• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 597 Views, 271 Comments

Amber Starts, Comforting Endings - David Silver

With books in her eyes, a chipper unicorn comes to the big city of earth ponies, certain that they would be more open to the idea of a grand library than the superstitious unicorns she was leaving behind.

  • ...

23 - Dance Fever

The sun beat down on Maretime Bay. Toots was bouncing around like a puppy with its tail wagging as Amber and Comforting approached.

Amber adjusted the straps on her dress with a wiggle.

"Good afternoon, ladies." He nodded to both with a big smile. "Today's a big day!"

Comforting swooped in to grab the stallion by the cheeks. "It sure is. I didn't know they had dances in the middle of the day, but it sounds fun."

He giggled at that, swaying this way and that. "Oh, you tease, Comforting." He glanced at Amber. "So, who's driving?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I thought we'd walk." She pointed further into the city. "It isn't that far, and I don't have a car. We can enjoy the sights on the way."

Toots turned to face the direction Amber was pointing. "Sure, or I could get my car if you like? I don't mind driving."

"How about that?" Amber pointed out a massive pile of crates that seemed to have been dumped there. "That's interesting. I wonder what that is."

Comforting giggled and gave Toots a little push. "Amber wants to walk, so we're walking." She landed on her feet instead of floating. "She doesn't get to explore this big city very often." She started to bounce and bound down the street in a sudden flurry of motion.

Amber squeaked. "Comfy! I'm wearing heels!" She chased after, trying to keep up but not exactly failing to do so either.

Toots sped up to keep up with them all. "If we're admiring the sights, what's the rush?"

"Point." Comforting slowed herself. "Sorry, got excited." She swiped at her shoulders, dusting off. "Nice and slow."

Amber managed to get up alongside Comforting. "We've been working so hard. It's nice to just do something nice." She cleared her throat. "We should take the scenic route. It'll be lovely."

"No one else is complaining about going straight." Toots tried to hurry the trio on, but the others ignored him, so he shrugged and dropped his pace with a grumble. "So, uh, either of you two danced before?"

Comforting glanced back. "It's been ages! But yes." She almost gave more info, but thought better of it. Discussing exes with modern prospects could be awkward for all involved.

Amber shook her head with a laugh. "Oh, no. I'm just along to relax, maybe eat, and have some fun." She shrugged a shoulder. "But if I find a dance partner, I can see myself dancing a little."

Comforting ruffled Amber's back gently. "Keep your eyes open. You won't see a dance partner if you're not looking. The enchanting local head librarian? They'll be lining up for a chance."

"Oh!" Amber waved that off with a roll of her eyes. "Like anypony is going to be interested in that."

"I am." Comforting propped her head on Amber's shoulder with a sly grin. "Which is me asking for at least one dance."

Toot's ears fell, but he forced them up. "Um, Comforting, I'd like—"

"—You're on my card." Comforting looped around Amber with a smile. "You'll get your chance, promise." She pointed off at a group of ponies enjoying a lunch at the outdoor seating area of a restaurant. "Should we sit with them?"

Amber dug out her phone to check the time. "As tempting as that'd be, we're already kinda perfectly on time with walking on this route, so let's not stop." She started moving again, cutting across a road with a pleasant smile for the others. "C'mon, the party's not waiting for us."

"The party would wait forever if you asked." Comforting followed with a sly grin. "But you wouldn't, and that's good."

Toots looked aside at Comforting. "What do you mean by that?"

Comforting gently patted Toots along the back. "It means I could do a lot of things. I mentioned it before, but I am a spirit of chaos." She leaned in close. "If I wanted to, I could make a big mess, but I really don't want to. I like things as they are, growing, changing over time, and not all at once everywhere."

"Well, I know you're not like that. I can see that." Toots straightened himself up with a smile. "And I like things the way they are too." He stepped up to walk on Amber's opposite side. "I can see other ponies making the journey." He tossed his head at other travelers hiking towards the dance hall ahead of them.

Amber smiled brightly. "This is such a fun thing. I can't wait to get there, and see everything, and then to go home and tell Comforting and Misty all about it."

"Whoa!" Toots bounced in place, ears high. "You three live together?"

Comforting swirled ahead of Toots. "Me and Amber live together, at the library. Misty doesn't. We've offered, but she's happier at the bright house."

"We are trying to be her friends, and respect her space. She's been through a lot, and it's up to her to decide what she needs." Amber nodded as she spoke, keeping her voice even as she watched the other ponies they were approaching.

Having gone deeper into the city, there were great clumps of ponies, waiting their turn to cross streets that had a lot more vehicles trying to cross them, some of which beeped impatiently.

Comforting took a deep breath and put on her most convincing smile. "So, um, let's stick together." She slipped between Amber and Toots and put an arm around either. "I don't like cars, and I don't have a good sense of how to dodge them." She blinked up at Amber. "Do you?"

Amber let out a slow exhale. "Just follow the other ponies, nothing to it."

They wandered up to the edge of the sidewalk and waited with mild rocking until the rest of the crowd began forward, a hint for them to move. They cut through traffic at a brisk trot. A light turned red. An alarm blared. Ponies jumped into a run, leaping across the street. They got across before the next batch had started to press forward, ending up safe on the other side.

The trio staggered a bit before recovering. Comforting sighed in relief. "Thank goodness."

"That happens every day." Toots waved back at the cars. "Usually, I'm one of the ones in the car." With a chuckle, he started ahead. "We're almost there."

