• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 918 Views, 11 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and Krypto Too - ponydog127

Upon returning to Equestria with their new dragon allies and warning the ponies of Equestria about Allura potentially invading, the Mane 6 are reunited with Mystery Inc to solve a mystery with Krypto the Super-Dog in Metropolis.

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Reuniting with Mystery Inc./Enter the Hall of Justice Phantoms

While the Mane 6 were being sent on their next Unity Quest, a pool party was going on at a luscious house in the mortal world.

And that pool party’s guests were none other than Mystery Incorporated themselves.

They decided that while they didn’t have any mysteries to solve in the meantime, they thought that they would have a little fun at Daphne’s house, lounging by the pool.

Shaggy and Scooby were manning the barbeque while Daphne lounged on her pool float, Fred swam and Velma was reading the books she had brought from home. “Man, Scooby-Doo,” Shaggy sighed as he and Scooby prepared their overly-huge burgers. “Nothin’ like a barbeque with our pals, right?”

“You said it,” Scooby said with a giggle, lathering his burger in hot sauce. “Not to mention,” said Velma from the pool, “I can catch up on a good book.”

“And I can…” Fred began to say when a familiar looking portal opened up near the pool. “...be ready to see the ponies when they come through that portal!”

Everyone looked and saw he was right, but instead of coming out smoothly like before the ponies accidentally tumbled into the pool.

Shaggy yelped, upon seeing them enter thr pool, throwing a burger patty into the air as the ponies breached the surface and Hitch got the patty in the face while Sparky laughed. “Sunny! Ponies!” Daphne yelped as they rushed to get them out of the water. “What happened?” Velma asked. “Like, you guys sure have a way to crash a pool party,” Shaggy joked while Sparky plucked the burger from Hitch's head and ate it. “Ugh… apparently, our landing is a little off,” Zipp said, shaking herself to get the water off her. “But anyway, it’s good to see you guys again!” Misty said, hugging Scooby. “Is there any special occasion we should be aware of?”

“Nope, we're just relaxing together now,” Fred explained. “So, how have things been on your end?”

“Well... it's been something, all right,” Hitch frowned. “Remember how we told you all about our adventure in Starlight Ridge?”

“You mean the place that freaky Allura used to run until you guys helped the auroricorns beat her?” Shaggy asked with a shudder. “Like, how could we forget?”

“Well... she escaped Starlight Ridge,” Sunny explained regretfully. “And she has a piece of the star she needs, and her power is even stronger than before!”

“What?!” Daphne cried in panic as the rest of the gang gasped in horror. “Oh no!”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Zipp nodded. “We don't know where she is now, but we have the dragons of the Isle of Scaly as our allies now. Trust me... we'll find a way to defeat her. But we thought that we should warn you in case she were to ever show up.”

“Well you can count us in too to help,” Velma stated. “Yeah, you ponies helped us plenty of times,” Fred added. “And it's about time that we return the favor.”

“Right,” Scooby grinned licking Hitch happily. “Phew... thanks, guys,” Pipp smiled. “But, until we can find our mission, we'd love to hang out with you by the pool. Right, ponies?”

““I think we can make time for a little bit of fun,” Sunny smiled. “But first... can we help you with the barbeque? I'm getting kinda hungry.”

“Another chef is always welcome, Sunster!” Shaggy wrapped an arm around her. “Come on. You guys can enjoy the pool in the meantime-- dinner should be ready in a few minutes!”


It was a quiet night in Metropolis as Lois Lane and her photographer Jimmy Olsen, along with a blue pegasus pony with a blue and blackish striped mane named Stormquill (who had a cutie mark of a quill dipped in ink) came to the a long abandoned building in the city. It was the Hall of Justice where the Justice League resided... or at least they did.

All of them had mysteriously disappeared about 3 months ago, things have gotten very bad in the city. So, it was up to the three of them to get om the case.

Their feet and hooves crunched as they stepped on some newspaper on the floor as they approached a long, dark hallway, blocked with some police tape, to which Lois pushed down so they could go through.

Finally, they approached the door at the end, and Lois turned to Jimmy with a serious expression. “You brought your camera, right?”

“That’s like asking if I brought my eyes,” Jimmy responded with a smirk, holding the camera up. “Eyes lie,” Stormquill reminded him. “Cameras don’t.”

