• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 5,593 Views, 432 Comments

It's for the Best - RunicTreetops

Years after Nightmare Moon returned and conquered Equestria, six ponies rallied together to defeat her. This was the best thing that could happen to Equestria, and the worst thing that could happen to Anon.

  • ...


Anon stands in the center of the castle's large pantry with an exhausted expression on his face. He's been living here for quite some time now with almost no reason to leave. However, as of today, he is fresh out of food.

For a while, he contemplated going hunting. Unfortunately, his skill set doesn't exactly involve tracking and killing animals. Even if he could, he has no clue how to skin or prepare them. On top of that, he can forget about foraging. He has no idea what most of the plants in the Everfree Forest are, and from what he's seen, it would be a terrible idea to just eat Everfree flora indiscriminately.

Which means that his only option left is to go into town for groceries.

Anon sighs. If it were up to him, he'd never step foot in Ponyville again. But, the fact of the matter is that he has to eat. Surely those ponies can set aside their hatred of him long enough to do business, right? They wouldn't refuse him a service necessary for his survival, right?

He briefly considers going to a different town, but he quickly throws out that idea. Ponyville is far from the only town that would take issue with him, and the farther away from the castle he goes, the more likely it will be that he runs into trouble on his way back. Ponyville it is, then.

Anon sluggishly makes his way back to the entrance hall, but not before stopping by Nightmare Moon's room to grab his stash of bits. The castle's treasury had, predictably, been completely emptied out by thieves. However, not all of the treasure was kept in one place. Heck, during his cleaning, he found a few hidden caches here and there he didn't even know about, likely put there by members of the Lunar Guard or other castle servants. As a result, he has more than enough to support himself for a while.

...Well, here goes nothing.

He wasn't quite sure what he was expecting.

Anon stands in the middle of the Ponyville market, his arms crossed and his eyes half-lidded. The typical crowd that gathers here around this time has completely dispersed following his arrival. Many of the stalls and stands are suddenly closed or "out on lunch." The few ponies that have stuck around never take their eyes off of him, though whether that be out of fear or anger, he doesn't know.

Anon glances around at the few stalls still open. Of them, he can see that one is selling flowers and another appears to be selling hoof-crafted goods, neither of which are what he's looking for. That only leaves two other stalls. He glances at the first, but freezes when he sees the orange mare running it. A scowl on his face, he decides to push his luck with the other, which appears to be selling various vegetables.

The red-maned mare behind the counter glares at him before recoiling as he approaches. Seeing this and not being used to this type of interaction, Anon awkwardly clears his throat as he reaches the stall.



"What are you... uh... h-how much for... the vegetables?"

"J-just take 'em and leave me alone!"

"..." Anon is an opportunist. However, even he understands how terrible of an idea it would be to do that. He's going to need to acquire food again eventually, and if he establishes that he's just going to stroll up and take food from these vendors, they're likely to stop being here when he shows up. He knows he can't fix his reputation (and frankly, he doesn't particularly care to), but he still needs to eat. "I'm not going to do that. I have the money."

"H-how do I know it's not... cursed or something?"

"Lady, it's money." As if to make a point, Anon places a handful of bits on the counter. "Do you want it or not?"

"H-here, take it!"

Wasting no time, she quickly grabs a bunch of vegetables at random, shoves them into a bag, and slides them across the counter to Anon.

Well, better than nothing.

"Thanks, I guess."

The mare is practically trembling in her seat, and Anon decides to turn around and leave before making things worse. He glances into the bag she gave him. It's a fair amount of veggies, but they're not going to last him very long. He briefly tosses his options around in his mind before closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh. Slowly, he turns to face the only stall left serving any sort of food: the apple stand.

Behind the stand, Applejack sits straight up. She carefully watches Anon without a hint of fear on her face. They lock eyes, and their expressions harden. Without looking away, Anon approaches the stand. Neither say a word until they're only a few feet away from each other. The tension in the air is so thick they can practically feel it. They stand there for a few silent moments until Anon finally speaks up.

"Applejack, right?"

"That's my name, yeah."

Anon takes a deep breath. There is a clear reluctance to every move he makes.

"How much for the apples?"

Applejack stares at him for another moment, though she doesn't appear particularly surprised.

"Depends. You want the normal ones or the Nightingale ones?"

"What's the difference?"

"Nopony wants the Nightingale ones, so they're cheaper."

"...Why don't they want them?"

Anon's voice is low and almost accusatory. Applejack's eye briefly twitches.

"I'm sure you of all creatures know exactly why."

Anon scoffs.

"Leave it to you ungrateful ponies to not want perfectly good food just because my lady was the one that provided it for you."

"She didn't 'provide' it, she FORCED it! YOU forced it! All for her weird... magic stuff!"

"Excuse me?"

"Don't play dumb, Anon. Do you want the apples or not?"

"No, I don't think I can just let that slide! What was that you just said about my lady?"

Both of their voices are gradually growing louder. The few ponies that hadn't evacuated the market upon seeing Anon watch on with morbid curiosity.

"The only reason she wanted anypony to eat these darn apples is because of the enchantment she put on them seeds she made us plant!"