Comforting peeked over at the shops and other buildings they passed. "Hm, the city really changes as you get into it. I should stop by when I'm not in a specific rush. Take it all in."

"That would be a great idea." Amber pulled out her phone with a hum. "Maybe we could make this a weekly event? Work, chill, lunch, or dinner, and a stroll around the city?"

Comforting bumped against Amber. "Don't leap at the idea just because I said it." She whipped her tail to brush against Toots. "Besides, I want to look on my own too."

Toots started to reach for the tail touching his side, then dropped his hoof to his side. "I'm pretty familiar with the city. If you ever need a guide, I can be free."

Comforting tilted her head at Toots. "Have you been all over the place already?"

"It's my home city." He walked with pride in each step. "I know every alley." He peered down one they were passing. "And I'm willing to go anywhere for you."

Comforting giggled at that. "Thank you, kind stallion, but I don't want to ask that of you." She suddenly leaned in close. "Even if you're looking like you'd rather I asked."

He recoiled in place a second with a nervous laugh. "Uh, well, you're, um, interesting?"

She bounced, nearly leaving the ground as she turned towards the large building they were nearing. "Today, we dance!" With an arm around either of them, she encouraged them up towards the thumping music of the hall. "Gonna get it on like it was the fourth!"

Toots inclined his head. "Fourth what?"

"Inside joke." Comforting darted ahead suddenly, leaving the ground. "C'mon!" She disappeared through the front door in a blink, leaving it wide open and swaying back and forth.

Amber and Toots shared a glance. She shrugged and pushed forward with a shy smile. Together, they pressed inside the hall full of energetically dancing ponies and lively music to go along with it.

The music was a thrumming beat, pulsing through them and demanding a response. The hooves of ponies rose and fell in a wave of motion as they danced across the floor in the center. Toots grabbed Amber by the hoof and tugged her deeper in.

She gave a playful yelp of surprise, stumbling after with a gasp. "Ow!"

"I'll show you a dance!" He looked over her quickly, as if measuring her up. "It'll be fun, promise." He kicked a foot out, slapping the ground and throwing a hoof up.

Amber hesitantly took his hoof. "I, okay, I'll try?" She copied the hoof and kick, almost getting his hoof when she swung hers up.

They danced together in slow, practicing, motions, his eyes locked to hers. She smiled, looking back. He opened his mouth. "I don't know how to say this, but, you look, really, um, yeah, wow."

Amber went dark at that, laughing nervously. "I thought you were interested in Comforting?"

"Um! I, uh, am? But I can see a pretty mare." He rubbed behind his head awkwardly. "And I can tell her."

"Aw." She bowed her head. "Thanks, but, I'm not interested in that, at all."

"Oh, cool. Then we can be friends." He grinned, reaching to offer her his hoof. "I can swing?" He spun her about slowly, with a laugh. "You look great, but if you're not into me, that's fine." He snorted into a laugh. "Besides, like you said, my eyes are on Comforting. Speaking of which, have you seen her?"

"Yeah." Amber craned her head, looking around. "She's probably—"

"Here." Comforting swooped in from nowhere in particular to snag Toots by the hoof. "Dance time!" She yanked him in to hop and spin around him. She went in a tight circle with him, flashing in and out of view with how fast she moved.

Amber blinked and missed a great deal of the proceedings as they whirled away into the crowd. "Wow." With her dance completed, she went to check out the refreshments.

Comforting lifted Toots into the air easily, rubbing cheeks with the stallion before spinning around to face the DJ. "Yo, play the new tune, the one about the forest! I love that one. It makes me want to skip and hum."

Amber trotted up to the snack table with a groan of delight. There were so many sweet and delicious treats to choose from. "Hey, did you want anything?"

Toots, still clutched in the arms of Comforting, giggled like a lovestruck fool. "I, um, whatever you want?"

They could barely hear one another over the music, then playing that forest beat that Comforting had requested. She touched nose to nose with Toots. "I'll be blunt. I am a goddess. Are you up to dating a god, however friendly they may be?"

"Um?" He blinked several times as if coming to himself. "Wait, what?"

"Comforting, don't," shouted Amber from the distance.

Comforting floated up out of hearing range. "I have more power in my pinkie than most have in their entire body." She nipped at his shoulder. "That isn't a threat, but it is reality. I can't promise we'll ever be an 'even match' like you'd get with another pony. I just can't. Is that what you want?"

His ears twitched, his eyes focused on hers. "Oh! I see. You're serious." He swallowed. "I don't know. Uh, wait." He waved to Amber, but she was busy talking to other ponies. "You're friends with Amber. You two get along, even if you're a, uh, 'god'. If that's how you two can make it work, that's what I want. You can't help what you are."

"Are you sure? Because you aren't. I can tell." She bobbed her head slowly. "I think." She suddenly grabbed Toots, smooshing him against herself. "You're almost hoping I overpower you, in the best kinds of ways."

"No, I don't! I swear!" He squirmed in her arms, pushing her away. "You're scary, you know that? Just a little, but I really didn't expect that."

Comforting let him push her away, but kept him floating alongside her. "Good, I should be a little scary, but I do think you're neat. If you want to try this, seriously, I'll put my all into it, but you'll have to do the same." She released her grip, letting Toots float down to his hooves.

He nodded, seeming to mull things over in his mind.

Author's Note:

The only cure is more cow bell.

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