• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 597 Views, 271 Comments

Amber Starts, Comforting Endings - David Silver

With books in her eyes, a chipper unicorn comes to the big city of earth ponies, certain that they would be more open to the idea of a grand library than the superstitious unicorns she was leaving behind.

  • ...

35 - Mist Warning

Misty knocked gently on the door, glancing back at Aloe. "This is the place, right?"

Aloe nodded swiftly, taking a shuddering breath. "My old home, with my parents. Where I was supposed to be raised, before I ran off." She peered at the knob of the door as it rattled and slowly opened before her.

Her mother was a middle-aged mare with dark fur and matching hair. She stared down at Aloe with eyes that began to brim with tears even as she stood frozen in place in the doorway of her home as she stared down at Aloe who looked up at her mother with an awkward smile on her face as the silence hung between them a moment.

"Who is it?" asked a male voice, coming closer. "Why are you just standing there?" A stallion appeared behind Aloe's mother, taking in the scene with surprise in his eyes.

Aloe twiddled her hooves in place as she looked from one parent to the other. "Uh, hi."

That broke the spell. The mother rushed to embrace Aloe firmly with a warm smile on her face as she clutched at her daughter even as Aloe froze at the touch even as her mother chided her. "Aloe, you're alright! Where have you been?! It's been so long."

Aloe remained stiff in her mother's grasp even as she fought with herself, struggling between hugging her back or just turning and leaving again without another word after so many years apart.

Her father came in, looking unsure how to react. "Um, what happened? Are you okay?" He looked around nervously as he reached out for Aloe, pulling her out of her mother's hooves and into his own as he cradled her close even as he petted at her gently. "Honey, what's going on?"

Aloe finally reached out for him, throwing her hooves around his neck as she began to cry, but said nothing in return for him as she buried her face in his shoulder even as he hugged her close and gently rocked her back and forth in place even as his wife tried to keep herself from joining in the tears.

Misty smiled gently at all three of them. "I'm not sure if you want anything from some mare you don't know." She rubbed at the back of her head with an awkward grin on her face even as she decided it was best to simply leave Aloe and her family to their own reunion as she turned away and began trotting back down the path they'd come here on even as Aloe was pulled back into her home and the door closed.

Sunny blinked gently, walking along with Misty. "I think you did it, Misty. Aloe is back home with her parents, and they're all happy. They'll need to have some serious conversations, but I think they'll do that. I'm very proud of you."

Misty shrugged lightly even as she glanced back over her shoulder at where Aloe had vanished. "Well, it was obvious to me. All three of them were making the same mistakes, just with different words."

Zipp hissed gently in her breath. "Been there. Seriously, good job!" She threw an arm over Misty. "I vote we trace ourselves back to that candy land and make sure all the candy animals get out so they can turn back into ponies big and small. Then we're really done."

Misty wiggled gently with pride as she led the way back to Candied Hills with Sunny in tow with the others bringing up the rear. "Let's make it happen."

They journeyed back to Candied Hills quickly, returning to find Aloe talking happily with her parents. "Yeah, so they came and played in this place, and became candied critters!" She gestured wildly as she recounted the tale to them with dramatic hoofgestures and sweeping descriptions as they laughed together at her antics.

The critters, once removed from the Candied Hills, began to return to normal. Some of them were just critters, but many were actually ponies. The lost fillies were found, and the gang got them home in one big trip in the Mare Stream, jam packed with little fillies ready to end their adventure together.

With a big splash, the Mare Stream splashed across the open water before zipping into the village with many confused looks from ponies who turned to watch its passing as it sped along at the speed of sound towards one place only: the beach. The moment the doors opened, foals disgorged in a wave, bringing Maretime Bay all their lost children at once.

They scattered in every direction in an instant, little hooves carrying them far from the Mare Stream and back to their parents, filling everypony with joy at the return of their loved ones. Zipp sped off for her mom, waving goodbye to Hitch and the others as she went. "This all reminds me I should go hug her, so, later!"

"Misty!" Amber hugged her librarian gladly. "Everything alright?"

Misty hugged back. "Of course!" She hugged tighter for a moment before breaking off with a wide smile on her face. "I found Aloe! She's home again!"

Amber smiled at that thought. "You're a sweet pony, Misty."

"Thank you." Misty stuck out her tongue. "I've just got a knack for these things."

Amber inclined her head. "Did you use any magic, or?"

Misty shook her head. "No spells, but I did use my cutie mark." She pointed back at her rump. "And I listened. Sometimes, um, a pony just needs somepony who's ready to listen, for real."

Amber patted Misty on the shoulder. "You're always that pony. I'm proud of you."

"It's what friends do for each other." Misty giggled as she kicked at the floor gently.

They were pressed together. It took both a moment to realize Comforting had casually appeared and hugged both of them close. "I'm so proud of both of you! You did so much to save ponies who were lost. Just like I want you to do!" She tightened her hug a moment before letting them go and swiping away tears of pride in her eyes before they could fall. "Now, Misty, we got inspected." She did quotes in the air to emphasize the word. "We're waiting on the results."

