting over barriers just to get to concerts faster. Or, she would passionately spend hours tasting every single variety of taco during the Mexican food festival. Sunset had to work hard to keep up with her, but that energy was refreshing.

And best of all, Sonata supported Sunset in everything she did. Not that Sunset was as eccentric as her now-fiance, but she could see that Sonata tried hard for her too, including the very difficult moment when the nature of their relationship was revealed to her friends. It was awkward for Sonata - her sisters had beef with them after all. Yet, the worst of it was the expected skepticism from Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Thankfully, at-least Applejack was convinced after she pulled Sonata away for a talk, though the siren couldn't help but feel that the apple farmer played the role of the stern, threatening dad whose daughter she had asked out to prom night. Rainbow Dash warmed up to Sonata too, seeing how genuinely happy Sunset was.

Sunset felt good around this siren. Whatever bad history there was, it seemed to melt away the moment the two gazed at one another and smiled. There was something - something from which Sunset felt her heart flutter around Sonata.

And Sonata in turn, felt the same. Sunset fascinated her. She was sure that this was all a lost cause the moment she approached her, thinking that there was no way she'd say yes - though she believed in the phrase 'you miss every shot you don't make'. An attempt was better than bottling it up and never venturing. Sonata's happiness couldn't be measured then when Sunset agreed, and it certainly couldn't be measured now.

After all, Sonata still cherished the fact that Sunset gave her two kinds of chances - a chance for redemption, and a chance to get closer. At this point, the siren considered buying a lottery ticket.

What Sonata earned was a partner who was into whatever idea she had. Adagio was always uninterested in Sonata's interests, while Aria seemed to bicker over minor things. Sonata cherished her sisters even if it seemed their relationship wasn't so easy, but yet, she always felt that she couldn't be herself, whether it was to keep up her appearance as the ensnaring Dazzling "number three", or to appear evil enough to make sure she didn't make her sister look tough.

But Sonata was so comfortable with Sunset. What kind of girlfriend would agree to go to a zoo on a whim just because she saw a cute tiger plushie in the store? What kind of girlfriend would agree to go to a concert where the singer was a holographic AI from overseas, who played intense metal? What kind of girlfriend would be okay to wait for her to try out over 40 different taco flavors in one afternoon?

Sunset Shimmer, that's who.

And so what if she had to reciprocate? She was only happy to do so, because Sonata never felt such a way before, and it was only right to return this wonderful feeling with the girl she adored...Even if it meant having an oddly intimidating heart-to-heart with the cowboy-hat wearing friend.

Their relationship started out from simple exchanges - Sunset showed Sonata how fun video games were, and Sonata showed Sunset how many different flavors of tacos there were. Then, they shared each other's ambitions - Sunset's desire to make the world a better place and contribute something great to the world, while Sonata wanted to learn how to actually sing and become known. Then, they shared each other's fears and insecurities - Sunset's fear of being alone, and Sonata's fear of never being able to be herself.

And now, they were taking the biggest step yet. To share their lives.

"Oh, Sunset Shimmer!" Sonata put her down, and then swapped places, instead hopping right on Sunset to hug her and cling onto her from the front. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Sonata Dusk!" Giggled Sunset as she held her, able to keep up. "I'm so glad you said yes! Oh, I'm not dreaming, am I? Cause if I'm dreaming, you gotta pinch me right--YEOWCH!"

Sonata recoiled as she had one of Sunset's buttocks gripped between her thumb and index finger. "...Oops. Well, you're not dreaming, Sunset!"

And yet, Sunset couldn't have been happier. "I'm not dreaming! I'm not dreaming!"

Excitedly, Sonata jumped off, and the two girls happily bounced in one spot. They cupped one another's hands and held them, bopping up and down.

"Okay, so!" Sonata leaned in with millimeters between their foreheads. Of course, it was a little silly to see each other's faces so up-close, but it didn't matter when they were lost in the vast galaxies of one another's eyes. "How are we gonna do this? We're gonna have a wedding, right? I mean, I do wanna show everyone that I'm like, the luckiest siren in Equestria AND this world!"

"Yes!" Sunset spoke excitedly, voice in higher-pitch than normal. "I'll ask Pinkie Pie if she and the other girls can help us organize it! I know it's gonna be a little tough and I know that it's gonna be a bit of a challenge, but my-, no, our friends can make it work!

