• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 5,596 Views, 432 Comments

It's for the Best - RunicTreetops

Years after Nightmare Moon returned and conquered Equestria, six ponies rallied together to defeat her. This was the best thing that could happen to Equestria, and the worst thing that could happen to Anon.

  • ...

The Elements of Harmony

Days turn to weeks as Anon's self-inflicted solitude continues. He has barely left the Castle of the Two Sisters since his arrival. He doesn't have much of a reason to. This is his home, as well as the closest thing he has to a connection with Nightmare Moon. He wants to regain some semblance of normalcy in his life.

To that end, he has dedicated much of his time to restoring the castle. With him taking up residence in Nightmare Moon's old quarters, he started there. He knows his way around the castle, and although most of its valuables have been stolen or destroyed, less important objects were ignored and left behind. It wasn't hard to find a mop, a vacuum, or anything else he needs. Thus, he set to work on the monumental task of restoring a castle all on his lonesome. It's not like he has anything better to do anyway.

Whatever furniture was still usable, he put back in its proper place. Whatever wasn't went into a junk pile he made behind the castle, which gradually grew more and more as the days went on. Cleaning up all of the graffiti wasn't easy, but with enough soap and dedication, he was able to get pretty much all of it off. He even found a few tools in one of the towers outside, allowing him to fix the destroyed door. All in all, he was able to get her old room back into a livable state. It might not be as grand or respectable as it was before, but it's serviceable.

Next, he set to work on his own room. Pretty much nothing in there was salvageable, and he tossed darn near everything that wasn't nailed down. The graffiti was just as difficult to clean as it was in his lady's room, but he was able to get it off while mostly ignoring the messages that were directed towards him. By the time he was done, his bedroom was squeaky clean, but mostly empty. If he had anything to put in there, it would be fit for a princess. Alas, all that remains now is the sad husk of what used to be something great.

Heh, that sure does remind him of someone.

With his initial task completed, he began to work his way outward. He cleaned the halls, whether they were defaced or not. He patched up holes in the walls as best he could with his less-than-professional handiwork. Due to his lack of knowledge on how to install new windows, he boarded up those that were shattered. The castle is still drafty because of that, but he's doing his best. The trickiest part has been fixing the ceilings, but with a ladder, some wood, some leftover stone, and a whole lot of determination, he has at least been able to patch them up enough to stop the cold, Everfree Forest rain from getting in. All in all, he's mostly satisfied with his work.

However, the more he works, the closer he gets to the part of the castle he has been most dreading: the entrance hall. Sure, he's passed through there more than a couple of times during his stay. It's practically impossible not to. However, he has been doing his best to not linger.

The wounds that were inflicted there are still fresh.

Instead, he meanders around the entrance hall, cleaning pretty much everything else he can find. The more he cleans, the less he has left to do. Eventually, he decides that it's time to face the inevitable.

He has to think about it at some point.

Broom in hand, Anon slowly trudges towards the entrance of the castle. Getting around is second nature to him by now, even with the castle in the haphazardly refurbished state that it's in. It's that familiarity that allows him to realize something is off.

Anon freezes in place before pressing himself against a wall. He's adjacent to the entrance hall, and he can hear movement. Granted, the entrance hall is bound to be a bit noisier than most other rooms and corridors. He has yet to fix it, after all, so there are still a few holes in the walls and ceiling that allow many sounds from the forest to echo through the space. However, his instincts tell him that this is something else.

Someone is inside.

Silently, Anon creeps through the hall and into the doorway connecting it to the large room. As expected, the room is just as he left it. The midday sun is pouring through the collapsed ceiling. Loose stone has fallen into several piles. Graffiti covers the walls and floor, and whatever furnishings there were have been completely destroyed.

And there, in the center of the room, is a mare he is very familiar with.

Her coat is a gentle blue color, and her mane is every color of the rainbow. Said mane, which Anon is used to seeing cut into a flat top, has been growing out and now hangs lazily over the front of her face. The purple, bat-like armor that she used to wear is completely missing. In fact, the only thing on her person is a bag that appears to be filled with all manners of spray paint.

This is Rainbow Dash, the mare that used to be one of the highest ranking members of Nightmare Moon's military force, the Lunar Guard. She is also one of the mares that killed her.

At the moment, she is engrossed in her work. She wears a cocky grin as she adds to the countless number of phrases and pictures emblazoned on the floor. It seems that she is at least one of the culprits responsible for this mess. The biggest surprise to Anon is that she had the gall to come alone.

Doing his best to contain his growing anger at the sight of her, Anon slowly emerges from the hall and steps into the sunlight. His presence is immediately noticed by Rainbow Dash, who drops the can and takes a defensive position.


"...What are you doing here, Dash?"

"I didn't know you were still around."

"Answer my question."

"Yeah, well, you caught me red-hoofed. Not much for me to say, is there?"

She glares at Anon, and he glares back. The hostility between them easily rivals what was going on between Anon and Twilight, perhaps even surpassing it. Their voices are low and angry, even vaguely threatening.

"Get out of here, Dash."

