• Published 2nd Dec 2023
  • 644 Views, 14 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob - ponydog127

In the season two finale, the Mane 5 reunite with Mystery Inc and travel to the time of King Arthur for their biggest adventure yet, involving in the shocking return of Opaline, Paradise's reformation and the true meaning of friendship and family.

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A Skyward Mystery Ends, A New Adventure Begins

Now that the Mane 6 were on their way for a new Unity Quest, and Opaline sensed they were coming, it would only be a matter of time before things set into motion.

But the ponies wouldn’t be arriving at their Unity Quest location just yet… for before they could arrive, a mystery in the sky would need to be wrapped up first.

A monster had been attacking airlines for the past several days, and if it didn’t stop soon, no one would fly to their destinations, and the airlines would lose millions.

Luckily, Mystery Incorporated was gladly ready to accept the case, and they were just about ready to crack the mystery wide open… when the creature started to use its razor-sharp claws to scratch up the wing. At the same time, however, the plane door flew open, and a certain Great Dane wearing a blue collar and a brown parachute backpack came flying out of the plane. “SHAGGY!!!!!

Before he could fly out much further, Shaggy grabbed onto the Great Dane’s long tail and wedged himself in the doorway to prevent himself from falling out of the plane as well. “I got you, Scoob!”

Scooby honestly hoped this was the case, and he wasn’t the only one panicking-- the passengers were panicking too, especially the plane was coming down for an emergency landing.

Lightning and thunder crashed above them in suspense as Shaggy saw the creature getting closer to Scooby, ready to tear him to shreds. “Like, whatever you do,” he cried out through the wind, “don't look behind you!”

“Behind mee?!!” Scooby cried through the wind, trying to hear what Shaggy had told him. “No!” Shaggy shouted back. “DON’T look behind you!”

This time, Scooby heard him, and turned his head with his paws to the left, only to be met with the height of the plane, making him panic that much worse. “Well, don’t look down, either! That’s Cowardice 101, Scoob!”

As the plane continued to head downward toward the city below, the creature slowly got to Scooby, roaring into the wind and raising it’s paw with sharp claws. Scooby screamed loudly and moved slightly to avoid his body getting hit, and in the end, it ripped the cover of the backpack to his parachute.

Seeing this as their chance to capture the beast, Shaggy smiled at the opportunity. “Now, Scoob!”

Scooby let through a smirk and pulled the cord, trapping the creature in the parachute as it flew into the wind. At the other end of the plane, Velma and Daphne opened the door and peeked out, seeing the monster trying to break out of his parachute prison. “It worked!” Daphne said before grabbing the rope. “Come on, Velma! Let’s… reel them in!”

Together, she and Velma strained and pulled as hard as they could, pulling not only the creature in the plane, but Shaggy and Scooby in with it. Inside the plane, the entire gang rejoiced…

...but it didn’t last long once they saw the passengers’ terrified expressions at seeing the monster in the plane with them, captured or not. “Oh, sorry about that, everybody. Just doing what we do best!” Fred assured. “And from this moment on,” said Daphne, “there won’t be anymore scary incidents on your flight!”

“Zoinks!” Shaggy cried upon seeing something at the other end of the plane. “Like, I wouldn't be so sure about that, guys!”

A portal was beginning to open at the other end of the plan, causing the passengers to further panic. But to Velma, this portal seemed very familiar. “Wait a second… is that…?”

Before she could continue speaking, however, six familiar pony figures and a baby dragon tumbled out from the portal, landing in a heap before them, groaning. “Is it just me, guys,” said Pipp as they slowly began to stand, “or did that landing seem a little more wobbly than usual?”

“Probably wobbly because we’re in a plane,” Fred chuckled. “About 30,000 feet above your regular landing grounds.”

“Mystery Incorporated! Boy, are we ever glad to see you!” Sunny said as they ran and hugged their friends. “Were you guys just wrapping up another case?”

Scooby sighed at this. “Unfortunately.”

“But, as soon as we land, we can catch you guys up on everything,” Daphne said, “and you can catch us up on everything!”

Zipp chuckled. “You probably won’t believe everything that happened to us since Halloween, but… we’ll take you up on your offer.”


After the plane landed and the shaking passengers got off the plane and to their destinations, the police officers arrived with Mr. HB, the owner of the airline the gang had saved. “Wow… a real-life monster here in my hanger! I can’t believe you kids caught it!”

“Not an it, Mr. HB,” Velma smiled before she grabbed the monster mask in her teeth and yanked it off, revealing a blonde man with a furious look on his face underneath it. “Herman Ellinger?”

“That’s the rude passenger from B-17! But why?” Daphne asked him. “Why?” Ellinger snapped back. “Because airline tickets cost an arm and a leg. I knew if I could scare your passengers away you'd have to lower your prices, and I could fly almost anywhere for practically nothing.”

