• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 1,459 Views, 114 Comments

Spike's Frontier - Dragonfan101

Spike awakens on the Starfall Islands after being sucked into an ancient device, He meets Sonic the hedgehog and they go on an adventure to save Sonic's friends.

  • ...

26: Vs Supreme/ The End And A Reunion

Again, major spoilers, see the new final boss if you haven't, this will get crazy.

Spike and Sonic were running as fast as they could to catch up with they're friends, the sun had set and it was nighttime, Sage then teleported besides them

"How's it going?" Spike asked casually

"Hey, nice of you to catch up" Sonic told her
"Were you two successful?" Sage asked.

"Yep, we got everything done." Spike said with a smile.
"Naturally" Sonic said while they were still running.

"Good, unfortunately your friends aren't handling the Cyber corruption nearly as well" She said a little worried.
"It's almost over, let's hurry!" Spike said seriously as they kept moving, Sage then turned to him.
"Agreed, let's go!" Sage said as they made they're way to their friends.

Spike and Sonic were able to meet up with his friends and the clones , each one held out the 6 Emeralds.
"Oh you guys are the best!" Sonic said gratefully.

"Thanks for looking after them" Spike told the clones and they nodded, Eggman they came down.
"What does that make me hmm?" Eggman asked before showing them the purple emerald as they smirked.

"Guess it makes you a good Egg then" Spike said as they all laughed at that, even Sage laughed a little.
"Fashionably late, but hey you tried" Sonic said with a smile.

They all then heard the noise again, it was growling as it was about to emerge.
"We're out of time! I order you two to save us!" Eggman said before tossing them the emerald.
"Right away!" Spike said seriously.

The Emeralds flew around them once again and they floated into the air, they entered their super forms once again, they looked at eachother seriously before flying off to face against this monster, with Sage looking at them hopefully.
"Please be careful Spike" She said worried much to Eggman's confusion.

( I'm here, original)

A soft piano is heard playing as the final Titan called Supreme emerged, it held out a gun of sorts and growled at them menacingly, Spike began to take a deep breath and began to sing another song by himself.

"Follow me, i'm standing on the border of everything." Spike sang as they looked at the monster.
"Listen close, can you hear the spirits sing lost messages of long ago?" Spike sang as they charged at it, heavy rock music began to play as they began to fight it with all they're might, destroying whatever it could throw at them.

"Leave the life you knew before! See a new world worth fighting for!!" Spike sang as he threw a flame spear at it.
"Find the truth of who i'm meant to become! Another path, i must now walk on!" Spike sang as he and Sonic delivered a strong punch to it's jaw.

"I'm here! Reaching far across these new frontiers!! With my life i fight this fear!" Spike sang as he delivered a drill punch to it's body thanks to the clones.
"In my hands i hold the ones i love! walk forward through the cold dawn! Always to new horizons!" Spike sang as they delivered another strong attack knocking it back, the piano is heard again as the Titan recovered itself and roared in anger, Spike and Sonic proceeded to charge at it again.

"Come with me, we'll travel through the trials and tragedy!" Spike sang as he and Sonic spindashed it in it's face
"Rest and Bloom! Can you hear the spirits shout their secrets in their melodies ?" Spike sang as he put his heart into this song.
"Dream explore the mystery's!" Spike sang as he threw two more large disks at it.
"Break a new life is revealed to me!!" Spike sang as Sonic knocked it into the air.

" Once again we'll start our stories anew! Don't be afraid i will be with you!!" Spike sang as it tried to shoot them with it's gun.
"i'm here, reaching far across these new frontiers!! With my life i fight this fear!!" Spike sang as they dodged each shot it fired.
"In my hands i hold the ones i love! walk forward to the cold dawn! Always to new horizons!!" Spike sang as they delivered two cyclone kicks at its face.

It roared in anger as a heavy guitar solo was playing, it then began to charge a massive laser in hopes of putting them down, but they're combined power over came it and they delivered another final strike to it.
"Standing here! The way aheads become clear!!" Spike sang as it roared as it was defeated
"All across these new frontiers! In my hands i hold the ones i love! Walk forward through the cold dawn! Always to new horizons!!" Spike finished as the thing fell on its knees and it's head lowered down as it powered down.

Spike and Sonic were taking breathes as they knew things weren't over.
"It's not over yet" Spike said seriously as they looked at a huge moon start to come down.
" The final battle' Sonic said seriously as it latched a cable onto it's head and the thing began to speak.

"This shell was once my prison, now it shall be the avatar of my return. All shall return to order, to oblivion" It said menacingly as the thing activated.

( I'm here remix, orchestral version)

A large instrumental version of the song Spike just sang played as it began to twitch all over, multiple arms began to emerge from the back of it, it roared in pure anger as the title card changed from Supreme to The end.