"Awesome! Who are you thinking of inviting? What kinda style are we gonna go for?"

"I think we can invite my friends and your sisters, plus anyone else you'd like! It's...not gonna be anything super big, and I dunno if I can get us something really big on a budget, but--"

"No need. I'm happy to do it however you want! And I'll invite my sisters..." Sonata said, though the back of her head flooded with the thoughts of how that would go...

"...Let's spill the beans to them for now?" Sunset proposed. "I-If you want, I can come with you to tell the Dazzlings?"

The siren shook her head. "I'll do it myself, don't worry. I uh, know they're not too warm to you yet, eheh...O-okay, let's tell Twilight and the others, first?"

"On it!" Sunset's fingers were already typing away a single message into the group chat. To meet them ASAP in the park.


The six waited for the words with bated breaths. They were told there was an announcement. They wondered what it could have been - whether it was an invitation to a big party, the announcement of a musical project, or whatever else it was. The excitement was strong enough that Rarity's manicured fingernails were already jagged with her teeth marks, and Rainbow Dash already tied her hair into a ponytail from rubbing her head so much.

And then, it was time...Sonata and Sunset said it in unison:

"We're...getting married!"

The six pairs of eyes widened to dinner-plate widths.

"YOOOOO!" Rainbow Dash's mouth was agape and her hands on the back of her head, like a soccer player who saw the finest goal in her life.

"Darlings!?" Rarity gasped, eyes immediately filling with tears as she covered her mouth - like a model who saw that she'd wear the finest dress ever made.

"YES!" Fluttershy's reaction was unexpectedly hyper and even a little tomboyish, her fists double-pumping, like a momma bird who saw her young learn to fly.

"EEEEEEEEEE!" Pinkie Pie was vibrating like a phone being called by an angry mother, as excited as someone who was invited to the most legendary birthday party of the century.

"GREAT SCOTT!" Twilight blushed and put a hand to her mouth, like a scientist who discovered the answer to the world's most complicated formula.

"Whoa!" Applejack was, as expected, as excited as an Apple farmer who's blessed with a bountiful harvest. "Well I'll be!" She exclaimed. Applejack was unable to resist. She was the first one to approach them, and use her large, muscular arms to grab both Sunset and Sonata into a big hug. "'Ah can't believe it, girls! A'hm so happy for the both of y'all!"

"Rarity, a-are you okay?" Fluttershy softly smiled at the purple-haired girl, who wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"Y-Yes dear." She smiled past the tears of joy. "It's just...so romantic! So novel-like! So...so cute!"

Twilight quickly gathered her cool, appearing rather calm and collected on a whim. "Ahem, well I predicted all of this, y'know! My calculations never lie about these things, eheh..."

The girls exchanged hugs. Even if a year ago they'd be hesitant to approach Sonata, the siren found herself blessed with encouraging embraces from the other girls. Even Rainbow Dash, who was the last to be convinced, pulled her into a bear hug - though she wasn't able to lift her up nearly as well as Applejack did.

As they all simmered down, Sunset addressed them once more. "Right, so here's the thing. I will need some help organizing this whole wedding. It's tough, and I really need someone I can trust, who I know will do it amazingly. So, if you girls don't mind...I was wondering if you six would be down to help? I mean, you don't need to, but--"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Exclaimed the pink-haired girl as she bounced up and down. "Yes yes yes yes yes! Sunset, Sonata, we'd LOVE to help you set it up! I'll supervise the whole thing, is that cool with everyone? Oh, and I'll do catering!"

Applejack wrapped one arm around Pinkie. "'Ah'll help ya with that! Matter of fact, dependin' on when we have the whole thing happen, ah'll have Gala apples on them trees! We always keep em' special to sell for events and stuff since they're so rich' 'n' all, that'll be the best stuff 'ah can put on tha' tables! And I'll get the finest cider we've been workin' on too!"

"I can do decorations!" Fluttershy beamed with joy. "My avian friends are really good at coordinating that kind of stuff! They have an eye for shiny and pretty things!"

"Leave the hauling to me!" Rainbow grinned, pointing at her chest with her thumb, and sporting a big grin. "You need an athlete to carry all the tables and chairs and stuff like that! And I'll move all the stuff you need in seconds!"

