• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 877 Views, 35 Comments

Love, Interrupted By A Thousand Years - TCC56

Two ponies fall in love. One will be conquered by Sombra and cast out of time. The other will give everything to seal away the Pony of Shadows in Limbo. Neither knows the other waits on the far side of a millennium.

  • ...


It was unusual to see so many gathered within the Crystal Palace. Every pony in service to the Empire had been called together, it seemed. Proper Postal recognized ministers and maids, judges and janitors. Ponies of every level and function - save for guards. Not a pony clad in the blued steel of the Crystal Guard was present.

That was strange, yes, but there must have been a reason. One that would be made known in time. Princess Amore had called them after all, bringing every pony who served her into one place. Surely she would address them and make it all clear.

When the curtains of the balcony pulled open, however, it was not Princess Amore who was revealed. It was a gray unicorn stallion Proper didn't recognize: mane black as darkness, horn glowing bright red, eyes filled with roiling green energy.

Proper Postal had just enough time to panic before there was a flash of sickly green light.

Then he thought no more.

"You wished to see me, Commander Pansy?"

One of the three Hearthswarmers looked up from the scroll on her desk. "Flash Magnus. Good. I'm glad you're, ah… I'm glad you're here." She had matured since that fateful moment in the cave, but no matter the rank or the seasoning, she remained Pansy: soft in heart and voice.

Flash saluted still, because volume did not equal worth.

She re-rolled the scroll and stowed it away. "If I remember right, you were going to be heading north on your monthly trip tomorrow."

He nodded, silent but worried at the use of 'were'.

Pansy confirmed that fear. "I'm sorry but you're going to have to delay it. I have orders for you directly from the Princesses." Her wing reached into a drawer of her desk, pulling out a different scroll for him. "There's trouble on the eastern border with the griffon tribes. Their Majesties need a pony with both the knowledge to protect the villages there and the proper temperament to find a solution."

Quick thoughts zipped through Flash's head as he recalled all he could about the region. "The eastern griffons have rarely been more than a minor nuisance and never in an organized fashion before. Has something escalated the situation?"

Pansy was quick to shake her head. "No, nothing's happened. Not yet, at least. But there's been rumors that last winter was a bad one and the Princesses are worried that the griffons will be forced to raid Equestrian lands. Nopony wants a war, but the griffons may have to choose between battle and starvation. That's why you were requested by name as a pony who both can fight and who knows when not to."

It was a grave task and an honor at the same time. "I will go as commanded and needed." Flash saluted again, face grim. "Just give me a little time to pack my gear and write a letter northwards, Commander."

For a moment, there was a flicker of something in Pansy's eyes. Pity, perhaps. "Give me the letter once you have written it," she said. "I will take personal responsibility for it."

"Thank you, Commander." Flash Magnus bowed and left to do his duty.

Three moons later, Flash Magnus returned to the Everfree and the Castle of the Two Sisters. He technically returned victorious - but that would be an exaggeration. In truth, he had found little threat from the griffon tribes: their winter had been harsh, yes, but throughout the spring they had survived. Few raids had come across the border, most simply being adolescents looking to cause trouble as youth often did. The Princesses' feared attacks never came, and Flash Magnus had spent an entire season leading guard over a peaceful land.

It was more surprising to him, then, that upon return he was told that Princess Celestia herself would be debriefing him.

The throne room had been cleared in anticipation, leaving the two of them alone. (He suspected that Princess Luna was nearby and listening in, but was giving the illusion of privacy.) Princess Celestia sat on her throne, regal and bright as noon. "Flash Magnus. We would hear your report from the east."

Snapping to attention, Flash locked his eyes forward as he gave his summation. "Your Majesty. I am pleased to report that the concerns of increased griffon aggression did not come to pass. While they suffered a lean winter, their spring was bountiful enough to avoid any cross-border predations. The eastern lands remain at peace, and I utilized my time there to reinforce the defensive works of several villages in case of future troubles."

Princess Celestia nodded. "You have served Us well, and We are thankful for your vigilance." A pause. "But We did not call you here only for this report. There is one We must give in turn, and it is better you hear this news from Us than other sources."

A looming dread sank into Flash's bones. "Your Majesty?"

"Two days before you were dispatched," she began, "We received audience from a mare of the Crystal Empire named Radiant Hope. She brought tidings most grave: Princess Amore is dead and the Empire is usurped by an umbral unicorn calling himself Sombra."

Every muscle in Flash's body went iron-tense.

"His conquest came with the enslavement of the crystal ponies, both in chains and in soul. Using dark magics, Sombra had bound many of them to his service as unthinking drones." Celestia's voice rumbled, dark and sour. "This is why We ordered you dispatched to the east. Had you or any other gone to the aid of the crystal ponies, you would have been overwhelmed and added to the monster's own forces."

Trembling, Flash fought to stay silent and at attention. If he allowed even a hint of weakness, he knew he would shatter.

And the Princess continued. "Knowing this, We set out northwards with Our sister to confront him personally. Our magic was strong enough to resist his, though he did try. We confronted him in the tower of the Crystal Castle and struck him low, but that victory came at terrible cost."

Moments enough had passed to allow Flash to regain a tiny scrap of stability - but those words struck further fear into him. "Your Majesty. I… I cannot help but notice your sister does not sit beside you."

Princess Celestia held up a hoof to silence him. "Fear not. Princess Luna remains with Equestria and was not harmed. No, the cost was the Empire itself."

Flash Magnus stopped breathing.

"It is gone," she said with grave solemnity. "As are all within it. We know not what spell or curse Sombra cast to do so in his death throes, but there is now naught but a sheet of featureless ice where the great city once stood." From her throne, Princess Celestia looked down on one of her greatest heroes. "We are sorry for what you have lost."

She had seen Flash Magnus lead the charge into many battles without fear or hesitation.

Now, she saw him break.

"It is a desperate gambit. But it is also our best hope." Starswirl wasn't pulling any punches. Gathered around the campfire, the faces of the Pillars of Equestria were drawn tight. They all knew what was at stake and now that Starswirl had explained his plan? They knew what it would cost to stop their former comrade Stygian.

Each looked to the others. None were cowards, but they all knew that they only had a single life to give. It was a hero's coin to spend and Equestria could not afford for them to spend it carelessly.

"I would not ask this of any of you if there were another way. The Pony of Shadows must be stopped or all the world shall be lost." Starswirl frowned - he had been the entire two years they had adventured together, but now in the flickering light? It seemed all the more grim. "If any of you have an alternative, I would listen."

Silence from all five. They did not have alternatives. Planning, ironically, had always been Stygian's strength. Without him, they could only place their faith in Starswirl's learned mind.

The old wizard waited a few more moments before continuing. "Well then. What say you all? Into the breach?"

Flash Magnus set his head high, the first to respond. "I shall do what must be done for Equestria. There is nothing for me to leave behind."

Four other voices rose in quiet agreement.

The next evening, they were gone.