Amber started sweating nervously as she rubbed at the back of her head in place. "Just some advice on how to run the library better, I'm sure."

"Probably," Comforting agreed.

Misty bobbed her head. "If that's all, that's not a big deal." She turned in place, taking in the library. "This place is great, and helps a lot of ponies be happier. I love working here, helping ponies learn and grow alongside each other." She stuck out her hoof with a warm smile on her face. "You did a great job getting this started, Amber. I'm happy to be a part of it."

Amber bumped hooves with Misty with a light blush on her cheeks. "I'm happy too, to have you all with me. This was just a dream, and now I'm living it." She let out a tense laugh. "I have to remind myself once in a while. I'm running a library! A real, live library! With more books than anypony ever thought possible!" She whirled in place, laughing joyfully as she gestured to the vast library they were all within even as Misty and Comforting watched with delighted smiles on their faces.

Amber came to a stop with a quick inhale as she remembered her place. "Once we get that report, we'll fix whatever they found that needs fixing, then we expand! If libraries have more than books, we'll get more than books! We'll become even greater than what we already are!"

Comforting grinned happily at that declaration. "As long as we get you an office with a proper door first." She snickered gently. "If you want one. You seem pretty happy just being out here with everypony else." She ruffled Amber's mane gently. "Won't say no to seeing you."

Amber flicked her tail with a snort of surprise. "Oh! Yes, maybe we could do that." She smiled coyly at the pair of mares she was with. "That way I can keep an eye on my favorite employees, and make sure they're not slacking." She snickered, unable to hold a serious bossing face. "Alright, let's help some ponies!" With a mutual cheer, they split up to do their jobs around the library.

It would take a week for the results to come back. Comforting was the first to see them, getting the mail as she was. "Let's see." She tore the envelope with a swipe of one of her sharp claws. "Hm. Well." She read through the details within before calling for Amber and Misty.

Misty and Amber joined Comforting by the front desk, hooves drumming with anxiety as they waited for the verdict.

Comforting held up the letter, waving it around before them. "According to this, the library is entirely, dreadfully, woefully, and utterly—" The two gaped at her with horror. "Satisfactory." Comforting slapped down the report. "We passed. A few minor complaints, easily fixed. The recommendation is to expand."

Misty picked up the letter with a whoop of delight as she read through it eagerly while Amber peered over her shoulder with delight even as they scanned the contents together with eager eyes that read line after line as they confirmed the report was genuine. The library had passed its first inspection. There was even a little note, a comment. 'This institution brings joy to the community it resides in. We look forward to seeing how it develops.'

Comforting ruffled Amber's mane fondly. "Seems like we can fix things up a little, Amber. Time to make this place just perfect!" She gasped happily. "Then we get to add things in!"

Amber clapped with building joy. "Yes! But, before we do that, I suggest we do a little research."

Comforting waved to the many books, then shrugged. "Well, grab a book?"

"Not that kind." Amber pointed to the front door instead. "We need to visit other libraries in the city and see what they're offering. That will give us a way better idea of where we want to go with ours."

Misty tilted her head thoughtfully. "Kind of a road trip?"

"I guess you could say that." Amber was brimming with excitement at the prospect of what could be as she scribbled down a few notes.

Comforting tapped at her chin. "I think Izzy has a scooter, if we ask her nicely to borrow it?"

Amber inclined her head. "I don't know how to drive one of those."

"Me neither." Misty shook her head quickly. "I think we're hoofing it! Walking through the city to look at libraries and see what there is to see."

Comforting ruffled Misty's mane this time around. "Sounds like a lovely trip."

Amber waved for the pair of them to follow her. "Come on then! We can start today." She hurried outside and down the street with Comforting and Misty trailing after her.

Comforting easily drifted up next to Amber. "Do you have a map of where the libraries are?"

That got Amber to slow. "Oh, right." Blushing, she turned back to their library. "I'll print that out before we rush off."

Comforting snickered softly at Amber's antics. "We'll wait here." She ruffled Misty and chatted with her as Amber scurried back into the library and returned a few minutes later with a map and guidebook to various locations around the city and region nearby too, which she set down on a bench for the three of them to inspect together as she spread out the map over it all.

Misty stepped up, eyes wide. "Woah. I forget sometimes how enormous this city really is. This map makes it clear how big it really is."

"Like Comfs said." Amber poked at the map as she pointed out the cluster of pins that were the other libraries in town. "We need to be careful if we're hoofing it like this."

Comforting raised a brow. "Did I say that?" She leaned in. "Or are you putting words in my mouth. I prefer science fiction if you're going to feed me good words."

Amber laughed as she pushed Comforting back. "The closest one is right here." She tapped at the map and began to gather it all up to take with her. "Let's get started!"

Author's Note:

Road Trip! Minus a car. Who needs those?

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