• Published 13th May 2024
  • 347 Views, 6 Comments

Necroprancy - ShowShine

Fluttershy is dead. But that's okay, Twilight can fix it.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight sputtered over her words, giggling between each stutter.

“Now, Fluttershy, I didn’t do this! It was that nasty Ursa Major!” She defended. “You know I would never do anything to hurt you. You’re one of my best friends!” She threw her hoof out, pointing to the corpse.

“I’m just making everything better! You’re better!” Twilight continued. Fluttershy slowly nodded, wearily processing this information. Did she need to be better? Fluttershy didn’t think so.

Twilight’s ramblings became distant as Fluttershy’s eyes wandered to her corpse.

That’s what had been calling her. Herself. It was a call from the universe. Well, it was more like a cry for help than a call.

Upon closer inspection, Fluttershy noticed flies buzzing around her corpse. How long had her body been down there? She began to focus on the bugs around her. They didn’t chatter or sing like every other bug she had met. They just…buzzed.
Usually, Fluttershy would find that change frightening, but right now, she wasn’t feeling much of anything. Fluttershy was at the least happy that her body had one last use.

“I would like to have a funeral.” Fluttershy interrupted. Twilight’s senseless rant came to a halt.


“I would like to have a funeral,” Fluttershy repeated. “It’s the proper thing to do.”

Twilight scrunched her muzzle. Why would they have a funeral for a lifeless husk? The real Fluttershy was standing right in front of her, healthier than ever. It would be like having a funeral for a clone; there would be no point.

Twilight opened her mouth, trying to come up with an argument. What would the point of rejecting the idea? It’s not like it would matter by tomorrow.

If anything, it’ll make Fluttershy realize how much better her life would be. They’d have their little ceremony, Fluttershy would mourn, and then she’d be fine!

“Fine, but please make it quick. I need to finish fixing you.” Twilight begged. Fluttershy recoiled at the word ‘fix.’ There was nothing for Twilight to fix.

Fluttershy paced behind Twilight’s castle, her hooves prodding at the dirt below. Twilight stood close, watching Fluttershy intently.

“Perfect!” Fluttershy exclaimed, finding a spot to dig.

“Let’s make this quick. The moisture isn’t good for you.” Twilight instructed.

“I’ll be done when I’m done.” Fluttershy snapped back. She understood that Twilight was under stress, but funerals took time. She picked up the shovel, lowering it into the dirt.

“Careful! I don’t want you to get mud in your crevices!” Twilight fussed. She yanked the shovel from Fluttershy’s hooves. “I’ll just do it.” Twilight twirled the shovel in her magic.

She shoved the tool into the soggy dirt. Twilight dug and dug. The hole became 6 feet.

Then 10.

Then 17.

She had no clue how long she had been digging, but she hoped it was an eternity. If she kept going, she’d never have to have this stupid funeral. Fluttershy would forever await her presence, peering down from above. But, unfortunately, it couldn’t work the way she wanted.

She dug and dug and dug until- 'clang!'

Much to Twilight’s dislike, she had hit a boulder. It was far too big to dig around. Twilight flapped her wings, launching herself from the grave.
Fluttershy hummed, holding the corpse in her arms. Soggy flowers were braided into its mane.

“I made her a flower crown. I do this for all of my animal friends when they pass.” Fluttershy informed. Twilight huffed, landing next to Fluttershy. She didn’t see why that was necessary; this was only a simple burial.

“Hurry up, it looks like it’s going to rain again.” Twilight rushed. Fluttershy raised her hoof, stopping the alicorn from speaking further.

“We have to honor Fluttershy’s life.” Fluttershy scolded. Twilight rolled her eyes. There was nothing to honor if she was still here. But she did argue.

Fluttershy nudged the corpse, letting it tumble into the grave. It hit the ground with a hard thud. She pressed her hooves together, shutting her eyes.

“Here lies Fluttershy. She was a kind, caring friend to many creatures, ponies and animals alike.” Fluttershy began. “She lived as she died. Caring for herself and others.” Fluttershy peeked an eye open.

“Don’t you have any words you want to say?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight upturned her nose, her ears pinned back.

