• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 1,460 Views, 114 Comments

Spike's Frontier - Dragonfan101

Spike awakens on the Starfall Islands after being sucked into an ancient device, He meets Sonic the hedgehog and they go on an adventure to save Sonic's friends.

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Interlude: Seeing The Journey So Far

Ember proceeded to fly out to Equestria early in the morning, she hurried as fast as she could as she was concerned on what the vision she saw was.
"What are the Chaos Emeralds, what's happening with him?" Ember asked herself as she flew to Twilight's castle.

Ember landed on the castle doorsteps and went inside past the guards, they were confused on why she would return so soon, Ember walked around the halls admiring the fact they were made out of crystals, she was tempted to eat some but regained her focus as she had more pressing matters ahead.

She entered the Library and like she expected she saw Twilight looking around the entire place looking for any answers to how to find Spike, she then noticed him and flew down.

"Ember! Back so soon? Is everything okay?" Twilight asked both surprised and a little worried on why she arrived again so soon, she then noticed the Scepter in her claws.

'I think i may have found a way to find our friend." Ember said hopefully and Twilight's eyes went wide.
"Really?! How?!" Twilight asked surprised.
"I'll explain later, but i need you to get every "Pony" and the other rulers here right away, i believe it's best they all see it." Ember told her and Twilight nodded.
'Got it! I'll get everyone here right away!" Twilight said with hope as she teleported out of the room, Ember looked at the Scepter with confusion.
"Why didn't i think of using you before..." She asked herself as she went to the lobby to wait for everyone to get back.

It had taken about an hour for Twilight to get everypony here, she woke up the rest of the mane 6 from their sleep much to their annoyance, she sent letters to Celestia, Luna and Thorax telling them to come here, she made sure everypony was present for this.

We cut to the lobby of the castle, everyone had made sure to be there.
"Ember what's this all about?" Celestia asked with concern.
"Yeah, what do you have to tell us?" Rainbow dash asked as she was still a little tired from being woken up so early.

Ember then proceeded to tell them about her strange dream last night, and that she thinks it can connect to Spike's whereabouts.
"WHAT?!" All of them shouted.
"Are you sure that's what you saw?!" Twilight asked shocked in what they were told.

"Yes, and i believe with the Scepter we can find out what happened to him, i don't know the full story, it all came in a bunch of flashes, but i'm sure i got a good enough idea of how to find him." Ember explained looking at the Scepter.
"So how do you plan on doing that?" Thorax asked worried how they can find his friend.

"I'm gonna need to focus enough magic into it, and with you three i believe we can find out what's happening" Ember explained gesturing to Luna, Celestia and Twilight.
"You mean you magic to track him?" Luna asked and Ember nodded.

"Yes, as you know the scepter can call any dragon the wielder wishes, as well as find where he is, but my power's not strong enough fully to track him" Ember explained as she wasn't fully capable of its power yet.
"So giving us enough magic will help us find out what happened?" Celestia asked.
"I need you three to focus it all and we can find him, so are you willing to do it?" Ember asked hopefully.
"Of course let's do it!" Luna said ready to help, all the others nodding ready to help as well.

"Great! the three of you get ready!" Ember said as she was focusing its power, Celestia, Luna and Twilight charged they're magic, Ember then slammed the scepter on the ground as they shot beams of magic at it. The scepter then shot a beam into the air to the ceiling and it created a swirling vortex around all of them.
"What is this?!" Rarity asked worried.
"I don't know i just hope this will help us!" Rainbow dash said worried.

A bright light then flashed around them and they were blinded for a moment, when they opened they're eyes they found themselves in a white void.
"What is this place?" Thorax asked worried.
"I think this place will help us find out what happened to Spike" Ember suggested.
"I hope this works.." Thorax said hopefully.

They then saw the vision around them start to form as they see Spike nearby a tree relaxing
"Spike!" Twilight said surprised. They all tried to call to him but he didn't respond.
"Remember guys this is a vision, he can't hear us." Ember said as she knows that wouldn't work.
"Right.. sorry." Twilight said a little embarrassed. They all continue to watch the vision and see what happened.

They then hear what sounds like a cry and Spike notices it, he then rushes over to see what it was and they see a deer pinned down by a rock.
"Oh no.." Fluttershy said worried for the creature. They then see spike help the creature get free and smile as he did that.
" He helped that small deer, I'm so proud of him for that.' Fluttershy said with a smile as he did that.
"You should go to my friend Fluttershy's, she'll be able to help you." They hear Spike say with a smile.
"So that's why that deer came by a few days ago, Spike told it to come for my help." Fluttershy said happy as she knew how it was injured.

But they soon turn to a look of concern as they see something strange on the ground.
"What is this?" Spike asks as he picked it up, it looked like an extremely advanced gear. Celestia looked worried as she saw it.
"I've never seen that kind of technology before.." Celestia said with worry. They then see Spike look at the cave and become worried as he walks into it.
"Not a good idea.." Applejack said with worry as he went in, they see him look around some more but find it strange he didn't find anything, they then notice Spike seeing the gems on the wall and raise they're eyes as he reaches for them.