Rarity was practically dancing and spinning with the images of the romantic day that was to come. "My role shall be obvious! You two will sport the finest dresses! And so will the bridesmaids! Of course, not as fancy as the brides', but, it shall still look gorgeous!"

Twilight was already on her phone, typing away notes for her to use. "I'll take care of the technical stuff! We'll need music, weather monitoring, fridge and freezer temperature regulation, reduction of outside sound pollution, and other micro-calculations that are invisible - but nonetheless important for us!"

"You guys are the best!" Sonata exclaimed, bouncing up and down, though then she slowed down. "I'm...I'm really sorry about the way me and my sisters acted towards you when we met..." She said. It truly was such a painful thought - that she was once mean and against these amazing people. Sunset smiled reassuringly, gently brushing Sonata's hair.

"Water under the bridge!" Rainbow Dash gently nudged . "It's not a biggie anymore. What matters is that we're all good now, and that you and Sunset are gonna be happy together!" She cheered. "Now, girls - we better start work!"

"Yup!" Pinkie surprised everyone when she had already written a booklet-sized text, some thousand words strong, detailing just how this wedding was going to pan out. "I'm gonna get this plan ready in a few days! We're gonna have this whole wedding done in a couple months or so! Probably three, but that's the longest I'm calling it!"

"Three months, huh?" Sunset put a finger to her lips. "I think that should work! We'll have things officially ready by then! We're gonna have a lot of work too...Agh." Sunset rubbed her forehead. "I hate that I feel like I've forgotten something..."

"If you forgot it's probably not important!" Sonata smiled. "Okay girls, so, I kept this secret from Sunset, buuuut...I had a treat for you all!" She said, pulling out a ticket from her satchel - only to reveal that seven more were behind it. "This was a bit of a coincidence, since I didn't know that Sunset was gonna propose today! I had these tickets for all of us to enjoy a day out in the theme park! I hope Six Banners is a good one, I haven't been there yet since Adagio always said no, but it has that funny commercial with the dancing old guy, and any place with an ad like that's gotta be cool!"

"Oh my, darling, you shouldn't have!" Rarity gasped.

"Oh, but I should!" Sonata smiled wide. "I know I kinda came in like a hurricane twice into your guys' life, so I definitely want you to know that I'm really thankful for giving me a chance...Uh, actually the way I phrase this sounds like I'm onto some manipulative plot and I'm gonna spin this around in some way, so lemme just stop overthinking and uh...Let's go ride some rollerco--"

Sonata was interrupted. Sunset leaned in to hug her, and the others brought it in. Six more pairs of arms were now hugging her, and Sonata was in the middle of this sea of closeness.

The two happiest moments in her life happened today, mere hours between one another.

She shed a tear of joy, and smiled.

A few months later...

Twilight was excited. She had placed a camera that oversaw the venue. Some days ago, it was all empty. But now, things were being placed. Decorations, utilities, tech - all of it was coming into its proper place, a puzzle being constructed. What did bother Twilight a bit upon reviewing some of the footage was the fact that there was a rainbow-like blur half the time. Rainbow was a little too fast...

It was a day before the wedding - early afternoon. Pinkie Pie, slightly stumbling as if she had recently learned to walk, went to and fro with a clipboard, with Sunset walking alongside her.

"Okidoki, so let's review! What're we thinking about the reception menu's final draft?" The pink-haired girl asked, writing down ideas on a paper...Though for whatever reason, her hands weren't particularly deft with the pencil, as if she wasn't used to writing with one. "Cake's ready, but what about the stuff apart from the main menu? Cherrychimichangas? Tri-flavor eclairs? Dessert pizzas? Ice cream? You wanna have pinatas with candy in them?"

Sonata was in charge of answering the question, Sunset too busy directing the others. "All of that sounds good! Oh, also, we gotta have tacos. I mean, we already used a drawing of a taco in a veil on the invitations. So yeah - we're putting tacos on the menu!" She said with sheer glee and complete confidence - this was merely a fact for her. "...Maybe make 'em with bacon? I mean, just so you know this is Sonata's and Sunset's day, you dig?"

"Bacos! Got it." Pinkie giggled. "Okay, I'll have everything ready soon! We'll get everything cooked today - we wanna keep things as fresh as possible!"