"where is that music coming from?" Eggman asked as they watched with awe, one of the Spike clones smirked as they looked at him.
"It's my boss music!" Spike said seriously as we cut to the real Spike and Sonic.

They knew it was time, the cyber corruption began to form around them, Spike's body began to glow as his body grew larger and larger. He kept on growing until he was larger then the Titan itself, his green spine, underbelly and eyes became bright blue as a red and gold aura surrounded him, the same happened with Sonic as he unleashed his power as well. Spike roared in pure anger as he had now become what once nearly destroyed his home back then, was now what he was using to save the world from this monster.

Spike looked at the monster with pure anger, as this was the final battle. Spike charged at it with all his might, he and the monster proceeded to have a kaiju fight, Spike was putting all he had learned through his adventure into this fight, Sonic managed to break apart the cable from it as Spike had it was struggling with Spike. The monster proceeded to fire a huge energy blast at them, but Spike caught it with one hand and disbursed it, Spike wasn't playing around anymore, this was the moment to avenge his mother and the Ancients.

Spike brought out his sword and started to slash at thing with all his might, he held nothing back, slashing at them from every angle, The End tried to fire spheres of dark energy at them but Sonic parried all of them away with his own power, Sonic then charged at it and with a single move, he delivered multiple slashes at the thing while they glared back down upon it with anger.

The monster was down for a moment, and Sonic used this as a opportunity, he charged at the gun as it was still in it's back, he cylooped around it and it came flying out of it, it landed on the ground and Sonic cylooped it once again and it flew into the air. The gun started to fly down until Spike caught it with one hand and aimed it at the monster with anger.

( I'm here, revisited)

The music starts to ramp up as one of the Spike clones began to sing one more time

"Come with me, i'm standing on the border of everything, listen close, can you hear the spirits sing, lost messages of long ago?" Spike sang as the monster tried to attack them all, it fired multiple lasers at them but Sage went in front of them to try to stop it, she was starting to struggle but Tails, Amy and Knuckles and the Spike clones all came up to support and the barrier was reformed and they did they're best to keep it up.

"Leave the life you knew before!! See a new world worth fighting for!!" Spike's voice sang as the large Spike charged at the thing firing the gun at it multiple times doing damage at it.
"Find the truth of who i'm meant to become! Another path i must now walk on!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic delivered multiple slashes at the thing again in a second.

"I'm here, searching far across these new frontiers!! With my life i fight this fear!!" Spike sang as he delivered a drill punch to its body doing massive damage.
"In my hands i hold the ones i love!! Walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!!" Spike sang as he grabbed the thing with all his strength, he proceeded to rip off multiple arms with pure anger as the creature roared in pain as it happened.

"Come with me!! We'll travel through the trials and tragedy!! Bless and bloom!! Can you hear the spirits shout the secrets in their melodies?" Spike sang as the giant Spike swung it's sword at it and fired the gun to it's chest.
"Dream explore the mysteries!!" Spike sang as he delivered a massive blast of fire to it's chest while Sonic punched it rapidly anime style.

"Break a new life is revealed to me!!!" Spike sang as he kicked it in it's jaw with amazing acrobatics.
"Once again we'll start our stories anew!! Don't be afraid i will be with you!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic threw multiple attacks at it at once.

"I'm here!! Reaching far across these new frontiers!!" Spike sang as Spike knocked it into the air.
"With my life i fight this fear!!" He said as Sonic was delivered multiple punches knocking it further and it then started to fall down.

"Walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic delivered one more hard punch to it and it went flying into the air.

"Sonic! Spike!! It's now or never!!" Eggman told them and they nodded, Spike let Eggman attach a cable on the gun and Sonic flew into it, they began to use their final attack.

"Sorry Master King, look's like we're going all out after all!!" Sonic said seriously, he and Spike proceeded to let the cyber energy flow around their body's the Spike clones flew into the real Spike to give him more power and he roared in fury as his body was covered in a purple and green Cyber energy, They're bodies began to move around like crazy as they entered they're Cyber forms.

Eggman raised the gun into the air, he used his scouter glasses to take a close aim at it, Spike looked at the thing and prepared his final attack, Eggman and Spike both delivered it at the same time.

"DRAGON FIST!!!!" Spike shouted as he threw his fist into the air and a huge golden dragon came flying at it with the Cyber energy while Sonic flew at it with pure anger.

"Standing here, the way aheads become clear!!" Spike's voice sang as they flew right through it.
"All across these new frontiers!! In my hands i hold the ones i love, walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!!!" Spike finished as the thing exploded and The End was finally destroyed for good.

Spike calmed down and grabbed the gun again as his body began to shrink, he went back to the size he was before the battle and the gun shrunk down as well and Spike came out of his super form again, he looked at the gun and smiled.
"Guess someone's gotta use this." Spike said as he latched the thing onto his back giving him two of the Titans weapons.

