• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 877 Views, 35 Comments

Love, Interrupted By A Thousand Years - TCC56

Two ponies fall in love. One will be conquered by Sombra and cast out of time. The other will give everything to seal away the Pony of Shadows in Limbo. Neither knows the other waits on the far side of a millennium.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Before we begin, I'm 100% certain someone is going to ask "Who is Proper Postal?"

It's this dude who delivers Sunburst's letter from his mom in The Parent Map. (The name's fan-decided and isn't consistent, so I just went with the most convenient version.)

They met during a diplomatic mission. Flash Magnus had come north as part of a contingent that was mostly on behalf of the still newborn nation of Equestria. (Partially it was also under the banner of Pegasopolis, as the alliance between the pony races was still fraught and fragile.) The bastion of the Crystal Empire had leapt out as a potential ally from the moment pony adventurers had stumbled into it, and the response had been swift. Those that ventured north were only pegasi, for the journey was too long and harsh to be taken on hoof without far more preparation. Others would come in time.

Their arrival was greeted with joy by the crystal ponies - Princess Amore herself welcomed the delegation. Among her honor guard was Proper Postal, pressed into action at the last moment. The Crystal Empire had few guards as the Heart's magic protected them, so she had brought other ponies of the government to stand beside her. He would only be able to serve for the morning, lest his afternoon rounds of delivering the mail be late - but he took position without complaint at his Princess' orders.

The diplomats and politicians let their guards be soon enough, retiring to meeting rooms to begin the long process of hashing out treaties and pacts. Unneeded, the retinue of both sides gathered to share lunch and relax in the gardens. Under the shade of a crystal tree, Flash Magnus sat beside Proper Postal.

One shared a dram of crystal berry wine; the other offered a ration of olives in exchange. The sun shone down on them, warm under the protective shield that kept out the northern snows. Flash leaned back, eyes closed as he basked in it.

"I am curious," Proper ventured tentatively, "What is it your people see in us? We're simple folk and the Empire doesn't have a lot to offer. What I've heard of your Equestria speaks of a rich and bountiful land."

Cracking an eye, Flash looked at him. "If there is one thing the Windigo Winter taught us, friend, is that you can never have too many allies. Your people are strong as earth ponies, yet have magic like the unicorns. We would be fools to ignore that."

Proper thought about it for a moment. "We are not warriors," he noted. "So I don't think you're right."

"Allies are more than those who stand in the line of battle," Flash countered with the force of the tide. "They are also those who tend the fields to keep the warriors fed. They are those who build the roads where hooves march. They are those who write the songs sung in victory or to honor the valiant fallen. Only the blind count naught but spears." He paused. "But even moreso, you are cousins. A harsh lesson was taught to us not long ago that we are ponies rather than just pegasi. Yet we have no records of you. No stories. You are a mystery, and knowledge is the most valuable ally of all."

Flash's words made Proper smile. "That is the kind of ally I would be honored to be."

The pegasus held out a hoof. "So shall it be, then."

And the crystal bumped his in return. "So it shall be." A moment of silence passed in the warmth of the new friendship. "So I am guessing you are a historian then? As well as a guard?"

That made Flash laugh.. "Nay, I'm afraid I'm more showpony than anything else. They brought me to be an example rather than a guard - I'm supposed to show what a pegasus hero is like."

"So what is a pegasus hero like?" The words slipped out before Proper even thought them.

"Bored," Flash snorted. "I have hours of sitting around and waiting ahead of me."

Deep in Proper's breast, a trace of the Heart's warm light burned. "I'm not a guard," he quickly offered. "I'm actually a courier, and I'm supposed to deliver mail this afternoon. Maybe you could, ah, spend the waiting with me? At least then you could see the city instead of just this garden."

With a quiet grunt and a bright smile, Flash rolled over and stood. "I would love to."

The Equestrian delegation left two days later, taking the long flight back to the warm lands of the south.

Flash Magnus would return three weeks later on his own, bearing with him a message from the newly crowned Princesses and a satchel full of southern gifts for his friend.

He would make the trip at least once a month for the next year, ostensibly carrying communications from Equestria's government to the Empire's - but any pony could have done so. Flash Magnus just needed the excuse.

They sat side by side on the edge of the Empire, watching out across the snowy plain. Just a few lengths beyond them was the line that separated the land protected by the Crystal Heart from the raging blizzard that consumed the north. Flash was supposed to have returned home the day before, but the winds and snow had left him trapped.

Neither of them complained about it.

A bottle of wine passed between them in silence as they watched, absorbing the ambiance and the savage beauty of the storm.

Half an hour after they started watching, Flash Magnus finally spoke. "Wild weather fascinates me," he began. "The pegasi can control weather and have for generations. It's only limited scope around the villages right now, but Equestria expands that range every moon." He sipped. "What's out there reminds me of the Windigo Winter." He glanced for a moment to Proper. "I'm glad you and your people didn't have to deal with that."

The bottle passed between them, and Proper Postal took a swig. "From what you've told of it, I'm glad as well. Every story I've listened to has been one of adversity and pain. It makes me appreciate the protection of the Heart, just like watching out into the snow does."

"The Crystal Heart - you said it is powered by love?" Flash scratched his chin in thought. "What kind of love?"

Proper could only blink in confusion.

