• Published 12th Oct 2023
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The Strange Case of Dr Sandy and Mr Lizard - Adamverse

The Prequel story of Mr Lizard, before he met Spiderman.

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This story is technically a prequel to the Spiderman Van Helsing story; the grim tale of how Dr Sandy and Mr Lizard first began. You can expect new chapters on this as soon as they are written.

On a nicer thought, I just want to put it out there, Spiderman Equestria's Hero season 4 is in the works.

DNA. The matter that builds up all living life forms; this is the story of a man who tried to play God. A man who tried to become something the human race was not ready for.

This begins, in the cemetery of Cloudsdale; a poor soul was being laid to rest, by the police.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; may Celestia have mercy upon the soul of this man.” Said a priest, standing over the open grave.

A thunderstorm was raging in the sky, it was pouring with rain; however, a group of people were gathered in the graveyard, attending the funeral of the deceased. Also at the gravesite, two police officers were standing in as the ones burying the grave.

The guests of the funeral were one man and four woman; the women were all sisters, they were the former staff of the deceased.

While the priest was speaking his prayers, the officers were mumbling to each other. “There's not a man in that box, in there's a monster.” Another crash of lightning was heard once he said that.

The other policeman said, “And how can Celestia have mercy on his soul, Daniel Sandy never had a soul.”

Once the priest had finished saying his prayers, he spoke aloud once more, “Dr Daniel Sandy, you have been buried in an unmarked grave, like a common murderer.” It was true, the deceased's gravestone was a wooden cross with R.I.P scraped onto it. The priest turned to the officers and stated, “Cover the grave.”

The policemen grabbed their shovels and dug into the pile of dirt, they then began burying the coffin under the earth.

20 years later

One of the guests of that funeral had moved on with her life, she had been a house keeper for a lovely married couple for about 7 years now, Mr and Mrs Cake. They owned a bakery in town, and this person's job involved looking after their two wonderful children; Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

Just as the house keeper was getting the twins ready for bed, Pound Cake was pestering her about something; it was something he'd heard about from one of his friends.

“Nanny Pinkie, was Mr Lizard really true?” he asked.

His sister, Pumpkin Cake then asked, because she'd heard this as well, “And was he really a monster?”

“Tell us, Nanny, tell us.” Pound Cake pestered.

Pinkie Pie, around 42 years old now, but certainly didn't look it, she absolutely adored these children and believed to be so lucky to be their carer. If they wanted to know about this, she felt like she had no choice but to tell.

“Well, yes. It is a true story; and yes, he really was a monster.” Pinkie replied.
A crash of thunder was heard from outside, making the children jump; but that didn't stop them from wanting to hear more.

So Pinkie explained, “You see, Mr Lizard wasn't just a monster and a murderer, he was also two men.”

Pound Cake cut in with, “Two men?”
“How can anyone be two men, Nanny?”
The nanny began tucking them under the covers, she said to them both, “Oh. Never you mind. I probably shouldn't tell you anymore.”

But the children weren't going to take ‘no’ for an answer, Pound Cake pushed the covers off himself and got back up. He said to his nanny, “Go on, Nanny, go on.”

Pumpkin Cake got up again as well and held her hands together, “Please.” She begged.

“Well, alright.” Pinkie Pie pulled up a chair and sat down, she began the story with, “You see, I used to work for Mr Lizard, before any of us knew what he was; but it started when I was a young cleaner in the house of a certain, Dr Daniel Sandy.”

Returning to a happier time, back before all the darkness was spread.

It was Dr Sandy's birthday, and he'd invited his friends to his house for a little get together. His friends included, Mr Filthy Rich and his wife, Spoiled Rich; as well as a lawyer, named Fancy Pants. Filthy Rich was a banker, he met Dr Sandy at a town summit one time; the two got chatting, became rather friendly.

Fancy Pants was Dr Sandy's lawyer, he handled all the legal business and paper work for the good doctor. But Dr Sandy would be lying if he didn't consider Fancy Pants a friend.

“A very happy birthday to you, Daniel.” The lawyer stated.

