• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 114 Views, 13 Comments

My App Stories for Ponyville Ciderfest - ImThatGuy

A collection of small stories that I wrote for the Ponyville Ciderfest convention.

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Heroes vs Villains

You and Fizzy Glitch find yourselves in the comic book city of Maretropolis in search of a page from the Book of All Stories which has appeared within the city. Before you stand Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous of the famous superhero group, the Power Ponies!

“Hello my dears.” Radiance says, politely bowing down in greeting.

“No time for greetings.” Mistress Mare-velous curtly says, “There’s evil ahoof.”

Fizzy looks around nervously as the super powered ponies approach, “Come on [USERNAME], getting that page is more important than anything right now.” The colorful kirin speaks quickly, her words barely registering, “Barley and Caramel will never let me live this down.” She frets.

There is indeed little time for long hellos as the evil super villain known as the Mane-iac appears before you in all her evil splendor. Within the coiling tendrils of her twistedly evil magical mane lies the very page that you and your heroic counterparts seek. She stands there, menacingly glaring your group down as an evil smile purses her evil lips.

“It appears you have arrived too late my little ponies!” The Mane-iac laughs, “Soon I shall use this magical page to write my devilishly genius power transfer device into the world of Equestria to bring me one step closer to the completion of my evil master plan!”

“GASP!” Radiance gasps, “That vile villain of venomous vitriol will be capable of taking the magic powers of anypony in the whole world!”

“Not on my watch!” Mistress Mare-velous cries out in righteous fury.

Fizzy freaks out as the villain flaunts the BAS page that lies within her clutches, “Oh no!” She cries in shock, “This is awful, this is absolutely awful! Some crazy villain has already made off with the page, oh, this won’t end well.”

The two Power Ponies immediately leapt into action against their hated foe. Radiance uses her magical powers to create constructs of tongs and pincers to grab at the page held by the Mane-iac. Mistress Mare-velous lets loose her lasso of righteous justice to bind the hair of the villain so she can’t unleash her wicked powers against the heroes.

The Mane-iac fights back with all the mischievousness and malevolence she can bring to bear. There are THWOMPS, and there are ZINGS, and TWANGS as the bitter enemies face off in mortal combat.

“[USERNAME], what should we do?” Fizzy frantically fretts, “I need to try and fix this. It is absolutely necessary that I try to fix this.”

You try to calm Fizzy down as she seems to continuously become more and more distraught at the situation unfolding before your eyes, but she seems to not be responding well.

The combatants seem to be evenly matched as they belligerently brawl throughout the barren, broken streets that bend around you. In that moment, however, you find Fizzy and yourself smack in the middle of the fight as the combat naturally seems to flow towards yourself. The Mane-iac as well as Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous surround you as they fight, seemingly oblivious to your presence in the melee. They all simultaneously leap towards each other as you continue to try to calm Fizzy Glitch down.


> You successfully calm Fizzy Glitch down, but she’s unable to help the Power Ponies in time. (Villain)

> You fail to calm Fizzy down and she turns into a nirik, helping the Power Ponies. (Hero)

[ENDING A: Villain]
You and Fizzy manage to escape the battle between the heroes and their villainous counterpart. As the battle fades into the distance, Fizzy Glitch is able to calm down with your gracious help.

“Thanks, [USERNAME]. That could have gone much worse.” Fizzy Glitch sadly sighs, “I don’t know what I’m going to do or how I’m going to fix this.” The kirin says morosely.

You look back in the direction of the battle in time to see that the Mane-iac was able to unfortunately defeat Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous. The villain cackles wickedly to herself as she pins the two heroes down in her evil mane and writes her alterations in the BAS page. The page glows brightly before disappearing in a flash of light along with the Mane-iac, leaving the Power Ponies defeated.

(+1 page for Villains)

[ENDING B: Hero]
Fizzy seems immune to your attempts to help as the heroes and their arch nemesis close in. Each passing moment continues to push Fizzy Glitch further and further into herself as time seems poised in uncertainty. Then in the moment before the two Power Ponies are to clash with the evil Mane-iac, Fizzy, unable to endure the situation, erupts into a powerful fit of anger. She bursts into flame as her emotionally-charged nirik form takes over and engulfs her entire body.

“I can’t take this anymore!” Fizzy Glitch roars as she literally explodes with raw emotion.

The power of blast pushes you, the Power Ponies and the Mane-iac to the ground in a sudden frenzy of fire and magic. The BAS page slips from the Mane-iac’s grasp as she is pushed apart from her foes as Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous recover and spring into action.

The Mane-iac’s glare turns to a scowl as her precious mane is scorched in Fizzy Glitch’s magical fire, “My precious mane! You’ve ruined it!” She cries, turning to flee from her foes.

With the Mane-iac gone, You and the Power Ponies turn to calm down Fizzy Glitch.

(+1 page for Heroes)