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Trans 🏳️‍⚧️ He/Him| Just trying my best|Commissions are 10 USD per chapter. Dm me if you have any questions



After Spike finds an abandoned egg, his instincts kick in and he does everything to protect it.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 182 )
Comment posted by King_Kratos deleted Apr 3rd, 2019

Oh, I am so down for this. Spike as a dad? Yes please.

I have to say, the pacing is a little fast. Feels like you just glossed over a lot of the stuff that happened because you were reaching your word limit or something.
I'm still totally on board for this story, but it needs a little work.

That ling needs love to keep healthy.

Pacing is going 100mph but good start, some grammar and minor spelling mistakes sprinkled in but not enough to turn someone away. Advice would be to slow down a lot, drag out some descriptions, like what does spike look like? What does the room he’s in look like? Other than the clothes, what else is in the chest? What’s the chest made of? Was there a fire place where spike went, if so was it lit before or did spike do it? Just general setting info is all you need to breath some life into your story! Well done so far!

interesting so far:ajsmug:
I'll be looking forward to more.

Bit rushed, but interesting premise. Spike as a daddy, I'm down with this.

(And is it wrong when I saw the Thorax tag I thought he'd be the kid or one of the parents?)

“Thorax you’re thirty I’m not gonna be your dad”
“Not with that attitude”

I've got high Hope's for this series

Very interesting story looking forward to seeing more:pinkiehappy:

“I was tired, I didn’t realize at the time that dropping the egg could have killed her!” He defended. Scramble reached her arms out to be held by Spike. Spike scooped her out of Fluttershy’s arms. This was the first time he had seen her with her eyes open. Her left eye was a deep blue and the right eye was a dark purple. She had a large, gleeful smile on her face. A bang came from behind the couch and multi color confetti rained out.

So he has a baby changeling with Heterochromia Iridium. Interesting.

Diabetes-induced Death... Probably happening soon.

close pin holding [clothespin] I realize that this is an almost forgotten item with washer/dryers and so forth but a few of us old farts still remember them. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=clothespin&FORM=IARRTH&ufn=clothespin&stid=1594e798-838d-0ca8-61c5-1c1079dc78c6&cbn=EntityAnswer&cbi=0&FORM=IARRTH

Eh, Twilight will get over it once she realizes she has an adorable granddaughter/niece living with her full time.

Not nearly as fast as the first chapter! Great work slowing down! A bit slower and some more detail and you’ll be perfect!

A little fast, but the detail is there! Good work!

sorry spike but that was just plain cute but why did scramble need to wear sunglasses?

She didn’t have to, she just was

oh OK i thought it was probably because of her eyes

I get the feeling he shouldn’t have taken Scramble in...

My heart... Can't stand the cuteness...

Wait...………….WHAAAAATT?!?!?!?!?!?! She killed Discord?!?!!?


(Also, cuteness is close to overloading me!!)

He’s not really dead, just weakened and can’t get use his magic for a little while

Oh thank god i thought discord was perma dead

*changeling babe casually kills Discord*

*everybody continues on with business as normal*


Of course, Discord's not actually dead. I mean, c'mon, it's going to take a bit more than that to do him in.

Is Scramble gonna be a changeling queen and that's why she's so powerful?
Chrysalis' egg?!

Hey your profile pic and mine are similar

Baby baby baby blasting things all night

“I don’t know man, I was homeschooled and they didn’t want me to go outside. As soon as I gave birth to Lightning they kicked me out.” She explained. Twilight let out a gasp.

“That’s terrible, where do you live now?” Twilight asked. She shrugged again.

“I move around a lot, Spike said that it would be okay to stay here for a while.” Stormy said. Twilight nodded her head.

“You can stay here for as long as you need.” Twilight reassured. Stormy Cloud smiled and looked at her son who was staring at the flash cards in awe. Scramble levitated a few to surround them. Lightning Bolt clapped his hooves in excitement.

“Thank you.”

And so the family grows...

This chapter was heartwarming

that was a very sweet chapter and though it personally never happened to me i have seen parents do to what they did to stormy cloud one time way to many.

personally if i had a child who had a kid themselves under similar circumstances with stormy cloud i would support them not throw them out onto the street. parent who do throw their kids out for something like this should be ashamed of themselves.

when an individual becomes a parent they make a vow not only to the child but to themselves that through thick and through thin, through the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly that they will stick by that child and support them and care for them to the best of their ability and those who do not hold to this vow do not deserve to be called parents.

so to parents out there who treated their children like they did to stormy cloud when she became a mother. i have no respect for you.

Someponies are going to get a beating.

Wait a minute... Who the heck is the father?

Some boy she snuck out with

I love this story I just wish the chapters were longer

I have a feeling I'm going to be rereading this many times

*clears throat, serious looking face*

He walked over to his cabinet and pulled out a small light pink sweater. Spike placed Scramble on the bed.

Spike put Scrambles arms up and he slipped the sweater on her.

No. Bundling up is actually not a good idea when you're running a fever, as that can only make the fever worse. In reality, keeping in a cool or lukewarm environment helps better. I even remember once or twice when I was a feverish little whelp myself where my mother put me in a cool to lukewarm bath (not straight up cold) to try and lower or break a high fever, and though I felt miserable because the water felt colder than it normally should've to me, it did seem to help in the long run.

Though, that all said, I did just look up recommended fever treatments so to double check and make sure I wasn't talking out my butt, and apparently such a bath is not that medically useful, and the better recommendation is, if a low fever, to wait it out (as it'll usually go away on its own), or if a high or persisting fever, to seek the professional assistance of a doctor (as it's usually a symptom of something more serious), but such instances are, apparently, statistically rarer. Most fevers apparently never go above a certain range most of the time.

Point is, bundling up the feverish prevents the extra heat the body is producing from escaping, and by trapping it so, can cause the body temperate to rise further still. Best thing is to keep them not too hot, not too cool. If the kid's still alert, playing, eating and drinking, and has healthy skin color (that last one might not apply to a changeling), then generally the only treatment needed is just to keep the kid comfortable until the fever breaks on its own.

Beyond that one detail though, Spike's reaction to the whole situation was quite good and level-headed. He didn't overreact and was able to resolve the matter himself. :twilightsmile:

What she truly wanted... was her daddy. Dude I'm going to get diabetes from how cute this story can get.

This scene got you added to the favourites

Oh god, so cute! I now have to get several teeth filled because I got cavities from how sweet this chapter was!

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