• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 922 Views, 11 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and Krypto Too - ponydog127

Upon returning to Equestria with their new dragon allies and warning the ponies of Equestria about Allura potentially invading, the Mane 6 are reunited with Mystery Inc to solve a mystery with Krypto the Super-Dog in Metropolis.

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Arrival in Metropolis

The next night came and went smoothly for everyone, having fallen asleep quickly in their respective sleeping areas and having pleasant dreams the entire night through.

Even Sunny put aside her worries about Allura and got some well-deserved rest.

By the time the sun rose the next morning, everyone got the Mystery Machine packed and loaded, and once everyone was settled and buckled inside, they headed out in the direction of Metropolis.

The trip itself would take about a day or so, so that left plenty of time for the gang to catch up on things. “And then, Gonzo chose to not go with his alien family back to their planet,” Misty finished one of her stories, “because he felt so attached to the other Muppets and couldn’t bare to leave the only home he ever known. The aliens promised to visit from time to time, but Gonzo is going to stay on this planet with his friends.”

“Awww… I’m glad you guys helped Gonzo realize where he belongs,” Daphne smiled. “But I just feel bad that those three interns realized too late about how dangerous he was.”

“But, they’re bound to be having the time of their lives, rehearsing skits for the shows the Muppets put on,” Pipp said as she brushed her mane. “Hey… do you think we’ll actually get to see the Justice League while we’re in this Metropolis place?”

“Maybe,” Velma said. “They do keep a pretty tight watch on the city, so there is a high percentage that we will.”

“And speaking of which,” Fred spoke, “we should be there in just a few hours.”

“Great! I think we have time for one more story,” Sunny smiled. “Any suggestions?”

“Oh oh!” Scooby raised his paw. “What about the one about the wishing star in Warnerstock?”

“Heh, I don’t think we could EVER forget our first Unity Quest,” Zipp said with a chuckle before clearing her throat. “Let me see... when we first came out of the portal, we came out in a snow-filled forest, which is where we met the Warners. Then…”


By the time that story was finished, the groups knew that they were getting close to Metropolis by now, and Izzy looked out the windshield at the cozy community that they were passing through. “Wow, Metropolis is beautiful!”

“We’re not in Metropolis yet,” Daphne told the lavender unicorn before she turned to the Mystery Machine’s driver. “Come on, Freddy, hit the gas!”

“Actually, accounting for wind gradient and local meteorological phenomena,” Velma interrupted, “we’re already traveling at the safest speed science allows.”

“Can’t argue with science, Daph,” Fred shrugged, and this led Daphne to sigh impatiently. “Okay, okay... I get it.”

“So... how do you know this Jimmy character, Daphne?” asked Hitch. “He and I went to a summer camp together when we were kids,” Daphne explained. “We stayed in touch over the past couple years, but he got a job in Metropolis, so we've been talking less. But when he called last night, it sounded urgent.”

“Like, speaking of urgent,” Shaggy said from the back seat, “we haven't stopped for snacks in over half an hour.”

“And I don’t think Scooby’s full enough to make it all the way to lunch,” Misty said, gesturing to the trembling Great Dane, who faked sobs out of hunger. “Tell the world… I was brave…” Scooby said to his friend before playfully collapsing in the back of the van. Daphne sighed with the roll of her eyes as she reached into her bag. “Oh, for goodness sake…”

Daphne pulled a box of Scooby Snacks and Shaggy and Scooby immediately brightened. “Man!” said Shaggy with a smile. “Now we’re talking!”

“Be sure you ration them,” Daphne reminded. “It’s our last box, until…”

But when she turned, she saw that Shaggy and Scooby had devoured the entire box, including the box. “Heh, don't worry, guys,” Sunny tried to reassure the boys. “I'm sure we can find you something to eat when we get to Metropolis.”

That's when Scooby suddenly pointed ahead. “Hey, look!”

Now entering Metropolis,” Fred said as they went past the sign. “The City of Tomorrow.”

The gang couldn’t believe it… they were finally here! Velma pulled up a picture of the street they were on, but when she looked up from her tablet, the entire street was in ruins, covered with trashed cars and panic in the air. “Oooh… this place looks like it could totally use a DIY,” Pipp cringed. “I agree with Pipperoni. And like, judging by all these old photos,” Shaggy spoke, “the City of Tomorrow was a lot nicer yesterday.”