"Why? I have just as much of a right to be here as you do."

"No. You don't."

"Hah! How do you figure?"

"Because one of us didn't turn traitor."

"Traitor?! You're out of your mind if you think I'm a traitor!"

"You betrayed your princess!"

"News flash, Anon! I was never loyal to her to begin with!"

"Isn't that ironic, miss 'Element of Loyalty?'"

"Oh, I'm loyal. But my loyalty lies with Princess Celestia. With doing the right thing. With my friends."

Anon lets out a frustrated sigh.

"And here I thought you were one of the few ponies around here that was good at her job."

"Shows how little you paid attention. Who do you think let Twilight escape after you ruined the rebellion's plans? Who do you think let Fluttershy get away after being sentenced to execution? Who do you think helped Twilight rally the six of us together after her... books n' stuff told us how to defeat Nightmare Moon?"

Anon glares at Rainbow Dash silently for a few moments as he processes her words.

"...You were a double agent that whole time?"

"You know what they say. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

"For all those years, you were planning a coup against my lady?!"

The cocky smile on Rainbow Dash's face widens.

"If that's what you want to call 'giving Equestria its freedom back,' then yeah, I guess I was." Before she finishes her sentence, Anon has thrown himself at her. He is extremely deft and quick on his feet, but Rainbow Dash is faster. She easily sidesteps him, causing him to stumble for a moment before turning around. "Careful there, Anon. Don't forget our old sparring sessions. We both know how this ends."

"You killed her!"

Anon tries to throw a punch, but Rainbow Dash lazily dodges it before taking to the sky with a single flap of her wings.

"And I saved Princess Luna. Besides, I couldn't have done it alone. I don't see you attacking Twilight for it."

Anon breathes heavily as he looks up at Rainbow Dash, his rage-filled eyes almost completely glossed over.

"There is nothing I hate more than liars! You betrayed her! You betrayed me!"

"Dude, you say that like we were friends."

In a swift movement, Anon reaches into his pocket and pulls out his signature enchanted dagger. It was the first gift Nightmare Moon ever gave him, and he cherishes it to this day. Just as quickly as he retrieved it, he throws it into the air towards Rainbow Dash. She reacts just quickly enough to avoid a direct hit, but it still grazes her cheek. A cut now lines the side of her face, though she doesn't appear particularly bothered by it.

"Get out. I never want to see your face again!"

"Why are you so protective of her in the first place? You're free now, dude. Go, like, get a real job or something."

"For someone that's supposed to embody loyalty, you sure seem to be having a hard time understanding where my loyalty comes from!"

"You don't even know..." For a moment, Rainbow Dash looks like she's pondering something before she gives up and simply shrugs. "Whatever. Your loss."

Without another word, she dips down just far enough to grab her bag full of spray paint and flies upwards in a hurry, exiting the entrance hall through one of the holes in the ceiling. Anon watches her depart, and he continues to watch her until he confirms that she has left in the direction of Ponyville and has disappeared over the treeline. With an angry grunt of frustration, he takes a seat on a nearby pile of stone. When he does so, he can't avert his eyes from a large crater in the center of the room he was desperately trying to ignore.

It seems that both Rainbow Dash and this room have reminded him of a memory he's been trying to block out.

"What do you all think you're doing?"

Anon glares at the dozen or so ponies standing between him and the Castle of the Two Sisters. Moonlight illuminates the outdoor space, and a chill breeze washes over them. He's just returned from another mission, wherein he successfully used his "natural abilities" to single-handedly crush a crowd of dissenters in Manehattan. It wasn't pretty. However, he did his job exactly as his lady demanded, and he was intending on informing her of such.

It isn't like the Lunar Guard to get in his way.

One of the stallions steps forward, removing his helmet and staring daggers into Anon.

"We can't let you through, Anon."

"And why not?"

"Because today, Nightmare Moon falls."

Anon has seen this before. It isn't the first time members of the Lunar Guard have rebelled against their princess, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

"You know, every time you ponies try to hurt my lady, you say something along those lines. And every single time, it ends poorly for you." Anon reaches into his pocket and retrieves his dagger, twirling it around in his hand for a moment with a little flourish. "I recommend you step aside before I report this."

The ponies do no such thing, and they instead begin to draw their spears.

"This time is different."

"Oh? And how so?"

"We have the Elements of Harmony on our side. They're taking care of Nightmare Moon as we speak. All we have to do is keep you out."

Anon freezes for just a moment. She doesn't like to talk about it much, but Nightmare Moon has given him the tale of her banishment before. Her sister, Princess Celestia, was losing their duel until she used the Elements of Harmony, magical objects that act as the embodiment of friendship itself. Such a power directly countered Nightmare Moon's own, causing her defeat and subsequent banishment. However, she told Anon that she destroyed them as soon as she returned. They have to be bluffing, right?

"Well, thanks for telling me your plan. Now I know what I have to do."

"You say that like it will be easy." In an instant, Anon closes the gap between them. He slashes at the stallion with his dagger, using his exposed head as a target. The stallion takes a direct hit, but he yells out to his compatriots as he falls to the ground. "Now!"

