• Published 3rd Mar 2024
  • 357 Views, 9 Comments

Wedding Bells and Bacos - Mokoma

...and other things that Sunset and Sonata are discussing to add to the reception of their special day! Surely it's all going according to plan?

  • ...

Prologue - Sonata's Solololoquy

In the shadows, the three watched...Two of the pairs of eyes were fierce, sharp, and locked with utter malice at their target. The third pair was stuck in a transfixed gaze too...But there was no hate. Instead, there was curiosity... And hope.

The three sirens, who spent these days as humans, waited behind the dark corner. They had the perfect view of the group that talked to one another, but their target was a single girl.

Or rather, it was the target of one of the sirens, who kept brushing her hair in and adjusting her appearance using her older sister's makeup mirror.

A groan escaped one of the other sister's lips. "I still don't get it." Aria narrowed her eyes at the blue-haired girl as she leaned against the brick wall. She folded her arms, leaning in to look at her sister with an inquisitive gaze. "What are you trying to do here? Have you thought of a plot to get revenge on Sunset Shimmer? Sonata - you don't do plots. You can't do plots, either."

"Indeed, plotting without getting us in on it?" Adagio growled. "Sonata, this better be one of those plans that only works when your friends aren't aware of it. And even then..." The curly-haired girl crouched to take a peek around the corner, scanning the horizon. She saw Sunset Shimmer, who happily chatted with her friends. "I thought we agreed that we're not going to mess with Sunset and the Rainbooms. Let bygones be bygones...I guess."

Sonata, confirming that she looked decent, gave the makeup mirror back to Adagio. "It's not a plan to mess with Sunset! Well, I mean..." Sonata blushed, twiddling her thumbs as she stood a little closer to around the corner, as if eager to make a step forward. "I just wanna ask her a question, okay?"

"What question would you possibly want to ask Sunset Shimmer!?" Aria growled. "Are you saying that bacon-hair has something that we can use!? You're thinking of asking her about magic, right? Or are you going to try and spy on her!?"

"Nnnno, ehe..." Sonata coughed, rubbing the back of her head. "It's personal, okay? U-Uh, it's not even a big deal, s-so I'll just... Shimmy over to the Shimmer for now and you two can just... Chill here!"

"Literally in a dump!?" Aria barked, kicking the dumpster they stood next to and causing a thud - loud enough to be heard by Shimmer and co., making Sonata retreat behind the wall quickly with an eep. It gave Aria the opportunity to keep pestering Sonata. "Chill here, she says. Yes, nothing like the dumpster for a good bit of sisterly bonding."

Adagio took Aria's initiative, brushing past her, noticing that she was getting too cocky and trying too hard to look like a leader. "So, Sonata - I think you should explain what you're really trying to do here before--"

"..." Sonata's eyes widened with utter shock, her finger pointing at the sky. "IS THAT RENOWNED SINGER BEYOND-SÁY AND ALT-METAL GROUP REVENGED SIX-BEND!?"

"QUEEN!? WHERE!?" Adagio nearly hurt her neck at the speed with which she turned around.

"R6U!? WHERE!?" Aria nearly hurt her neck at the speed with which she turned around.

And by the time they turned around...It was too late. Adagio gasped, putting a hand to her chest. "That...That insolent trickster! Where did she--..."

"Aaawww no..." Aria grit her teeth, for turning the corner...They saw her.

Approaching Sunset Shimmer.

"...Wait!" Adagio leaned in to look, putting an elbow on Aria's head to support her much to the younger sister's annoyance. "The way she used my makeup mirror...Her nervousness...The secrecy--...No...No! Aria! She's...She's trying to...!"

Sonata was lucky and just on time, for during the brief seconds she used to distract her sisters, Sunset Shimmer was already waving goodbye to her friends. It was as if the divine had given her this chance.

"Heeeeeeeey! Sunset!" Sonata happily exclaimed as she approached.

Sunset Shimmer slightly jumped from surprise. Her body was in an odd tinge of conflict, a brief flash of "fight or flight". She was approached by a Siren - but that was just that. A Siren. Her eyes scanned around, hoping to see the other two to foil whatever plan they might've had. Yet, she knew they stood out like a sore thumb. They loved attention. She'd see them a mile away...

Sonata was here completely alone and present on her own accord. Nervously, Sunset tilted her head. She was glad that of all Sirens to approach her, it was this one. Sonata was definitely the nicer of the bunch. "Sonata!? I mean... Uh, hey, Sonata. What brings you here? Alone...? Without the other... Dazzlings...?"

"Jjuuuuust hangin' out!" Sonata giggled, rocking herself on her heels as she held her hands behind her back. "I just saw you and wanted to say hi! You're okay with that...right?"

"...Of course I'm okay with that!" Sunset said. She still felt a bit of unease however. Not that she minded the company, but it was a surprise. She was able to look past her suspicions. Though now, awkward silence ensued.

"So..." Sonata coughed. "...Sunset Shimmer!" Sonata grinned to hide her awkward smile.

"...Sonata Dusk!" Sunset smiled politely with slight nods.

"...Shimmer!" Sonata half-lidded her eyes and crossed her arms, slowly nodding in a "you're cool" gesture.

"...Dusk...!" Sunset smiled patiently, still nodding, albeit slower.

"My main gal Sunny..." Sonata started bobbing her head like the backup dancer of a hip-hop video.

"...M-My main gal Sonnie?" Sunset stopped nodding long ago, her eyes awkwardly looking around, a light grimace of discomfort appearing on her lips.

"..." Sonata continued in a singing tone. "...Shimmy-shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy yaaaa--"

"Sonata Dusk!" Sunset finally barked, causing the siren girl to yelp and jump - standing on one leg and defensively holding her arms up.