“I wonder what could’ve happened,” Hitch said in concern. Suddenly, a giant human foot stomped right into the middle of the road, causing the Mystery Machine to screech to an alarming halt.

When they looked up to see what was going on, there was a giant woman with red hair and a caveman-like outfit reaching a giant hand out for them, sending the gang out to try and escape from her.

The van swerved left and right repeatedly to avoid her feet as Fred looked back in alarm. “That was Giganta!”

“Freddy! That's not nice!” Sunny scolded. “No, that’s her name. Giganta,” Velma said, pulling up her stats on her tablet. “Member of the former Legion of Doom, a now-defunct gang of super criminals.”

“And, like, the first woman to set foot on the moon!” Shaggy trembled, hugging Scooby for dear life. “Yeah!” Misty agreed quickly as Giganta's feet got closer to them. “From the Earth!!”

“Do you think she’s the reason we’re here?!” Fred asked as they made their way over the rocky, broken cement. “Uh… no!!” Velma cried as Fred made a quick turn onto a side street, losing Giganta in the process. “She’s more dangerous than mysterious!”

“Unless you count the mystery of how she finds shoes in that size,” Daphne said, referring to Giganta’s giant feet. “But either way,” said Zipp, “this is definitely strange. We need to get to where we're going and figure out what our mission is.”

They soon made their way past the park, and the giant statue honoring Superman stood nearby. Seeing the back of the statue made Scooby gasp, tail wagging excitedly as he pointed his paw to it. “Superman!”

“Oh, wow!” Sunny spoke in awe. “Quick, one of you get a picture of it as we go by!”

But as Velma held up her tablet for a picture as they came around the statue, Superman’s face had been painted over with green, red and black paint, causing the ponies to grimace. “Like, whoa…” Velma blinked. “I wonder who did that.

Her answer was questioned as cackling filled the air, and everyone looked over to see two clown-like supervillains beneath the statue, one dressed in purple with green hair, and the other dressed in red and black. “You said it, puddin’!” said the female. “Ha ha ha!”

Then, the two of them began spraying some sort of green gas at the tourists, causing them to flee. “Hey, I recognize that guy from another Unity Quest! That’s the Joker!” Zipp cried in realization, scrolling through her FlyPad. “The Joker,” Fred added, “and Harley Quinn!”

“And, mkre Legion of Doom members!” Velma spoke. “Actually,” Fred told her, “Harley’s an associate member.”

“Why do you know so much about Harley Quinn?” Daphne asked, and Fred’s loving gaze, watching Harley’s every move told her the answer-- he totally had a crush on her. “...no mystery there, either,” Hitch said hesitantly as Daphne crossed her arms. “Oh, Freddy, gross!” Pipp gagged with a shudder. “Ooh, I’m never gonna get that out of my head…”

Suddenly, the Joker and Harley appeared in front of the Mystery Machine, spraying more gas at them, which caused the unicorns to use fans and caused Pipp and Zipp to flap their wings to keep the gas away from them while they made their escape.

Once the gas was gone, they let out a breath of relief… but not before a lavender-skinned boogeyman ran out, kicking cars aside and scaring the gang into screaming at the top of their lungs. “THE CREEPER!!” Scooby screamed. “I thought you already solved that mystery!” Zipp shouted. “You better step on it, Freddy!!”

As the monster raced toward them, Fred shifted the van into reverse, and off they went again, ramming into cars on the street before turning around and escaping down an alley. “And that wasn’t even the Creeper,” Velma said, bringing up more Legion of Doom reports. “That was Solomon Grundy. We’re not just stopping for any ghoul we see.”

“Well, that’s pretty mysterious!” Daphne pointed to the sky, where a thundercloud was glowing with some sort of red light before two laser beams came in front of the Mystery Machine, causing it to drive through the tarnished streets, the windshield wipers wiping fire before they came face to face with the Kryptonian Exiles!

Needless to say, they had a good excuse to escape with their lives hanging in the balance, but the Exiles quickly sped after them, laser eyes firing every chance they got. Luckily, the group escaped down a nearby alley, leaving Izzy to sigh in relief. “That was close!”