Anon braces himself. He's faced worse odds than this. Between his magic resistance and his ever-growing proficiency with his dagger, he can take care of these ponies. The past four years of service to Nightmare Moon have been the best years of his life, after all. For once, he's actually doing something. He's making a difference. He's making someone proud.

He's important to someone, and he doesn't plan on screwing that up.

He moves like a whirlwind, bouncing from one pony to the next. A kick here, a slash there. He is rapidly tearing through their ranks, but as he fights, he sees more and more emerging from the various towers and structures nearby. He's surrounded, he's becoming increasingly outnumbered, and they're closing in on him.

"Has the entire Lunar Guard turned traitor?!"

"You were the only one loyal to that tyrant in the first place!"

Anon's struggle continues. However, he can't maintain that pace forever. Regardless of his physical advantages, he is still just one man against an army. Slowly, he accumulates cuts, bruises, even a stab wound here and there. And yet, he doesn't back down. Then, he is caught off guard by one of the stallions near the back yelling something else.

"Do it!"

Suddenly, the ground gives out beneath him. He tumbles against a dirt wall and falls nearly twenty feet. He manages to land on his feet, though he is unsure of his situation. He appears to be in a dirt hole, barely six feet in diameter. At the top, he can see many ponies staring down at him with smiles on their faces. They excitedly slap each other on the back and cheer at the sight of him in the pit. It seems he fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book. They weren't trying to kill him, they were trying to get him to stand where they wanted him.

"What is this?!"

"Doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't fly, haha!" The soldiers continue to excitedly cheer amongst themselves, and Anon catches one of them say something to a pony he cannot see. "Now we just have to wait for those six to be done."

Anon feels his heart begin to sink. His blood runs cold as he realizes the gravity of the situation. This isn't just another meaningless uprising, or some insubordinate farmers not accustomed to change. For the first time since arriving in Equestria, Anon realizes that his lady might very well be in danger.

And he might be running out of time.

Doing his best to keep his composure, Anon takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes, clenches his fists, and thinks. The ponies above him pay him no mind beyond a passing glance every now and then to check on him. If he's going to act, he needs to do it soon.

Wordlessly, he slams a fist against the dirt wall. He may have magic resistance, but not even he can make much of a difference punching solid ground. He punches again in frustration. Once again, nothing happens. For several minutes, his actions could be described as little more than a temper tantrum. He's stuck, and he has no one to blame but himself.

"Hey, what are you doing down th-UGH!"

One of the stallions peered into the hole, which was exactly what Anon was waiting for. As soon as his head was fully visible, Anon threw his dagger. A direct hit. The stallion tumbled down into the hole with Anon, spear and all. Anon carefully sidesteps his body and grabs the spear, as well as his dagger that fell back into the hole. There is a commotion above, but Anon ignores it. With the spear in one hand and his dagger in the other, he leaps as high as he can and stabs the spear into the dirt wall. Using the stuck spear as leverage, he throws himself upwards once more, now stabbing his dagger into the wall. With his now-free hand and some twisting and turning, he retrieves the spear below him, throws himself upwards again, and stabs it into the wall. He continues this process a couple more times until, finally, he emerges at the top of the hole. As soon as he does, he is met with several spears being thrust in his direction, which he doesn't entirely manage to avoid. It hurts, but he ignores the pain.

He remembers little of the next few moments as he tears through wave after wave of Lunar Guard soldiers, slowly making his way forward. Eventually, their ranks thin enough for him to reach the entrance of the Castle of the Two Sisters. The grand doors are already open, allowing him to make his way into the entrance hall.

In the center of the room, six mares appear to be floating, facing away from him. Their bodies are glowing, and a rainbow aura is bouncing between them. Before them, Nightmare Moon looks on in shock and horror. Both she and the other mares look worse for wear, and there are obvious signs of a struggle throughout the hall. One of the mares, a purple unicorn that Anon recognizes, says something that he doesn't quite catch. Then, a massive beam of rainbow-like magic erupts from the mares and shoots into the sky. The magic begins to arc downwards, and Anon realizes exactly where it's going. He doesn't have time to move. He can't stop this. He was too late.


He helplessly reaches out towards her as he calls her name. For less than a second, she locks eyes with him. Her eyes are wide, and her typical cocky, cold demeanor has vanished. For the first and only time in his life, Anon sees fear on Nightmare Moon's face. She's scared. She's confused. She's silently begging for him to save her.

Then, the magic hits.

Anon blinks. He's still sitting in the entrance hall of the Castle of the Two Sisters. A quick glance to the sky reveals moonlight pouring through the holes in the ceiling. How long has he been zoning out?

He brings a hand to his face as he realizes that it's difficult to see clearly. He rubs his eyes, noticing that they're filled with tears. He clicks his tongue and tries to regain his composure. He needs to focus on the present. Rainbow Dash is gone, and he still has some cleaning to do. He has to get this place fixed up. It doesn't matter how long it takes or how many ponies get in his way. It's his greatest reminder of who Nightmare Moon was.

And painful though it may be, he won't allow himself to forget.