"You're the best, Pinkie!" Sonata giggled. "You really understand me with my food stuff."

"Wwwhat can I say~?" Pinkie shrugged with a wide smile, shaking her head with utter pride and confidence. "We're not so different, you and I!"

They were then approached by Sunset - she looked frantic and with a few hairs out of place, yet she kept up her confidence. "Thanks so much for helping organize the wedding, Pinkie." Sunset smiled. "I know that you haven't really planned one before, but this is kind of a party, isn't it?"

"It's got the same steps, give or take!" She giggled. "And I think I'm getting the hang of it! All I gotta do so far is replace the colourful balloons with flowers and stuff, and have more white colors! I hope you don't mind though, I did put a few party cannons that are connected to pressure plates on the floor. Uh, we haven't invited anyone elderly or with heart problems, right?"

"Nope." Said Applejack who was walking nearby with a crate of cider in her arms. "Just don't do it at 'mah weddin', alright? I am gonna invite Granny."

Pinkie beamed with excitement. "Oh! Have you found the lucky guy or gal?"

The farmer blushed, especially as Rarity was approaching. "Focus on tha' weddin', Pinkie?"

"Daaaarliiings~!" Rarity cooed. "Perfect news! The dresses are complete! I must say, I'm quite proud with how they came out. Though...It does pain me that I cannot make them all look equally gorgeous, on the account that the Bridesmaids should never outclass the bride - or - brides...Anyhow, would anyone like to try them on before the ceremony?"

The first to approach was Twilight, who raised a finger. "I'm down! The technicians are calibrating the gear anyway. You did include the proper breathability and ventilation, right? I'd hate to sweat in that thing."

"Of course! Let's get it on you!" Rarity smiled, taking Twilight's hand and walking off. "Six bridesmaids on Sunset's side is a challenge indeed, plus the two brides, but that does not mean I'll slack off to make you look gorgeous! Well, not as gorgeous as the brides...Ah, such a tough restriction..."

As the two walked off, Sunset frowned. She remembered a topic that Sonata had avoided. She turned to her, and held her hand. "Hey, Sonnie? About the bridesmaids...Are your sisters coming? I mean, you never mentioned how they responded to the invitation."

Sonata frowned on the spot - her smile washed away with the tide of memories of what happened. Indeed, she remembered what happened - but she refused to remember those words. She avoided the memory of what her sisters said to the strongest fault, so much so that not even the writer could conjure them in this paragraph - much like a Lovecraftian horror that could only be described as "so horrible it's not describable at all".

They looked at her with dagger-eyes, taunting and jeering her, calling her foolish...Calling her hopeless, and calling her inept. How could she marry Sunset Shimmer? How could she...abandon them?

...Sonata never got a hard "no" on the invitation. It was all implied, but when she asked the question of inviting them, they merely brushed her off and ignored her.

...She wondered if, once she stood at the altar, would her side of Bridesmaids be...


"...T-They uh..." Sonata regained a wavy smile. "They...They said they'll try to make it, if uh...if they can!"

Sunset balled a fist. She grit her teeth underneath her lips, but...No. She had anger issues - and this was not the time to express them. She pulled Sonata in close, and allowed the siren to rest her head on her chest. Not that Sonata was anywhere close to crying, but she'd never say no to allowing Sunset to comfort her.

At-least, Sunset thought, it was time to regard the happier side of things.

"Oh Celestia..." Sunset wrapped one of her arms around Sonata as she held her. With a soft smile, the other girl turned her body to Sunset and placed one hand on her waist, before completely resting her head on Sunset's shoulder. "I really can't believe this is happening...U-Uh, in a good way, I mean!"

"Don't worry, I gotcha..." Sonata giggled, her voice regaining a happy cadence. Then, her eyes widened a little. "Uh, wait a sec, timeout...Y-You revere your principal as a deity?"

Sunset giggled at the words, shaking her head as she patted Sonata gently on the head. "No, I mean the alicorn. You know, Princess Celestia..."

"Hhhhuh. I actually didn't know the principal in this world is a princess in yours. She wasn't around when I got flicked across space and time, I guess..."

...Then, the sound of a plate shattering in Sunset's head.

And ironically, Sunset's eyes became as wide as dinner plates.