"Sorry, sorry!" Giggled the blue-haired girl. She could feel the gaze of the other sirens, who on top of confusion began to feel second-hand embarrassment. "So! Uhm, listen, Sunset...I came here to ask you a question. Is that a thing I can do?"

"Uh..." Sunset rubbed her hair with complete bewilderment. "...Sure?"

"Would you...hypothetically, with a grain of salt and a splash of tabasco sauce, very possibly...wannahangoutwithme?"

The question took Sunset by surprise. One would assume that with two sisters who were near inseparable there, then there would be no need to hang out with others. Maybe things weren't going well with her sisters?

Or maybe...Was the Siren seeking...redemption? A chance to make things right? Was she looking for a friend to help her step out of the darkness?

Sunset wasn't sure she was the right one for this.

Sunset felt a little bad at the fact she hadn't tried it before - to make contact with the Dazzlings. Not that Sunset Shimmer was in the best position to do so mentally - even now she remembered the awful encounter in the hallways when the three bullied her, or their encounter during the time loop incident. At-least, she remembered that Sonata hadn't said much back then, apart from "Too bad, so sad", and the cheeky hip bump...Maybe she was hesitant? She always assumed Sonata wasn't as ambitious or wicked, she seemed more affable. It always appeared that she stuck with the Dazzlings because they were, well, her sisters.

But what if this was just a trap and a step in an evil plan? A prank, at-least?

However, Sunset knew she would be a hypocrite if she rejected the siren for just wanting to get to know her. Her friends gave her a chance - twice even, when they lost their memories of her. How could she claim to be so high and mighty then? She nearly doomed the school once.

Sunset was sure that she was the right one for this. She knew what it was like. And she didn't dare imagine how Sonata would feel if she was rejected.

The whole time, Sonata's gaze was very focused, trying to smile but doing so nervously - looking at the slightest bit of response from Sunset's body language. But then, the moment she saw the other girl's slight smile, Sonata broke into a grin.

"Alright, Sonata. Sure." Sunset said. She would've wanted to give her a disclaimer - to tell Sonata 'no funny business', but she knew what this siren needed to feel good about becoming friends with others. She needed to be trusted.

What she didn't expect however was the sheer excitement Sonata expressed, bouncing up and excitedly shaking her fists while they were clutched to her chest. "Eee! Great! You wanna hit the ice cream store next to the arcade? They brought some new flavors! Ever tried energy-drink flavored ice cream? Or wasabi?"

The redhead tilted her head, one eye opening a little wider than the other. Her interest was piqued. "Nnnno, actually. A-As in, no, I haven't tried them before! I'd love to check it out!...Uh, they do give samples though, right?"

"Dunno." Sonata shrugged, as the two girls turned to start walking down the streets. "But they're offering a "get one cone two scoops, get one cone two scoops free! I think it's a Hearts and Hands day thing."

Sunset immediately blushed. The implication was definitely a little on the nose, but then again...Who could say no to such a good deal? "...Sure, count me in! Uh, let's just get a milk-flavored one if the wasabi one ends up being spicy."

"They got goat-milk! Is that cool with you?"

"Works for me!"

"Eee, great!" Sonata pumped her fists. "Oh, I'm so happy you said yes! Aria and Adagio would call me crazy for getting anything other than chocolate or strawberry."

The two girls walked out of ear shot...

Leaving behind, in the corner, two furious sirens.

"...What was that?" Aria said quietly, but the lack of decibels in her voice was made up for by the sheer flaming fury and ire. "...Sonata is going to hang out...WITHOUT US!?"

"...No, it's worse." Grunted Adagio as she pulled her phone out, immediately looking through Sunset's social media pages. "...Sonata just got asked out. This is code black."

Aria grit her teeth hard enough that were they metallic they would've produced sparks. "Are you saying that Sonata...OUR Sonata...Just asked out Sunset SHIMMER...on a DATE!?"

"...Seems so. Whether or not Sunset thinks of it that way, Sonata always said her ideal first date involved ice cream." Adagio's frown intensified.

Though their amulets were broken, Aria's voice was powerful enough to scare the birds and bystanders, all while causing a nearby car to activate its alarm. "Oooh that...that...DITZ!" Aria shook her fists. "What was she THINKING!? Fraternizing - I mean, Sororitizing with our enemy!"

"Ex-enemy." Adagio groaned, scrolling through Sunset's social media posts on her phone. It was a shame Sunset was so perfect and was even able to turn her most awkward moments into charming ones. It was a dry well for blackmail.

Aria gasped at Adagio's words, pushing her phone down and making intense, close eye contact. "Adagio, Sunset Shimmer and the Equestrian Twilight Sparkle were directly responsible for the loss of our magic. I would rather become mute than have Sonata spend time with her!"

Putting her phone away, Adagio put a hand on her hip and stared at Aria with half-lidded, bemused eyes. "Okay, Aria. Look - Sonata's probably been having...thoughts about what it'd be like to get romantically involved. You and I, as Sirens, both know that "love" or whatever is a fake concept that we can use to exploit to get power and fame. Let Sonata hang out a little with her, then she'll probably realize Sunset is as bland and annoying as all other students in CHS, and in this world. Then Sonata's gonna come back and realize that the best people to spend her time with would be us, and that she doesn't need no romance to feel good about herself. Deal?"

"...Fine." Aria grunted, and folded her arms. "But I ain't happy."

"It'll be fine." Adagio rolled her eyes. "Besides, Sonata never even really talked with Sunset Shimmer. I'm sure she's only approached her since Sunset would be the only one to "give her a second chance". I'm sure there's no chemistry between them and that their first date will be the most awkward thing since being exposed for lip-syncing. And anyways..." Adagio murmured, looking around the corner as Sonata and Sunset disappeared into the crowd of people.

"It's not like one of them's going to propose or something."