• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 446 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XXXIII


I wrapped my hand around my coffee as the first few flakes of snow landed on my head. It had been snowing off and on all day, Wallflower to my left. She had her own coffee in her hand as I watched her stick her tongue out of the corner of my eye and a snowflake landed on it.

“I saw that,” I commented casually as Wallflower turned red.

“I have no idea what you’re talking,” Wallflower said and kicked some snow with her boot as I zipped my coat up a bit more. It was only October and already felt like thirty degrees.

“Pretty cold outside,” Wallflower muttered as she pressed her cup to her lips. “Where’s your boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend yet,” I corrected as Wallflower rolled her eyes. “He’s hanging out with Fluttershy at the moment unfortunately.”


“We should get you a boyfriend,” I smirked and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as we approached our school. “I know a few guys at Canterlot High who could be interested. Give me, Lavender and Lyra some time to set up an online profile for you, vet the guy and boom!”

“I don’t think that would work,” Wallflower muttered and I sipped my coffee before choking.

“Or a girl!” I coughed out hastily. “We don’t judge here. I mean, Trixie is dating Watermelody remember?”

“I still don’t think that will work. I’m not well the most attractive person at school,” Wallflower answered as she stared at our school.

“Now I should be worried. We were born a few moments apart,” I teased before frowning slightly. “But seriously, you are perfectly fine as is. We just gotta get you out more and get you out of your shell.”

“We’re out right now.”

I groaned in frustration and resisted the urge to facepalm.

“Wallflower, we’re going to school. that’s completely different from going out to places!”

“If you say so,” Wallflower muttered as I raised at eyebrow at the rock in her bag as she zipped up her backpack.

“I do say so. You and that rock,” I grumbled and rolled my eyes. “Is it like an art project or something?”

“Yeah. It’s my friend.”

I gave her a confused and concerned stare as I tilted my head to the side.

“Wallflower, that’s a rock.[/] How on earth can it be your friend?”

“I can’t describe it,” Wallflower answered as we walked up the steps of our school. “Just is.”

“Ooookayyyy then,” I muttered as I held the door open for her.

She gave me a grateful look as I followed her inside.

I set Sunset down as the crowd of my fellow students froze, staring at the unicorn as she trotted down the hall. Derpy had handed her to me while the girl went to the bathroom. Apparently Sunset had allowed her to carry her around partially because she couldn’t say no.

Pony Trixie was kicking the vending machine as Sunset, Sunburst and I watched with mild interest.

“Trixie demands this machine give her peanut butter crackers!” Pony Trixie shouted as she slammed her forelegs against the glass.

“S-sunset?” Flash muttered in awe as Sunset stretched her hindlegs out with a grunt.

“Yes?” Sunset asked as she levitated a dollar into the vending machine and a package of crackers fell.

“Yes! Trixie is victorious!”

“Can I pick you up?” Sweetie Belle asked hopefully as the girl approached nervously. Dinky stood next to her with a stunned expression that all of my classmates wore.

“Sure,” Sunset said after a moment. “But be gentle, my ears and horn are very sensitive.” Sweetie Belle grunted as she lifted Sunset up and hugged the pony.

“This is incredible!” Surprise giggled as she stroked Sunset’s mane. “You’re really a pony. An honest to freaking God pony!”

The crowd followed Sweetie Belle as Sunset squirmed and gave me a look that screamed save me. I tapped the top of my head and she sighed.

“Looks like she’s having fun,” Sunburst commented dryly as I glanced down at the pony.

“How did your date go with Sweet Leaves and Fluttershy?” I asked curiously as he flicked an ear.

“It went okay. I still think it would be easy to just date all three of you. Then I don’t have to hurt anyponys feelings with rejection,” Sunburst commented and scuffed a hoof on the carpet.

“I really don’t like the idea of sharing with Fluttershy. Never really interacted with Sweet Leaves before. We never really traveled in the same circles.”

“So is that a no?”

“No,” I admitted with a sigh as his eyes lit up. “It’s not. I don’t like Fluttershy but I’m not technically dating her so. As long as you spend time equally with me as you do them whenever you visit.”

“Well obviously,” Sunburst said as I picked him up and grinned.

“Woah!” I said and pushed his muzzle back with a smirk. “Put the car back in park. No kissing.”

“Oh sorry-” Sunburst commented as I looked around to make sure no one was around before I kissed him. “You said I couldn’t kiss you!”

In the back of my mind, it felt slightly wrong to kiss an animal. Certainly would get me arrested if anyone in an authority position had seen. Thank God dad wasn’t here to have seen it.

“I said you couldn’t kiss me idiot. I never said I couldn’t kiss you,” I smiled as I set him down and walked away with a sway to my hips. “See you around, Burstie.”

I rounded the corner as Pony Trixie trotted up and apparently was teasing him as he turned red. I had completely forgot she was there with her peanut butter crackers watching us.

“Hey how did it go?” Sunset asked suddenly as I jumped. The unicorn was tucking her forelegs under her as Sweetie Belle came running. “Oh fuck she’s back.”

“What?” I asked as Sunset teleported and I felt a weight in my shirt. I glanced down in the shirt and Sunset stared at me as she curled in a ball. “What are you doing in my shirt?”

“Rarity sent Sweetie Belle to get me. Rarity wants me to try some pony clothes she made.”

Oh. That made sense. I pointed down the hall before Sweetie could open her mouth and she nodded gratefully.

Sunset poked her head out of the top of my shirt as her mane tickled my neck.

“To class!” Sunset exclaimed as I snickered. “Oh you’re warm. Might fall asleep. Also I know you’re dating my brother now. Good job.”


“Telepathy. It’s one of Sunburst’s special talents.”


“Yeah. Now let’s keep moving sister in law.”

I rolled my eyes as Sunset burst out laughing. Thank the lord I was already accustomed to her teasing otherwise I’d die.