Sunset pulled away from Sonata, holding her by the shoulders and looking at her with wide, wide eyes. "Wait...Celestia...Princess Celestia! Sonata! We totally forgot to tell Twilight and the others!"

Sonata felt flashbanged by Sunset's words going from calm and soothing to frantic. "Uuuuh, but we already told the others! They're right here organizing the wedding, aren't they?"

"No! I mean, the other others! On the other side of the mirror!" The fire-haired girl exclaimed, rummaging through her backpack. "Uh, gimme a sec! I got just the thing! You see, Twi's given me this handy lil' thing. There's no reception across dimensions, but there's...THIS!"

Sonata's eyes widened in surprise - for Sunset pulled out a book with her own cutie mark on the cover. Sonata couldn't help but shake her fists with excitement, eyes beaming at the thing. "Oooooh! Cool! A book!...Does it say how to send messages across dimensions?"

"Even better." Sunset giggled, opening it. "See, Twi gave me this thing to stay in touch with her! Leeemmmeee just open up a blank page and..."

Sunset took out a pen and wrote down a few paragraphs, apologizing sincerely and hoping that on a short notice, Twilight would still be able to attend. She put the final period on the last sentence, and proudly smiled. "Okay! Crisis averted! Now let's just get a response!"



"So, are we gonna continue planning the wedding?" Sonata asked, rubbing her head and looking around like an idle video game character.

Sonata shook her head, eyes glued to the book. "Just a sec, let's get a response from Twi! She usually answers quickly! It never takes her more than two minutes to open the book - it usually gives a quick vibration to let me know she opened it..."

And so, they waited...And waited.

"...Is it night time in Equestria?" Sonata proposed, leaning in to peek at the book with her hands clasped behind her back.

Sunset tried hard to ignore the bullets that ran down her forehead. "No, it shouldn't be...Uh...Oh wow, she really can't open the book right now, huh? I-Is she busy with Princess stuff...? I feel so stupid now, I really forgot she's so busy these days...And ever since she's started to take over Celestia's and Luna's place..."

"Hey, it's okay!" Sonata smiled. "Hey, I got an idea!" Sonata raised a finger to the sky. "Why not just go through the portal, then? You said the mirror was in her castle, right? So we can just, pop in and tell her! I mean, it'd be better to tell her in person anyway, right?"

"...Actually..." Sunset looked at the book, and finally closed it. "You're right, I do think it'd be better if I actually came to her personally to let her know, but...are we gonna have enough time?" Sunset mumbled. "The wedding's tomorrow!"

"I'm sure we'll be fine!" Sonata waved a hand. "Come on, how much time can it take to just pop in, tell her, and pop back in?"

Sunset put the book away, and nodded with confidence. "I think it's definitely a great call, Sonata. Twilight hasn't really seen you since, well, y'know, the first time, but she'd be happy to see you knowing that we're cool now!"

Sonata was smiling wide, but in time, the lips curved downwards. "Though, uh...On second thought..." She lost herself in thought. The last time she'd been to Equestria was the moment when she was given the magical boot out of it.. "You really think they're gonna be happy to see me?"

The quiet response and fall in mood had not gone unnoticed by her fiance. Sunset frowned too, coming close to take one of Sonata's hands into her own. "Hey, I felt really awkward when I had to go meet Celestia after I left Equestria. We didn't leave on good terms either."

"...But uh, I'm pretty sure I got a bit of a bigger issue here." Sonata coughed. "You weren't one of the three sirens who was terrorizing the coasts of Equestria and Mount Aris, though, were you?"

"Trust me on this, Sonnie." Sunset clasped her fiance's hands. "I've told Twilight that you've turned a new leaf. I mean, one of our mutual friends is a unicorn who took out an ancient spell and nearly caused a time-loop catastrophe that almost destroyed all of Equestria. Now she's basically one of her closest friends. There's a chaos god, too. Oh, and don't forget - our version of Vice Principal Luna nearly doomed Equestria to eternal night. So, I think you're good!"

"Okay! Well..." Sonata turned to the girls organizing the wedding. "Let's let them know! I hope they'll manage the whole thing without us..."


Sunset and Sonata stood before their friends, who formed themselves in an attentive half-circle, each listening to what the couple had to say. That they had to travel to the other dimension to relay the news in person.