"What enchantment?!"

"..." Applejack narrows her eyes at Anon before raising an eyebrow. "You seriously didn't know these apples are enchanted?"

"The only enchantment she put on them was one that allows them to grow in her eternal night. Don't know why you'd have a problem with that."

"No, no it wasn't!" Anon clenches his fists, but he waits for Applejack to continue talking. "These apples do somethin' to your body. Make you more susceptible to all that mind control business she was up to!"

"Th-that's not true!"

"Yes, it is! Ask Twilight, or any unicorn for that matter! We all knew about it, but it's not like she was givin' us much of a choice!"

"No, that can't be true, because she would have told me about it!"

"What in the hay are you talkin' about?"

"She said she made them so that Equestria wouldn't starve!"

"She was lyin' to you, Anon. In case you didn't know, for all the trouble her night brought us, it didn't actually harm our crops none. Otherwise, darn near the whole country would be dyin'."

"N-no, I know she wasn't lying!"


"Because she wasn't a liar!"

Anon is practically yelling at the top of his lungs now. His face has gone completely red, and he seems incapable of standing still any longer. Applejack, however, doesn't move from her seat.

"First time I've ever heard someone say that. You actually think she just told the truth all the time?"

"Yes, I do! That's the whole reason I was loyal to her in the first place!"

"Didn't she lie to you about the reason she wanted you to hurt Twilight's friends back at that school?"

"W-well, no! She just... didn't give me all the information!"

"You mean like with these apples?"

"You..." Anon's breathing quickens. Sweat begins to bead on his forehead. Whether he wants to admit it or not, she might have a point. ...No, of course not! She has to be lying about the apples! "You're the liar here!"

"You're really sayin' that to the Element of Honesty?"

"I couldn't care less about your self-given title. I won't hear you slander my lady any more than you already have!"

"Anon!" A voice rings out from behind the disgruntled human. Both he and Applejack turn their attention to the new arrival, only to be met with a surprising sight. Standing in the middle of the market are Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna herself, both with serious looks on their faces. Twilight was the one who spoke up, and she looks livid. "I'd like it if you stopped yelling at my friend."

"And I'd like it if I could go one day without having to hear garbage spewing from the mouths of the ones that killed my lady!"

"Will you shut up about her?! The country is still trying to recover from what the two of you did! No wonder she's fresh on everypony's minds! What right do you have to be mad about that?"

"I have every right! She's dead!"

"SO IS MOONDANCER!" Twilight's voice cracks as she shouts as loud as she can. Tears begin to form in her angry eyes as she loses her composure, her head drooping to the ground and her voice now quiet and filled with sorrow. "And you were the one that got her killed."

"I did exactly as my lady commanded."

"Why?! How does that justify anything you've done?!"

"Why don't you ask your friend, there?" Anon nods his head towards Luna. His focus has been almost entirely on Twilight, so he has failed to notice until now that, unlike their prior meeting, she has not looked away from him once. Her serious eyes have been locked onto his own since she arrived, and a scowl is spread across her face. "She remembers every minute of it! Not that she'll actually talk about it! Heavens forbid someone actually threw me a bone for once!"

"What makes you think you're obligated to anything, you... you..."

Anon grunts in frustration.

"I'm going home." Anon tries to leave, but as he does so, he notices movement above him. Two familiar mares stare down on him, one with anger, one with fear. He knows those ponies as well, what with them being two more of the mares that killed Nightmare Moon. Rainbow Dash lands on the ground in the direction he was planning to go, while Fluttershy stays in the air. A quick glance behind him reveals that both Rarity and Pinkie Pie have shown up as well. Rarity looks just as angry as Rainbow Dash, while Pinkie Pie just looks concerned. Anon laughs incredulously. "What is this, an intervention?!"

Once again, Twilight responds, having now wiped the tears from her face.

"Rainbow Dash told us what happened at the castle. Luna and I were planning to go have a chat with you, but we figured it'd be safer for all of us to go as a group later in the day. Then, well... you came to us."

Anon frantically turns in place, unsure of if the ponies staring at him are threatening him or not. He isn't sure why, but ever since Applejack started talking about those apples, a weight has been building in his chest. Now, it only continues to grow. He's gotten out of worse scraps than this, so why is he getting nervous?!

"And what, you're gonna keep spewing the same nonsense you've been telling me this whole time? Go on, shout from the rooftops about how 'evil' I am for having someone I care about! It won't change a single thing!"

"The fact that you think that's what any of this is about shows how delusional you are!" Rarity shouts from behind Anon, and her words cut him deeper than they have any right to. Why do her words bother him so much? Why is he sweating so profusely right now?

"Y-you have no idea what you're talking about! None of you do! Just leave me alo-"

"SILENCE!" Luna's voice echoes throughout the space, almost certainly aided by the use of magic. It's so commanding, so powerful, that even Anon cannot help but shut up and listen. In a way, it reminds him of Nightmare Moon. A mixture of emotions hit him all at once, with half of him feeling a harsh reminder of the mare he loved, and the other half continuing to be as uncharacteristically nervous as it has been for a while now. "I was hoping I'd never see you again, Anon. I was hoping we'd never have to see each other again. But I can't just let you go on like this."