“If that isn't the reason we're here,” Hitch said, cradling a trembling Sparky, “I don't know what else there could be!”

“I think I have an idea, Hitch! Look!” Daphne pointed upwards, revealing a giant squid-like robot with mechanical tentacles floating above the city. “Oh, come on!!!” Pipp cried out as the rest of the gang looked up in horror. “How can this get any worse?”

Her question was quickly answered when the tentacles quickly grabbed two civilians, and the rest of the tentacles quickly tried to grab the Mystery Machine, one piercing right through and carrying the van off of the ground!

But, just as they were scanned and before the van could be placed into the mouth of the robot, Fred shifted the van into reverse and sped out of there, scaling the rooftops of nearby buildings until they got back to the street below.
When they were finally out of danger, they sighed, causing Shaggy to whimper fearfully. “Oh, man,” he spoke. “Like, that's gotta be why we're here!”

“Kind of a mystery,” Velma said with a shrug, “but still not exactly our thing. Hey! There it is!”

The Mystery Machine pulled up beside a large building entitled The Daily Planet, causing Misty to sigh. “Thank goodness… a few seconds longer, and I would have been breathing through a paper bag!”

“Me too,” Zipp nodded as they got out of the Mystery Machine. “But we can't stop now… we better get inside and not keep the people waiting.”


Not wanting to waste anymore time, the gang got out and ventured into the elevator to the top floor, hoping someone there could tell them what was going on around here. “Wow…” Velma marveled at all the equipment and people hard at work. “Ah… you can actually smell the ink on newsprints.”

“But, I thought the Daily Planet went all digital five years ago,” Fred pointed out. “Well then,” Velma spoke with a shrug, “that’s what I smell.”

“Daphne!” called a voice, and Jimmy walked over to the group with excitement. “Jimmy!” Daphne cried, rushing to her childhood acquaintance. “You haven’t changed a bit!”

“Nope,” Jimmy said, smiling. “Still overdue for that growth spurt. Before we start, I have someone I want you to meet.”

Stormquill smiled and gracefully landed beside the group. “Everyone, meet Stormquill,” Jimmy introduced. “She's sort of the resident journalist in training around here.”

“Pleased to meet you, Stormquill,” Sunny smiled. “I'm Sunny, and these are my friends from Equestria.”

“It's nice to meet you guys too. I've heard all about Mystery Inc, and now I'm really excited to get to know you too. Follow me,” Stormquill said before leading the gang to a glass office where Lois was working. “ Lois Lane,” Jimmy said as Lois typed vigorously, “meet--”

“Hang on… editorial, you got incoming! ” Lois called out to another nearby department before standing up and turning toward the Mane 6 and the gang. “All right. Thanks, Olsen. I'll take it from here. The kitchen's over yonder. I like my coffee like I like my stories-- dark with a twist.”

“Uh... say what?” Hitch blinked, and even Sparky cooed in confusion. “Uh… no, no, Lois,” Jimmy corrected. “These aren’t the new interns.”

“They aren’t?” Nano asked, tilting his head out of confusion. “Hang on, Olsen. Let me guess,” said Lois, looking at Velma with a smile. “This is your girlfriend.”

“What? No, that’s Velma. This is Fred, Shaggy, their pony friends from Equestria, Scooby-Doo, and--”

“I’m Daphne,” Daphne quickly said. “She’s my girlfriend,” Jimmy put an arm around the redhead. “What?!” the ponies, Fred and Daphne exclaimed with shock. “Of course. Sorry, Olsen,” Lois apologized. “For some reason, I just thought Velma was more your type.”

But when she looked again, Velma was cleaning her glasses, and, for some reason… she thought Velma was someone different. “And who is this?”

“Oh, uh… we haven’t met,” Stormquill shook her head as Velma put her glasses back on out of confusion. “Velma!” Jimmy cried, now recognizing her. “Oh. Did not recognize you,” Stormquill said. “Really?” Zipp asked, confused. “Well, yeah,” Stormquill nodded. “Velma wears glasses, and… where'd she go?”

