• Published 2nd Dec 2023
  • 644 Views, 14 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob - ponydog127

In the season two finale, the Mane 5 reunite with Mystery Inc and travel to the time of King Arthur for their biggest adventure yet, involving in the shocking return of Opaline, Paradise's reformation and the true meaning of friendship and family.

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Meeting the Camelot Pony Power Squad

After Opaline and Morgan le Fay officially decided to team up and gain power, the first action they had to complete was gather intel.

That's where Paradise would come in. The cream unicorn would sneak into the city, find out if the Mane 6 and their friends were in there and keep the two evil queens posted on everything she found out.

But, for once in her life... Paradise began to question if what she was doing was really the right thing to do.

And, if Misty and her friends would ever forgive her for all that she had done.

No... she couldn't think like that around Opaline-- the alicorn's mind may have been twisted, but she DID offer Paradise a cozy home when she was an orphaned filly.

She had to make Opaline proud... she just had to.


As Paradise snuck her way inside the city, she noticed that the Mystery Incorporated gang and the Mane 6 were gathered in a small corner to try and discuss their further actions. “Okay, everyone, listen up-- I think I may have figured something out about this whole mess. If we’re in the distant past,” theorized Velma, pacing herself before the group, “then we're currently living out the legend we read about in the future.”

“Oh… my brain hurts…” Scooby whimpered, unable to keep up. “What she means, Scooby,” said Sunny, “that since Velma believes that Sir Norville is Shaggy sent back in time, he is essentially part of the legend and historical timeline of this town.”

“That’s exactly my point, Sunny. And, if we’re responsible for the legend,” Velma went on, “then we have to do exactly what it said, or otherwise we'll mess up the timeline, which could cause us to cease to exist, or worse, the whole universe may implode in a quantum paradox!”

The gang had no idea what a ‘quantum paradox’ was, but being ceased to exist was bad enough for them. “I’m telling you, reality is a simulation, girl,” Daphne said. “The universe can’t implode because it isn’t even real.”

“That... I... what?!” Hitch cried. “You guys know that us and Equestria exist, so how does that theory even make sense?”

“I don't know, but whatever Daphne just said, it isn't really helping my stomach and all the knots it has,” Izzy said with a groan. “Honestly, I look at you guys and I just see zero-one, one-one-zero-one-one-one-zero…” Daphne went on, much to the others’ confusion. “Daph, Daph,” Velma stopped her. “Hand me your phone.”

Daphne did as she asked, and Velma pulled up the lock screen. “As long as the lock-screen picture stays the same, then it means we haven't changed the timeline.”

“So, all we have to do is keep to the legend, and we’ll be fine,” Fred clarified, causing Velma to nod. “So... what do we do next?” Misty wondered. “I got an idea,” Velma said after thinking for a minute, “but we’re going to need to find more appropriate attire so we don’t stick out like sore thumbs.”

“But, where do we find outfits like that?” Hitch asked. “All the shops are closed due to Morgan’s attack!”

“Don't worry about that-- we have an idea to keep you covered... figuratively and literally.”

Everyone turned to see Royal Enchantment and Aspen Wood flying down to them, and Zipp immediately recognized them. “Hey... you're the two pegasi that were up with the king and queen earlier! Are you some sort of Equestria monarchy for Camelot and its ponies?”

“Well, not really. The crowns and things are just for royal occasions,” Royal said with a smile. “I'm Royal Enchantment, advisor to King Arthur, and this is my younger cousin Aspen.”

“Hello...” Aspen said quietly. “It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I'm Sunny,” the apricot earth pony said, “and these are all my friends-- my pony friends from Equestria and Mystery Incorporated.”

Scooby happily licked Aspen's face, causing him to giggle and pat the Great Dane's head. “Good doggy!”

“Wait a second... did you guys say you know of a place where we can get some disgui-- I-I mean outfits?” Zipp asked. “Uh-huh,” Aspen nodded. “Royal's friend Solar Phoenix? She's a really great seamstress!”

“I'm sure she would have some outfits for you all-- especially since the ball in the castle is open to pretty much everypony,” Royal continued. “Come on-- we'll lead you over to her shop.”

But as they walked away from their discussion place, Zipp couldn't help but notice that Royal was fidgeting with the anklets on her legs as she walked...

...as if she had something to hide.


“There you are, madam!” said a unicorn operating a small, makeshift booth, handing a woman a long, soft dress. “Have a great day, and tell your friends about Phoenix Fashions!”

The unicorn in question was a light yellow color with dark violet eyes, a dark magenta, lavender and violet mane and tail, a cutie mark of a phoenix and a warm smile, and she turned back to her sewing before she heard a voice behind her. “You too busy to help some friends, Firebird?”

Phoenix turned around at this nickname, and smiled upon seeing Aspen and Royal on the other side of the booth, along with some new friends. “Never, Royal. Are these some new friends of yours?”

“Uh-huh. They're looking for some outfits to wear to the party tonight,” Aspen said. “Can you help us pick something out for them?”