Amy, Tails and Knuckles all came up to him as they were worried.
"You okay Spike" Amy asked as he was getting up.
"Yeah i'm great, now that it's all over." Spike said with a smile, they all came up to him and smiled gladly.

"Guess you have two weapons from the Titans now huh?" Knuckles asked as he looked at the gun and sword on his back.
"I still feel the power Master King gave me, it was meant for me to use after all." Spike said looking at himself as he still felt incredibly strong.

Tails was about to him before he saw Sonic in the sky" Look there he is!!" Tails shouted as he came out of his super form, he then proceeded to crash down in front of them as they looked worried, Sonic then got up and looked at them with a smile.

They all smiled again as they came up to him, Amy gave him a hug while Tails high fived him, Spike and Knuckles fist bumped eachother as they can't believe it.
"We won! We really won!!!" Spike shouted as he couldn't believe they did it, they all cheered in happiness as they won the day.

Eggman and Sage were on another part of the island looking at the stars fall, Sage had become blue completely as she was now happy.
"You did.. well Sage, it's time to head home, dear daughter" Eggman told her holding out his hand.
"Home? I like the sound of that... Father" Sage said as she took his hand and they smiled at eachother. Sage then remembered something,.
"Hold on there's one more thing i need to do" She said before teleporting away leaving Eggman confused.

Spike was with his friends as they were still celebrating, that is until Sage teleported in front of them shocking them.
"What do you want?" Knuckles asked a little upset. She then turned to Spike.

"I just want to thank you for helping save us all, if it weren't for you, i don't think things would have been the same.. thank you Spike" Sage said gratefully, Spike then smiled at that.

"It's alright, i know things started out rough, but things always get better, i may have been insecure in some areas but i wasn't willing to give up, now that it's over i just hope we can be better friends in the future" Spike told her.
"Friends? I'd like the sound of that Spike" She said holding out her hand which Spike took.
"See you later Sage" Spike said with a smile.

"See you.. Spike. Thank you for everything once again" She said happily before teleporting away again and Spike looked at his friends who smiled knowing what happened, they then made they're way around a bit more to do one more thing.

Spike and the others were nearby a Cyberspace portal currently waiting for something. or more accurately.. someone.
"You sure this will work?" Knuckles asked as he was a little impatient.
"The king said she would be freed after The End was destroyed, it should be a little bit" Spike said remembering what he was told.

"what are you gonna do when you finally meet her?" Tails asked curiously.
"Yeah, what are you gonna do?" Amy asked curiously as well, Spike just smiled.

"I'll.. tell her everything i've been through, the friends i've made, the journey i went through, and us saving the world and our home, then we stay together for as long as we want" Spike said with a smile and they all smiled at that.

"Whatever happens, we'll be there for you, no matter what." Sonic told him.
"You'll always have someone to share your love with the world!" Amy said kindly.
"You'll always have a wingman by your side, leave it to me!" Tails said with a smile.
"Heh don't forget about the band you me and Sonic are forming, i think she'll love it!" Knuckles said with a smile.

"Your starting a band?" Tails asked and they nodded.
"Yep, i'm the drums, Spike is electric guitar and lead singer with Sonic" Knuckles explained.
"I look forward to seeing what you can do with it" Amy said eager and they laughed.
"Don't worry, with how great we sing, it will be great!" Knuckles said giving a thumbs up with the others laughing at that agreeing.

Before they could speak more the portal began to activate and they gasped at that.
"She's coming.." Amy said as they all moved out of the way. The ground began to shake a little as the portal started to open. a large claw came out of it to their surprise followed by another. A groan was heard as it was making it's way through, just then a really large figure came out of the portal and it shut down much to they're surprise.

Spike's eyes widened as he looked at the figure, she was a large dragoness around 15 to 20 feet large, she had purple scales that were his color, as well as a green spine and underbelly, she looked exactly like him. She groaned as her eyes opened, she then noticed Spike.

"Who.. who are you?" She asked weakly as she was getting up.
"My name is Spike, and these are my friends" Spike said motioning to the others and they waved they're hands with a smile. She they looked back at Spike and her eyes widened as she realized who he was, tears started to form in her eyes as she recognized him.

( I'm with you, vocal version.)

A soft piano started to play as they looked at eachother.
"S.. Son..?" She asked starting to cry as well as Spike.
"It's me.. i'm with you.. Mother" Spike said crying as well, before coming to give her a hug which she gladly returned crying heavily as well, the others looked at them with smiles as they met eachother for the first time

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you liked this final battle and reunion!! We're gonna do one more chapter with the Equestrians before we wrap this up! Thank you all so much for reading this story and i hope you look forward to more, i think i'll make a sequel story in the future, but i have a couple other things i need to do first. Hope you all liked this, please leave a like and i hope you look forward to more!