“There’s nothing to say about someone who isn’t dead.” Twilight snapped. Fluttershy frowned.

“I know it’s going to be hard, but you need to accept that she’s gone.”

“But you’re not gone! You’re right here!” Twilight argued.

“But Fluttershy-”

“I’m not Fluttershy.” She retorted. “The real Fluttershy has left this mortal plane.”

Twilight sputtered. “You’re the real Fluttershy, just in a new body!”

“You can give me her memories and personality, but you can’t make me her,” Fluttershy stated. “I don’t have her talents or her experiences."

Twilight furiously shook her head, stomping her hoof.

“Stop it! I’m fixing my mistakes.”

Fluttershy sighed, approaching Twilight. She brought her hoof to the alicorn's cheek.

“Look at me, okay?” Fluttershy instructed. “Fluttershy was a pony. She had a life, and now it’s over. I'm something that's taking her place. I'm not Fluttershy, I'm a replacement.”

Twilight opened her mouth to argue once again but was quickly hushed.

“I need you to look into the grave and tell me what you see.” Fluttershy pointed to the grave. Twilight wearily approached the grave, her legs trembling. She didn’t know what she was so nervous about. If she looked, she would see a corpse. A lifeless being. Nothing more, nothing less.

Twilight cautiously looked over the edge.

For the first time that night, Twilight truly looked at Fluttershy. That wasn’t just some Jane Doe; that was her friend. Despite her broken figure, she looked peaceful.

The feelings from the hours before finally bubbled over, coming out in a scream. Twilight bawled until her throat burned. Her knees gave out, plummeting her against the mud.

“There, there. It’s alright.” Fluttershy comforted, pulling Twilight into a hug.

“It’s not alright! I’m sorry! I’m sorry that I took you to the forest. It’s my fault that you died.” Twilight hiccuped. She wiped the never-ending tears from her cheeks. She pulled away from the hug, giving Fluttershy a far-too-big grin. She gripped Fluttershy’s metal shoulders.

“But it’s okay now! You’re here, and I fixed everything!” Twilight’s smile began to waver.

Fluttershy sighed.


“Please, please, come back with me. I’ll make you as good as new! I’ll erase tonight from your brain; just please stay.” Twilight begged. “Our friends need you. I need you.”

Fluttershy backed from Twilight’s grasp.

“Twilight…I’m sorry you feel this way, but it’s my time to go.” Fluttershy stated. She shuffled to the grave, gazing down at herself.

Fluttershy gave Twilight one last heartwarming smile.

“Goodbye.” And with that, Fluttershy stepped backward, dropping into the all-too-deep grave.

FLUTTERSHY!” Twilight shrieked, scattering to the edge. The robot lay at the bottom, nearly broken into bits. The boulder at the bottom had crushed her. Sparks flew from her head, wires poking from crevices.

Twilight levitated the broken bot, pulling it close to her chest. Her crevices were filled with mud and pebbles. Twilight could fix this; she could fix anything! It would take longer, but she could do it.

As long as she had Fluttershy’s magic, she could bring her back over and over! Twilight laughed, tears streaking her cheeks.

She pressed her ear against her chest, listening for the tell-tale hum of magic. Instead, she was met with silence. No heartbeat, no hum. Just…silence

The once beautiful hum of magic was gone. The force of the fall had taken the little bit of Fluttershy that was left.

The alicorn curled around the robot, squeezing her eyes shut. The robot lay stiff in her arms.

And once again, Fluttershy was dead.

Comments ( 4 )

Well that's a delightfully punny title! :twilightsmile:

Love Twilight's neurotic disposition. Feels like a callback to Season 2.

Ended on a really quick note. I was hoping to see the other friends' reactions. Whatever, great story.

Hello, fellow contestant! Your friendly neighborhood Hat Man, here!

I think this story finds its stride in the second and third chapters, where the horror and tragedy are allowed a bit more breathing room, though I do agree that the ending feels a little quick. The first chapter has a bit of a weird tone, though, and some of the grisly bits clash with the darkly comedic tones of the story.

Definitely an interesting story! Nice job!

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