Filthy Rich then said, “Yes, happy birthday indeed.”

Daniel smiled before replying, “My dear friends, thank you. From the very depths of my heart.”

The banker the said to his friend, “I’m just glad you’ve got your life back on track; considering the accident.”

One year ago, Dr Sandy was working in his lab; the chemicals he was mixing didn't have labels, so Sandy had no idea they were dangerous. There was an explosion, Sandy survived, but his left arm was damaged; they couldn't save it, so the doctors had to amputate it.

Despite the brief moment of grief, Filthy Rich decided to move onto a lighter topic; he raised his glass and said, “So then Daniel, your the best doctor in Cloudsdale and you’ve been called a hero by so many of your patients; you have the world at your fingertips. Tell us, what will you do next?”

Sandy was working on something, but it wasn’t anything grand yet, so he replied with, “I shouldn’t bore you with the details, and its rather delicate.” He didn’t want to tell them.

“My dear, Sandy; you’re with trusted friends here. Not a word of what you tell us will escape this room.” Filthy Rich replied, anxious to know.

Spoiled Rich then said, “Oh do go on, Daniel, it all sounds fascinating.”

Dr Sandy finally gave in, he thought it wouldn’t hurt to tell his friends; but he kept it brief. “Very well, I’ll tell you something of it. I have a theory, one that involves the workings of reptilian lifeforms.” He looked down at the stump where his left arm should be. “I’ve always been fascinated that lizards can lose an arm or a tail, and simply grow it back a few hours later.”

For some reason, Filthy Rich was surprised to be hearing such things. He put down his drink and stated, “Sandy, what are you getting at. Lizards can grow limbs back, what is this leading to?”

“I’ll tell you; suppose it was possible to give this power to humans. Using something I like to call cross-species science, humans could grow arms and legs back just like lizards.”

Fancy Pants then asked, “And then what Sandy, what purpose would it serve?”

Dr Sandy replied, “Don’t you see, we just might be able to give certain people a second chance at life.” Sandy felt confident in his next words, “The creation of the perfect human being.”

After that was said, Filthy Rich couldn’t take it anymore. He stuttered before saying, “Daniel Sandy, I’m afraid I just cannot agree with you. The idea of giving humans lizard abilities; I’ve never heard such balderdash and poppycock in my life.”

Suddenly, the door to the kitchen opened, and out walked the four workers who served Dr Sandy here in his house.
Four sisters, working together under the employment of Dr Sandy; each one had their own job.

There was Maud Pie, the head butler; was like the leader of the group, and was like Dr Sandy’s personal assistant.
Marble Pie, the cook; she prepared Dr Sandy’s meals and did the food shopping in the market.

Limestone Pie, one of the house cleaners, she cleaned the furniture, made the beds and polished the windows; anything that needed it, she would clean it.

And finally, Pinkie Pie; the youngest out of the sisters. Mainly spent her days feather dusting the house and helping Marble in the kitchen from time to time.

The four sisters entered the room, Marble Pie holding a birthday cake; when they joined the group, Maud stepped forward.
She said to her master, “Happy Birthday Dr Sandy, we couldn’t wish to work for a finer master in all of Cloudsdale.”
Daniel blew out the candles and the festivities continued.

That night, when the party had ended, Daniel was seeing his friends to their carriage; thanking them for coming and saying goodnight.

“Good night, Daniel.” Filthy Rich stated.
Fancy Pants then said, “Yes, thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Spoiled Rich said, “Good night.”

Dr Sandy replied, “Thank you, all of you.”

Before getting in his carriage and leaving, Filthy Rich had one last thing to say to his friend, “As for those lizard experiments you were talking about, I’d put all that stuff behind you. Very silly indeed, and very dangerous as well.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” The doctor shook hands with his friends and waved them goodbye. Before they were out of ear shot, he said to them, “Good night, and thank you. You are good friends.”
With nothing left for him out here, Dr Sandy went back inside.

The next day, by the time night had fallen over the land again, Dr Sandy was in his lab; working on his experiments. With only one arm to use, he would pick up one glass of chemicals and pour them into another.