As Lois, Jimmy and Stormquill looked around, Velma gasped upon realizing her glasses weren’t on her face, and looked to see Scooby holding them in his paws, causing him and Izzy to snicker as Velma got her glasses back and put them back on. “Oh, there you are, Velma,” Lois smiled. “I’m sorry, Jimmy,” said Daphne quietly, pulling her old friend off to the side, “but have you been telling people you're my boyfriend?”

“Of course!” Jimmy responded. “We happened,” Daphne re-explained, a bit embarrassed, “to be at the same camp together one summer… when I was nine.”

“And we were voted Best Red-Head Couple,” Jimmy reminded. “That wasn’t a real award, Jimmy!” Daphne said, shaking her head. “We were being bullied!”

“Yeah, but we got through it together,” Jimmy told her, holding her hand, embarrassing Daphne even more. “Well,” Lois said, getting them off that topic, “this is all very weird and embarrassing, but the clock's ticking, so…”

“Why have you brought all of us here?” Zipp asked quickly. “And does this have something to do with why we haven't seen any superheroes yet?”

“Ooh, right to the question. No hesitation. You have the instincts of a reporter, young lady,” Lois told Zipp, making her smile. “I called you here to help us solve the mystery of--”

“Great Caesar’s ghost!” cried a male employee from nearby, pointing out the window, causing Scooby to immediately jump into Shaggy’s arms. “G-G-Great Caesar’s ghost?!”

“Like, dude, a ghost is bad enough,” Shaggy whimpered, “but the ghost of a salad?! Zoinks!”

“No, there’s no salad ghost,” Lois shook her head as they watched the villains wreak havoc outside. “We called you here because as you can see, Metropolis has gone positively Gotham since the Justice League disappeared a few months ago.”

The building shook quite a bit before the Kryptonian Exiles grabbed the Daily Planet symbol and started tossing it around to Shaggy's fright. “Disappeared?” Daphne asked in shock. “Without a trace,” Stormquill added. “Like an illusion,” Lois nodded. “Here one minute, gone the next.”

“That’s horrible!” Misty cried in concern. “Uh, with all due respect,” said Fred, “what does a team of renowned investigative journalists need with a gang of meddling kids and some super heroic ponies?”

“I’m guessing there’s more?” Velma asked, leading Lois to nod. She typed something in on the computer, and the pictures Jimmy took of the molten-lava like phantom from the previous night showed up on the screen. “Looks like some kind of phantom,” Fred observed. “Or phantoms,” Daphne said, pointing something out on the screen. “Look!”

Everyone looked at where she was pointing, and in the darkness were a pair of glowing red eyes, confirming Nita’s suspicions. “I guess this really is a Mystery Inc investigation!” Velma realized. “And, while we would love nothing more than to help solve it,” Lois continued, “Cheetah's back on the prowl and Sinestro just attacked Metropolis Harbor in a yellow submarine.”

“With Superman gone, the breaking news business is booming,” Jimmy added, much to the gang’s dismay. “Sounds like we’re on our own,” Mindy frowned. “If half of what I’ve heard about you kids is true, you’ll do great,” Lois reassured. “All you have to do is unmask this... phantom.”

“Then,” Stormquill added, “find the Justice League before all these out-of-control villains destroy the world.”

“Great. So, like… no pressure,” Shaggy said sarcastically, right before he and Scooby panicked at the sight of the angry looking Exiles pressed against the window with glowing eyes, and fainted right on the spot.

As Misty and Izzy helped their friends up, Stormquill turned to the ponies with concern. “When you get to the Hall of Justice, find the mayor and her assistant. Surely, they'll be able to help you a lot more than we can. And... promise me that you guys will be careful. Since the League disappeared, Metropolis hasn't been that safe.”

“We'll be careful. But... diving horn first into danger has always been our thing,” Izzy said, flipping through some sort of book. “After all, we HAVE been on at least 23 Unity Quests within the year and a half.”

Stormquill only blinked at that. “Say what now?”

“What Izzy means is... we'll do our best to be careful. Promise,” Sunny told her with a genuine smile. “All right, guys... we better head to the Hall of Justice and start this mystery off right.”

Misty sighed at this. “Good idea. Let's just hope Allura isn't behind this phantom business and we get our friends into even more trouble.”

Author's Note:

I did have to edit some of our work to make it make sense, but Zipp Storm did help me with this.