“Well, I think that I can pull something together,” Phoenix winked. “I actually just finished some outfits earlier this morning that I think your human friends might like.”

With the glow of her horn, she brought several outfits, which included long-sleeve dresses, shirts, pants and hoof-made shoes, handing them to Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Fred. “There you are-- I hope you like them,” Phoenix spoke. “Any friend of Royal and Aspen is a friend of mine.”

“Thank you so much,” Sunny smiled. “You have no idea how much we really appreciate this.”

“It's no trouble at all,” Phoenix smiled. “Now... let's see what my fiery intuition can lead me to for the rest of you nice visitors.”

Suddenly, something caught Zipp’s attention, causing her to look at the unicorn with confusion. “Fiery intuition?”

“Oh, didn't Royal tell you? In the village where me, Royal, Aspen and another friend of ours came from, we get special powers that are tied to our cutie marks. That's why we call ourselves the Camelot Pony Power Squad,” Phoenix said. “Since my cutie mark is a phoenix, representing rebirth and hope, my powers are light and fire related. Watch this!”

With one stomp of the hoof, she sent a blast of fire to a nearby torch, lighting it. “Oh-ho, whoa!” Hitch cried. “Sorta reminds me of Opaline’s powers, but you don't need dragon fire to charge yours... do you?”

“Oh, hotcakes, of course not!” Phoenix brushed off. “Dragons haven't been seen in Camelot in years... except for this little floof!

Sparky immediately ran to her, causing her to pick him up. “What's his name?”

“Sparky Sparkeroni,” Hitch said with a chuckle. “Pretty good name, huh?”

“The best!” Phoenix smiled. “It really suits him.”

“So... if you guys have special powers tied to what your cutie marks,” said Misty, looking at Aspen's cutie mark while Phoenix and Hitch continued to talk, “does that mean you have plant powers, Aspen?”

“Yeah! I can grow trees and stuff by stomping my hooves!” Aspen spoke. “But... my trees and stuff aren't that big yet... but Royal says I'll get better.”

“What about you, Royal? What's your power?” Izzy asked, hopping over to her. “Invisibility? Mind reading? Leadership-ness?!”

Royal seemed to get nervous when her powers were mentioned, and Phoenix saw this as her cue to step in, handing more outfits to the Mane 6. “There's an area back behind those tents to get dressed-- you have to let me see you when you get done!”

“Sure thing!” Sunny smiled. “Come on, everypony!”

As the groups went toward the changing area, Phoenix turned to look at Royal with concern. “You DO know that accident was months ago... right?”

“But I was so angry, I sent an entire pack of wolves into oblivion while protecting you, Platinum and Aspen!” Royal argued before looking down at the scars her anklets hid. “And it left me permanently scarred... just because I couldn't control my anger.”

“It's okay, Royal... we know you were just trying to make sure we were safe,” Aspen gently reassured. “And you were super brave too!”

“Thanks, cuz, but… I still feel bad about it,” Royal sighed. “We better head up to the party before the king and queen start questioning. See you up there, Phoenix?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll send the gang up there when they’re ready.”

The two pegasus ponies waved farewell before flying up toward the castle, just as the Mystery Inc crew stepped out wearing their dresses, shirts and pants that Phoenix had sewed, and the ponies then stepped out wearing their outfits:

Sunny was wearing a purple choker with a star hanging from it, star accessories in her ears and a yellow dress.

Hitch wore a blue bowtie with a white shirt front, like a pony tuxedo, while Sparky only wore a blue bowtie.

Zipp also wore a white shirt front, but with a pink bowtie (since she refused to wear a dress of any kind).

Izzy wore a golden headpiece around her head, a golden necklace and a teal-green dress.

Pipp wore her signature wheat tiara with a golden necklace, similar to Izzy's, and a purple dress.

And lastly, Misty wore a sparkly butterfly barrette and a matching necklace, along with a pink-to-orange gradient dress that matched her mane and tail color.

Phoenix couldn’t believe how wonderful they all looked, excitedly squealing. “My fiery intuition really made a great choice for all of your outfits! Royal and Aspen have already gone ahead, and they told me that you guys can join them wheneer you're ready.”

“Aren’t you coming with us?” Sunny asked. “I am,” Phoenix spoke, “but I have to get changed first. Be right back!”

With that, she galloped off, and Zipp turned back toward the group. “All right, does everypony remember the plan?”

“Yep. We go in, introduce Shaggy to King Arthur, and let the rest of the legend play out,” Pipp nodded. “Shaggy and I even went over formal lines for his greeting!”

“Great work, Pipp-- I know you got that part covered. All right then, gang,” Fred smiled confidently. “Operation: ‘Sir Norville’ is officially starting!”

“Sir Norville…?” Paradise hummed as the gang moved toward the castle. “The same knight that Morgan le Fay mentioned? Is he and that Shaggy boy connected somehow? Hmm… I better let Mother know about this.”