"Really Spike?" Rainbow dash complained as he was grabbing them from the wall, it soon becomes a look of confusion as one specific one couldn't budge.
"What the..? "Spike asks as he tries to pull it out harder, he tries more and he gives up and groans in annoyance.
"Stupid gem.." Spike says annoyed as he has his hand on the thing still.

"All that for just one gem?" Thorax asked a little confused, but then their eyes widen in shock as they see the gem push into the wall and hear a click and become worried at that.
"What the..?" They all ask confused, it soon becomes surprise as the ground beneath him start to crack.
"Get out of there Spike!" Ember shouts worried for her friend, they see him try to escape, but the ground starts to collapse under him.
"oh no.." Spike says as they see him fall into a black abyss.
"Spike!!!" They all shout as they see him fall.

He then falls on the ground and groans in pain and look worried for him as he gets up.
"You better be worth all of this.." Spike says as he picked up the gear, they then look more surprised when they see the place light up and see he stumbled upon a extremely advanced cave.

"How in the?" Luna asked amazed as she saw it all light up.
"I've never seen a place like that before.." Ember says surprised as she looks at the place.

They see him walk through the place trying to find a way out, they then see him look at the pictures on the wall and look worried at each one.
"Celestia... what are those things?" Twilight asked as she sees the figures and gems on the walls.
"I don't know twilight, i i've never seen it before" Celestia said worried as they continue to watch.

They see Spike come upon a room with a strange chair of somekind and feel tense as they see more of the wall drawings.
"What could all of this mean?" Pinkie asks scarred as she sees the 4 large figures facing against a moon of some kind.

Spike then walks up to the chair with the gear in his hands.
"Let's hope this gets a way out of here.." Spike says as he inserts it into the device, and it disappears and they look shocked at that.
"What is this place? What could all of this mean? Did Celestia know about any of this?" Spike asks as he looks around the place, they all look at her hoping she knows.
"I.. I don't.. i've never seen that kind of technology before.." Celestia says sadly, they all look more worried for him.

Their worry soon turns to fear as they see the device activate and it starts to suck him in!
"No! No! Twilight!" Spike shouts in fear as he tries to suck him in.
"Spike No!" Twilight says scarred as he gets pulled in, he screams as he gets sucked in entirely and the place is left dark once again.
" SPIKE!!!" They all shout horrified as he disappeared.

They see him land in a rainy grassy field after being sucked into the device.
"What is that place?" Thorax asked confused as he doesn't recognize the place.
"i've seen that place in my vision.." Ember says as they continue to watch.

They see him meet Sonic and look worried knowing his friends got sucked into a place like that as well.
"At least he won't be alone completely.." Twilight says a little relieved knowing that, but they then hear the voice.
"Find the Chaos Emeralds, destroy the Titans, tear down the walls between dimensions.." They hear the voice tell them.
"Chaos.... Emeralds..?" Celestia asks as she tries to remember where she's heard that before.
"Sound familiar to you Celestia? Thorax asks concerned.
"Yes, but i just don't remember where i've heard that name before.. "Celestia says trying to remember.

They continue to see Spike and Sonic's journey through the place called Kronos Island, they see him free one of Sonic's friends called Amy but look worried as the energy flows into him. They watch in awe as he and Sonic collect the emeralds, celestia keeps trying to get a memory of where she's seen them before, from the encounter with the Titan which scarred them all seeing how huge and powerful it was, to the new moves he's developed , and they see them collect each Emerald.

"I wonder what those would taste like.." Ember asks herself, they all look weirded out for a moment but continue to watch, they see the flashback with the Ancients. It all becomes more familiar to Celestia as she sees them in person, she keeps going through her mind trying to find out how she knows them.
"Come on.." Celestia says trying to remember something.

But then they get to the fight with Giganto.
"You ready for this buddy? " Sonic asks.
"Absolutely! Lets do this!" Spike says ready to go, they open they're hands out and the purple emerald flies into them as the emeralds surround them. They watch in awe as they witness they're transformation but look completely amazed at Spike's super form.
"That looks totally.. .awesome!!" Rainbow dash says as she sees his super form.
"Totally!" Thorax agrees as they see they're new forms.
"Amazing..." Twilight says in awe.

"I'm hanging onto the other side! I wont give up till the end of me!!" Spike sings as rock music starts to play.
"Where is that music coming from?" Luna asks and ember wonders the same thing.
"Oh boy here we go!" Rainbow dash says pumped ready to see the fight.

They witness the battle unfold and watch in awe as Spike becomes fully capable of fighting that thing, and look more surprised as he develops new moves, while singing one of the coolest songs They've ever heard
"I knew he could sing, but this is something else!" Thorax says amazed and they nod in agreement.