"..." Slowly, a strange, eerie smile creeps its way to Anon's face. "Heh. Heh! Let me guess, you're finally gonna admit that you love me just like she did?" Anon lets out an unhinged-sounding laugh. "Hate to break it to you, but I don't feel the same! You aren't half the mare she was!"

"You want the truth?! Fine!" Luna's horn begins to glow. Suddenly, Anon sees an apple levitating in front of his face. "Go on. Take a bite."

"I... what is this?"

"One of her Nightingale apples. You've never had one, have you?"

"Well, no. We had much better food at the castle than-"

"Eat it!"

"..." Anon glares at Luna for a moment before angrily grabbing the apple out of the air. That anxious feeling only continues to build as he brings the apple to his mouth and takes a bite. Ultimately, it just tastes like a normal apple. But then again, that's not really the point here, is it? "Well? What was that supposed to prove?" Quietly, Luna's horn begins to glow a gentle blue color. Everypony in attendance watches as that same color begins to envelop Anon. His eyes grow wide as a tingling feeling begins to overtake him. Slowly, his body starts to rise. It keeps rising until he is nearly six feet into the air. "Wh-what is this?!"

Just as suddenly as he started to float, he is lowered back down to the ground. As he is placed back on his feet, the magic surrounding him and the magic coming from Luna's horn disappear simultaneously.

"I told ya," Applejack says with a somewhat smug look on her face.

"N-no... no, I'm resistant to magic."

"Not after eatin' one of those apples you're not. And for us ponies, who are already effected by magic? I think you can imagine how Nightmare Moon would have gotten some use outta them."


"Anon." Luna speaks once more. Her voice is cold and direct. However, she doesn't look quite as angry as she did a moment ago. "You want the truth, right? Then let me tell you the whole truth for the first time in my... or her... life."


"Anon, I don't love you. The only thing I feel for you is pity." Luna slowly walks towards Anon, whose head slowly begins to droop. "Pity for the man who was so easily manipulated, and only continues to be so."


Luna sighs.

"Anon, Nightmare Moon never loved you. Not when you met, not when you did her bidding for her, and not when Twilight and her friends defeated her. From the very beginning, she was manipulating you."

"...Y-you're lying." Anon's voice is weak to the point of being almost completely inaudible. "That can't be true."

"You loved her because you thought she was honest. She knew that. She also realized how useful you would be after you helped her quell that rebellion in my sister's school, so she got right to work making sure you stayed obedient. She read you like a book. She did everything in her power to appeal to you, knowing a mind control spell wouldn't be quite as effective even with an apple in your system."


"A nice room for the man who clearly had nothing. Fancy meals for the man that just wanted to survive. Some... shall we say, 'companionship' when she felt her grip on you was slipping."

"She... she wouldn't."

"She preyed quite easily on your tendency to make assumptions. She was surprised at how much you assumed the best of her, even as she continued to demean you and remind you of 'your place,' so to speak. You assumed she was telling the truth. You assumed her victims deserved what they got. You assumed she cared for you as much as you cared for her. Well, either you assumed those things, or you just convinced yourself that they were true."


Compared to the yelling and anger that filled the space before, the gentle, one-sided conversation between Anon and Luna sounds extremely quiet. A cool breeze washes over Ponyville, and Anon doesn't even register himself falling to his knees.

"...But you already knew all of that, didn't you?"

Anon is silent for a few moments. When he finally speaks up, his voice is shaky and his eyes are filling with tears.

"It's not true. It can't be true."

"And why not?"

"Because... if it is, then..." Anon squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to stop the flood of tears. "Then everything I've done-"

"NO!" The quiet, somber moment is interrupted by Twilight, who looks absolutely livid. "You don't get to say that! You have no right to act remorseful now! Everything you did, you did of your own free will! Luna was being influenced! Her mind-controlled followers were being influenced, if not threatened, to do what they did! Only you did any of that willingly! Do you really think 'love' justifies ANYTHING you did?! Ponies are DEAD because of you!"


"So you did all of that because you 'loved her?!' What difference does it make if she didn't feel the same about you?! That doesn't retroactively make anything you did justified!"


With her own eyes filled with hot tears, Twilight stomps up to Anon. Her horn glows, and she lifts him slightly off of the ground, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

"You can't undo the damage you caused! You can't fix the lives you ruined! You can't let Fluttershy see Angel again! You can't..." She sniffles. "You can't bring Moondancer back! You weren't sorry before, so don't you dare try to act sorry now!"

Twilight drops Anon as Luna gently pulls her away from him. Finally, she breaks down completely, unable to contain her sorrow any longer. Meanwhile, Anon stares at the ground, his eyes shut tight as tears fall from them onto the dirt below.

He wants it all to stop. He wants everyone to stop talking. He wants the thoughts and the memories to stop flooding his mind. He wants the voice in his head that's yelling, screaming at him to just shut up. He wants everything to be quiet. He wants them to be wrong. He wants them to be lying. But in his heart, he knows that they aren't.

Because he's seen this before.