• Published 12th Oct 2023
  • 139 Views, 0 Comments

The Strange Case of Dr Sandy and Mr Lizard - Adamverse

The Prequel story of Mr Lizard, before he met Spiderman.

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Chapter 2

It was a dark and eerie night in Cloudsdale, the streets were deserted, not a lot of sound could be heard . All that was noticeable was the sound of crows flying through the air, or small gusts of wind blowing down the road.

Leaving Dr Sandy’ house, via the door on the side of the building; the one the servants use to enter and leave, Mr Lizard was ready for his first night on the town.

The slimy reptile said to himself, “Free at last, now I can do as I please.” Oswald began skipping down the road, dressed in Daniel’s evening attire.

This consisted of a black coat, grey scarf, tall black top hat and a walking stick with a little sliver ball topper.

Mr Lizard wandered through the empty street; lizards were sometimes hunters, known for quietly stalking their prey before pouncing to attack. He kept his wits about him, he was looking for someone who was foolish enough to be wandering the streets alone.

To his luck, a man was walking home from work; this person looked like a well dressed business man, grey coat and top hat. He walked across a bridge that stretched over the river in the middle of the city, his home was on the other side.

What he didn’t realise, was he was never going to reach it; the innocent man began to hear footsteps from behind him. When it sounded like he was being followed, the man picked up the pace; but the footsteps behind him sped up ad well, and were getting louder.

The man made the mistake of turning around to see who his follower was, but it was a bad move; Mr Lizard caught up to this poor man and swung his walking stick at him. The man raised his arms in fear, but the lizard man began beating the man to death. The first whack knocked him to the floor, and the next wad painful; Lizard just kept beating them down.

Once the deed was done, Oswald looked around, at both ends of the bridge; no police, no people, no one saw what just happened. Mr Lizard was beyond happy, he smiled, revealing his fangs; he then started jumping in air, laughing at the corpse on the ground.

“Murder in Central Cloudsdale.” Screamed a paper boy.

It was the next morning, and news of last night’s horrible event had already reached the papers. “Killer strikes on Stormy Bridge; extra, read all about it.”

Strangely enough, the paper boy was standing and shouting the headlines right outside Dr Sandy’s House, and Mr Lizard was standing right by the window, listening to the news.

The lizard man chuckled before drinking a glass of the antidote that would turn him back; once he’d drank it all, he muttered to himself, “If only they knew. If only they knew.” He then noticed Conner on the floor of the lab, “But you know, don’t you.”

Oswald threw the beaker he was holding at Conner, smashing the glass and causing Conner to run away. Mr Lizard laughed like a maniac before the antidote began to take effect; as the transformation was happening, Oswald was allowed a small opportunity to talk to Daniel, while their minds were one.

Can you hear me, Dr Sandy?

Yes, I can.

First things first, I want you to right a will, leaving all your money to me. Should anything happen to you; like, if you were to disappear.

Oswald, you’re monster.

Do as I say, Sandy! Obey your stronger self! I command you!

Once that was said, he fell to the floor; and it was Dr Sandy who stood back up. As he sat in his arm chair, the only thing he could think of wad, ‘how could he stop all this?’.

In the end, Dr Sandy felt like he had no choice; he did as Mr Lizard said and began writing a will. This was to be his last will and testament, deciding who he leaves his fortune to.

Once the will was finished, the good doctor read what it said.

This is the last will and testament of myself, Dr Daniel Sandy.
In the event of my death, or disappearance, my fortune and estate is to be inherited by, Mr Oswald Lizard.
I name him my soul successor, my word on this matter is final.
Signed, Dr Daniel Sandy.

When the will was finished, he place it in an envelope and sealed it was wax; then with a stamp, he hardened the wax by pressing down on it with the stamp. The stamp left Dr Sandy’s initials onto the wax, DS, marking it with his seal.

“We didn’t know it at the time, but Mr Lizard was taking over Dr Sandy’s mind. And, his fortune.” Pinkie Pie explained, still telling the story to Pound and Pumpkin Cake.

Pumpkin Cake stated, “What a horrible man, Nanny.”

“Did Mr Lizard do more bad things?” Pound Cake asked.

Pinkie replied, “Yes he did, again and again. And each time, he would disappear just as quickly as he appeared.”

Pound and Pumpkin Cake looked at each other in shock; but then turned back to their nanny to let her continue.

Nanny Pinkie then said, “The strangest part was, no one knew who he was, or where he went. Except of course, Dr Sandy.”

With that said, Pinkie continued the story.