"Running from the past is a losing game it never brings you glory! Been down this road before, already know the story!" Spike finishes as they cheer as they destroy the Titan.
"That was totally awesome!" Rainbow dash says amazed. They continue to watch them with they're journey, they see them arrive at Ares island and see the emeralds fly off.

"Nah that's cool, we didn't want this to be easy anyway.." Sonic says as he gets up and they chuckle at that, they then notice something on Spike's back and they're eyes widen.
"Are those??" Ember asks surprised.

"Hey spike what are those things on your back?" Sonic asks, Spike turns around and his eyes widen.
"No way.." Spike and Ember both say surprised at that.
"Wings! I just grew wings!" Spike shouts with pure joy.
"He really grew his wings!!" Ember says exited about that.
"I don't believe it, that means he can fly now!!" Rainbow dash says happy as they all look amazed at that.

They all watch some more as his journey through Ares Island goes on, they become more worried as he and Sonic both absorb the Cyber Energy and look scarred for him.
"I just hope he'll be okay.." Rarity says worried and they all nod in agreement.

They continue to watch some more, from the Deja vu places in Cyberspace, to the next Titan encounter, and then they get to Spike's talk with sage.
" So this creature was able to surpass the Ancients technology?" Spike asks and they all look scarred at that.
"Yes, it is what drove them to from their home world and drove them to extinction.." Sage says sadly as they continue.
They all feel dread knowing that there is something that powerful out there, they see Spike and Sage make the deal to continue their work to save Sonic's friends and be able to destroy this monster for good. They then look concerned as she says this.

"But i detected a similar signature inside Cyberspace, i haven't found it yet, but your DNA is the same, i hope we can find out what it is.." Sage says as she teleports away, and they all look shocked at that.
"Does that mean.. someone from here is inside Cyberspace..?" Twilight asks worried.
"Or better yet, is someone who's related to Spike trapped there?" Ember asks worried as she recalls what she said.

"Ancients.. Ancients.." Celestia repeats trying to find out how she knows that name

They see they next flashback and look horrified as they see something destroy the Ancients defenses and the explosion happens.
"Nothing we've ever faced.. is close to that level of power..." Luna says dreadfully.
"I have a bad feeling we're gonna find out what it is..." Celestia says with worry as they continue.

They watch Spike and Sonic help the small Koco, they all found they extremely cute but strange, they all look shocked and become depressed as they fall to the ground lifeless, they see Spike and Knuckles talk together and look sad as he says he feels like he's alone since he was raised by ponies.

"He's not wrong, no other dragon has been raised like that, he kind of is the only one out there.." Ember says sadly remembering that.
"But that's what makes him special, if it weren't for him.. we wouldn't be where we are today.." Thorax says remembering how he helped him.
"Yeah.. it really is..." They all say agreeing

They then see Spike and Sonic start to go to the next Titan, and see the emeralds surround him again.
"Oh boy here we go!" Pinkie says excitedly as he becomes Super Spike again.
"I cannot get over how cool they both look like that" Rainbow dash says in awe.

They then watch the next battle play out and see them sing another banger of a song and just watch as they body the thing like a toy.
"Two banger of a songs in a row, i did now know Spike could go that hard!" Applejack says completely amazed.

"Those Emeralds may be stronger then the Elements of Harmony.." Celestia says in awe as they watch the battle continue.
Eventually the battle is done and they see them direct missiles into the creature and it explodes from the inside.
"That was even cooler then the last one, even i can't do something like that,," Ember says amazed as they still watch

They see Sonic and Spike talk with Knuckles and chuckle as he said he would have done it sooner if he was Super Knuckles.
"You guys make great singers! Makes me want to start a band with you guys." Knuckles says with a smile and laugh at that.
"I call electric guitar!" Spike says and they all laugh as he said that" Then i call drums" Knuckles says happy.
"Then spike and I will be lead singers! I look forward to it." Sonic says with a smile and they all laugh more at that.
"I would definitely pay to see that!" Rainbow dash says happy and they all nod in agreement.

"Sonic we've got one more left" Spike says as they regain focus.
"he's right, We've got one more Titan left, i hope we find tails soon, I'm worried for him.. "Sonic says concerned.
"He'll be fine, now hurry up and save the day already!" Knuckles says confidently.
"You got it Knucklehead! See ya!" Spike says as they charge on the ground, they take off with extreme speeds to the sky and watch in awe as that happens.

"I wonder how things will go forward from what we've seen.." Luna says concerned.
"Me too, but i'm still concerned on what that Sage person said, is someone related to Spike trapped in that dimension, or is it something else?" Ember asks worried remembering what she said.
"I don't know Ember, but I hope we find out" Thorax says worried as well.
"I sure hope so.." Ember says as they continue to watch the rest

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Sorry if it feels a little too quick, but the weather here is really crappy right now and i don't want the power to go out losing my current progress, from here on they'll watch the journey continue and see unfold hope you don't mind! Hope you look forward to the next one and I'll see you next time!