So Flash tried to elaborate. "It is said there are six types of love, like there are different kinds of flowers. What you likely think of as love, we describe with the old Pegasopolian word éros. It's romantic love; love of passion and beauty, not merely physically but from heart to heart and soul to soul."

Proper stayed silent, eyes firmly locked ahead at the snows.

"We use the word storge to speak of the love between parent and child, or in loving something greater than one's self like the ruler you serve under. It is what brings ponies together as family. Beside that comes philia, the love of those you are bonded to. The love of a sibling or a comrade, connecting you to those who stand beside you." Flash paused for a brief moment, looking at his silent companion before continuing. "Then comes agápe, the unconditional love for all. It is charity, kindness, and the love of others without expectation of reward. It is mirrored in xenia, love of guests. Hospitality and generosity, giving shelter to those who come to your door and loving them as fellow souls. And to round it out?" He quietly chuckled. "There is philautia, which is love of self. Not vanity or selfishness, but recognizing one's self as a being who deserves love like any other pony."

Another stretch of silence passed between them.

"You should tell Princess Amore that," Proper finally offered. "I don't think I've ever thought about the different kinds of love, but the way you break them down makes sense. They're very different and the Princess would be really interested."

Flash gave a nod. "So I shall tell her, when next we meet."

The bottle passed back again, with Flash drinking while Proper considered more. His thoughts gathered slowly around a question - and it took him several minutes to put voice to it. "Which love are we?"

Now it was Flash's turn to think. He chose his words carefully, balancing along the conversation as a goat would a cliff. "Agápe, we certainly share for that is without condition. Neither you nor I has a heart dark enough to not feel the love that is universal for those around us."

Proper nodded in silent agreement.

"And I would be honored to say there is philia between us," Flash continued. "We have both stood as guards and so share that brotherhood. More so, we have grown to become close friends. To call you my closest would make my heart light."

A moment more of silence.

"And éros?" asked Proper.

Another silent moment. A tense one.

And Flash Magnus answered. "If to speak of philia between us would make my heart light, then éros would allow it to soar."

Proper did not speak.

"But such must be mutual," Flash continued, words coming quick and almost apologetic. "Shared between souls éros is a thing of great beauty; alone it is the source of many of the greatest tragedies."

Quietly, Proper Postal put the bottle of wine down. He reached across the gap between them to put his hoof on Flash Magnus'. "It would be mutual," he said with the softness of the snow.

"So it shall be," gently declared Flash before their lips met.

The trips to the Crystal Empire didn't become more frequent - they couldn't. It was too far for a casual flight, and both of the lovers had their own responsibilities.

They made up for it in other ways as best they could.

From the Equestrian south, Flash Magnus brought his love gifts that showed the bounty and life of the pony homeland. He began with a wreath of crocuses and willow; soon after came a variety of flowering plants that were unknown in the crystalized north.

Proper Postal, in turn, gifted his love with something derived from the pre-Equestrian society of the pegasi, composing a number of lengthy poems designed to be accompanied by the kithara. His playing was terrible (as it was intended for plucking by wing) but this merely gave an excuse for Flash to play while Proper recited his works.

Food crossed both ways - gifts of berries and fruits in great variety. Exotic breads baked over heated crystals. Savory oils filled with soaked herbs. Sweet ice wine, vinted from frost-kissed grapes. And olives, for that strange fruit had struck just the right spot of Proper's palette and so Flash spoiled him.

It came, eventually, to a moment together. Cuddled amongst blankets and basking in both firelight and afterglow, Flash Magnus thought upon what they had. "I wish I could bring you to Equestria," he wistfully dreamed.

"It's a long and difficult journey without wings," came the counter. "But if you asked, I would make it."

Flash shook his head. "I wouldn't ask it. There are too many dangers along the route. Even with a trade caravan, it would take many days in the deepest wilds." A feather brushed Proper's cheek, making the stallion's nose twitch. "As time passes and the roads become better-trod, it will grow safer. Then we can talk of it more. But until that day, I could not bear to see you harmed."

"Until then," Proper agreed, and nuzzled deeper into his love's chest. "But some day."

"Some day," Flash agreed right back.

Minutes passed.

Flash Magnus spoke again. "What would you wish to see in Equestria? I cannot offer the pegasus cities, I fear. Clouds would not obey your hooves."

Proper laughed quietly. "No, I don't suppose they would. But the rest of the land sounds beautiful."

"It is. Fields of endless grass, greener than emeralds. Forests thick with trees like a blizzard is with snow. Skies so clear you could count the stars and not run out before dawn comes."

Sighing wistfully, Proper continued the description. "Stands of olive trees, all ripe and heavy."

Flash laughed. "Glutton." He kissed the top of Proper's head. "And the proper term is a grove."

"Grove," repeated the crystal pony. "And I am a glutton, as full up on philautia as you are on éros. So we shall have a grove."

Flash raised his head, and Proper did in turn. Their eyes met. "We shall have?" questioned the soldier.

Proper nodded. "There will be a day when my service to Princess Amore ends, and it shall likely be before yours to your Princesses. We cannot exist on only a day or two once a moon, book-ended by you flying through night and storm for endless hours." He placed a hoof in the middle of Flash's chest. "So you will show me the emerald grasses and the stars that cannot be counted. I shall have an olive tree, and you shall have crystal in our home."

The kiss they shared was sudden but not short.

"So it shall be," said Flash when their lips finally parted.