After pouring a blue vile into his mixture, he picked up the glass and gave it a small shake; the liquid was bubbling before it turned red. Now it was time to add the last ingredient; there was a small bag on the floor of his lab, with a knife, he cut open the bag and revealed the red drug pastels inside.

Using an empty beaker, he scooped out some of the drugs and poured them into his potion.

Once the drugs were added, the liquid bubbled again, before turning green.
Before Dr Sandy could continue his work, he felt something stroke against his leg. Daniel looked down and saw Conner, his pet cat; the light of Sandy’s life.

Daniel used his one arm to pick up his cat and put him on the counter where he was working; speaking to his pet, he stated, “You are about to witness an event that might even frighten Nightmare Moon herself.” Sandy stroked Conner’s head before turning to the mirror he kept in his lab.

“You’re a good man Dr Sandy.” Daniel said to himself, “A good doctor, born rich, wanting for nothing.” He held the beaker of green liquid above his head. “And now, on the verge of a discovery that will astound the world.”

He held the beaker in front of him and said, “If this experiment works, the lizard DNA will become a part of me, and my left arm will grow back; that should put an end to Filthy Rich’s scorn once and for all. If I fail, then I will die; and only your eyes will see what happened.” He said to Conner.

Daniel took a deep breath before saying, “Please Celestia, make it work.” He put the beaker to his lips and drank the whole thing.

Once the drink had entered his system, he felt nothing; there was no change. That was until he pulled at his collar, he suddenly felt very hot. Without warning, he got a terrible burning feeling in his left shoulder; the burning was too much, he fell to the floor, the shock of it caused him to pass out.

When he awoke, from what seemed like a long nap, he stood back up; he looked at his grandfather clock , it had only been ten minutes.

Thinking his experiment didn’t work, he picked up the beaker he’d used and put it back on the table; that’s when his eyes widened in shock, he was holding the glass with his left hand.

“Oh my goddess.” The doctor muttered to himself.

He lifted his new arm in front of his eyes, it had really happened, his arm was back; he poked it a few time to see if he could feel it, and he could. It really was some kind of miracle.

Tears of joy were about to fall from his eyes, unfortunately, the happiness he was feeling soon went away; the burning feeling in his arm was coming back, only it was worse this time.

Dr Sandy screamed, “Ah!” before once again falling to the floor. The scream scared poor Conner, he hid behind the work desk.

When all was quiet, Conner came out of his hiding place, going to see if his owner was okay; however, when he saw what was in Daniel’s place, he got a massive shock.

Pulling himself up from the floor was a man, or was it a man; this person was not Dr Sandy. Their skin was bright green and scaly, they had two arms, they had no hair and their eyes were bright yellow.
It was like something from the depths of hell; this creature was covering his face, he moved his hands out of the way and looked in the mirror.

Revealing a reptilian face, flat nose, fangs for teeth and he was wearing Daniel’s clothes; they were ripped slightly, considering this creature was a little bigger than him. This man looked in the mirror and smiled, he liked the way he looked; he believed he was quite handsome for a lizard man.

He turned away from the glass and chuckled, happy about his recent creation. He walked over to the work desk and picked up a beaker with some red liquid in it; he said to himself, “Now, we must bring back Dr Sandy.” His voice had a small hissing sound in it.

The lizard man began mixing chemicals together to create a sort of antidote; he kept talking to himself, “And what ever I do, I will always have a safe place to slither away, like the lizard I am.” That’s when an idea hit him. “Yes, that will be my name, Oswald Lizard.”

After naming himself, Oswald drank the antidote; once he downed the liquid, he began breathing heavily. With some kind of superhuman strength, he crushed the glass beaker in his hand; he then fell to the floor and fainted.

When he came to, Dr Sandy was back; he picked himself up off the floor and sat in his arm chair by the wall; sadly, his new arm was gone, but that didn’t matter right now.

Conner came out of hiding and jumped onto Daniel’s lap; all the doctor could think about was, ‘What had he done?’.