“Yeah! Airline prices are the real monster!” Daphne huffed, putting her hands on her hips. But, this was a strange reason to haunt an airline in Shaggy’s opinion. “I don't think you get discounts for--”

But Ellinger cut him off before he could finish, surprising the group for a moment. “And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that mangy mutt of yours.”

“Hey!” Scooby huffed, hating to be called a mutt. Suddenly, a hair on his head popped up, and Misty licked her hoof to smooth it down for him. “There you go, cutie pie,” she said. “Nice and straight.”

“Thanks, Misty,” Scooby said before giggling… only for another hair to pop out of place, to which Misty thankfully smoothed down again. As he watched the criminal being taken away by the police officers, Mr. HB turned to the group gratefully. “I can't thank you kids enough. But I still don't know how you figured it out.”

“Easy-- with science,” Velma stated. “After the first sighting of the monster, I had an idea. I collected scraps from leftover food served on the airplane and cross referenced the DNA samples against the piece of hair we found on the plane's wing.”

“Incredible detective work, Velma!” Zipp smiled. “I think that may be the easiest way to catch a bad guy in the act!”

But, although Zipp and Mr. HB were impressed, Fred’s grew kind of concerned. “DNA? Gee, that doesn’t sound like mystery solving at all.”

“The only mystery is why anyone would try to solve anything without good old science to back them up,” Velma replied. As he looked at the DNA report, Mr. HB stumbled upon two other papers that were with it. “Say, uh… there’s two other papers here.”

“Oh, that's because there were two extra people that ate the food on the plane,” Velma told him with a slight smirk, “despite us asking them not to.”

“But we just got here like 30 minutes ago!” Izzy argued. “How could we have gotten our DNA tested that fast?”

“Uh, Iz? I don't think Velma meant us,” said Hitch, and all of them glanced over at Shaggy and Scooby, who were eating packaged peanuts from the plane when they realized they were being watched. “Uh-oh… what’d we do?” asked Shaggy, before Velma took the other two DNA reports and handed them to the boys. “It looks like the lab ran your DNA test along with Ellinger's. Aren’t you guys curious where your ancestors came from?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Scooby nodded, scanning his eyes over the DNA report. But, as soon as he read the paper, his excitement turned to a little confusion. “Huh? Denmark?”

“Well, you are a Great Dane, after all,” Sunny told her friend with a smile. “Emphasis on… the great,” Scooby tapped Sunny on the nose with a giggle. “What about you, Shaggy?” asked Fred, noticing that Shaggy was still looking at his paper, and Shaggy happily smiled. “It says my ancestors come from a small village in the north of England called Norville o'er Morgania.”

“Huh… what a weird name,” Zipp said in thought. “Probably to match Shaggy’s aloof personality,” Pipp said, flying over to Shaggy with a smile. “I mean, anyone with the name as unique as Shaggy has an aloof personality in my book.”

“Uh… thanks, Pipp!” Shaggy smiled, although he grew confused after a moment. “Wait… was that an insult or a compliment? It was kinda hard to tell.”

While Shaggy was trying to determine such, Velma scrolled to find some info about where Shaggy's ancestors came from on her phone. “It says here that Norville o'er Morgania is known to be one of the suspected locations of the ancient city of Camelot,” she explained. “Also, it says that it has the best fish and chips in all of the United Kingdom.”

Those words immediately stopped Shaggy and Scooby in their tracks. “Fish…?” Shaggy started. “...and chips?” Scooby asked, both of them imagining fish and fries in their minds. “What I imagined was fries,” Shaggy said, “but I’m still onboard!”

“Hey, England might be where the last cutie mark crystal is!” Sunny realized. “We have to go and check it out!”

But, at the idea of going, Fred frowned and looked unsure. “I wish we could go, gang, but we didn’t go into mystery solving for the money,” he spoke. “Daphne was right on one account. Airline prices are the real monster.”

“It’s too bad we don’t have the Marestream with us,” Hitch pointed out. “We would be able to fly anywhere in just an hour or so!”

“Well, it’s lucky I have an airline, then,” said Mr. HB with a smile. “What do you mean, Mr. HB?” Misty asked. “What do I mean?” Mr. HB chuckled. “Your friends here just saved my whole airline from bankruptcy. I'll fly you all anywhere you wanna go, free of charge. It's the least I can do.”

At this, the others looked hopeful at Fred, hoping for him to change his mind. And to their happiness, he did! “Well, gang,” he declared, “I guess we’re heading to jolly old England.”

The groups cheered in excitement, while Misty felt happiest of all. Maybe there was a chance that she could save her mother from this darkness that consumed her…

…if they found her in time.