They proceeded toward the door, where they eventually saw a huge hole in the wall, leading to the lobby... as if something or someone crashed through it. “So…” said Lois, “...there was a struggle?”

“But how did it end? Where are they?” Jimmy wondered with worry. He quickly took some pictures, but before he could move, there came a sinister growling sound. “Did you hear that?”

“The last tour came and went hours ago,” Lois then recalled. “We’re the only ones here.”

But suddenly, there came that growling noise again, and this time, they all heard it. “I-I really don’t like this,” Stormquill gulped. “All right,” Lois sighed reluctantly, “fine. We'll come back in daylight, pose as tourists and slip away from--”

All of a sudden, a glowing golden specter swooped down at them, causing Lois to drop her flashlight as they all backed away. “W-What in the…?” Lois glanced around fearfully. The specter appeared in front of them again after a moment with a roar, causing them to freeze for a moment before Stormquill nudged them forward. “Go go go!!”

The shout from the blue pegasus managed to get them all moving, but before they could leave, however, Jimmy tripped but Lois came to his rescue by throwing a chair at the phantom, even though it went right through.

Before they ran out the door, Jimmy tried to take some pictures of the incoming phantom. “What are you doing?!” Lois asked him. “Eyes lie,” Jimmy responded, just before they made a break for the exits, slamming the door behind them. And after they made sure they were safe, they sighed in relief. “What was that?” Stormquill asked breathlessly. “And what did it do with the Justice League?”

“I don’t know, Stormquill,” Lois shook her head. “But it definitely wasn’t natural. It was--”

“Supernatural?” Jimmy gulped. “The kind of thing we bring in Superman and the League to help us figure out,” Lois responded. “But with them missing…”

“...who do you call when your heroes need heroes?” Jimmy then wondered. That’s when Lois remained silent for a moment before coming up with a solid, yet risky, decision. “Get your girlfriend on the phone, Jimmy,” she instructed. “Tell her Metropolis… tell her the world needs help.”


Back at the barbeque, the ponies were enjoying themselves with Hitch trying to keep Sparky from turning all the barbeque food into desserts while Pipp was relaxing with Daphne. Sunny was with Velma, and Misty and Shaggy and Scooby were happily chatting while Izzy and Zipp were with Fred.

Suddenly, Daphne's phone rang and she excused herseld to answer it. “Hmm? Hello?”

Hey, Daphne,” said a voice on the other end. “Remember me? It's Jimmy Olsen.

“Oh! Jimmy, hi!” Daphne greeted. “Haven't heard from you in years. How have you been?”

It’s been great-- I'm actually working for 'The Daily Planet' now... which is actually why I'm calling. I need you and your friends to come to Metropolis, I can't explain everything but its really important.

“Oh... yeah, sure. I have a few other friends visiting me and the gang, but I'm sure they won't mind coming with us,” Daphne said. “Hold on just a few minutes.”

That's when she put the call on mute and turned to her friends. “Guys, I guess we need to cut the party short. In the morning, it looks like we're going to Metropolis.”

However, the rest of the group looked confused. “Huh?”

“What’s Metropolis?” Misty asked curiously. “It's a large city a long way from here nicknamed 'the city of tomorrow',” Velma stated looking it up on her tablet. “Sounds like a fun place.”

“And the big city means big food! And food trucks!” Shaggy grinned and Scooby nodded happily. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

“And it sounds like a good place for Allura and Twitch to hide and regain their strength,” Zipp pointed out. “We’ll go with you and make sure it's nothing too serious.”

“Then we better get some sleep,” Sunny nodded. “We’ll head out early tomorrow morning.”

"Sounds good." Daphne nodded before the group prepared for their trip to Metropolis. But as the group packed up and headed inside, Sunny couldn't help but feel worried about Allura being out there somewhere with that ethereal source of power.

What if she found the rest of the star pieces first? And what if she became as big a problem as Opaline, if not more?

Thankfully, the young earth pony mare shook her head to clear it.

She couldn’t think like that. At least... not now.

All she and her friends needed to do was help the gang with their situation in Metropolis, and they could be one step closer to defeating Allura...

...or at least, that's what she wanted to happen.