• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 446 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XXX


“Wow,” Bon Bon muttered under her breath as we followed Fuchsia and Sunburst out of the restaurant. “Fuchsia can flirt.”

“Got that right,” Sunset muttered in awe as we followed them down the street. Twilight had planted a device under the table so we could listen in from a nearby table. “She got major points in my book for that. But it’s not really my decision, it’s Bursties.”

“Bursties?” Rainbow asked as she tried and failed to hide a giggle.

“Sunburst,” Sunset clarified as Rainbow, Lavender and I exchanged smirks. “It was my nickname for when we were foals for him.”

“And what was yours?” Lavender asked as Bon Bon, Sunny Flare and Rarity stayed quiet.

“Not even going there,” Sunset said with a blush as she sped up walking.

Lavender and I made eye contact and grinned. By the end of the night, we were going to get that damn nickname. Even if I had to bribe Derpy with an entire stores stock of muffins to get her in on it.

“I’m gonna get it from her later,” Rainbow decided as Lavender cast a distrustful look her way. Why Lavender, Fuchsia and Trixie hated Rainbow and her other friends I will never know.

“Maybe I can ask Lyra or Octavia,” Bon Bon mused. “Sunset is particularly close to those two girls. Or Vinyl knows. Sunset has been known to tell the least likely person secrets.”

“I’m right here you know?” Sunset asked curiously as we ducked behind a bush. Fuchsia cast a look behind her as Sunburst held the door open for her. Sunny, Lyra and Rarity had spent hours teaching him about what to do on a date I heard. “You guys don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment in my life. A chance to finally watch my brother on a date. He and Spitfire watched me go on one once apparently. Nothing came out of it though.”

We snuck in the theater as Fuchsia approached the counter with Sunburst. I idly recognized the employee from somewhere but I didn’t entirely know where.

“Want popcorn?” Fuchsia asked with a smile. “I know you are you know from a different place so money isn’t technically a thing you got here.” She had dropped her voice to a whisper. Presumably to protect the whole Equestrian identity thing.

“Uhm sure. Are the theaters different here?” Sunburst asked curiously as Fuchsia handed some dollars to the employee.

“I don’t know,” Fuchsia admitted with a shrug. “I’ve never been to Equestria. Lightning and Lavender have told me some stories but that’s it. Maybe one day I will go.”

“Maybe. I know Lavender really liked Equestria. She was practically head over hooves the entire time according to Sunny.”

Lavender grimaced and looked away as Rarity squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. I had half expected her to shove Rarity off but she surprisingly didn’t.

“Hey what movie did those two get tickets for?” Rainbow asked eagerly as she place her hands on the counter.

“Uh Jurassic World and I believe the guy stated an interest in him coming back with his sister I think to see an Act Of War,” the clerk stated as she yawned.

“We will take a ticket for Jurassic World,” Rainbow said as the clerk nodded.

“Alright, six tickets coming up.”

“Oh and three buckets of popcorn.”

We all gave Rainbow a confused look as she shrugged.

“What? If we’re gonna watch our two friends on their date, we might as well enjoy the movie too. I’ve heard this movie is awesome!”

“That was awesome!” Rainbow pumped a fist in the air as Bon Bon nodded.

“Yeah that was pretty good. Don’t tell Lyra I saw it though. She hasn’t seen it yet and will bury me in her backyard if she finds out I saw it without her,” Bon Bon said as I watched Fuchsia standing at a wall next to the bathroom.

“Why did we sit in the middle though?” Sunset complained as she stretched. “Everyone knows the back seats are the best. Mom and I went to the movies every week when it was just me and her before DT, Scootaloo and Silver came along.”

“Everyone knows there’s two best spots in a theater,” I answered and Rarity nodded. “The back and the middle. People who sit in the front are pyschos.”

“Precisely darling. And with Fuchsia sitting in the back with your brother, we needed the middle seats. And we had our disguises crafted by yours truly.”

“Hey girls.”

We all jumped at Fuchsia’s voice behind us. She stood behind us wearing a short black skirt and a maroon top that held onto her chest tightly. She grinned at us and folded her arms.

“Surprised to see you girls here,” Fuchsia said casually. “Looks like you all just stepped out of Mafia Two.”

“Well that didn’t work,” I commented and tossed the hat off. Rarity gave me a dirty look as she caught the hat mid air and I took my sunglasses off.

“How long did you know?” Sunset asked nervously as she looked around for her brother. I assume he was still in the bathroom.

“Oh since the beginning of the date,” Fuchsia said casually as Lavender swore under her breath sheepishly. “We both did. Normally I’d be mad but I know you were just looking out for both of us.”

“We’re sorry,” Rarity muttered as Fuchsia made eye contact with her. “Especially considering your well feelings towards Rainbow and myself.”

Fuchsia stayed silent as she nodded. Sunset wrapped an arm around her shoulder and sighed.

“I’m sorry as well. But I had to look out for Burstie and as you said, you of course. If it means anything, I’m convinced you’re a great partner to my brother. And thanks for not blowing or fucking my brother in the theater. I’d have died if I heard that,” Sunset said with a blush and hugged Fuchsia. “You look really good by the way. If I didn’t have a girlfriend and my brother didn’t like you, I’d have been tempted.”

“Thanks for the compliment. If I swung that way, I’d have let you hit,” Fuchsia admitted and Sunset back. “I know your nickname by the way.”

“Tell us!” Rainbow begged as Fuchsia gave her a look that made me shiver. And here I thought Sugarcoat was the master of cold glares.


“Hey Sis,” Sunburst said as he approached suddenly from the left. “Is your little spy mission over?”

“Yeah,” Sunset sighed as she and Fuchsia quit hugging.

“Can I uh you know?” Fuchsia asked as she gave Sunset a nervous look. Sunset gave her a nod.

“Do what?” Sunburst asked cautiously.

Fuchsia rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek as he turned bright red. Fuchsia winked as she and Sunset disappeared out of the theater with Bon Bon and a laughing Lavender.

We who remained looked at each other and burst out laughing as he stared at the other girl.

Author's Note:

Shameless link to another story I got going. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/544797/sour-to-the-rescue