"Wait a second." Rainbow Dash tilted her head. "But why do you gotta go through the mirror to let them know? I mean, didn't alicorn Twilight give you that book messenger thing-whatever?"

Applejack intervened with a cough. "Ahem. Dash. Remember the one time you recorded yourself doing a handstand for three minutes while balancing a soccer ball on your feet, all while recitin' tongue twisters?"

"Yeah! That was rad, wasn't it?"

"Yea. 'Ah sure thought so, sure...When you came through 'mah window at 3 AM - knowin' 'ah wake up at 6 - just to show it to me on your phone."

"You had to see it with your own eyes though!"

"No, 'ah saw it on your screen, Rainbow Dash. Anyways, lemme ask ya this. Why didn't ya choose to just send it instead?"

"Well, cause it's way too important for me not to show you in person!"

"..." Patiently, Applejack smiled and gestured to Sunset and Sonata with her eyes. Rainbow Dash needed a moment to think, before her pupils slightly shrunk and her mouth opened.

"Ooooooooh. You know, yeah. Now that I think about it, telling your close friends and mentor about this is a pretty big deal. You got me."

"...Not to mention, Twilight still hasn't responded." Sunset added. "I don't wanna risk it - and I do think that telling her in person is a more sincere move. Girls, can you do everything without us? I know it's a tall order, and I feel dumb for forgetting everything and putting it until the last moment..."

"Sunset Shimmer." A voice spoke up - a soft one. All were surprised that Fluttershy was the one to speak. "You're not dumb! Anyone would've gotten overwhelmed with something as serious as a wedding! We won't let you down, and we'll have everything down to a T! Right, girls...?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie leaned in, wrapping one arm around Fluttershy with the biggest grin, then pulling in Applejack with the other one. "We got this wedding in the bag! Or, uh, basket! You two go on ahead, and you'll come back to the most fun party - uh, wedding the world's ever seen!"

"Thanks, girls." Sunset nodded.

"Yeah!" Sonata squeezed her fists to her chest. "Man, you guys are the best! Thank you all so much!"

"Don't mention it!" Rainbow Dash said, immediately heading over the recently-arrived Vinyl Scratch to help carry her equipment. "Now go get the egghead from the other side of the mirror! And let her know that we've missed her! Just 'cause we have our own Twi doesn't mean we've forgotten her!"

Smiling with gladness, they both nodded. They walked off, headed to the school that wasn't too far away by foot. The portal was, after all, still there.


"You ready?" Smiled Sunset, looking at the portal as she held Sonata's hand. The blue-haired girl swallowed, but took a step forward to stand beside her fiance all the same.

"Nope!" Giggled Sonata. "But I'm never gonna leave your side, bestie!"

The words coaxed a chuckle from Sunset. "I'm pretty sure we're a little beyond besties at this point?"

"Wait...So you're saying bestie isn't the highest form of admitting love?"

Sunset felt the adorableness of the siren, but she knew she was a little nervous and was stalling. She turned her head with a patient and loving smile. Sonata looked at her with her big smile, and then simmered down. "R-Right. Let's go! Just follow my lead..."

The fiery-haired girl stepped forward first, still holding Sonata's hand as she led her in. It was like stepping through the surface of water...A flash of white that accompanied the travel. It was all ordinary...Sunset gasped, barely able to get her sense of balance. It wasn't too long since her last visit, but it still felt jarring at times to adjust from hands to hooves. As she kept stepping through, she paid attention to the sensation in her hand, knowing that the moment it went through the threshold, Sonata would begin transforming.

And so, the blue-haired girl stepped in...At first, when her hand moved in, things were normal. But then, Sonata felt a tightness. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Sonata squirmed in panic, as if she was stuck. The walls were too narrow, the passage was impossible...She just had to squeeze and move...just...a little...further...


The white flash struck both girls.

Then, the tightness disappeared. Sonata felt complete relaxation and ease. Whatever was attempting to squeeze her gave out, unable to withstand.

Neither of them understood what happened. Moving through the portal was a disorienting move. But now, they were on the ground - a sudden feeling of grogginess struck them. There the massive Siren lay beside the little orange pony, both stunned and dazed, but cuddling together...

Surrounded by shards of broken glass.