Dr Sandy had fallen asleep at his desk; all the work he was doing last night, including writing his will, had tired him out. Conner was wandering through the study, until his attention was turned to the door when it opened.

Pinkie Pie walked into the room, with her feather duster, she began dusting all the cobwebs and dust away. When she saw her master asleep at his work desk, she sighed in ‘aw’.

She turned to Conner and explained, “He works too hard, I think.” She then looked back at Dr Sandy and said, “He needs a good holiday if you ask me.”

As she continued dusting, she made her way to Sandy’s main work station, where all his mixtures were. When she swept the duster too close to the mixing wand, she accidentally knocked it off the table and onto the bag of red drug pastels, knocking a few onto the floor .

The small bang woke Dr Sandy up, he saw Pinkie Pie in front of him; when he saw she was about to touch the drugs on the floor, he gasped.

“Please, don’t touch that!” he shouted.

Pinkie stood back up again, giving her reason for being here, “I only wanted to clean up, sir.”

Daniel replied, a little cross, “Don’t you know to leave my study alone?”

All Pinkie could say in return was, “No sir, I’m sorry sir. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You touch nothing in here, understand?! Nothing!” Daniel yelled. Pinkie Pie nodded her head, almost about to cry. Then, Dr Sandy thought of something he had to do, “Round up your sisters, I want all the servants in the main hall; I have some new rules I’d like to explain to you all.”

Pinkie replied, “Yes sir.”

Once all the Pie sisters were together, Dr Sandy began explaining the new rules they would have to follow if they wanted to continue working and living in this house.

He had them lined up in a row, while he walked up and down the hall, explaining.

“From now on, I’ll supervise the cleaning of my study. Only then will it be cleaned.” Daniel explained.

The sisters all replied, “Yes sir.”

While it was on his mind, Dr Sandy decided to explain something else, something he had to make up on the spot. “Also, from time to time, you will come across an associate of mine; Mr Oswald Lizard.”

When Limestone and Marble Pie heard that name, they gasped a little; that didn’t sound much like a gentleman’s name.

“You could say he’s a new patient of mine, as you will see from his appearance, he suffers from a small case of deformity.” Sandy explained, trying to cover up the fact that Oswald was a lizard man. “He won’t disturb you, in fact, he will have his own key, to come and go as he pleases. Please do not stare at him, and I want him to have the freedom of my home, and my study.”

Once again, the Pie sisters replied, “Yes sir.”

Daniel finished the explanation with, “Treat him as you would me; otherwise, the door to my study will be locked.” When the talk had ended, Dr Sandy pulled an envelope out of his pocket, “Maud, I want this hand delivered to my friend, Fancy Pants the lawyer.”

“Yes sir, very good sir.” Maud replied, before taking the letter and leaving for Fancy Pants’ office.

In the middle of Cloudsdale, Fancy Pants had a law firm. The building only consisted of a front room where the front door was, as well as his assistant’s desk. And in the back room, was Fancy Pants’ office; where he did all his paper work and lawyer business.

As the day was going on, a knock at the door was heard. Fancy Pants’ assistant heard the knock and said, “Come in.”

The front door opened and Maud walked into the room, she took the envelope over to the assistant and said, “I have a letter for Mr Fancy Pants, from Dr Sandy.” Maud handed the letter to Fancy Pants’ assistant; she then said, “Make sure he gets it, won’t you.”

“Very well, I’ll see to it. Thank you.” With that said, Maud Pie left.

Fancy Pants was working in his office in the back, that was until his office door opened. His assistant walked into the room, “A letter for you sir.” He handed the letter to his boss. “Personal, from Dr Sandy.”

The lawyer replied, “Thank you, Numbers.” Fancy Pants opened the letter and read the contents of the paper, once he read what the letter said, he gasped. “Good grief.”

“What on earth’s the matter, sir.” Numbers asked.

“This is Sandy’s last will and testament; he left everything to a complete stranger. A certain Oswald Lizard.”

Numbers stroked his chin and thought, he’s never heard a name like that before. Fancy Pants was trying to understand what made Sandy choose this man as his successor.

That night, the streets were deserted once again, all except for a young woman who was walking down the street. Seemed like she was on her way to meet with someone, her courter perhaps.

What worried her, was her foot steps were not the only ones she could hear.

She looked down the street she came from and saw nothing; she began to think she was just imagining things. However, when she turned back, she gasped.

Two green hands reached out of the shadows and pulled her into the darkness, she would have screamed, but the attacker put his hand over her mouth and held her tight.

She was never seen, alive, again.

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