• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 114 Views, 13 Comments

My App Stories for Ponyville Ciderfest - ImThatGuy

A collection of small stories that I wrote for the Ponyville Ciderfest convention.

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Who Let the Dog Out

Tartarus was a dark and unfriendly place. It was a place that few creatures, pony or otherwise, would willingly tread. Within the cavernous recesses of this uninviting place sat the greatest assortment of villains and monsters that could be found within the world. Legendary foes, creatures lost to time and myth, and monsters that once threatened the peace and harmony of all Equestria were made to make a dwelling in the cold darkness of Tartarus. These great and terrible beasts made their homes here because Tartarus was a prison, the greatest prison in all Equestria, and the sentinel of this great prison is the mighty guard dog known as Cerberus.

Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guarded this wicked place, had long strived to uphold the duty that was so long ago put on him. The mission to guard the gates of Tartarus and to prevent the escape of those Equestria deemed exceedingly dangerous had been Cerberus’ purpose for longer than he himself could remember. Recently, however, Cerberus had found himself irrevocably bored in his dark and unfriendly home. Equestria had become quite well defended since his guard had begun and though he had made some few blunders the problems never failed to be solved.

“They tell me to stay here forever,” Cerberus thought to himself, “I might as well be a prisoner myself.”

Indeed, Cerberus rarely had the opportunity to leave his gloomy home and the few times he did he had been scolded by the princesses. But they did not understand his plight, to be a prisoner while having committed no crime. Tartarus was quite an awful place to live, no sunlight, no grass, and no wind but for the faint and cold drafts that he could sometimes feel bouncing off the hard rocks of the walls of the caves.

And the prisoners themselves proved to be just as awful company. Either they were monsters that were trapped in cages or some vengeance-filled villain who spent all their time howling into the void before losing hope and giving into despair. None of these were much in the way of conversationalists, not that Cerberus could talk, but he often liked to imagine himself doing so for the sake of his own sanity and entertainment.

So it was that as the three-headed dog laid in the dark of his cavernous home that something utterly amazing happened. Before the stunned canine's very eyes, a glowing, magical page gently floated on top of his old large paws. It hummed with magical energy as it gently lowered itself before the face of the great dog. Either by some deep instinct or by the magic spell that undoubtedly held this piece of paper in its sway, Cerberus knew of its purpose and its power. Cerberus knew that with this paper he could rewrite reality and escape this place to a life more pleasing for him.

[CHOICE] What should Cerberus do with the page?

> Use it for himself. (Chaos)

> Get rid of it. (Hero)

Cerberus thought it over and came to the realization that his current life was quite miserable, “This thing is my ticket out of here.” Cerberus said.

He quickly took the page into his mouth and with one last look back into the vast blackness of Tartarus made his way towards the exit. The large dog happily barked as the page, sensing his intent, rewrote itself, freeing Cerberus of his long task and setting him free into Equestria.

“Hello freedom” Cerberus barked happily as he made his way into the world.

(+1 page for Chaos)

Cerberus stared down thoughtfully at the page that now rested softly before him. He dreamed of what life might offer him were he free of his sacred duty. But deep down he knew it would not be right. He had a job to do, an important one at that and he knew that were he to leave, many unimaginable horrors may be released upon an unsuspecting Equestria.

“I know just the place for you.” The mighty guard dog thought as he lapped up the page and walked deeper into Tartarus.

Cerberus knew of a place, deeper and darker than most others in his cavernous domain. It was a special place, known to but a few, where he knew the page could be kept safe until one of the princesses could be contacted. Here the page would lie, deep in a magic proof vault, until Cerberus could be sure that somepony of responsible character could be sent to safely deliver it to those who would not misuse it.

(+1 page for Heroes)